The three people around Xing Lingfeng are actually very obstructive at this moment.

But Lin Yue can now understand that these three people are actually good to him.

At least when dozens of lizardmen came to attack, their decision was not to leave so directly, but to stay behind and cover his retreat.

Even, in this life-threatening situation for them, they also said things like "you can't have an accident".

And these three people, after seeing the sniper rifle in his hand, did not want to leave, but were ready to assist him in battle at all times.

Lin Yue already understood their intentions.

But indeed, as long as these few people are here, there is no way for him to fight in the usual way.

After all, the number of treasure chests that burst out from a group of lizardmen would be terrifying.

And his 100% explosion treasure chest will also be discovered at the same time.

This is absolutely impossible.

"Hurry up! If you want to trade with me in the future."

Lin Yue squeezed the trigger and removed the silencer. After a bang, a bullet shot out instantly, shooting a lizardman's leg through!

Xing Lingfeng saw a black shadow fall down in the distance, and knew that Lin Yue's weapon had already played its role, and as Lin Yue continued to fire bullets, there were more lizardmen screaming and falling!

The eardrums of the gunshots rattled, and the three of them were extremely shocked by Lin Yue's extremely advanced weapon!

However, it seems that Lin Yue's marksmanship is not very good.

The lizard people didn't seem to have been hit.

At least from here, they saw the lizardmen rushing over not far away, all screaming with their legs in their arms, and none of them were shot.

Maybe it was the effect of this tension, maybe it was because a few of them were there, maybe it was because the underground ruins were too dark, maybe it was because the lizardmen were running too fast and messy.

Now, Lin Yue couldn't exert his combat effectiveness, and none of the bullets missed.

But that's enough.

Lizardmen are not stupid enough to rush forward when someone keeps shooting.

Moreover, the survivors who surrendered to the lizardmen were not strong-willed, and they dared to rush over after hearing the gunshots. That was really crazy.

"Lin Yue, we'll remove the dangers for you at the back, here... I'll leave it to you!" Immediately pulling You Siyuan and the others, Xing Lingfeng continued to retreat backwards.

They are now more like a burden than a help for Lin Yue.

And at this moment, with the sound of two screams, they saw the two people who were mixed in with the lizardmen were punched through their thighs by Lin Yue, and they rolled to the ground and couldn't get up.

Xing Lingfeng looked at Lin Yue, there was not even the slightest expression on this person's face.

In addition to pressing the trigger, it is changing the magazine... Wait, does the sniper rifle's magazine have so many bullets?

Xing Lingfeng dragged the two people beside him and retreated dozens of meters, while the gunshots in his ears continued.

They must go back and see how their players are doing, and if they get lost in this place, they might encounter something!

When Lin Yue saw the three of them leave, he did not change his strategy.

The bullets of the sniper rifle continued to fire, and lizards and beggars continued to fall.

But Lin Yue's every bullet was aimed at their non-vital parts.

The purpose, of course, is to prevent them from bursting out of the treasure chest.

Although there was a treasure chest that had indeed exploded, the sound of the system would not be heard by anyone other than the Survivor himself, and in this dim light, it was not conspicuous.

After a while, there were finally no lizardmen standing, and Lin Yue found that the three of Xing Lingfeng were not nearby, so there was no need for him to cover up.

The weapon in his hand became an alloy tactical crossbow, and Lin Yue walked over to kill the beggar first.

These people screamed unpleasantly, and kept begging for mercy, not saying shit and urine, and it was quite annoying.

And, most importantly, if you kill the Lizardmen first, then the rest of the group will definitely discover the secret that he can explode the treasure chest.

If there is no system, it doesn't matter, and it can't do anything.

But the group that comes with the system, as well as the world channel, will allow these people to reveal his secrets to the world before death comes.

That is absolutely impossible.

"So, you must die." Lin Yue's iron spear kept reaping.

He doesn't have any feelings for these people at all now, nor does anyone have any sympathy or anything.

They were all mixed up with the lizardmen. After he issued a warning at the time, this group of people still went their own way and shrugged shoulders with the lizardmen. Just like the three people who were killed before, this group of people was already rotten.

To deal with them, it was obviously too wasteful to use bullets, although he still had a lot of bullets.

