Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 271 The harvest trip of the treasure chest is full of rewards!

【You got a copper treasure chest! 】

【You got a copper treasure chest! 】

【You got... 】

Lin Yue withdrew after picking up a few treasure chests in Hell's Kitchen, and began to carefully count the total number of treasure chests harvested this time.

Since entering the C area of ​​the underground ruins today, he has experienced several battles before and after, and each battle has been rewarded a lot.

The number of copper treasure chests was finally fixed at 152 at this time, and there were 3 silver treasure chests, which was not much.

A total of 15 beggars were killed, and 21 cubic meters of storage space was obtained.

In addition to the capacity of the original storage space, Lin Yue now has a huge storage space of 84 cubic meters!

84 cubic meters, which is already many times the original.

If there were no beggars, it would be really difficult for him to collect this capacity.

After all, the storage space cannot be obtained by opening the treasure chest. Just like the design of the shelter and the design of the universal upgrade, it can only be obtained from special channels.

"Now, it's no problem to come back as a big guy." Lin Yue pulled his arm and kicked the lizard man's body on the ground.

He looked at the corpse of a beggar lying on the other side with cold eyes.

Just now, he obtained an important piece of information from the mouth of this guy.

The main force of the lizardmen is near the huge room he has never been to, and there are almost four hundred in total!

And there are nearly a hundred beggars mixed in, each of them fully armed!

For Lin Yue, this is a very good piece of information.

After all, he came to this underground ruins to kill these lizards and beggars.

However, Lin Yue didn't want to continue doing this at this moment.

"It's a bit tiring. If I forcefully fight, I'm afraid I'll be tired halfway through."

Lin Yue glanced at the time, it was very late.

If you continue, there is no problem, but tomorrow you can't do anything.

You know, there is still a disaster to deal with tomorrow.

Lin Yue stood up again and picked up his weapon again.

Even if this area is emptied, it cannot be so relaxed.

Who knows where an enemy will emerge?

"Pfft..." The little ice lizards helped a lot this time, and they were all too tired. Now they are all lying on the shoulders of his exoskeleton, and it seems that they are struggling to move.

The harvest is not small, of course it is also very tiring.

Although there are still many lizardmen in the unexplored area, it doesn't matter, just come back tomorrow.

When the time comes, I will give them a sweep, and not even a fart will be left!

After being alert all the way, Lin Yue finally returned to the crossroads, but he found no trace of the lizardmen. However, he suddenly heard some noises from the altar...

He walked over gently, and the little ice lizards on his shoulders tried to get down, but he stopped him.

In the night vision device, there are two lizardmen standing guard by the wooden door in front!

They are standing upright at the moment, with metal spears in their hands, and even special wooden armor on their bodies.

And here, he also heard the strange sounds coming from between the altars, just like he had heard in the F area.

"Oh, the silver treasure chest Lizardmen... get it."

Lin Yue immediately fell to the ground and set up his sniper rifle!

【You got the silver treasure chest! 】

【You got the silver treasure chest! 】

Two system voices rang in his ears, and the lizardman corpse that had penetrated his brain just lay on the ground without making any sound.

Lin Yue walked over gently, put away the two treasure chests, and at the same time put the corpses of the two lizardmen into the storage space.

Assassination, it has to be silent.

He gently opened the wooden door, and at the same time, the sound of a large number of lizardmen inside also sounded at the same time.

Are they doing some weird ritual?

Lin Yue looked inside, and it seemed to be the case. In the dim firelight, a lizard man in black was shouting something in front of the circular platform in the center between the altars, and the other lizardmen also surrounded him. In the vicinity of it, everyone was very angry, and kept raising their arms and shouting something, as if they were going to do something big.

And their total number seems to be more than two or three hundred!

In this space, if he resists the gate and attacks these guys, unless he can guarantee that no one will come from behind, it will be very difficult.

But what if you set fire to it?

Lin Yue thought for a while, it was feasible.

If you set a fire and then block it, then you can indeed wipe out a large number of lizardmen at once.

Between the altars is a closed place, and there is no second way to other places. Even if there is a smoke outlet, it is estimated that it will completely fall into despair in the flames.

But the disadvantage is that there will be a treasure chest in one place, and when the fire will go out and when will it be able to enter the altar again is a problem.

