Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 359 The world rankings continue, the prelude to the triple disaster!

In the early morning, Lin Yue stretched and walked out of the bedroom.

Xiaobai was still asleep as usual, while Xiaomeng and the other little ice lizards seemed to be resting by the pool and did not come out either.

Lin Yue walked to the kitchen and boiled some water with the electric kettle. It was a little cold in this room, so drink some hot to warm up.

So far, only instant coffee is available. Although I really want to drink some ground coffee, I really can’t ask for more in this different world.

Some drinks are not bad, but if you want to have higher requirements, you have to see how powerful the treasure chest is.

However, there are indeed few surprises in the items below the treasure chest recently. I don’t know if it is because of the dark face, or because almost all things are almost there. The treasure chests below the treasure chest, he has now Some don't look good.

But it is true that all kinds of things have generally been opened, but a closer look shows that they are a lot worse.

The system doesn't seem to put everything in the treasure chest. The wooden treasure chest is food and water, but there are only a few kinds of food, either bread or instant noodles, which are high-calorie things that can maintain a person's initial work. physical demands.

The iron treasure chest can open all kinds of very basic survival equipment, such as flashlights and various design drawings, etc., and occasionally open food, but it is not much different from the wooden treasure chest.

The copper treasure chest is more abundant, from food to various survival equipment of various sizes, as well as the design of the shelter, etc., and occasionally plant seeds can be opened, which is not bad.

At the beginning of the silver treasure chest, the content of the treasure chest has also improved in quality or quantity, and there will be some weapons and the like, but the quality is not very good, and the probability of exploding weapons is quite low.

Needless to say, there is nothing wrong with the treasure chest, no matter what design drawings, entities, or weapons, the quality is higher than the silver treasure chest, and the probability of opening good things is also higher. High, and most of them have things that can change the status quo of survival, such as high-precision research workbenches. Even if the food comes out, it is the kind that is enough to eat for a long time.

A platinum treasure chest... Anything that comes out is shocking and shocking, whether it's a Katyusha rocket launcher, a long-range ICBM launcher, or various processing factories, alloy gift bags, armed armored vehicles, etc. Everywhere are powerful weapons that can change strength or destroy the enemy.

And these treasure chests, thinking about it now, actually have certain so-called "level" requirements for survivors.

Wooden treasure chests, as long as it is not in a wasteland like him, there are little bugs everywhere, even if the probability is low, there is a chance to obtain water and food, and the amount will not be too small.

When the survivors first crossed over, as long as they didn't want to lie flat or were not lazy, and had a little common sense, they could get enough water and food to support them to survive.

When you master certain survival skills and kill the slightly more powerful mutant creatures, iron treasure chests and copper treasure chests will begin to appear, and the items opened in them will also improve the quality of life of the survivors, and their combat effectiveness will be improved. More bonuses.

And if you are lucky enough to kill a mutant creature that can drop a silver treasure chest, or a lizard man, then the contents inside will also give survivors more help for survival. Of course, this so-called "lucky" also needs to survive their strengths have reached a certain level.

Either fight alone to be strong, or gather together to increase combat effectiveness with the number of people.

And the vast majority of survivors choose the latter. Of course, this is the most suitable way to survive at present. After all, there are very few soldiers like kings in this world. Even if there are, it is estimated that some The leader of the refuge village, like Xing Lingfeng, is an example.

After the system launched the leaderboard, the treasure chest became the first reward of the group, which also gave the refuge villages that had occupied the first place in each group an excellent opportunity to develop. With the treasure chest, these groups The first-place refuge village in the group is also expanding its strength with this power, and the number of people has also increased.

As for the platinum treasure chest, it seems that until now, it has always been his exclusive reward. No one else has opened it or obtained it. If you want to get it, you must kill a large number of lizards and beggars. Find all the hidden passages in the underground ruins to get the reward of the platinum treasure chest.

And now that the Lizardmen are not in the underground ruins at all, I am afraid that even if they step through the underground ruins, it is estimated that they will not be recognized by the system, so they will get a platinum treasure chest.

