12 In the huge room, Lin Yue looked around carefully.

The rancid smell has disappeared a lot, and the nose has gotten used to it a little bit.

Lin Yue was looking for any clues on the ground.

Soon, he discovered two circular patterns on the ground, which were undoubtedly the entrance to the secret space.

"As long as this is opened, then the question just now can be answered."

Lin Yue looked at the corpse all over the ground again.

There are 104 corpses of lizardmen and 45 corpses of beggars.

The 104 lizardmen corpses, the 27 lizardmen corpses he found outside, and the three turtle crocodile corpses added together, which was exactly the number of 131 treasure chests he had obtained at that time.

But the treasure chest here no longer exists, and even the light spot of the storage space where the beggar should be able to stay has disappeared.

At that time, the cave collapsed, and the lizards and beggars here should have blocked the gate with countless stones. In the darkness and panic, they quickly ran out of oxygen and finally all died.

The current situation is strange.

The treasure chest and storage space in the room disappeared, and this should undoubtedly be impossible.


"Did some beggars survive and took away the treasure chest and storage space? But the lack of oxygen was severe at the time, and the only escape route should be..."

He walked to the center of the two circles.

On one of them, there happened to be the remains of a lizard man.


Lin Yue seemed to have thought of something.

After dragging the wreck away, Lin Yue placed a stone on it.

A sound of "Gragra" sounded, Lin Yue looked at the place where the sound was made, and found that the sound did not come from his feet.

And it was the passage when he came from the C2 area!

Lin Yue glanced at the corpse of the lizard man just now, and seemed to have some more answers to the thoughts in his heart.

At this time, suddenly the system made a sound!

[Congratulations, you have broken through the C area of ​​the underground ruins! 】

Lin Yue opened the system panel and saw the above announcement.

【World Announcement, World Announcement! 】

[Detected that a survivor has unlocked the entire map of the C area of ​​the underground ruins, detected that a survivor has unlocked the entire map of the C area of ​​the underground ruins! 】

[This is the first time a survivor has unlocked the sub-area map of the underground ruins. According to the rules, the system will issue a first pass reward for this survivor! 】

[The reward this time is, Platinum Treasure Chest X1! 】

The Platinum Treasure Chest is back.

A burst of white light flashed, and there was a platinum treasure chest on the ground, which Lin Yue pocketed.

However, this did not disrupt his thoughts, but gave him a clearer understanding of the entire incident.

It can even be said that he has already thought of the answer to this mystery.

Lin Yue circled around here again, and with the help of the light of the flashlight, after photographing the mural on the wall, he was about to go back, but a sound of Gragla rang out, and the stone door when it came was closed again.

Lin Yue was not flustered.

He came directly to the two circles, pressed a stone on it again, and the door opened again.

Lin Yue understood, this thing turned off after a certain period of time, and it needed to be turned on again.

This made him confirm his thoughts again this time.

Returning to the C2 area again, after seeing once again that a fork in the C2 area leads to another passage leading to another area, Lin Yue made a wall made of iron blocks to block it.

After that, he took Xiaomeng and the little ice lizards back to the sanctuary.

"Quack..." Xiaobai, Xiaoliuzi and Red Line were waiting at the door for their return, but the strong corpse stench almost made them faint again.

"Something happened inside, Xiaobai, wait a moment, I'll take them to wash them well."

Lin Yue blocked the ancient gate of the underground ruins with a thick iron wall, and took Xiao Meng and other little ice lizards directly to the bathroom.

After using more body wash than he imagined, it was not easy for Lin to reduce the corpse odor on his body, Xiaomeng, and the little ice lizards.

I have to say that the smell is quite high, especially the contamination on the hair, which makes Lin Yue want to shave his hair directly.

In the end, there was really no other way, Lin Yue chose to use the remaining half of the bottle, and cleaned himself and Xiaomeng well again. Although there was still a little smell, it was still much better than before.

After washing, Lin Yue was refreshed and his mind was clearer and calmer.

