Xing Lingfeng's scalp was numb.

This was something that had never happened before when entering this underground ruins.

Although he had thought of countless possibilities, he had also thought of what special situations he would encounter after arriving at the home of the Lizardmen.

But only alone, he did not foresee that this time he could meet Lin Yue!

"How... it's such a coincidence!" In his heart now, he didn't believe in his long-standing atheism.

Lin Yue, the ally he wanted to fully support, had let all the survivors know of this person's determination in his speech not long ago.

At the same time, it also exposes the most terrifying and terrifying things of today's survivors, the catastrophic things that have happened - some survivors, for their own selfish interests, in order to not have to deal with disasters, exchange some profit means with the lizardmen Gained safety and survived in this huge underground.

But what they gave the lizardmen were advanced weapons and labor tools.

This is something that no one can sit idly by.

The extremely terrifying number of lizard people have obtained the assistance of these people, and their productivity and attack power have been greatly improved.

And this is more terrifying than those disasters for survivors who have to fight against disasters.

Therefore, Xing Lingfeng contacted Lin Yue immediately, expressing that he would form an "alliance" with Lin Yue as the leader of the alliance, and then contact the leaders of other refuge villages to form a huge "anti-lizardmen alliance"!

Under the leadership of Lin Yue, who can wipe out the F area of ​​the underground ruins, this alliance will also quickly achieve great results, and at the same time, it will be able to have more voice in this different world!

Xing Lingfeng never thought that the chance for Lin Yue to become a real "savior" was actually given by those rubbish who surrendered to the lizardmen.

Savior, this world lacks a savior.

The entire human race has been brought into this strange and different world by that inexplicable force for nearly a month.

During this month, more than half of the human beings have been sleeping here, or died of hunger and thirst, or died of disasters, or died of accidents, or died of mutant creatures, or died of Lizardmen, or died in the exploration of secret realms, or in the exploration of underground ruins.

The number of humans has been drastically reduced.

Although this trend has been eased to some extent since the last disaster, who knows when the next big elimination will be?

At that time, Xing Lingfeng felt that it was necessary to find such a leader who could lead the progress of the entire human race, and who could make human beings live better in this different world, and even let all human beings return to the earth.

And this leader is exactly that.

Lin Yue, who was able to single-handedly despised the heroes and won the first place on the world rankings that best showed his comprehensive strength, survival skills, and status, was undoubtedly the most suitable person in the world to go to. Be the best candidate for the role of "Savior"!

You must know that on the world ranking list, the people who can rank within a thousand are all the unions of survivors with a few or dozens or hundreds of people in the refuge village!

If it was before, Xing Lingfeng would probably think that this Lin Yue might have some kind of "cheating" method to be able to ride the top of the group rankings for the first time, and even rush to the top of the world rankings. Location.

But after seeing Lin Yue riding a white dragon with his own eyes, he could easily beat the 4500 or 500 people of Levek's crazy survivors to the point of being unable to fight back. After the strength of total annihilation, he no longer doubted.

Lin Yue has the strength to surpass all survivors, and even any survivors are nothing in front of him!

And this person will also become the most suitable spokesperson to lead the entire human beings, to continue to survive tenaciously from this embarrassing different world, and to create brilliance again.

Xing Lingfeng has many considerations.

But he also knew that he couldn't be in a hurry.

I knew from Xing Yue before that Lin Yue had rejected their original leader Meng Yutang's proposal to not be the leader there.

You must know that it is a refuge village with more than 100 people, and it has the prestige of the third master Meng Yutang. If Lin Yue takes over, then in time, all the Tang people in the whole other world may reunite. Create a prosperous world!

When he privately lettered Lin Yue and wanted to form an alliance with him, Xing Yue's deeper purpose was not revealed.

Lin Yue was too defensive, he didn't want to be rejected immediately by Lin Yue because his purpose was too obvious.

In Xing Lingfeng's opinion, Lin Yue likes to be alone too much, even more arrogant than everyone he has ever seen.

