With the sound of a violent explosion, the huge smoke and dust rushed into the sky along with countless rocks and fragments of corpses, and then fell quickly.

【You got the copper treasure chest】

【You got the copper treasure chest】

【You got... 】

The system's voice rang out in a hurry, but Lin Yue didn't stop his movements.

Whoosh! !

A burst of ballista arrows flew out again, smashing another dozens of lizardmen from the ground into pieces!

Stealing home?

Good guy, don't ask, the combat effectiveness of this most central commander?


With another burst, the lizardmen sneak attack team turned into scumbags, and there was no shit left, but they kindly left the treasure chest.

Although he really does not like the copper treasure chest.

The first wave of Lizardmen's offensive was also instantly disintegrated because of these three critical strikes. Lin Yue checked a little and found that there were some wounded soldiers. He ignored them and fired three flaming arrows to turn them into fireballs.

Treasure chest, he has no time to pick it up, it would be too much to be attacked for picking up the treasure chest.

Adding new explosive ballista ammunition to the ballista, Lin Yue glanced at the battle situation in the distance.

Hundreds of meters away, the robot dogs cooperated seamlessly, each fighting under the attack of the enemy phalanx, and it seemed that the results were quite satisfactory. Many lizardmen had already retreated and fled, and only less than half were still stubbornly resisting.

Xiaomeng's side is completely one-sided. The lizard people seem to be really not enough to play in front of Xiaomeng. Their bows and arrows and spears cannot pierce Xiaomeng's bone armor, even if they throw bombs, they will Because of Xiaomeng's short-range instant sprint, he couldn't hit at all, but instead injured his own personnel.

Of course, a lot of the lizard people also adopted detour tactics, double-teaming him from both sides, as if they wanted to take his command post directly, and they were aggressive!

However, Lin Yue didn't think that the bursting ballista arrows on the dozen or so ballistas around him were vegetarians.

"Lizardmen, they really like to seek excitement."

Lin Yue was also a little helpless, it seemed that there were quite a lot of copper treasure chests to accumulate again.

Originally, one of his starting points when he made robot dogs to fight was to let these robot dogs harvest such annoying and extremely numerous creatures as Lizardmen without having to do it himself, but now, when the treasure chest is full, he really hopes Instead of killing these soldiers, the copper treasure chest exploded.

It is true that copper treasure chests can be opened like water, food, or some survival gadgets, or even regional maps.

But for him, he already has a lot of these things, especially water and food, which is enough for him to last two or three years without leaving home.

Those survival gadgets are even more useless, such as all kinds of knives, pots and pans, etc. Basically, there is a lot of inventory, and more will only make the warehouse more bloated.

The only useful thing is the regional map fragments.

It is quite difficult to create a map of the physical body in this other world. Even with the help of Xiaobai or an ATV, the distance he can travel in a day is very limited, and the efficiency of creating a map is extremely low.

So, at present, for him, the purpose of collecting copper treasure chests is the regional map fragments.


Another burst of ballista arrows was sent out, and the huge crossbow arrows also successfully exploded the moment they hit the enemy, turning these lizardmen who raised their bows and arrows to play arrow rain for him again into treasure chests.

Mmmm, copper treasure chest.



A strange roar came from nowhere.

Mutant creatures? Or……

However, at the same time, someone sent him a private message.

Lin Yue took a look, oh? It was actually Xing Lingfeng!

Did this guy finally reply?

"Sorry, Lin Yue, we have been searching for resources in the secret realm recently, but we have hardly avoided the difficult village, and we have never contacted you there. By the way, we have found some pretty good things. Do you have what you need? "

Xing Lingfeng quickly listed a lot of tables, Lin Yue glanced at it, stepped on the trigger of the ballista next to him, and killed another bunch of lizardmen.

"Oh, there are these...then they can be exchanged." Lin Yue quickly discovered that the list provided by Xing Lingfeng contained several parts necessary for the robot dog, and they were not available in the World Trade Center!

here it is, isn't it?

"What do you want, I have vegetables and meat, wine, and... information." Lin Yue glanced around, and another wave of lizardmen crawled out of the ground and rushed over, and he also easily destroyed it as usual.

