Flying snow.

The snow all over the sky, one after another, covered all the shelters in this different world with a layer of white, but in this white, there was some light red.

The biting cold wind raged in the whole other world, and the temperature kept dropping.

The heat that used to be like summer has now disappeared like a phantom.

And this snow is also quietly harvesting life.

There are even countless mutant creatures, after sensing the fire in the direction of the shelter in the snow, they frantically poured in there, making the bodies of the survivors who had finally warmed up become cold forever.

Some survivors went outside to eat snow, but lost consciousness in pain and confusion.

Even the survivors burned too much fire, igniting the shelter, causing a raging flame in the snow...

Snow, there is no sympathy, no pity, it just keeps coming.

Stacked from a few centimeters, and gradually to dozens of centimeters, half a meter.

Some shelters made a loud noise, could not stand the heavy pressure of the snow, and collapsed instantly!

The sky is getting brighter, and the snow is like rain.

In the wasteland, a shelter is completely different from other shelters.

A stream of steam emanated from the stone roof, and a long plume of smoke also rose from the chimney to the sky.

On the roof, there was not even half a cent of snow.

Around the sanctuary, dozens of slightly larger mutant creatures were trembling against the outer wall, almost their entire bodies lying on the wall to keep warm.

Beside them, there are also the corpses of countless mutant creatures, some of whom stepped on the trap and lingered, and some were bitten to death because they wanted to snatch the heat around the shelter.

And on the bodies of these corpses, there are a large number of mutant bugs and the like constantly biting.

Lin Yue stretched out a lot.

I slept ok last night, but it was too hot. If it wasn't for the air-conditioning in the basement, I'm afraid the temperature would be even higher.

It seems that the firewood in the fireplace is a bit too much, so he needs to pay more attention tomorrow, otherwise, he estimates that he will faint from the heat.

"Pfft! Puff!"

Xiaobai, who had just woken up, was still yelling at the door, in a fighting stance.

"What's wrong, Xiaobai? Are there any enemies?" Lin Yue immediately put on his clothes, put on his wooden armor, and raised his fine iron spear.

"Pfft!" Xiaobai still yelled at the stone gate.

Lin Yue knew very well that this little guy's ability to search for enemies has always been very strong. Before that, he could sense the tentacled pterosaur flying in the sky in the secret realm in advance. Now that it is like this, there may be some mutant creatures outside the door!

"Xiao Bai, you are also ready!"

"Pfft!" Xiaobai hid by the door, his small body swelled a lot.

He took a deep breath, grabbed the handle of the stone door with his left hand, and gently pulled out a crack. At the same time, Xiaobai also blew a cold breath into the gap less than 20 centimeters away!

"Ow oh oh oh!!"

A howling sounded, and at the same time as a strong distance hit Shimen, the fine iron spear in Lin Yue's hand also stabbed forward!

In an instant, a thud sounded, and a frozen wolf head appeared over the crack of the door!

【You got the copper treasure chest】

Sure enough, there are mutant creatures!

Lin Yue immediately closed the stone gate and held it back with the top stone.

Almost at the same time, there were bursts of crashing sounds on the stone wall!

Man, how much is this just outside?

Lin Yue thought for a while and figured out why.

It should be quite cold outside, so these mutant creatures have gathered in his shelter to keep warm!


Xiaobai was still yelling at the outside, as if he wanted Lin Yue to open the door again, and he didn't leave that side for half a step.

"Xiao Bai, can I still take a breath of ice?" Lin Yue took out a skewer of mutton and handed it to Xiao Bai to replenish his strength.

The item in the inventory is much stronger than the refrigerator or something. It was put in for the night, and it was still steaming when I took it out.

Xiaobai took a small sip of cold breath to cool the meat skewer, and after swallowing it whole, he instantly became a lot more energetic, and his desire to fight became stronger.

Lin Yue did not hesitate, and gently opened the door again. At the same time, the shadow outside was frozen by Xiao Bai at this moment!

【You got the silver treasure chest】

Lin Yue's iron spear cut off the head of the mutant creature that wanted to break into the door, and the treasure chest that burst out was actually a silver treasure chest!

Oh, this wave is not a loss!

The stone door was closed again, and the sound of a crash rang out from behind the door.

Good guy, I put this card BUG on my own.

"Xiao Bai, are you alright?"


"Then come again!"

Lin Yue repeated this process twice, and Xiao Bai was finally exhausted and paralyzed, and his physical strength was also exhausted.

How many mutant creatures are out there.

Lin Yue wanted to go out and have a look, and also wanted to pick up the three copper treasure chests and one silver treasure chest that had been dropped outside.

The sound of knocking on the door continued, and Lin Yue saw that the durability of the shelter was also dropping rapidly.

However, as soon as he checked the status bar of the Refuge, Lin Yue found a label popping up on it.

[Materials can be used to restore the durability of the shelter]

Have you had this hint before?

Lin Yue threw in a piece of stone, and the durability instantly recovered by 10 points.

After throwing five pieces in a row, I can resist it for a while.

But...the stone is indeed almost gone.

If these mutant creatures who like to hit the wall and destroy the shelter come to the black, it seems that they have to buy some rocks.

boom! boom!

so annoying.

Lin Yue fed Xiaobai some pieces of meat again: "Do you still have the strength?"

"Pfft..." Xiao Bai seemed to be empty, lying on the ground with a lazy look.

After using Frost Breath four times in a row, it really did its best.

However, it is really not a problem to always rely on Xiaobai.

Although Lin Yue also had the urge to rush out and drive these annoying mutant creatures away, his reason told him that it was absolutely impossible.

Mang, but also have to have the capital Caixing.

Now he is just an ordinary person with a weapon, not the kind of trainer who used to be a soldier or has received some strict training. Going out blindly will only be death.

He doesn't even know how many mutant creatures there are outside, and what they are like...

Wait, there seems to be something that knows what the mutant creatures outside look like?

Lin Yue went down to the basement and took out the things he got from the secret realm.


Then he looked at the thing he had made before that had been falling ashes—the wooden window frame.

Can these two things be combined to make a window?

Bring the two close together.

【You got the design drawing of the wooden frame window (plexiglass)】

Sure enough!

Lin Yue immediately used the blueprint.

[Wooden frame window: wooden window frame X1, plexiglass X1]

Immediately click on Make, and there will be a new one square meter in Lin Yue's inventory!

Next, it's time to figure out where to put it.

He returned to the ground, looked around for a week, and looked up above his head.

Fighting on the roof, seems to be your own strength?

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