"Six people, six cubic meters of storage space, it's okay." Lin Yue quickly finished his work and started to attack the lizardmen on the ground.

At the same time when the treasure chest exploded, he also collected the storage space at the fastest speed. Although Xing Lingfeng and the others were far away, he was still quite cautious.

It didn't take long before the screams of the last lizardmen disappeared, and Lin Yue also deliberately left a copper treasure chest here.

The sound of footsteps sounded behind him, and Lin Yue turned around and saw Xing Lingfeng and his party coming over.

"Lin Yue..." Xing Lingfeng looked at the blood-splattered ground and the scattered corpses on the ground, and his breathing became quicker.

In a short period of time, Lin Yue actually... actually killed so many lizardmen? !

You must know that when the forty-five people in their group just met those lizardmen, they collapsed almost instantly. After the other party only threw a black powder bomb, there was no way to fight back!

Those who surrendered to the lizardmen are even more difficult to deal with. As the same kind, they quite understand how to deal with the same kind, and they can also give sharp weapons to the lizardmen who were originally backward, and even use tactics, and they can be with the lizardmen almost instantly. Destroyed their formation!

This also made Xing Lingfeng and his companions have to step back and leave immediately.

Against these lizardmen, they do not have any certainty of victory, let alone harmless.

But, all this was nothing in front of this Lin Yue.

These lizardmen, along with those who gave advice and battles to the lizardmen, were simply knocked down by Lin Yue, and then killed one by one!

This powerful combat quality and calm psychological quality far surpass all of them!

Although it's a bit off the mark...

Xing Lingfeng looked at the lizardmen and the corpses of several people.

Suddenly he frowned.

Wait, these gunshot wounds...

"I'll deal with it here. Xing Lingfeng, you should go back to the refuge village, it's too late." Lin Yue said and walked forward.

For him, the farther away these people the better.

"Lin Yue, careful, we really have to go back."

Xing Lingfeng said hello, and the survivors who brought him sparsely followed from behind, each of them staring at the corpse of the lizardman on the ground, extremely surprised.

After Lin Yue waited for them to finally leave, he also heard small sounds coming from behind him.

It seems that a lizardman is chasing after him.

The movement just now was really loud, whether it was the sound of the bombs from the lizardmen before, or the sound of Xing Lingfeng and the others running for their lives, or the movement when he killed those lizardmen, no matter which one was quite loud.

Coupled with the fact that he killed my grandson Masao and Lionhead before, the lizardmen are not stupid, they will eventually come.

Lin Yue took out the ballista.

No one is paying attention now, and there is no need to hide and tuck.

The power of this thing can be regarded as the greatest in the hand.

After a while, with the roar of "Sa! Sa!", a large black lizardmen appeared in that direction!


Lin Yue replaced the ballista arrows with burning arrows.

If you like to gather so much, then eat something that can penetrate and burn your soul!

The strings of the crossbow were tensed, and the flaming arrows of the ballista were ignited. Lin Yue let the flaming weapon shoot out from the place of the ballista in an instant!

boom! !

With a bang, a stretched flame arrow rushed towards the group of lizardmen who wanted to attack with overwhelming force!

At the same time, the ballista also made a cracking sound, and when the flaming ballista arrow hit the group of lizardmen, it also shattered and shattered at the same time!

Lin Yue immediately put it away in the storage space, and set up a low wall in the passage!

The sniper rifle in his hand began to shoot the lizardmen who were lucky enough to escape from the burning lizardman fireball, turning them into corpses one after another.

Lin Yue felt more and more that the underground ruins were more like his home ground than those lizardmen.

After all, the passage here is narrow and not open, and after having a regional map, it is also easy for him to use his various weapons reasonably in the passage, according to local conditions.

Plus he now almost knows what to do with these green-scaled lizardmen - the heads are deadly, and they're pretty flammable!

Even if they rush up like a mad dog in battle, they will still be afraid, timid, shout loudly, and flee.

With absolute superiority in weapons, these lizardmen are paper tigers.

Soon, the battle was over.

Leaving a spot of scorched corpses, or corpses with their heads opened, and copper treasure chests everywhere, the lizardmen troops withdrew again.

Lin Yue calmly picked up a total of 37 copper treasure chests, but this time he did not find the body of a beggar in it.