He didn't bring much vegetables and meat, and most of the vegetables were given to Fei Yue. As for wine, which did not take up space and could be used as hard currency, Lin Yue also had a lot.

As for information...

Need to say more about the importance of this thing?

It can be said that in the 21st century, no, the most valuable and important thing in another world is "information"!

The premise is that the information is valuable enough.

And judging from the reaction from Fei Yue yesterday, the kind of information he received yesterday, even almost all the survivors were not aware of the possibility that it was possible to do so.

"Vegetables and meat, we have enough for the time being. They have always existed before. What about wine? If there is, we would need some, but we are more interested in the information you said."

Xing Lingfeng immediately replied to Lin Yue, and his reply was within Lin Yue's expectations.

Knew it.

But the premise is that Xing Lingfeng really doesn't know the valuable information he knows.

After the barter has reached a certain level, this kind of information should be valuable, and the premise is that things will develop like this when there are very few people who find it.

While watching Xing Lingfeng's reply, Lin Yue stepped on the trigger of one of the ballistas. After an explosive ballista arrow was fired, he replied again.

"If I say, how can I not be attacked by mutant creatures at night, and will not be attacked by monsters when I arrive in the secret realm, are you interested?"

Lin Yue listened to the roaring sound in his ears, and confirmed the battle situation on the side of the robot dog and Xiaomeng.


The roar came again.

But it disappeared to nowhere.

Looking at the chat panel again, I found that Xing Lingfeng only replied one message.

"We'll trade everything you want this time around, how about that?"


Xing Lingfeng didn't know either!

Lizardmen are by far the toughest foes, as are nocturnal mutants.

Not to mention the rampage in the secret realm, the monsters that can give survivors a sudden attack at any time and cause them to be severely injured.

For the survivors, the mutant creatures at night are insane, and the number is so large that even a team of more than 100 people cannot fight against them.

This also led to almost all the night time of the survivors being wasted in the past, and some people who were used to the reversal of day and night would make it extremely difficult to survive because of this.

But now he has a way.

The blood and sweat of the lizardmen can make mutant creatures escape, and also make the monsters in the secret realm no longer scary.

"Since you need it, it's naturally the best, but I'll talk about it after I get rid of the little things now."

Lin Yue took a closer look at Xing Lingfeng's list of supplies, and found that there was actually a large motor in it!

Good guy, isn't that enough parts for the power plant?

And the price is just a piece of information.

boom! !

This time, the ballistas roared in the first three directions, and the lizardmen who were trying to come to three sides were also turned into corpses and seriously injured by this blow!

Lin Yue used the MP5 to make up for the knife calmly. After thinking about it, he still needed to get the parts of the robot dog together.

"Xing Lingfeng, I need these things, I will exchange them with wine first, and I will exchange the rest of the information with that information, how?"


No, this sound is not right. Could it be that there is...

"Really? Then we are embarrassed to take advantage of you." Xing Lingfeng had just recovered from his extreme excitement, and Lin Yue said this now, making him excited again.

This deal is so worth it!

So far, neither they nor other survivors have been able to find a way to calmly move outside the shelter at night, because the number of mutant creatures at night will become extremely large, which also makes any survival There is no way for this to happen, not even a little better way.

As for the monsters in the secret realm, it is one of the important reasons for the downsizing of the refuge village. If you can avoid contact with the monsters in the secret realm, it will be easier to explore the secret realm!

And at this moment, Lin Yue actually said how to deal with these... This kind of information, in fact, no matter how he thought about it, his seemingly huge materials couldn't be replaced at all.

But Lin Yue not only changed it, but also added wine...

Xing Lingfeng felt that he took too much advantage this time!

From the current point of view, no one has said this... Could it be that this kind of information is exclusively enjoyed by me?

Xing Lingfeng looked at the people in the refuge village. When everyone heard the words of Lin Yue he just repeated, they couldn't sit still.

The days of fighting and collecting in the secret realm have made these people extremely tired, but after hearing about Lin Yue's information, their mood is even more exciting than before going to the secret realm!

