Under the scorching sun, the robot dogs tirelessly collected natural sulfur ore, and the ore under their feet was constantly piled up.

Lin Yue spent six design drawings of the shelter, and once again built a large warehouse underground.

Although it is useless for the time being, the ore should be collected more, after all, there is nothing left.

After the giant creatures, he and the lizard people took turns to develop, the total amount of ores here is also constantly declining. Lin Yue estimated that there is only about a quarter of it left.

The total number of ores in the ore mountain itself is not large. Compared with the kind that can be mined for decades and hundreds of years on the earth, it is simply too poor. Although I don’t know that the situation here is common in the whole other world, but Lin The more I feel that if there are too few ore points of this kind, it is not a good thing for the entire human race.

He is indeed the survivor who walks ahead of everyone, and even has a large number of hot weapons, and this brimstone is about to come in handy.

But that doesn't mean that others won't be able to use it in the future.

If minerals are too scarce, that's really a big problem.

It is true that the various resources on the earth are being increasingly scarce due to human exploitation, but the reserves are still quite large.

"At present, the most important thing in another world is iron, but it doesn't seem to be that much."

Lin Yue summed it up and finally drank the iced cola in the glass.

The next thing to do is simple and laborious handling.

As before, Lin Yue quickly put the natural sulfur ore into the storage space, made wooden baskets on shelves, and stacked them in the shelter.

It lasted for a while, until the space of the six shelters was filled, and he finally stopped.

The power of the robot dogs was about to run out. Lin Yue walked over and put these little guys who had done a lot of things today into the storage space.

Looking at the time, the sun will set in an hour and a half.

But there is one more thing that has not been done.

"Xiao Bai, we have to go to another place. After we go there, we will avoid the refuge."


After Lin Yue reinforced and covered up these newly created shelters, Xiao Bai also spread his wings, and Lin Yue immediately rode on its back.

I just ran out of shelter plans.

This trip did not come in vain.

Not only did they kill a lot of lizardmen, they also killed a lot of beggars.

"87 cubic meters, that's a lot." Lin Yue expressed his satisfaction with the large increase in storage space this time.

With the original, he now has 234 cubic meters of storage space!

This figure has once again broken through the limit!

Now, if he can, he really wants to go to the secret realm to see if there is anything that can be collected. With the total area of ​​his current storage space, there is no problem with getting a big truck back.

Indeed, when he flew here, Lin Yue really thought about the fact that the lizard people would make a comeback.

And his brain immediately turned, and he thought of using the method of using the robot dog with weapons to attack these annoying monsters.

The fact is exactly as he thought, the lizardman led nearly a hundred beggars in this place, stealing the resource he obtained by killing giant creatures.

They did it again, and expect it to happen again in the future.

After establishing a shelter under the big rock, he immediately transformed the robot dogs. They were originally modular products of technology. They were also successfully upgraded to armed mining robots under the action of the M19 pistol and the universal upgrade plan. !

The program design is still as simple as before, plus its own aiming system, after equipped with two guns, there is a magazine with a large capacity, and it can even be loaded automatically!

It feels like you were born for this.

This thing is not actually a "guard robot", it is actually a war robot...

If the identification of enemy and self is not set up, Lin Yue feels that the robot dog may be the most terrifying enemy of human beings.

It doesn't actually take a lot of materials to make them, and the effect is real.

If used properly, whether it is mining, guarding, or killing the enemy as a victory weapon like just now, they do a very good job.

Even if modular components were more advanced, they could do better.

For example, if the M19 on them is replaced by a sniper rifle, the battle can be made simpler and more brutal.

If the speed of movement can be accelerated, then equipped with sprayers, they are battle fortresses, terrifying weapons for close slaughter!

And equipped with diamond iron picks, or mechanical hands, they will become experts in mining and collection.

Then deploy them around shelters, or even guard mines, wherever they can go.

"It's true that if it is used reasonably, it doesn't matter whether it is a lizardman or a mutant creature, but it is true that it is not good to be too dependent."

