
A low, trembling howl resounded from somewhere around, like a ghost, and disappeared easily.

This sound is not from the lizardmen, nor from a beggar, and Xiaomeng in the distance will not make such an unpleasant roar.

But I don't know when it started, it seems that after the battle started, this kind of sound has been pouring out, causing Lin Yue to have a strange emotion.

"what is it?"

After Lin Yue took the trouble to blast away another wave of lizardmen crawling out of the ground with explosive ballista arrows, he opened the system panel and clicked on the manufacturing interface.

Explosive Ballista Arrows are still in stock.

But he also needs to use some new technical means to defend this position.

Soon, as a burst of white light rose, there were eight more things on the ground shining with metal light, but with a very high-tech appearance-robot dogs!

Lin Yue quickly set these robot dogs to the solar charging mode and let them charge first.

So far, the bursting ballista arrows should have smashed and repelled about three or four hundred lizardmen, and of course the surrounding treasure chests were piled up to a certain limit.

Lin Yue took the sprayer in his hand, and after collecting a large number of copper treasure chests into the storage space at the fastest speed, he returned to the very center of the position again.

Here he must meet enemies that may come from any direction, and destroy them as quickly as possible!

Although now, the edge of the stone platform is filled with the remains of the lizardmen, but they seem to be quite determined, and they want to use a large number of troops to kill the survivors in his command center.

Therefore, the number of lizardmen crawling out of the ground is really numerous.

However, Lin Yue actually found it quite interesting.

The more he comes, the more he kills, and the less lizardmen in total—if the birth rate keeps up.

He looked into the distance, Xiaomeng was still in the open unparalleled, and even killed hundreds of lizardmen besieging in front of him. At this moment, he was chasing the fleeing lizardmen and came under the wall fortress, using that unimaginably hard bone. A, is hitting the wall body frantically, and even a part of it has been blasted!

And the various weapons in the hands of the lizards and the beggars can't do much damage to Xiaomeng at all. It can even be said that their attacks are just tickling Xiaomeng, and they don't work at all.

Lin Yue believes that unless the lizard people can bombard Xiaomeng with a large amount of explosives, it is really not that easy to get rid of this rampant chariot.

Of course, Xiaomeng will not give them this opportunity. Not only is it extremely powerful, but its sprint speed in a short distance is also quite terrifying. As long as there are explosives nearby, it will also evade and quickly counterattack these explosives in its hands. Lizardman.

As for the robot dog and the little ice lizard on both sides, the situation is not too optimistic.

The sound of gunfire was sparse, not as dense as it was at the beginning. It wasn't that the number of lizardmen had been reduced to a certain extent, but that they didn't have much leftovers in their bullet bays.

The number of Lizardmen is far more than the number of bullets in their magazines, and even because more Lizardmen and even beggars have joined the battle from inside the wall, the number of enemies has also become more. too much.

Even if there are eight heads on one side, the total number of Lizardmen that can be eliminated is very limited. In the face of the maddened enemies, they have always been fighting and retreating. If it wasn't for Xiaomeng attracting too many enemies in the central area, their The situation will be more difficult.

However, Lin Yue had already foreseen this situation, and it was clear that things might develop accordingly.

His countermeasures were also thought out before the battle began.

When the robot dogs were sent out, he also set it up so that the little guys would quickly return to the position after the magazines were completely out of stock. At the same time, the little ice lizards were responsible for cover and finally retreated.

When the lizardmen began to prepare to charge, he would drive the beach buggy, sprinkle a large amount of gasoline on the periphery of the main position, and set it on fire at the same time, blocking all the rushing lizardmen from the circle of fire.

The lizard people will definitely choose to burrow into the ground, then pass through the fire ring from the ground, and then come to attack.

And what greeted them was the crazy counterattack of the robot dogs whose magazines were full.

The little ice lizards will naturally not miss this hunting moment!

And exploding ballista arrows will naturally burst out the most dazzling artillery fire at this moment!

This is the plan.



The sound came again.