"Boss, really? Does Mr. Lin Yuet really have a way to let us go out at night without fear?" You Siyuan looked excited, "If this is true, it would be outrageous!"

"Since Lin Yue is sure, it is enough to prove that indeed, he should have a way... Wait, I just received a very important message from Kasbah and the others."

Xing Lingfeng greeted everyone to put away their weapons and equipment, and everyone came to the second floor of the main refuge, which is the battle command room of the refuge village.

"Information? Boss, tell me." Everyone packed up, and after Xing Lingfeng came to the second floor, they all sat in front of the huge table and looked at the leader.

Xing Lingfeng closed the system panel and his body trembled.

He took a few deep breaths and felt that he could calm down a bit, but he still couldn't restrain his shock, even fear!

"This piece of information is said to have been known to many people, and only those of us who have been in the secret realm don't know."

Feng Peng, You Siyuan, and Huo Yu looked at each other in dismay, and the others were also confused.

What kind of information deserves the leader's attention? Moreover, why is the leader so excited?

"This incident only strikes me as a shock... Last night, nearly seventy beggars were assassinated." Fei Yue said, his voice trembling!

"What, what!" Everyone couldn't believe what they had just heard. Nearly seventy beggars were assassinated? Not only killed, but assassinated?

"Kasbar said that this is a definitive testimony from a group of beggars who also escaped because of this incident. The beggars also escaped from the control of the lizardmen. The source of information is more than One, the world channel has also spread."

The shock in the hearts of the people is self-evident.

Who can assassinate nearly seventy beggars, and it's still night... night? Wait, the leader just said that Lin Yue provided a way to go out at night?

Moreover, this can even make many beggars out of the control of the original lizard people, why?

Is it related to the cause of death?

"The information is very reliable, and there are photos to prove it. I have sent it to you. You can take a good look at it."

As Xing Lingfeng said, there were five more bottles of wine in his hand, all of them whisky.

He opened a bottle, took out the dozens of small wine glasses that he had obtained from exploring the secret realm before, and slowly poured it down, his arms trembling.

Everyone looked at the photo sent to them by the leader in silence. Everyone was as shocked as Xing Lingfeng at the moment, and they didn't even know that there was a glass of wine in front of them.

"Guns, gunshot wounds, and the kind at close range!" Feng Peng exclaimed suddenly!

The others also nodded slightly. The round hole in the forehead, there are traces of skin burns due to the high temperature when the gun was fired. This is undoubtedly the result of the gun being shot directly on the forehead.

In this world, people with hot weapons and the ability to haunt at night and successfully assassinate beggars...

There seems to be only one person.

"Everyone seems to know who this person is. My only impression is that we are lucky to have a 'friend' relationship with him, not an enemy."

Fei Yue said, put down the empty wine bottle, and took a deep breath.

Everyone nodded again, their hearts were complicated, but they all breathed a sigh of relief, yes, it is fortunate that they are not enemies of each other.

Otherwise, they just finished shouting "kill Lin Yue" today, and they will be able to collect the corpse tomorrow.

Currently in this world, for all beggars, the biggest enemy and threat is the combination of lizards and beggars.

They are hidden underground, possess an unimaginable number and almost the same weapons as the survivors, and are assisted by beggars, the fallen human beings, and are difficult to deal with.

Lin Yue called on everyone on the World Channel to eliminate these threatening enemies, and there were quite a few people who responded.

But it is Lin Yue who has consistently eliminated them, and the assassination of nearly 70 people is also his masterpiece this time.

"Lin Yue just replaced some of the mechanical parts in our pile of harvests. I don't know what he will use those things to make?" Xing Lingfeng said, sipping the glass of whisky in front of him into his mouth. .

The spicy taste of the wine also stimulated his brain cells.

In fact, he also obtained an intelligence from Kasbah.

The location of the beggars who were assassinated by Lin Yue last night was really not far from Lin Yue's sanctuary.

And there, it is said that there is a huge mine.

It is also not far from the mine, and there is a giant creature that seems to be guarding there, a huge but sleeping giant creature!

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