Lin Yue lay prone beside Xiao Bai's broad wings, he looked at the vast wasteland, and the scenery on the ground was constantly changing.

At the same time, he also found that in the regional map, their location was close enough to Liu Kai's refuge.

Another thing to do this time is to go to Liu Kai's shelter.

It is not far from this natural sulphur ore mountain. The reason for going there to see it is also because of the "lost contact" with Liu Kai and their refuge village.

Xia Feihong died at an unknown time, and Liu Kai was not among his friends, and even blacklisted him.

As an important transaction partner who had a lot of barter with him in the early days, this fact was too abnormal.

If they were all wiped out, then the remaining Liu Kai should have some contact with him.

However, the fact is that the other party not only ignored him, but even deleted his friends and blacklisted him.

Recalling what Feiyue had said before, Liu Kai once said that he could communicate with the lizardmen, which also gave him a guess.

Could it be said that Liu Kai has become a beggar?

Not likely.

After all, Liu Kai also claimed to be a retired special forces soldier and the leader of a refuge village with more than 100 people.

"No matter what, let's go to his refuge village first.

Lin Yue looked at the constantly moving scenery on the ground, and finally saw a group of buildings surrounded by a circular wall in front of him.

The side of this refuge village was covered with a small piece of lush woods that he was familiar with.

"Here it is, Xiaobai."

"Quack." Xiaobai hovered and descended, and finally landed beside the grove, and Lin Yue actually found that the triangular fence he had put here before was still there, and the one he had made to cope with the night was still there." The "stone coffin" is also intact in its place.

"Quack!" Just when Lin Yue wanted to take out the binoculars and look at the situation in the refuge village, Xiao Bai suddenly roared at the stone coffin!

Lin Yue raised the MP5 submachine gun in his hand almost instantly!

Xiaobai's warning has never been in vain, and now...

"Don't, don't kill me! I'll go with you, I'll go with you, don't kill me..."

A black man emerged from the stone coffin, his body stinks unpleasantly, and he seems to be covered with weeds and tree roots.

If this guy was lying on the ground, Lin Yue felt that there was no Xiaobai by his side, and he would definitely not be able to find him.

"Who are you?" Lin Yue wondered, how could this guy be in that stone coffin?

Vagrant Survivor?

"Master, there are a lot of adults... eh? Lin, Lin Yue?"

The man's eyes suddenly widened, and after staring at Lin Yue, he knelt down suddenly: "Lin Yue, you are finally here, you are finally here!"

Lin Yueshou didn't leave the trigger: "Who are you?"

"I'm Guo Lei! Guo Lei! Lin Yue, do you still remember me? Boss, it's me, Guo Lei!"

Lin Yue was puzzled, Guo Lei... This name sounds familiar.

Wait, remember.

The one who exchanged his anti-diarrheal medicine with alloy for the first time, and the one who was blocked by him because it was too hard to talk to him.

Only later did he find out that this Guo Lei was from the refuge village of Xia Feihong and Liu Kai, and he rescued this guy once in the underground ruins...

and many more.

Liu Kai and the others from the refuge village?

"Guo Lei, right?" Lin Yue immediately sent a message after removing the name Guo Lei from the blacklist function on the operating system panel.

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger?" Guo Lei said happily when he saw the text sent.

Really this stuff.

"Guo Lei, why are you here and not in the refuge village over there?"

Lin Yue asked Xiaobai to be vigilant around him. Even if the other party was the heartless Guo Lei, he did not let down any of his vigilance.

Not right.

Liu Kai blacklisted him, Xia Feihong died, and Guo Lei, a savage covered in mud, was not in the sturdy refuge village, but ran into this stone coffin to hide.

It seemed that he had been hiding for a long time.

Why exactly? This is not right.

"Uh, Master Lin, Grandpa Lin, do you have any water? I drank all the water in the nearby puddle that rained last two days, and I haven't had any water for almost a day..."

Lin Yue threw a bottle directly, water didn't matter.

But then again, there are not many people who can still worry about water after the last disaster.