The water in the kettle began to tumble, and a lot of bubbles and white steam came out.

Lin Yue took out the kettle, took out the instant coffee, and immediately made a cup of coffee. He walked to the window in the corridor with the cup in his hand. I took out a bag of chocolate biscuits that I got from opening the treasure chest before, the kind of pure cocoa butter.

Tea is good, but at least Lin Yue doesn't have the habit of drinking it in the morning. He has never made any serious black tea or green tea, only some tea bags, and not too many.

If you want a better quality of life, you need to keep opening the treasure chest.

Morning light shines through the huge glass windows into the shelter.

Lin Yue in front of the window was eating biscuits and drinking coffee. His sleepiness gradually disappeared, and his mind gradually became clearer.

He opened the system panel and looked directly at the leaderboard.

He was no longer surprised and puzzled by the above ranking list.

After exchanging a large amount of materials with a huge amount of saltpeter this time, it is unreasonable that his score is not high.

Of course, not the first, it is strange.

"The leaderboard, it's not that there are no bright spots."

1. Lin Yue 45411 points

2. Lily Callahao (Refuge Village) 17,951 points

3. Jia Yunzhan (Refuge Village) 7557 points

4. Xing Lingfeng (Refuge Village) 7493 points

5. Kasbah (Refuge Village) 6998 points

6. Alessandro (Refuge Village) 6741 points

7. Sun Si (Refuge Village) 5988 points

8. Carmel James (Refuge Village) 5,622 points

9. Feiyue (Refuge Village) 5567 points

10. Nobuyoshi Takeda (Refuge Village) 4917 points


Among the top ten, there was a name that Lin Yue was very familiar with.

"Fei Yue has also made a lot of money... I didn't expect it to increase the noun to the ninth place this time."

Fei Yue's progress is obvious.

In the last disaster, Lin Yue saw that their refuge village was still the top five in the group, but this time it went straight to the top ten in the world!

In this short seven days, Fei Yue and the others also broke into butterflies, and finally reached the height of the ninth place in the world.

You must know that the groups in this world are not as small as dozens or hundreds. With a population of more than two billion, at least one million or more groups, it is quite remarkable to be able to progress to the top ten. .

There are indeed a lot of his factors in this.

The last time the lizardmen attacked Feiyue and their refuge village at night, he told them the design of the crossbow and the secret of the sweat and blood of the lizardmen because of the possibility of this ally's future and various reasons. This is precisely the beginning of their take-off.

The proof is that after they moved out of the original refuge village and arrived at a new survival point, they settled down very quickly, and then obtained a huge amount of resources in the secret realm.

After the crossbow is equipped with the entire battle team, if the tactics are appropriate, with the help of the sweat and blood of the lizardmen, it is not a big problem to travel to the secret realm.

What it lacks, it is estimated that it is the ability to fight collectively against the enemy's large army.

After all, no matter how powerful the crossbow arrow is, it is still a cold weapon. If they face the lizardmen army of ten thousand people directly, even if Fei Yue and the others are all hits, it is estimated that they will be submerged by the tide attack.

Indeed, with the same cold weapons, a large number of people can easily destroy a refuge village... Although Lin Yue still can't figure out why the lizard people didn't do this, they obviously have numbers, and some beggars give them Weapons can make them traverse the whole other world.

But they have always been active on a small scale, and they don't easily leave the underground. Even if they attack the refuge village, from the chat records on the World Channel, it seems that only he and Feiyue have encountered this kind of thing.

Perhaps the reason why they did not attack the refugee villages of survivors is because they themselves have countless organizations and tribes, etc., and the information between them is not smooth. ,

The number of beggars is unknown, and the number of Lizardmen is huge.

For a long time in the future, they will be the existence that all survivors are afraid of.

Or rather, they are another "disaster"!

And this extremely hot disaster forced these lizard people and beggars to gather together and migrate to mountains and other areas...

Is it conceivable that they will also take this opportunity to exchange news and intelligence, quickly integrate from loose organizations and form a stronger and united force, and then take this opportunity to become survivors in the next disaster cycle? The "disaster" you most want to see?