After drying his hair, Lin Yue came to the very cool, even a little cold living room.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa, watching Xiaobai and the three of them swarm around Xiaomeng, Lin Yue took out the pen that he hadn't used in a long time, and the diary he took out from the abandoned shelter before. Book.

Good memory is not as good as bad writing. Of course, when thinking, if there is a pen and a notebook, it will make the thinking circuit clearer.

Turning over the pages filled with handwriting one by one, Lin Yue took a pen and wrote a line on the paper.

When you rule out the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth.

This is a famous quote from Sherlock Holmes.

After Lin Yue accidentally saw this mystery novel in the school library when he was in middle school, he took this famous saying as one of his beliefs.

And now, this creed has once again reached a final conclusion on this matter.

This conclusion is likely to have revealed the truth.

On that day, he ignited the gasoline barrel with an incendiary arrow, which blew up the intersection, and at the same time damaged the main structure of the entire underground ruins area C. After that, the C area began to collapse, and finally collapsed completely.

Due to the lack of oxygen caused by the collapse, the lizards, beggars and turtle crocodiles he had not yet killed in Area C died in turn, and he also brought him 128 copper treasure chests and 2 silver treasure chests. 4 treasure chests.

Among the 4 treasure chests, 3 belong to the turtle crocodile, let's not talk about it for the time being.

In the book, Lin Yue drew a circle around the three treasure chests and marked the word turtle and crocodile.

128 copper treasure chests, 2 silver treasure chests and 1 gold treasure chest, which were originally what he should have obtained when he came to the C area of ​​the underground ruins this time.

However, he only got 25 bronze chests, and 2 silver chests. The remaining 102 bronze chests, 1 silver chest and 1 gold chest are missing.

At the same time, there was also the storage space left by the bodies of those beggars.

Then, here comes the problem.

Not to mention the storage space, those treasure chests will not just disappear.

The proof is that he still managed to recover the treasure chests left by the 27 lizardmen buried under the stones, and this explanation is impossible.

The treasure chest can't disappear on its own. From the smell coming out when the secret passage is opened, it can be seen that the C area has not been opened since the last time it collapsed.

How did the remaining treasure chests and storage space disappear?

Lin Yue drew a circle on it, and an arrow extended out of the circle.

At the end of the arrow is a line of words.

taken by someone.

There is only one answer.

So, let's assume the situation at that time.

The huge vibration caused by the explosion soon triggered a strong chain reaction. The passage was flooded with huge stones for a while. The gravel quickly blocked the exit of the huge room and directly killed 27 lizards. The man and the three turtle crocodiles also trapped a large number of lizards and beggars in the huge room at the time.

The oxygen was quickly exhausted, and the torches on the walls went out one by one. In the darkness, the lizards and beggars who didn't know what was going on were also panicking. As a result, this aggravated the consumption of oxygen. Each struggled to the ground, each dying from a lack of oxygen.

Except, one person.

This person used a special method, or luckily did not directly suffocate, and this person opened his eyes again and found that there were treasure chests and light spots in the storage space, and quickly harvested these things. Drag the body of a lizardman to the circular pattern on the ground, open the secret passage, then walk out from the C2 area and survive successfully.

And after a certain period of time, the organs re-operated, the secret passage was closed again, and the place was completely closed.

Only some bugs and the like came out of the rock crevices and found a large number of corpses, and they multiplied here, so that the meat on the corpses here was quickly eaten up, leaving only the rest. those corpses.

Lin Yue wrote down his inferences in the diary.

If there is one explanation that can completely solve the mystery, it seems to be this one.

Someone is still alive and has stolen the fruits of his victory - most of the treasure chest and all the storage space.

The method used... If there is a lack of oxygen, if you cover your nose, you will definitely not have time to pick up any treasure chest or storage space light spot. If you don't breathe, the longest breath hold record can't do this.

Not to mention searching for these things in the dark.

Therefore, this person should have something like an oxygen tank or a respirator, and survived by luck.