At least in the group and in the world channel, neither of them mentioned the problem of water scarcity.

This stuff is really... bad.

After drinking a bottle of mineral water, Guo Lei seemed to have finally recovered some spirits. He glanced at the refuge village over there, and then looked back at Lin Yue: "Then, it's very dangerous over there! I can't go back, there will be food there. People will eat people!"

"eat human?"

Lin Yue said he didn't understand, this guy still likes to be a riddleman.

"Liu Meng, Sun Weike, and Zhang Qing, after the few of us escaped, they all went back together to get some supplies over there, but they all died!" Guo Lei said and started fighting. She shivered, looking like she had been greatly traumatized.

"Escape, why?"

"The leader is crazy! He is crazy. He killed our second master, and killed the fourth and sixth brothers!"

Liu Kai is crazy? Kill someone?

"The leader took us to the underground ruins and went to a ghost altar, and a large number of lizardmen surrounded us. Just when I thought I would die there, the leader went to the group. In front of the lizardmen, we just handed them something, and we were released back... But after returning, the second head of the family thought it was too weird, so they questioned him why he did it, and the leader said something, Lizardmen can communicate, and there is no need to make you die."


Lin Yue thought of the information Feiyue had given him, Liu Kai was just talking about the nonsense that the lizardmen could communicate with.

"At that time, we were also muttering in our hearts, everyone wondered if the leader was crazy, after all, how could it be possible, those crazy lizardmen didn't even blink their eyes when they killed our people, and they even ate our meat. After a day like this, it turned out that at that time, Mr. Lin, you were talking about the beggars on the World Channel, and we realized that the leader is also a beggar or something?"

"A beggar? Liu Kai?" Lin Yue realized that things had indeed developed as he had imagined.

"Yes, leader, no, Liu Kai's grandson was very angry after you said what you said about the beggar, and then the second master, the fourth brother, the sixth brother, and Xia Feihong questioned him whether he was right or not. Going crazy, he actually pulled out the steel gun and stabbed the sixth brother and Xia Feihong to death. The second master and the fourth child fought hard with him, but he also pulled out the knife and cut them over. The rest of us were scared and dumbfounded. What did Liu Kai say now? Take everyone to the underground ruins to find the lizardmen, and then dozens of lizardmen emerged from the ground outside. No one of us can kill Liu Kai, and we are too timid, so we can only follow him and the lizards. People go to underground ruins."

"How did you get out after that?"

"Later, Liu Meng, Sun Weike, and Zhang Qing took advantage of the lizardmen and Liu Kai to walk in the front, and slowly retreated behind, and then ran through the stone gate and returned to the refuge village. We dared not avoid the refuge village, remembering that you once built a stone house here, big brother, and the few of us endured the disaster here, and then the three of them ran to the refuge village yesterday, and then they all died! Refuge Village, there must be something in the Refuge Village...something that can eat people!"

Guo Lei said, he actually burst into tears, and slumped on the ground as if he had been drained of all his strength.

Lin Yue was silent.

If what Guo Lei said is true, then things become very difficult to say.

Liu Kai actually became a beggar? This kind of thing... is a bit outrageous.

Originally, he had indeed guessed such a result, but when he heard this fact from someone else's mouth, he felt that it was really unacceptable.

Liu Kai was originally a retired special forces soldier... If this kind of person is a trade partner or an ally, Lin Yue is not worried.

But now, this guy has become a beggar and an enemy...

Lin Yue looked at Liu Kai in the system panel, which was still a colored avatar, but blocked him.

Will this product become the biggest threat?

Liu Kai, who was originally the leader of the refuge village, may also be the kind of leader among the beggars.

"Lin Yue, Lin Yue, please take me away. I'm willing to be a bull and a horse! I eat very little and I don't have much to do, so just take me away!" Guo Lei Finally stopped crying and begged to Lin Yue.

However, Lin Yue didn't want one more burden at all.

"Let's talk about this, you follow me to the refuge village first, but I want to see what can eat people!"

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