It's not good to leave a treasure chest in one place for the later lizardmen. Although they are all copper treasure chests, there may be some silver treasure chests and the treasure chest left by the priest, but in general, they are all inferior.

But if this opportunity slipped away in vain, it would take a lot of time to kill so many lizardmen, and even one of these lizardmen might come to him at once.

Then what should be done……

He thought for a moment.

"Black Dot, Green Claw, Little Six, and Red Line, you guys should eat this." Lin Yue took out the last few Snickers for them. What he wanted the little guys to do was actually very simple, but it also required Take some stamina.

But at their speed, they can definitely do it!

"Pfft!" The little ice lizards were excited when they saw the Snickers bar.

After each of them ate this extremely sweet energy bar, they immediately became more energetic.

Lin Yue took out four torches from the storage space, and took out a dagger to cut off half of the bottom of the torches where he held them, and cut them a lot thinner.

"You will each carry a torch later, and then go to the place with the most lizardmen and light them one by one, as fast as you can, do you hear?"

"Puji puji!" The little ice lizards were extremely smart, they immediately understood Lin Yue's intention, and nodded quickly.

Lin Yue found that these four little guys seemed to be much smarter than Xiao Mengke.

"Okay, you rush in as soon as I open the door, and make sure all the lizardmen burn!"


Lin Yue gently opened the door a few more cracks, and the little ice lizards also got in one by one.

And almost instantly, they rushed out like the wind. Lin Yue, who was watching from the crack of the door, also saw the flowers of flames blooming on the lizard people!

Chaos and shouts kept coming, but they couldn't do anything when they turned into fireballs, and could only gradually lose their lives in pain and mourning.

There are also some who thought of running out immediately, but they were blocked by their companions who had turned into fireballs, and there was no way to escape.

The little ice lizards came out of the door one by one, and they were all quite excited.

Lin Yue didn't have time to listen to the screams of the lizardmen inside. He directly blocked the wooden door with two stone walls.

No matter what happens inside, it has nothing to do with him.

The little ice lizards light the fire, then the lizard people will not explode the treasure chest.

This is the "law" of this world, not because he took the initiative to take action, so it can be like this.

In this way, a large number of lizardmen can be killed without leaving a treasure chest, which is the best of both worlds.

As for his less harvest, there is no way.

There are so many treasure chests on hand, there is no shortage of these one or two.

Lin Yue suddenly became a lot easier this time. In this way, he could also deal a huge blow to the lizardmen and beggars, and at the same time, he could breathe out a breath for Xiaomeng.

Walking all the way back to the crossroads, Lin Yue returned to the wooden door. After collecting the stone wall there, he walked out with a weapon.

In the distance, there were bursts of "Sa! Sa!" voices.

Also, there is the sound of people talking.

Oh? A combination of treasure chest + storage space.

Lin Yue picked up the sniper rifle!


Back in the sanctuary again, Lin Yue wrapped the stone gate with metal this time, completely cutting off the passage of the lizardmen or beggars inside.

He looked back at Xiao Meng who was lying beside him waiting for his return, Xiao Bai who seemed to be inseparable all the time beside him, and the little ice lizards who were still sleeping, and his spirit was completely relaxed.

Finally, it's safe.

Or rather, it's finally back to "normal" now.

Compared with the underground ruins like a ghost cave, the safest place is in the shelter.

He took a deep breath.

"Xiao Meng, how are you feeling?"

Lin Yue walked in front of Xiao Meng who was still unable to move and could only lie on the sheepskin on the ground.

The bandage was soaked with a dark red, Lin Yue took out the emergency medicine box, cut the gauze with surgical scissors, and observed it a little.

"It's recovering well, but I still can't move." He said and wiped off the blood on Xiaomeng's wound again, and used alcohol and iodophor to detoxify it again.

After that, after wrapping it up again, he was relieved.

Xiaomeng shouldn't have any major problems, as long as it won't go to fight again.

"Goooo..." Xiaomeng rubbed Lin Yue's arm with his head, and Lin Yue also stretched out his hand to soothe its little head for a while.

This little guy is working too hard.

Those lizardmen are indeed too powerful for it, after all, there are beggars there who give advice and even take the initiative to attack the lizardmen.