After picking up the treasure chest and storage space, the person directly opened the door of the C2 area and escaped.

This should be the most reasonable explanation.

Lin Yue put down his pen.

This person is real, and, to him, a threat.

It is conceivable that after seeing the treasure chests around every lizardman and putting them in the bag, what else would this person think about besides ecstasy?

Isn't the explosion rate of the treasure box a bit outrageous?

If it were him, Lin Yue felt that he would definitely think so, after all, this is the truth.

The explosion rate of ordinary treasure chests is really not much, if we analyze from the chat records in the group and the world channel, even the Emperor Ou has to kill six or seven mutant creatures to be able to explode one.

If there are 104 lizardmen corpses, there are 104 treasure chests, including silver treasure chests and gold treasure chests...

Anyone would think about it.

Moreover, the "100% explosion rate" will soon be taken seriously.

The ability to 100% burst treasure chests is impossible for other people to have, otherwise, he will not be the only one in the top 100 in the world rankings, but will compete with another person.

Lin Yue believed that the surviving beggar also guessed this.

I am afraid that some related actions will be taken because of this.

Lin Yue looked at the diary again, and what was written on it was his inference just now. Although it was basically confirmed and affirmed the existence of this beggar, but there was no definite evidence - there were beggars who came to the door specifically. To question, then, this matter is not completely certain.

Looking at the diary written by the previous owner of this diary, Lin Yue once again remembered a mystery inside.

Du Ping was still alive, after being killed by him.

Could it be that it was not Du Ping who would be killed, or was it really Du Ping, in fact the Du Ping mentioned in the diary was another one?

It seems impossible, after all, after he killed Du Ping, there was really no such thing in the records of that period of time.

But...who can tell.

Lin Yue closed the diary again and stood up.

Today has just started. Although I have already broken through two underground ruins and obtained two platinum treasure chests and a bunch of other treasure chests, I have no time to open them now.

Walking out of the cool and comfortable house, Lin Yue faced the fierce enough sun, and put the robot dogs that were already hot on the ground but charged into the storage space.

However, after returning to the house, he remembered something.

Wait, wouldn't it be a lot of fun to put a bazooka RPG on a robot dog?

As he said, Lin Yue went to the basement, took out the high-precision research workbench and the bazooka RPG that he had obtained before, and then decomposed the bazooka RPG into a design drawing.

Lin Yue discovered unexpectedly that the various things required on the design drawings were actually alloy-based and not complicated.

Moreover, I don't know if it is a bug. When these weapons are made, even if they do not contain the raw materials of the ammunition, they will have bullets in them. The previous M19 was fine, and the later sprays and MP5 submachine guns were the same.

And it's the same with RPGs now.

The difference is that the RPG has only one warhead.

However, it is enough. The power of this thing needs no further description, and the deterrent is enough.

But the disadvantage is that it is a little dangerous, and Lin Yue doesn't want to play it himself.

Lin Yue took out a robot dog, and leaned on the bazooka RPG that he had made that glowed with metal light.

Soon, the sound of the system came.

[Upgrading the multi-function defense robot to a high-destructive assault multi-function defense robot (loaded bazooka) requires a universal upgrade design drawing X1]

Oh, I didn't ask for the intermediate universal upgrade design, that's not bad.

Lin Yue immediately used a universal upgrade design, and soon the shape of the robot dog also changed!

"Good guy, the bazooka is carried directly on the back, who can't panic."

He found that the rocket launcher is also aimed at infrared, and the system operation seems to be very simple, you can choose the minimum threshold when launching the rocket launcher.

"Then, let's assume that when the number of enemies found exceeds 100, we don't need to attack with M19 pistols or MP5 submachine guns, and start the bazooka."

He was satisfied to see new changes in his robot dog, and he couldn't help but imagine that if the beggars saw such a robot dog appear, then...

Wait, why not?

Lin Yue put all the robot dogs on the bazooka, and a crazy idea was born at the same time.

Will it be very interesting to take these powerful robot dogs and attack the saltpeter mine directly?

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