Such people must be pursued slowly, rather than by quick success.

"Lin Yue? Everyone, put down your weapons!"

Lin Yue is a treasure of human beings, no one under his command will not listen to him, and he must not let Lin Yue feel any hostility!

Moreover, he didn't want to be an enemy of Lin Yue at all!

Xing Lingfeng was almost certain that even if Lin Yue didn't have that white dragon by his side, he would be able to wipe out their group of forty people in a very short time!

After all, hot weapons are no joke.

No matter how strong the cold weapon is, it is no use in the face of the hot weapon.

Not to mention, Lin Yue's cold weapon is also Thief Six, and that tactical crossbow alone is enough for ordinary people to drink a pot.

"Boss? Lin Yue? Really?"

"Well, Lin Yue, we put down our weapons. It was also a coincidence that we met here. I didn't expect you to be in Area C."

Lin Yue didn't know what the well-known leader of the survivors, who led a refuge village with more than 100 people, had been thinking about it for so long.

At this moment, he did not relax any vigilance.

The encounter of survivors in such a narrow passage is not a good thing.

If someone's mind is moved, then it's quite normal to brush a gun and walk away.

This is another world, and anything that happens is too normal.

"I didn't expect it either." Lin Yue glanced at the system panel as quickly as possible, a message Xing Lingfeng had sent him before, and understood why these people appeared here.

Allies or something.

Why are these people so idle?

If you want to get an alliance leader, just be yourself, why do you have to pull me?

Lin Yue said that she did not support or object to Sister Li, not participating or interfering.

If you want to play, just go and play by yourself. I'm not interested in any alliance leader.

At this time, he could also see the difference between Xing Lingfeng and the third master Meng Yutang.

Although Meng Yutang was dead, the strategy he made after his death really made him have to consider whether he should accept the identity of the dominant person, and Xing Lingfeng, Lin Yue wanted to reject it without thinking.

"Uh, Lin Yue, we are also destined. Well, after seeing your speech, everyone in our refuge village understood the seriousness of the situation we were about to face, so we only prepared for a short time. , I contacted you, and I went directly to this underground ruins." Feng Peng next to Xing Lingfeng said.

They are now at least tens of meters away from Lin Yue, and the tone of Lin Yue's side doesn't seem to be very friendly, he is still the one who is extremely defensive.

"Oh, is that so. Chief Xing, if you come from there, can you see the lizardmen?"

Lin Yue felt that if the other party had already gone in that direction and had completely stepped over that direction, then there was no need for him to go there, after all, it was not necessary.

And tonight, he didn't want to break through the C area directly, but to kill as many lizardmen as possible, and then be able to teach the lizardmen a very painful lesson.

Let the lizardmen and those beggars know that from now on, the war has started, and he, Lin Yue, is the one who ignited the fuse of this war!

And the final result is to completely wipe out the lizardmen who threaten human beings and him. Of course, those garbage will also be taken away!

Otherwise, who knows what the world will end up being like?

Xing Lingfeng listened to Lin Yue's words. Although there was no language barrier, he could also hear what the survivor seemed to want to express.

"Our underground ruins stone gate is right next to it, and it's not long since we got down. Lin Yue, if you want to explore there, then please, let's go to the other direction."

Xing Lingfeng said, and beckoned to the others.

Everyone clings to the wall and makes way for a passage.

Lin Yue could see clearly in his night vision goggles. He stood up and picked up the weapon in his hand.

"No, I want to go back here, go over there." Lin Yue didn't want to have a loan with these people, it was too dangerous.

At present, at least for now, Lin Yue doesn't think that these people can make him feel 100% at ease.

"Really." Xing Lingfeng sighed lightly, "Then let's go there and explore. Lin Yue, you should also pay attention to your own safety and go."

A group of people all left the wall and stood in the original queue again.

They turned around and took up their weapons.

"Well, pay more attention to you." Lin Yue waited.

