The iron stick easily passed through the diced lamb, fat and thin.

Under the charcoal grilling, the strings of mutton were dripping with crumbling suet oil and smoking. rock salt...

High-end ingredients often require the most simple and simple cooking.

Put it in your mouth.

Tender and smooth, crispy, not greasy or stinky, salty and delicious, with endless aftertastes!

Lin Yue ate all ten skewers in one go, and Xiaobai also ate three big skewers, each of them lying on the bed and table, all satisfied.

This was the first time that Lin Yue had eaten meat since he came here, and it was so refreshing.

BBQ is dopamine!

Lin Yue deeply felt that this sentence was correct.

Although there is no cumin and chili noodles, this time has made him feel perfect enough.

After he had the idea of ​​kebabs, he immediately went to the trading mall, replaced the iron sign design with a little water, and after putting the mutton on, he opened the fireplace, took out two pieces of charcoal, and took Take out the simple barbecue grill made before, and crush the rock salt for later use.

He felt that in his subconscious, he had been preparing for the kebab all the time, and he had a complete set of tools unknowingly.

After resting for a while, Lin Yue opened the door again to ventilate.

The snow outside is still not small, but the temperature is not so low. All the snow that fell on the ground melted into water, making the bare land slippery.

Lin Yue covered his head with a coat and carried a shovel to the trap he had set up.

During the day, he caught two mutant sheep here.

Lin Yue felt that this mutton was really delicious, and it felt much more delicious than what he had eaten before. Not only was the meat tender, but the odor was minimal. While retaining the deliciousness of the mutton, it even had some sublimation.

Although there are still 57 kilograms of meat in the inventory, who would think that there is too much food?

He dug the big pit again, and picked out the sharp wooden thorns that had been trampled and knocked down. Lin Yue thought about it, took out the tusks of the twelve mutant sheep from the inventory, and fixed them on the ground to act as spikes.

[You have upgraded the hunting trap, the power of the trap is +100%]

Yo, what a surprise.

When he discovered the two mutant sheep in the morning, he did have the strength to resist. Now that the trap has been strengthened again, I am afraid that if they come again, they will be directly dying.

After setting up four more traps around the shelter, Lin Yue also found that the sky was almost completely dark.

He also heard the roar of the beast from nowhere again.

Once it enters the night, the danger of the wasteland is also maximized. For his own safety, he does not want to fight against mutant creatures at night.

At present, under the circumstance that water and food are sufficient, he does not need to take risks at all, there is absolutely no need for that.

In another day, the snow disaster will officially come, and he only needs to focus all his energy on how to fight the disaster.

After eating a full meal, it is easy to feel sleepy.

Lin Yue yawned and returned to the warm shelter.

Opening the stone door did make the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors not so big, but he didn't dare to take the risk at night.

Why not get a good night's sleep?

Lin Yue closed the stone door and put the top stone in place. He looked at the amount of firewood left in the fireplace and filled it in a little.

After taking off his coat and shoes again, the word "跷" lay on the bed.

Xiaobai didn't move in the wooden barrel, he was probably asleep, Lin Yue lay on the bed and opened the group.

In the absence of a mobile phone, this screen peeking has become Lin Yue's only entertainment hobby.

Indeed, swiping groups kills time.

Different from the original, now in this game group, everyone has the possibility to say words with huge amount of information.

Especially after this snowfall.

Even people who originally thought the snow disaster was not a big deal were now frightened by the sudden drop in temperature and the snow that kept falling outside. They understood that the so-called snow disaster was no joke.

"Wuwu, I'm so hungry... I want to eat spare ribs, which smells like my mother."

"I seem to have a cold and my nose is not breathing. Who prescribed cold medicine?"

"His grandma's, this hay is not warm at all. I have already lit ten torches in the house, why is it still not warm!"

"The sky is full of snow and cold and windy, and the people of the equator really like it."

"Why do I think the secret realm will be warmer, it's too cold, go to the secret realm to warm up."

"Go to the secret realm +1"

"Go to the secret realm +2"

"I'm so hungry. I ate a bug in the morning, and my stomach hurts now. Is there any help for me?"

"It's cold and hungry, what the hell is this day, go to sleep, there's everything in your dreams, woo woo woo."

"Who would have thought that it would be taken off in more than a day. What a broken game... By the way, why is the portrait of the person who said that he ate snow in the morning?"

"Report, I just opened a copper treasure chest, and there is a good thing in it, who, come over and see if I can trade it?"


After a cursory look around, Lin Yue felt his eyes were sore, and his sleepiness kept rising.

Five days later, the total number of people in this group is actually only 5,902.

Almost half of the people died silently before the disaster.

And the rest is not much better.

He struggled to endure the drowsiness, struggled to look at the mall, and found the product page of Du Ping, who had just released some good things.

【Seller: Du Ping】

【Auction item: Design drawing of off-road bicycle】

【Required: Drinking water 3L】

[Seller's note: I think only one person can buy it, others can watch the excitement]

Off-road bike?

You can open anything, treasure chest.

But what can this thing do?

And also 3 liters of water, why not grab it.

Leave it to those who want it.

Just when Lin Yue wanted to close the trading panel, he suddenly remembered that he had put 14 iron axes on it. I wonder if anyone has bid?

When he opened the page, he was surprised to see that the first place in the bidding was actually this Du Ping, and he also offered a condition that the system score was nearly 2,000 higher than the second place!

[Buyer Du Ping bid: Unusable washing machine X1]

washing machine? Still unavailable?

Even if it's good, I don't want to be good.

How much water does that thing cost to wash clothes? He does have a lot of water now, but he can't bear to wash it once.

What about the bid for the second place?

Secret small burger X1.

Ah this.

Dude, do you really have no choice?

However, even a broken washing machine is better than those 14 axes. If it is good, it can make him wear more comfortable and refreshing.

Speaking of cleanliness, Lin Yue smelled the smell of his clothes.

He frowned.

This taste, above.

His hair was also greasy, and when he touched his beard, it was scum.

Even though he was originally called "Lin Yanzu", he was often asked for WeChat when he walked on the street, but now his image is a little bit worse.

Can the face be eaten?

If he could, Lin Yue could survive tens of thousands of round trips now.

While clicking to confirm the transaction, Lin Yue was also thinking about a question.

Why is this Du Ping always able to open the treasure chest? He also has a 100% treasure chest system? No, he always needs a lot of water.

Lin Yue suddenly thought of a possibility.

Is this Du Ping more than one person?

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