
At this moment, in front of Lin Yue, fifteen robot dogs have all been equipped with heavy weapons and equipment-bazooka RPG in his transformation just now!

He also transformed the previous ones without solar charging panels. This time, all the robot dogs have the same configuration.

With cameras and robotic arms, they can complete mining and handling.

The M19 pistol, MP5 submachine gun and rocket launcher RPG, equipped with infrared aiming, have the powerful strength to destroy the enemy's living force!

RPG Robot Dog!

No, they should be called...


It can be said that now he has a team of cattle batch!

And it's kind of obedient.

On each robot dog, after he, Xiaobai, Xiaomeng and Xiaobingli have entered the "companion" information, the setting is also completed.

"Now... let's go there, saltpeter mine."

Lin Yue remembered the night assassination attack last night, but in fact, the commotion was not too small.

If you want to do it again, it is probably hanging.

Lizardmen and beggars are not fools. So many people died. If they didn't strengthen their defenses, it would be really worth it. Now they have strengthened their defenses and put in more troops, and now they will go all out. Let's fight against his attack.

It seems, just right.

The more lizards and beggars there are, the more meaningful his dispatch will be!

These weapons on the robot dogs, the more lizardmen, the greater the victory!


The last time there were more than two or three thousand people, will they send more troops to guard this time?

Fifteen robot dogs didn't seem like enough.

For the remaining six, Lin Yue planned to let them mine, so there was no transformation. It was what it was.

While fighting is important, so is mining.

The saltpeter mine is

Well, let's put some more heat on it.

Lin Yue took the ten ballistas out of the storage space, and then loaded them with explosive ballistic arrows one by one, and pulled the bowstrings at the same time, and then put them into the storage space.

Then, he made ten more ballistas, operated it again, and finally made all the steel ball explosives in his hand into explosive ballista arrows for backup.

Of course, Lin Yue did not forget to equip his various weapons with bullets, and also filled up the magazines for backup.

Going back to the escape shelter, in the living room, Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and Xiaobingli are all ready to go.

After Lin Yue gave them some food and let them add some water, he also began to issue combat orders!

"Xiao Meng, set off with me this time. There are also Black Spot and Green Claw. You each bring two little ice lizards. As for Xiao Bai, you are in charge of air support, and the rest are led by Xiao Liuzi and Red Line. Refuge, understand?"

The little friends were full of fighting spirit and nodded to accept the order!

Especially Xiaomeng, this little guy seems to be eager to fight for a long time, eager to try.

"Okay, we're ready to go, Xiaomeng, your weight is too big, Xiaobai can't get you up, and the car is probably hanging, so I can only let you walk."

"Goooo!" Xiaomeng nodded, indicating that there was no problem, and it was okay to run.

Lin Yue was very satisfied with Xiaomeng's answer.

Indeed, it was dozens of kilometers away from the saltpeter mine. The quickest way was to let Xiaobai fly over there, and the second was to drive there.

It's a pity that Xiaomeng's body shape is really a problem now. Not to mention he is almost three meters tall, the muscles on his body look scary, not to mention that he has grown bone armor. Although the weight has not been tested, it will definitely not be too much. light.

Xiaobai absolutely couldn't pick it up and fly, he could only think about it in the car.

The car in his hand is just this ATV. Almost all the other cars have been dismantled into various parts. Only one pickup truck seems to be fine. He has not repaired it yet. , I found that its maximum carrying capacity is only 0.75 tons, which is not much different from that of an ATV.

Indeed, Xiaomeng's combat power is quite terrifying, even stronger than Xiaobai in terms of strength and strength, and even the defensive power is extremely terrifying.

This can be seen from the last time this guy directly punched that powerful poisonous Tianlong to the residual blood, we can see the strength of this guy.

But the strength of terror is also linked to weight, so it can only let it go.

Seems like I should really consider finding some higher-capacity vehicles to return.

However, this all has to wait until the attack on the saltpeter mine is finished.

If you can occupy the saltpeter mine and destroy enough lizards and beggars, it will also bring them a great psychological blow!

