Lin Yue took out the wooden ladder, put it on the wall, and placed the small window on the roof.

It was calm outside the window, only the snow kept falling on the glass, but it was quickly melted by the temperature inside the house.

"The snow is really big."

Watching the snow masses keep falling from the gloomy sky, Lin Yue had a hunch about how big the snow disaster that will come tomorrow will be.

Perhaps, beyond his imagination.

The window comes with a small sturdy iron bolt and carries an iron spear. Lin Yue opened the iron bolt and gently pushed up a small gap to observe the movement outside.

Very good, there are no bird-shaped mutants, and there is almost no snow on the roof, which is all baked and melted by the temperature created by the fireplace.

The four walls of the shelter extend out about two meters, and there is no snow at all.

It seems that the effect of this fireplace is indeed powerful.

Lin Yue covered his hair with his jacket, wrapped his hands with his sleeves, and lowered his head at the same time.

Try not to let the snow touch your skin to avoid redness and itching from the strange snow.

Yesterday in the group, someone ran into the snow and got red and swollen all over. I don't know what the sequelae were, but Lin Yue didn't want to experience it for himself.

The cold wind poured into his clothes, and Lin Yue looked towards the ground.

The extremely thick snow actually covered the entire wasteland after one night!

Moreover, under this blizzard, he couldn't see what was in the distance at all. He stepped on the roof, and listened to the sound of the shelter below still hitting the shelter, and looked down.

Seeing this, Lin Yue couldn't help but be amused.

Dude, did you come from a group to clear the shelter?

There were five more people who were bumping against the wall and the door outside!

Among them, three were mutant sheep, and he saw the other two for the first time. There is also a mutant creature with a wolf head, but with spots all over its body and the size of a horse.

They were focusing on hitting the wall and hitting the door at the moment, and they didn't see Lin Yue appearing on the roof at all.

The iron spear in Lin Yue's hand was already thirsty.

"I'm here, treasure chest!"

Taking a deep breath, the fine-quality iron spear in Lin Yue's hand also stretched out in an instant. The extremely sharp spear blade cut through the air, and in this heavy snow, it was like a silver dragon!


Quick, accurate, ruthless!

The spear body sank into the neck of the tallest mutant wolf, and was pulled out by Lin Yue at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, a pool of crimson blood was also brought out.

【You got a copper treasure chest! 】

Before the remaining few had fully reacted, Lin Yue's iron spear also plunged into the body of a mutant sheep again, drawing blood out!

【You got a copper treasure chest! 】

The other mutant creatures finally looked up and saw Lin Yue, who had reached the roof at some point, but what they didn't expect was that this human would take action so quickly!

Aiming at the remaining two mutant sheep, the two iron axes were thrown down. In such a short distance, the probability of hitting is much higher than before.

The distance is too short and the inertia is not large, so the power of the iron axe is naturally a lot worse.

However, Lin Yue aimed at his legs, and he did receive quite good feedback. He only heard two shrill screams, and they fell to the ground with a bang!

The remaining head looked like a deer, but had conspicuous tiger-like fur. The mutant creature with sharp teeth kept retreating. In the end, Lin Yue just made a gesture, and it fled in the other direction. , got into the snow.

"Ah, there's..."


It made an extremely miserable cry, and the snow was also dyed red by its blood.

"This is called... seeking a dead end?" Lin Yue was surprised by the sudden change.

It's not good for the deer to escape, and it's okay to run directly to the upgraded version of the trap.

Lin Yue began to wonder if he was full of luck, too.

After sneaking around on the roof and finding that no large mutant animals came over, he opened the window and drilled back into the shelter again.

Xiaobai has been guarding below worriedly, although he doesn't have much energy, but after Lin Yue came down, it jumped to his hand and rubbed it for the first time.

"Haha, I know you're worried about me, but it's fine." Lin Yue felt that it was really good to have such a person who could worry about him.

"Pfft!" Xiaobai shouted towards the door, he didn't know what was going on outside.

Lin Yue touched the doorknob with his hand, and Xiao Bai made another anxious "puji".

"Don't worry, the monsters outside have been wiped out." Although Lin Yue said so, he was still fully armed.

If you are careless, you can lose Jingzhou, and you can also kill people.

As soon as the stone gate was opened, the screams of the two mutant sheep outside came out, and Xiaobai got on Lin Yue's shoulder, covered with clothes, and he didn't have to worry about the blizzard outside touching his body.

Lin Yue quickly glanced outside, and after realizing that there was no threat, he used an iron spear to quickly deal with the two screaming mutant sheep.

Copper Treasure Chest X2!

Lin Yue put a total of five copper treasure chests on the ground, plus a silver treasure chest, into the inventory.

He did not immediately start to dissect the mutant creatures on the ground, but took out a shovel, shoveled away the snow that was more than half a meter deep, and went straight to the direction behind the house.

Soon, he found the hapless man lying inside.

"I'll give you a good time." Lin Yue speared down.

The copper treasure chest is obtained again!

Great harvest.

Start dissection.

[You got the fur of the tabby shadow deer X1, venison (poisonous) 10kg]


He looked at the green venison and shook his head.

That doesn't work.

Just as Lin Yue wanted to throw it away, he thought that it might be useful in the future, so he kept it.

After cleaning up the traps, Lin Yue looked for four other traps.

Snow is getting bigger and bigger.

It was not easy for Lin Yue to dig out the trap, but found that the mutant creatures inside were frozen, and there were still many bugs on it.

What a pity.

He dissected the skin of a mutant sheep, and he didn't move the meat on it.

For some reason, he had eaten all those beetles with corrosive liquid in their stomachs, and he didn't want to touch them any more, and they were still frozen hard.

After tidying up the five sheep at the door, Lin Yue looked at the three spotted wolves he had chopped off and stabbed to death with a spear.

The dissection did not obtain wolf meat, but three spotted wolf skins were obtained.

After doing this, Lin Yue didn't care about the corpses, but went straight into the house.

This blizzard is too big.

After closing the stone gate, the next step is to count the spoils.

He and Xiaobai cooperated to kill the three copper treasure chests and one silver treasure chest at the beginning.

The five copper treasure chests that followed were obtained by him using his wisdom and improvisation.

This time, I got a total of 50kg of mutton, six sheepskins, ten fangs, 10kg of poisonous venison, and three spotted wolf skins.

Nine-headed mutant creature!

Looking at the treasure chests all over the ground and the items in the inventory, Lin Yue couldn't help but sigh.

This snowstorm could be a disaster for others.

But for him, it was a great opportunity to hunt!

Looking at all the resources at hand, there are not many.

Why don't you use water and other good things instead?

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