Even in the middle of this noisy battlefield, Lin Yue could hear clearly, even more clearly than before.

Lin Yue had already guessed what this might be, but he didn't know where the person who made this sound was.

"Giant creature. There should be no mistake, it can make this sound, and it has not been scared away by the sound of artillery fire here, but the sound is getting louder and louder, but where will it be?"

He has seen the giant creature twice, whether it is a bull snake dragon or a bone worm, and it has all become a corpse under his hands.

And he even killed two of the giant creatures poison Tianlong who came from the secret realm.

This kind of thing doesn't actually pose much threat to him. If there is, then maybe because of its appearance, the future battle plan he designed himself may be affected.

Shouldn't Xiao Meng be called back, and then...


At this moment, a black shadow covered the sky, and a hurricane was instantly set off!

The black shadow let out a terrifying roar, and rushed into the sky above the battlefield from a distance like an arrow from the string, and then dived down and drilled into the army of lizardmen besieging the robot dogs!

As the frenzied cries of the lizardmen sounded, they fell like rice grains cut by scythes!

The white figure quickly flew from the left side of the battlefield to the vicinity of the central wall, and rushed into the enemy group with waving fangs and claws. It was directly drawn to the skin and fleshy!

It didn't stay here too much. After destroying the nearby enemies with Xiaomeng, it ran to the right side of the battlefield and harvested the lizardmen there again!

Oh, it's just in time, Xiaobai!

Although I don't know what happened in the shelter, the brave Xiaobai did

Lin Yue saw that the robot dogs had started to go back, and knowing that their magazines were empty, he raised the flare gun.

Whoosh! !

A flare of light shines brightly, even in the daytime!

Xiaomeng's roar echoed in the distance, realizing that this was a signal to withdraw to the position.

As the robot dogs returned quickly, the little ice lizards also turned into streaks of silver light and returned to the center of the position. A roar sounded in the distance, and Xiaomeng also fought and retreated. Of course, there was no enemy blocking its return. Accidentally, it was killed, trampled to death, and turned into flesh by the violent impact of its huge claws.

With the assistance of Xiaobai, Xiaomeng quickly withdrew from the fence to the position, and returned to Lin Yue's side again.

In the end, Xiao Bai made another dive. After killing nearly a hundred lizardmen, he also flew to the position.

Lin Yue immediately took out a large amount of food for Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and the little ice lizards to eat to replenish their stamina.

Ice lizards are creatures that like to eat, and they also absorb energy from food. Even a little white like Xiaobai can burst out with unimaginable power when he is full!

He stuffed a small lion-headed steak into his mouth, wondering if he wanted to build a shelter on the ground.

The weather is too hot and the sun is too poisonous, just now he felt that his head had been sunburned and uncomfortable.

Moreover, the high temperature caused by the sunlight can easily cause the temperature of the robot dogs to be too high and cause system errors, and it is not good if they eventually lead to failures.


The roaring voice was much clearer than before.

After Xiaobai and Xiaomeng each swallowed a large piece of steak, they also looked up and looked around, and they had already noticed the movement.

Lin Yue looked around at the heads of these two guys, and finally landed on the left side of the position. After that, Lin Yue immediately understood what he had been on the gravel ground.

Good guy, it's underground, no wonder you can't see it anywhere, only the sound keeps coming out.

Wait, there must be a channel leading to the ground when the sound comes out, where is this channel...

Just thinking about it, Lin Yue suddenly found that with a continuous roar, the ground suddenly swelled, and a large number of rocks rolled down with it, making a deafening explosion!

The smoke and dust were billowing like an explosion, and it was blown away, dyeing half of the entire blue sky into an earth color!

The Lizardmen Legion that was regrouping and preparing to attack this side also stopped advancing because of this shock. Amidst the smoke, an incomparably huge figure suddenly appeared!

And as the smoke and dust fell, a giant creature with a rather strange appearance revealed its true face in a corner of the battlefield!

The blue-grey carapace shell that reflects the sunlight envelops this monster with a height of nearly 30 meters but an upright body.