Think about it, so far, isn't that surrounded by a circle of walled fortresses, isn't it a "fortress" built by the lizards and beggars? If they can capture that place, then it will greatly weaken the confidence and ambition of the lizards and beggars. After that, even if they want to do something, they must definitely think about it, whether they will be taken again by him. Capture!

Of course, it has to be captured first.

Before leaving, Lin Yue glanced at the system panel and found that Feiyue had already sent the transaction on the asphalt road that he thought he was occupying yesterday. After he walked to the warehouse outside, he immediately chose to receive it. Large tracts of asphalt roads were piled up, slowly occupying as much as half of the warehouse!

It seems that the road can be repaired well after that.

Lin Yue felt that he should also exert his efforts in infrastructure in the future.

Back in the shelter, after he saw what Xiaobai and Xiaomeng said, Xiaomeng rushed out of the room and took the lead.

"Xiao Bai, I'll go to the stone mine first. You take the little ice lizards to the woods near the saltpeter mine, which is where we went last night, and then let them wait there before you come back. Pick me up from the mine, understand?"

"Quack!" Xiaobai nodded heavily, indicating that he understood.

This time, this little guy has a very heavy task. Not only must he have both transportation and combat, but he must also listen to his instructions at any time to avoid possible battles on the side of the refuge.

Coming to the ATV, Lin Yue quickly touched the seat.

"It's so hot, the eggs are cooked in seconds... Wait, I think I'll get eggs?"

Lin Yue suddenly remembered this.

It seems that since coming to another world, eggs have never been eaten.

But wouldn't it be more fun if you could hatch chicks?

Thinking of this, Lin Yue took out an egg from the storage space and put it in his hand.

Just by looking at it with the naked eye, you can't tell whether this thing can hatch chicks. If one is an ordinary dead egg, then it will be a waste of time.

He has no knowledge of this, so go back and ask Fei Yue and the others.

Lin Yue took out a sheepskin of a mutant sheep, cut it into small pieces with a dagger and placed it on the seat to withstand the heat, and then quickly covered the ATV with its own shed.

This time, the temperature finally dropped a little.

After starting the ATV, Lin Yue drove out of the gate of the shelter, and then closed it again.

If the little ice lizards encounter a battle, they can simply go out through the vent.

With a five-meter-high wall, it is impossible for the lizardmen to attack even in a short period of time. Moreover, now in front of Xiaoliuzi and Red Line, the battle-hardened little guys, whether the lizardmen or the beggars , not enough to see at all.

The little ice lizards are extremely fast, and they are quite capable of biting the enemy's fatal point. Even if the enemy is hidden in the soil, they can make these green-scaled guys regret why they came here.

Xiaomeng, who was not as slow as he imagined, drove over the speed, and Lin Yue continued to move forward.

A dark shadow flashed across the road. Lin Yue drove his car and looked up at the sky. It was Xiao Bai who was transporting the little ice lizards.

Xiaobai's speed is obviously faster than his driving, and it won't take long to fly to the saltpeter mine.

Lin Yue stepped up the accelerator, and the speed of the ATV also increased.

It was quite calm along the way. Although there was a lot of excrement left by unknown mutant creatures on the road, the road was basically clean and flat.

The mutant creatures also seem unwilling to run on this extremely heat-absorbing black man-made object on this extremely hot day.

Lin Yue estimated that if the bugs were smaller, they would turn into jerky in an instant.

It's really hot today.

Facing the rolling hot wind, Lin Yue's sweat kept pouring out from his forehead and back, even when the speed was fast.

ATVs are almost fully open, and it is useless to have air conditioning, not to mention no air conditioning.

It seems that the pickup still has to be repaired.

With that in mind, he finally drove the car to the end of the road, where the Ore Mountain is located.

The six robotic dogs with solar charging devices were programmed.

Two mines, two transports, two guards.

They were not equipped with RPG rocket launchers, so that the mine would not collapse because of the launch of that thing.

Although the number is less than before, their combat effectiveness can still be guaranteed.

Although we have to fight, we still have to continue to mine.

Soon, the robot dogs began to operate, and Lin Yue was not idle.