This was unexpected.

Every time before, it seemed that there were beggars involved, but this time it was not.

Could it be that the beggars are afraid?

After Lin Yue quickly cleaned the battlefield, he went back to his destination.

And he really didn't go too far, just in a corner marked on a map, he saw a stone gate.

The location of the stone gate seems to be quite hidden, and there are still some traces hidden with stones. It seems that this is the stone gate that leads to Xing Lingfeng and their refuge village.

Lin Yue thought for a while, and then erected a stone wall here.

Xing Lingfeng's group is still quite limited in dealing with the lizardmen based on their current combat effectiveness.

Maybe against one or two people, you can use wisdom and cooperation to win, but as long as the other party comes in such a group, or there are beggars in it, or even throw a cannon fight over, Xing Lingfeng and the others are completely unable to resist.

Just like before, weren't they completely beaten by the Lizardmen?

Therefore, Lin Yue didn't want, or for the time being, didn't want Xing Lingfeng and the others to come here again. This place is too dangerous for them.

After doing this, Lin Yue picked up his weapon again.

Lizardmen still need to clean up more.


Otherwise, they won't stop for a while.

Lin Yue thought so, and walked forward again along the area map in the system panel.


In the refuge village.

Xing Lingfeng and his party, who were sweating profusely and their clothes covered in mud, leaned against the wall and panted heavily.

Back in their refuge village, they are now safe.

The stone gate of the underground ruins is on the first floor of the basement of the main shelter, which also prevents them from being attacked by crazy mutant creatures from the night of another world because of the arrival of night.

But the disadvantage is that from now on, they must seal the stone door with something like metal.

Lizardmen, now a powerful race they never imagined before!

They have almost the same metal weapons as them, but they are more numerous, and they fight like crazy, even with the humans who surrendered to them.

Not to mention, they still have that shocking weapon - dynamite!

Perhaps, only Lin Yue, who can use firearms proficiently, can suppress these crazy creatures.

"Boss, you pulled a little bit just now, haha." You Siyuan's face was covered in sweat now. He said that Xing Lingfeng pulled him, but now who escaped from Shimen in their refuge village, who wouldn't pull him?

The lizardmen pulled them out of the cognition that they believed they were powerful in combat, and let them understand what it means to have a sky outside the sky.

A single dynamite easily made them confused in an instant, and then the Lizardmen's charge made them flee in a panic.

If it wasn't for Lin Yue, how many of them would be able to come back tonight is still unknown.

At that time, after reading Lin Yue's speech, they excitedly rushed to Shimen. Now it seems like a joke.

"To be able to come back with so many people... Alas, when will we be as stubborn as Lin Yue." You Siyuan sighed again.

Feng Peng and Huo Yu did not speak.

They were not at a loss for words, but out of shock.

"L115A3 sniper rifle... Where did Lin Yue get this thing?" Finally, Feng Peng sighed again, "He is lucky, and he is also smart and knows how to use it. Brother Xing, is he really not a special forces soldier? "

"Sixth of the special forces, he's not. You didn't see that he just killed a lizardman with the sniper king in the end, and the others were just wounded?" You Siyuan grinned. , although he didn't know what he had to laugh at Lin Yue, "It's just an ordinary person with the ultimate weapon, just lucky."

At this moment, Xing Lingfeng, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood up.

He walked in front of everyone who seemed to be amused by You Siyuan's words, with a grim expression.

"Are you really blind, or are you intentionally blind? Lin Yue is just lucky? With luck, every bullet can pierce the bones of the lizardmen's thighs and knees, leaving them completely without any mobility and can only lie on their backs. Screaming on the ground?"

Everyone was stunned for a while.

"Uh, boss, what are you talking about, didn't he just beat him blindly?" You Siyuan was thinking deeply now.

Wait, it's like... it's like that?

"Such a narrow passage, so many lizardmen, if I give you a sniper rifle, I believe that you can kill at least half of these monsters with a blind shot!"

Xing Lingfeng said, took off the hat on his head and clenched it tightly in his hand.

"Lin Yue, he hit the lizardmen on the knees on purpose! Also, not to show off the sight! He didn't kill the lizardmen directly, but chose such an inefficient method, why?"

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