It's not impossible...

Lin Yue shook his head, hoping not to do this.

Even he couldn't wipe out tens of thousands of lizardmen corps in a short time, and so far those desperate guys have not used even thousands of troops to target him. The person who takes the initiative to attack is that he has a certain relationship.

"If it really develops that much, we really need to think about countermeasures."

It is a habit of Lin Yue to plan ahead and think more.

It is also the wisdom that he can survive alone in this different world full of crises.

Although the 100% explosion rate is powerful, people who can't use it, or people who rely only on it but are incompetent, can't survive until now.

On the leaderboard, he did not expect that he would be able to lead so much, and directly reached the score that made Lily Karahao, who was in second place, somewhat desperate.

Last time, the gap was obviously not as big as this time.

Lily Karahao seems to be a hero in a girl's middle school. Xing Lingfeng has mentioned her several times before, saying that this person wants to absorb Xing Lingfeng and their refuge village, and then integrate them.

Now this score can be seen, it seems that Karahao has absorbed a lot of survivors into the refuge village, and it has also successfully widened the gap between their refuge village and the third place.

There is not much chance of catching up even for a while.

The gap between Jia Yunzhan in third place, Xing Lingfeng in fourth place, and Fei Yue in ninth place is not too obvious. It is possible for anyone to reach third place next time.

And this time, half of the people were actually from the Tang country, which still made Lin Yue quite comfortable.

This proves that in this disaster, Tang people have surpassed other people to a considerable extent, and in this different world, they have gradually become the leading group!

As a Tang countryman, Lin Yue also has a special emotion that arises spontaneously.

But to be honest, among these people, there are also many unfamiliar faces.

Among the top ten, Xing Lingfeng and Jia Yunzhan who were there last time, Sun Si and Feiyue this time, these people's refuge villages, he is only familiar with Feiyue.

Although Xing Lingfeng's side has always maintained a relatively good relationship, Lin Yue is not familiar with their refuge village at all, and the relationship with Xing Lingfeng is also a simple and stable trading partner.

Although Xing Lingfeng led a lot of people from the refuge village to come to his refuge to stop Levek's army, he seemed to be preparing to help him, but when he thought about it, he was afraid that his lips would die. After killing it, when will he be the third in the world?

As for Jia Yunzhan, this person is the same as Sun Si, and the only thing Lin Yue knows so far is this person's avatar, that's all.

By the way, it seems that Xing Lingfeng said last time that Lily Karahao, Jia Yunzhan and Kasbal were going to make an alliance. It seems that there was no news after that, and it even evolved into Lily Karahao who wanted to integrate other relatively strong refuge villages. look.

In the top ten, the tenth place actually has a neon, it seems that you also need to pay attention...

Lin Yue sighed and looked at his score again.

【Comprehensive score: 45411】

【Refuge Score: 13569】

[Material Score: 26014]

[Additional points for the number of refugees: 0]

[Disaster Resilience Bonus: 5808]

This time seems to be different from last time.

While the score of the shelter has increased greatly, the score of materials has increased by a terrifying nearly tenfold, and the disaster resistance bonus has also increased by a considerable amount...

It seems that there are no shortcomings and shortcomings.

However, it is not enough to be complacent.

With the continuous expansion of the refuge village of many survivors, it has become a so-called refuge town. When the refuge city is in a refuge city, his lead will be wiped out by the number of opponents.

There are actually some benefits to remaining number one in the world.

[Congratulations, you have become the first place in the group's overall leaderboard, the airdrop reward will be released, please pay attention to check! 】

[Congratulations, you have become the No. 1 in the world's overall rankings, the airdrop reward will be released, please pay attention to check! 】

The two messages crossed in time, and Lin Yue also understood that what he was about to usher in was the next unpacking session.

What good things can be opened from the platinum treasure chest and the treasure chest this time?

Quite looking forward to it.

After drinking the last sip of coffee in the cup, Lin Yue pushed open the door of the shelter.

Outside, I don't know when, there is a breeze formed by a heat wave!

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