There are many designs of the shelter at hand, which can be used to build a warehouse here to store stone and iron.

He circled around the neighborhood, and soon established an underground shelter on a small dirt slope that was several meters above the other plots, nearly a hundred meters away!

The 40-square-meter site was still too small for a single shelter as a warehouse. Lin Yue was directly next to this shelter, and built eight more shelters around it!

The volume of a shelter is actually not large, 5X8X3, only 120 cubic meters, 9 are only 1080 cubic meters, temporarily used as a warehouse, it is actually not bad.

It didn't take long for Lin Yue to build the shelter and put a lot of iron blocks in its walls to complete the reinforcement.

After that, he returned to the ground and used the cover to hide the underground shelter.

After doing this, he looked over to the mine and found that the robot dogs had already started to build stone mountains, and the speed was quite fast!

He walked over to observe for a while, looked up at the sky, and found that Xiaobai still hadn't come back.

Did something happen?

Lin Yue went down to the mine, and walked towards the inside from the passage. The huge mine was still in front of him, and it seemed to be deeper than before.

Xiaobai still didn't mean to come back. Lin Yue went down to the bottom of the mine and observed the mining of the robot dogs.

However, he noticed that something seemed wrong on the ground.

"Black...what is this?" There was a large black thing under the feet, and even if a flashlight was used, there was only a slight reflection.


After the system identified it, it immediately gave Lin Yue the answer.

What? !

Is it coal?

Man, what a new find!

Lin Yue took out an iron pickaxe and tapped it. After a few taps, the system displayed a prompt [You got Coal X1]

Coal... fuel!

Before, he also had coal.

It was before the first announcement of the disaster. Someone in the group mined coal. He just changed it with a little water, and then when the wood was lacking, he did use it in the fireplace. in.

But later, because the weather wasn't too cold, he didn't have the conditions to open the fireplace again, and naturally he didn't have the idea to collect the coal.

Coal is actually not very useful in this world. After all, there are no cold days, and everyone doesn't need to burn it for warmth. That is to say, some refuge villages with hand-crafted weapons will need it.

However, compared to wood, they are relatively more difficult to obtain and tasteless.

Therefore, there are indeed very few sold in the trading market, and there is no name for it in the governance of the survival point.

This seems odd, but it makes sense.

How can something worthless be used as a weight in exchange for something?

But for Lin Yue, this is another incredible resource.

He also has an integrated forging workshop, which has been unable to do it because there is no man to fuel, and there is no suitable material. The smelting furnace is also used as a mascot in the yard because it has no fuel.

In fact, thinking about it now, if a large amount of coal is supplied, will it be a little trickier?



At this moment, a low roar sounded from outside the cave, and Lin Yue also walked straight up, passing through the tunnel from the mine and returning to the wasteland.

Xiaobai landed next to the mine and was calling him.

"Xiao Bai, let's go, let's hurry up... eh? Your tail, what's going on?"

Lin Yue suddenly discovered that there was actually a bow and arrow stuck in Xiaobai's tail, and a trace of blood was constantly emerging from there!

"Ga woo..." Little Baitou looked in the direction of the saltpeter mine, and Lin Yue immediately understood.

It's attacked over there!

Different from the smaller ice lizard, Xiaobai is relatively easier to attack, but how could it be shot at such a fast speed?

"Be patient, I have to pull this out for you." Lin Yue walked over and rushed into the storage space to take out the toolbox.

Although the frequency of appearance of the toolbox is low, it hardly leaves his storage space without taking up space.

Lin Yue took out the wire saw and pliers, and peeled off the arrow shaft and the metal arrow that was almost completely submerged in the tail. Then, he took out the first aid kit and found a medical scalpel to cut open the wound. Pull the arrow out slowly with a hemostat!

Xiaobai has been enduring the pain, his body trembled slightly, and Lin Yue also knew that Xiaobai was enduring.

Blood flowed out immediately, but Lin Yue realized that the color of the blood didn't seem right?

How is it... black?

A bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart!

"No way, could it be that this arrow..."

[Poison arrows, poison arrows infiltrated with the blood of the tabby shadow deer]


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