It has a slender head shape like an alien, with a huge mouth that makes the scalp numb, and there are thousands of sharp teeth, so sharp that it seems to be able to chop anything! At the back of the head, there are a large number of white tentacles that stretch toward the sky. The slightly smaller eyes, which are red as a whole, are mostly covered by the bone shell and are deeply embedded on both sides of the skull, making it almost impossible to see. .

Under the upright body covered with thick and sturdy armor, there are eight legs like a spider, but it is also a carapace shell, not fleshy.

What is even more frightening is that it also has two pairs of giant claws like crabs, and they look extremely sharp. The pair of giant claws on the top are curled up and seem to be longer, and are connected to the body with arthropod-like forearms. And the pair below is full of spikes and even bigger.

It was covered in thick and sturdy armor as a whole, and it looked quite frightening.

And like those giant creatures before, it feels like it has been "pieced together" by different creatures, and then magnified many times.


It is now raising the pair of longer slender giant claws and waving in the direction of the Lizardmen.

Oh wow.

Seems to be a helper?

"Quack!" Xiaobai sensed the extreme danger, it reminded Lin Yue of the threat of this giant creature, and was also asking for his orders!

"Xiao Bai, observe, we still don't need any strength to deal with this kind of thing."

After seeing this monster at this moment, Lin Yue didn't have the so-called "fear" and "awe" in his heart, but more of a kind of "expectation".

This giant creature is now facing the giant claws at the lizardmen in the other direction not far away.

Will it attack these monsters with green scales?



After the giant creature glanced here, it suddenly roared again, and the eight arthropod-like carapace giant legs also began to move, and its moving direction was exactly the direction of the lizard people!

And as it kept getting closer, more shouts and roars erupted from the lizard crowd, and they no longer attacked Lin Yue. Instead, because of the appearance of this giant creature, they put all their forces into Attack it!

The giant creatures also sped up their pace to attack them, and even killed dozens of lizardmen!

Lin Yue looked at the sudden change in front of him and suddenly understood.

This giant creature... doesn't seem to rely on smell or sight to find enemies, but by hearing.

Developed hearing!

It has always been quiet here, except when Xiaobai roared, causing the giant creature to sway his head here, and then he was completely attracted by the noisy lizard people, and finally went there.

From the point of view of drilling out of the ground, it seems that this giant creature really relies more on hearing, just like the various animals in the ground on the earth.

Before the battle broke out here, the robot dogs may have woken up the guy after firing RPG rockets. After that, he has been using explosive ballista arrows to create explosions, making the giant creature wake up completely. After the protest, the giant creature finally couldn't bear it anymore, got out of the surface and took part in the battle.

It should be so.

"Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, don't make any noise from now on."

Lin Yue instructed the little guys that their roars were enough to attract the guy's attention, and he didn't want to have one more enemy before dealing with the lizardmen, even if it was actually quite easy for him to deal with.

He immediately created a shelter on the ground, and he also put all the robot dogs into the storage space, and entered the shelter and took them out one by one to fill up the magazines.

And Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and other little ice lizards all came in to rest. The sunlight outside was too fierce and the temperature was too high.

Lin Yue motioned for Xiaobai to spray out an appropriate amount of icy mist, which made this small room of 40 square meters more comfortable.

He took out a thick sheepskin and spread it in the middle of the room, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng were lying on the ground, and the little ice lizards were lying prone nearby.

Lin Yue methodically continued to reload the magazines of the robot dogs, and kept taking the newly made robot dogs that had been basking in the sun for a while back into the shelter, and kept setting programs for them.

Of course, Lin Yue, who was feeling the comfortably cool temperature, did not forget to take out two large bottles of Lei Bi, let Xiao Bai cool down a little, poured them into a cup and let them drink.

This kind of comfortable life is like a world of difference from the ardor of the battlefield where the giant creatures attacked the Lizardmen Legion.

"Giant creatures, how can you not use them?"

Lin Yue finally packed up all the robot dogs, sat on the chair with his legs crossed, and said leisurely with a glass of iced Lei Bi in his hand.

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