【You got the rough sapphire! 】

The sound of the system sounded, and Lin Yue had a very good collection.

The gem, when it was originally on Earth, had quite good properties.

At least in terms of value, gems have always been able to play, can be exchanged for huge wealth, and can even gain a certain status and reputation with this thing.

Moreover, in some metallurgical chemistry, gems also have a lot of room to play.

However, this is only limited to Earth.

In this different world, no matter what gems are, it is not comparable to the food and water that can guarantee food and drink, a safe shelter, and various facilities that can improve the quality of life.

At least, that's true for others.

But for Lin Yue, who has plenty of food and water, has a huge and strong shelter, and lives a life that is no different from the electrical age, sapphire is not bad.

"At least it looks good, although I don't know why the lizardmen sacrificed such a thing, maybe, this thing may be their treasure?" Lin Yue really likes this thing, if he can find something to polish and cut it. , seems better.

As for the rest of the broken box, Lin Yue thanked him for not being sensitive. Who wants that stuff?

However, just as Lin Yue was about to go to the storage space for those headless corpses, a strange vibration suddenly sounded.

Immediately, the place where the box was located quickly sunk into a pothole!

"Pfft!" The little ice lizards collectively shouted!

"I knew that where there are such things, there will definitely be traps. I bet that the person who designed this kind of mechanism must be a vulgar lover of treasure hunting novels!" corpse storage space.

Who knows if he hesitates now, will there be any more later.

Just like the corpses left by Levec last time!

【You get 1 cubic meter of storage space! 】

【You get 1 cubic meter of storage space! 】

【You got... 】

Seven people, 8 cubic meters of storage space, he put it away as quickly as possible. Under the screams of the little ice lizards, Lin Yue found that the place where the big pit was located began to billowing smoke and dust. !

Dude, do you dare to slow down any more?

It's just that there is no sound and light effect, otherwise, who knows if there will be a concert in the next second.

Lin Yue had already retreated to the door at this moment, pushed it, and the door could be opened, but he still didn't want to leave for the time being.

The weapon in his hand has also changed from the M19 pistol at the beginning to a spray.

However, he did not put on the earmuffs immediately, but waited for the development of the situation.

In case what comes out...


A huge roar suddenly erupted, as if it had been held back for hundreds of years!

But this voice seems familiar?

Lin Yue was wondering, suddenly, he suddenly found that in the center of the pothole, smoke no longer came out, and two monsters crawled out almost at the same time!

Their heads are like lions, mighty and ferocious, and their huge fangs are like long swords! The upright body is four or five meters high, and the whole body is more like a giant bear!

The roar began to echo between the altars, and immediately...

turned into screams.

【You got a treasure chest】

【You got a treasure chest】


It's just a mere lion-headed bear, what are you calling so loudly?

scare who?

Lin Yue put down the alloy tactical crossbow.

He expressed disappointment at the strength of this sudden appearance of the beast.

The lizardmen don't think the lion-headed bear can kill the person who took the gem...

[You got the corpse of the lion-headed bear X2]

Lin Yue expressed his gratitude to the Lizardmen for their gift!

The meat of the lion-headed bear is super delicious, let me tell you.

The meat is smooth and fat but not greasy. Whether it is a steak or a piece of meat, it is extremely delicious. Even the fangs are suitable for getting something, and not only that, there is a treasure chest to get rid of them!

Lion-headed bears are treasures.

After tidying up the lion-headed bear, Lin Yue really wanted to bring a fire to the altar and burn it down.

No matter how he looked at the stone statue of the poisonous dragon, it made him feel uncomfortable, and this is where the lizard people killed humans and enshrined their heads here...

But if it is burned, the smoke is not easy to deal with.

In the end, Lin Yue checked the place where the lion-headed bears came out and found nothing worth taking, so he pushed the door out from between the altars.

A large piece of rough sapphire, plus two treasure chests and the corpses of two lion-headed bears, this place is more like a treasure trove for him!

After returning to the intersection again, he did not hesitate to head straight for the direction that seemed to be between the kitchens.

