Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 305 Excluding all reasonable answers, the most absurd is the truth!

The night is very long.

Not only on the ground, but also on the ground.

Playing with the sharp dagger in his hand, there is no fluctuation in the eyes of the person in the shadow.

He leaned against the wall of the underground ruins behind him, took off the cigarette that had burned to the filter tip, and bounced it onto the opposite wall.

The cigarette butt tumbled and fell into a large pool of blood, and went out all at once.

The flame of the torch flickered, and the man stared gloomily at the dozens of lizardmen corpses on the opposite side, as well as the copper treasure chest soaked in blood. Write on it with a pen.

"On the 29th day, 33 lizardmen, two copper treasure chests."

After writing, he looked at the numbers above.

"On the 29th day, 107 bugs, 12 wooden treasure chests."

"On the 28th day, 82 bugs, 8 wooden chests, 47 lizardmen, and 3 copper chests."


The notebook recorded the specific number of mutant creatures he killed every day, as well as the number of treasure chests he obtained.

He snorted coldly.

Finally, he looked at the incredible number.

"On the 27th day, 104 lizardmen, 102 copper treasure chests, 1 silver treasure chest, and 1 gold treasure chest died from lack of oxygen."

The lighter clicked, and he lit a cigarette again.

This smoke was taken from a survivor who died in the underground ruins, and 2 cubic meters of storage space was also given to him.

Harvest, more or less, but also a lot.

The smoke spewed out, he stood up, picked up two copper treasure chests, and put them in the storage space.

"With 97 cubic meters of storage's quite capable."

In the past few days, he met some beggars in the underground ruins.

He didn't let one go, he killed them all.

reason? That bastard Lin Yue said, beggars must die, right?

The beggars are human worms, and they are also "human rapes". They sell their humanity in exchange for their survival. Such people are not even as good as maggots.

So he killed, no matter the age of the other party, whether it was a man or a woman.

All killed.

He didn't consider himself a beggar, even though he had lived with the ugly lizardmen for a few days.

In order to survive those terrible disasters.

Disaster doesn't care what your original identity is, how big the shelter is, how many supplies there are, and how many people will be with you, it will only destroy everything mercilessly.

The best way to deal with any disaster is to come to this underground ruins, where the wind can't blow, the rain can't get wet, and even an earthquake will not have much impact on this place.

Is it bad to live?

Apart from the lack of sun, there are no downsides here.

He walked over, took out another empty plastic bottle, and collected some blood and sweat from those lizardmen.

Fight, attack, collect.

If you want to survive in this underground ruins, these are things that must be faced and done.

Just like on the ground.

Everything is the same as on the ground, of course, including a basic "setting" of this world, killing monsters will drop treasures.

Wooden Treasure Chest, Iron Treasure Chest, Copper Treasure Chest, Silver Treasure Chest, Gold Treasure Chest…

These will have a certain chance of bursting out of the treasure chest, and some things will burst in the treasure box.

Wooden chests will definitely explode food and water, while iron, copper, and silver chests will explode food, water, survival kits, regional map fragments, various weapons, blueprints, and more.

Treasure chests will pop out with great stuff, and they're pretty valuable.


The odds are impressive.

According to his previous experiments, about ten mutant creatures can explode a wooden treasure chest, while iron treasure chests and copper treasure chests can only explode one more than ten.

In the World Channel, he had seen the data summarized and experimented by someone, and it was not too different from this.

Although there are some people who can reach seven or eight mutant creatures to explode the treasure chest, but that is very few among the very few.

But on that day, what was the explanation for what he met in that place?

104 Lizardmen, 104 treasure chests.

There are also silver treasure chests, and gold treasure chests.

With a probability of 1 to 1, the treasure chest was exploded.

This absolutely impossible situation is actually happening in front of us.

If he wasn't a fluke of luck, he had previously opened a treasure chest to get an oxygen tank and escaped from death there, then he would not have encountered this incident.

Later, he did many experiments.

Suffocating the lizardmen, one, two, ten, the result is still the same.

Killing several lizardmen at the same time, the result is still the same.

Collapsed the cave and watched ten lizardmen suffocate with an oxygen tank, but the result was still the same.

Take the lizardmen to the big room before, and the result is still the same.

Still the same!

It's still the same, it's still the same! ! !

Why exactly?

Why? !

He thought about breaking his head, and finally found the time when the survivor who once showed off that seven or eight mutant creatures could explode the treasure chest wanted to add a friend to ask him.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

Is there anyone who can 100% explode the treasure chest?

Kill a mutant creature to get a treasure chest?

This idea is crazy.

Even to say, nonsense.

However, excluding all possibilities, the remaining one, no matter how outrageous it is, will be the truth.

Who said this sentence, he can't remember, it seems to be a novel or a movie, he has heard it and remembered it.

After dusting off the ash, he suddenly coughed urgently.

Cigarettes, smoking too much.

I haven't touched this thing for a long time, and it was completely drained.

"If this assumption is true, then, who has this ability? Or, this kind of 'hang' like cheating?"

He remembered that day.

Underground Ruins, Area C.

He and many lizardmen, as well as some beggars, were there waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Someone kept killing a large number of lizards and beggars, and even threatened the safety of the entire C area.

If not blocked, then they will be held in that place and killed by the fierce survivor.

He took another puff of his cigarette, recalling the details.

On that day, no one stepped on here, and the system did not have any prompts, so there was no way to start from here.

However, the survivors who can kill all the way to the door of the huge room where the center of the C area is located should be quite powerful.

A powerful survivor who can make the lizardmen release the three ferocious monsters that look like a combination of a bastard and a crocodile...

Who will it be?

Maybe one person, maybe many people.

But the one who could suffocate more than a hundred lizardmen to death with a cave collapse and explode the treasure chest should be one person.

The shoes stepped in the bloody water, and stepped over the corpses of several lizardmen.

He moved forward and made another turn.

Not far away, the body of a beggar lay on the ground with its head and neck separated.

This is a neon beggar who would cut him with a knife.

Neon beggars...

and many more.

There is a team leader in Area C, who seems to call my son or my grandson or something.

That person once said that he ran into Lin Yue by chance, and as a result, he tricked him into the lion-headed bear, and he was sure to kill him.

After everyone knew at that time, they also made fun of the grandson.


Something is wrong.

He suddenly stopped.

Lin Yue... was still alive, and has been alive ever since.

The neon one is dead.

When the ruins collapsed, Lin Yue didn't die either...

Maybe it's him?

"100% burst treasure chest? If you look at his current ranking, there are all kinds of powerful weapons... It seems, did you find the right one?"

He took a sharp puff of cigarette and coughed violently again!

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