He couldn't go first, but had to wait for the group to pick up their weapons, and then he could slowly back away after they had gone far.

At this time, there was only the little ice lizard by his side. Although he could guarantee that he would be able to respond as quickly as possible in the event of a conflict, at least he would be able to inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

But he can't guarantee that he is absolutely harmless!

"Am I being too defensive?" Lin Yue watched them slowly leave from here, until he couldn't see any shadows or hear any sound, then Lin Yue released himself from the fighting state. , couldn't help muttering to himself.

He noticed his own somewhat neurotic vigilance.

For nearly a month in this different world, he felt that he had changed too much.

After being attacked by other predators several times, and constantly fighting with the monster lizardmen and beggars in the secret realm, he now feels more and more that the hardships and difficulties of this survival game have also become more and more white, and the fragility of life.

He didn't want to be injured, and he didn't want to be in any danger, so he was always on guard and guarded everywhere.

Later, this kind of precautions and precautions gradually changed his heart.

Living alone for a long time has also made this change more serious.

Lin Yue is very clear about this, he doesn't want to make himself more extreme, he also wants to make himself normal.

But this different world, this survival game, is fundamentally not normal.

Lin Yue opened his eyes wide and looked at this incomparably deep and mysterious underground ruins.

How many people in the world are like him?

Or is it just him?

After all, it seems that with the exception of a few very few people, almost all the survivors in the world are trying their best to survive in a group.

However, Lin Yue asked those people to go back there, in fact, he also had the thought of thinking for the sake of these people.

Judging from the experience so far, it seems that the lizards and beggars are almost all coming from the opposite direction, not the other side. The reason why he came here first is because he wants to disperse the scattered Kill the attractors and beggars, and then go to the large room where they gather and completely empty the area.

so far……


Suddenly, a scream came from Xing Lingfeng's direction!

Lin Yue turned back suddenly, this voice...


Suddenly, a burst of explosions exploded!

Gunpowder explosion?

As soon as Lin Yue picked up the sniper rifle, he saw a large black shadow running towards him!

"Lin Yue! Run! A bunch of lizardmen are here! They still have bombs!"

They shouted loudly, making the entire passageway noisy.

Lin Yue saw dozens of black shadows running past him at once, bringing with him a violent airflow.

And more shouts erupted from a distance!

Lin Yue did not leave.

He glanced behind him, Xing Lingfeng and most of them had already run away.

"Lin Yue! Quickly retreat! We are responsible for covering!" Xing Lingfeng led You Siyuan and Feng Peng back step by step. When they saw Lin Yue who still hadn't left, they roared at him eagerly.

"Lin Yue! Hurry up! You can't have an accident!" Xing Lingfeng looked at Lin Yue and still didn't move, and didn't understand why.

Only a few dozen meters away from them, dozens of lizardmen have rushed over!

They also have black powder bombs that are extremely dangerous, although they are not too powerful!

"You all stay away, I'll come here." Lin Yue pointed behind him, intending to make the three of them retreat quickly.

"Lin Yue, I know you are strong, but there are too many lizardmen, and..."

"Back off." Lin Yue reaffirmed his judgment and urged again.


"Thank you for your kindness, but..."

He saw that not far away, the lizardmen who kept shouting "Sa! Sa!" and the humans mixed in were only a few dozen meters away.

"Lin Yue, we want to fight with you!" You Siyuan took out the steel gun, which was the most powerful weapon built in their shelter.

But after he, Xing Lingfeng and Feng Peng saw the weapons Lin Yue took out, they understood that they were just getting in the way.

"I'm going, that gun from King Spy!" You Siyuan exclaimed, and was pulled away by Xing Lingfeng and Feng Peng again.

Lin Yue glanced at the people behind him, and placed a piece of stone in the center of the passage.

The sniper rifle had to come out.

No other weapon, no matter what, could injure the coming Lizardmen.

What he wants is not to kill, but to explode the treasure chest.

In this case, dozens of treasure chests can't be burst out at the same time...

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