As long as the lizardmen are not stupid, they can definitely find the movement between the altars just now, and since they can use two lion-headed bears as insurance there, maybe they will be able to send troops to check it right away!

Not to mention, Xiaomeng caused a lot of noise before, and so many lizardmen were killed there, and the lizardmen he killed seemed to be patrolling lizardmen and my grandson Maxiong, etc., can also cause other Attention Lizardmen.

What's more, the underground ruins are connected, and the stone wall he blocked the door before was not safe in front of the lizardmen with iron picks.

Lin Yue quickened his pace.

The little ice lizards continued to be vigilant around, their speed was much faster than Lin Yue, and Lin Yue also made full use of this, letting Xiao Liuzi and Hong Xian rush to the front.

No matter what happened, their incomparably sharp and powerful sense of crisis could give him the greatest help.

It wasn't that there was no situation in the passage, and Lin Yue soon encountered a patrolling copper treasure chest... eh, it was a lizard man.

"Sa! Sa... uh!"

One, two, three... five, eight, a total of eleven copper treasure chests!

And, not only that.

"Don't kill me! Don't, don't..."

【You get 1 cubic meter of storage space! 】

Yes, Not Bad.

Lin Yue said, I don't like others telling me to do this or that. If you don't want to kill, you won't kill. Then everyone has seen what I said in the world channel before. If you ran off to the world channel, what would Lin say? More than that, am I a laughing stock for bragging?

Lin Yue kicked this shit, why didn't he want to regret it when he hooked up with the lizardmen just now.

Treating this kind of stuff is as cold as absolute zero.

Lin Yue did not pity them.

Pity them, and they'll make him pity.

Anything like "I was just forced", "It's not what you think", "I didn't do anything", "It's all the lizardmen's fault" and so on, just believe it, and they'll immediately be hilarious with the lizardmen. A shot in your stomach.

These people are already rotten from the inside out.

It is understandable to choose the easiest path, but to help the tyrants, you have to talk about it.

Lin Yue felt a chill when he remembered those lizardmen who had almost placed him in ambush on the wasteland, all with iron guns and knives in their hands.

Before this group of goods, they were not so bold, and they dared not run to the ground with stone guns and stone swords to ambush people.

Now, they not only dare, but they will probably intensify in the future.

Continuing to walk forward, he stepped over the corpses. He continued to move forward according to the instructions of the area map, and encountered five lizardmen again, but this time he did not encounter a beggar.

It doesn't seem to be that much in this one.


If there are really beggars everywhere, then the human race will be wiped out.

They all want to find the most comfortable position to lie down, and in the end, they will die the worst.

Leaning against the wall, Lin Yue sat down.

He took out water and food, and gave some to the little ice lizards.

Fighting is fighting, and rest must rest.

Moreover, this whole day, it is night again, if he fights on an empty stomach this night, even if he is in a suppressive fighting position, it will affect a lot of things.

Such as judgment, such as attention and so on.

These are the experiences that Lin Yue slowly experienced during the more than 20 days of survival.

Recalling the various discomforts and difficulties encountered at the beginning, Lin Yue is now very different from that time.

The massive storage of materials, the mastery of the laws of disasters and the construction of anti-disaster methods, as well as the stronger body and the stronger fighting ability, all make his current psychology extremely powerful!

It can be said that half of his current self-confidence comes from his heart, and half comes from the cultivation of almost reflexive fighting qualities.

"someone is coming."

Before the little ice lizards issued a warning, Lin Yue heard some subtle sounds.

It was the voice of a person speaking, and it was not small.

He looked in the direction of the passage where he came, is the enemy coming?

Quickly packed up and equipped with weapons as quickly as possible, Lin Yue pointed his sniper rifle in that direction, put on his night vision goggles, and looked into the distance in the scope.

After a while, a figure quickly appeared in the scope.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third figures also appeared.

"Three people, are they survivors or beggars..." Lin Yue took a deep breath and waited for them to approach.

The light was too dim and everyone was pretty much dressed, so had to wait for them to get closer to find out.

Um? Wait, there seem to be two lizardmen a few meters behind them?

Lin Yue picked up the gun, knowing that these people were probably really beggars.