"Quack!" Xiaobai saw that Lin Yue was covered in dust and blood. He came over and checked it carefully for a long time. After confirming that Lin Yue didn't even have any scratches, he felt relieved.

"It's okay, it's all the blood of those lizards and beggars, Xiaobai, don't worry." Lin Yue comforted Xiaobai and took off his exoskeleton and bone armor.

The clothes on his body were almost soaked with sweat, stinking, and also had some blood and sweat odor.

Lin Yue walked to the bathroom, threw his clothes into the washing machine he just got back, and took a good shower.

Unfortunately, there is no water heater, otherwise, it would be more comfortable.

Lin Yue felt that the next time he went to the secret realm, he could look for a water heater, a bathtub or something.

Enjoying this kind of thing is something that occurs when people are not satisfied with the status quo.

If possible, Lin Yue would like to have a complete set of air heaters, water heaters, and bathtubs if he can find them.

Anyway, there is enough water now, and it doesn't matter if you wave.

There is a washing machine, but there is no washing powder. Lin Yue took some water and ordered it to clean. That's all he can do for now.

"Quack." Xiaobai ran up and yelled at Lin Yue.



"Well, let's eat something delicious today!"

Lin Yue took out the lion-headed bear's body from the storage space.

"Here, let's have a big party later, lion-headed bear feast!"


The meat of the lion-headed bear was cut into small pieces by a sharp dagger, and under the guidance of Lin Yue, it was slowly marinated by the flavor of the seasoning.

After the iron sticks were strung together, Lin Yue put them on the barbecue one by one.

Soon, the oil bloomed, and the scent of the fragrance was slowly smeared with a layer of fragrance under the charcoal fire.

This meal, Xiaobai, Xiaomeng and Xiaobingliu all had a good time.

Especially Xiaomeng, and even Lin Yue had never seen this guy eat so much, as if he hadn't been hurt at all.

Although he was still wearing bandages, this man's eating speed was not slow at all.

It didn't take long for a whole lion-headed bear's flesh to be made clean by these foodies.

Fortunately, the oven is big enough, and his hands are quick, otherwise it would not be easy to finish the hundreds of pounds of meat.

But after eating and drinking, it was almost midnight.

Xiaomeng ate a lot, and it seemed that he was not affected by the injury at all, and the little ice lizards also ate with their stomachs turned upside down, and everyone was very satisfied.

Xiaobai seemed to have something on his mind. He didn't eat as much as before, but helped Lin Yue to cut and marinate the meat all the time.

Lin Yue could see that Xiaobai still seemed to be worried about Xiaomeng's injury. Although Xiaomeng has recovered quickly, he doesn't know what will happen to him tomorrow.

"It's alright, Xiaobai, I slept next to Xiaomeng today. If something happens, I'll be able to know as soon as possible."

Comforting Xiao Bai, Lin Yue went back to the basement to take a look again, Xiao Meng was already fast asleep.

Lin Yue put the bed next to Xiao Meng and let Xiao Bai go back with confidence. After the little ice lizards were also sent upstairs, Lin Yue turned off the lights in the basement.

Having said that, the last time I slept in the basement was before the first disaster.

At that time, because the fire was too strong, he could only run to the basement to escape the heat, but because of this, he was able to simply survive the first disaster.

Next, in this meeting tomorrow, there will be a second disaster.

The disaster this time was completely different from the previous one.

Category 5 hurricane and thunderstorm.

The intensity is even higher than ever before.

But this kind of disaster is actually only a disaster that erupts "on the ground". Unless there are very special circumstances, it cannot affect the underground at all.

If it is a general shelter, you only need to build an underground shelter, then waterproof it, and pack all your valuables, and you can simply deal with it.

But nowadays, everyone is basically huddled together in the refuge village, and there are even a lot of iron refuges, and there are even some high-rise buildings.

Survivors also have a lot of property and other important things.

Therefore, this time the disaster has become difficult for people.

However, perhaps this disaster is also one of the main reasons for those beggars to appear.

After some of them escaped the disaster in the underground ruins last time, more people discovered this cheating method.

And some people just don't want to try.

"Speaking of which, it seems that the leaderboard should come out." Lin Yue opened the system panel.

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