The scope was aimed at the forehead of one of them, and the trigger was touched.

At this time, the voices of several people were also clearly conveyed.

"Haha, have you seen the building they built on World Channel? Lin Yue is going to kill us all? Be careful with your bragging, what can he do alone?"

"Joke, he counts a few, I can kill him seven or eight times with this dynamite in my hand! Sun Yi, don't eat it, and be careful if you eat too much, and the big brothers of Qinglong will throw it on you if you eat too much. !"

"Don't worry about me, do I eat and delay my fight? Are you jealous of the Qinglong people who valued me and gave me a captaincy and asked me to take you to the refuge village to receive the goods, are you not convinced?"

"Don't talk about it, okay? You're a few captains. You're just a dog leading the way. What's the difference between my grandson and the neon? Give you an extra watermelon or an extra date?"

"That's right, but then again, if we catch Lin Yue and give it to the Qinglong people, what rewards will we get? Will it give us a position to lead other people, better than any captain?"

"It's really possible, but why didn't the two adults from Qinglong in the back leave in front of us? How safe is this here."

"Hmph, if it's dangerous, I'll throw this thing out of my hand and blow the fuck up!"

"Haha, blow up the motherfucker!"

boom! ! !

At this moment, a violent roar, accompanied by a large group of fireballs, exploded in an instant!

The three people who were still talking just now were completely engulfed by the explosion without any reaction time. After the explosion, they were completely turned into pieces!

The two lizardmen behind them, who were affected by the shock wave of the explosion, also fell to the ground at the same time, but soon, they were shot in the head and the dog was led.

Lin Yue waited for a while, and when the smoke cleared, he finally walked to the vicinity and put away the two copper treasure chests.

He looked at the three pieces of rubbish that had already been blown away by the explosives, but had already died, and wanted to take a sip.

This is really real human rape.

Also "Lord Qinglong", you really think of yourself as a dog, right?

Moreover, they really took the lizardmen to the refuge village to attack... How bottomless are these people?

Smelling the smell of gunpowder in the passage, Lin Yue squatted down and pocketed the storage space for the three of them.

The power of the dynamite is not great. If it is close, it will be dangerous. If it exceeds 30 or 40 meters, it will be shocked by the shock wave like the Lizardman, and it will not cause any harm.

If not, these three people should have been turned into pieces.

He also heard the content of the conversation between the three of them just now, so he decided to finally try to hit the bomb in their hands with bullets. Otherwise, there would be no problem in sending them away with three rounds of crossbow arrows.

As for the power of the explosive explosion, Lin Yue also had a certain understanding at this time.

too weak.

If it is an explosive of this level, it is quite good if it is dead, that is, it can affect the range of five or six meters. It is more like a shock than a lethal weapon.

And the weapons of deterrence, Lin Yue did not lack.

He looked at the two extra packs of gunpowder and explosives in the storage space, and felt that he could improve it a little.

He had enough sulphur, but not saltpeter. Where did these lizardmen get the saltpeter?

"Pfft! Puff!" The little ice lizards suddenly shouted, and Lin Yue knew that after hearing the explosion, the lizard people should also be dispatched.

However, this is also a good opportunity for him.

Originally, the purpose of this time was to let the lizardmen know what a god of death is!

The sniper rifle was aimed in another direction, Lin Yue saw the nervousness of the little ice lizards, and knew that there must be a lot of people coming!

However, in front of the sniper rifle with reinforced magazines, no one is afraid of how many people come.

Inside the scope, a large group of black shadows also appeared in the opposite direction!

Lin Yue knew that this time he could give the lizardmen and beggars an unforgettable setback.

"The sound of the explosion and the smell of gunpowder all come from here. The lizardmen may have attacked the survivors. Everyone, prepare to fight now!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from there.

Why is this voice so familiar?

"Brother Xing, pay attention, there is a shadow lying on the ground in front of you! Everyone is ready to fight!"

Brother Xing?

Lin Yue understood, no wonder the voice was so familiar.

"Xing Lingfeng, the shadow lying on the ground is me." Lin Yue shouted in that direction.

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