Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 365 How many big fish will there be when the air conditioner is used as bait?

The collection of materials is quite efficient.

In this town that was almost covered by plants, Lin Yue had indeed harvested a lot of things, especially in terms of household appliances, and he had to go back to the shelter twice in a row to finish the installation.

I have to say that the special secret realm in the ancient gate of the special secret realm is really powerful, and there are so many resources in it that it is outrageous, from the first Paris, to the later New York, and here.

All kinds of resources are ridiculous, as long as there is space in the storage space, then the harvest is bound to be extremely large.

After Lin Yue moved the four trucks back to the shelter, he then put several nearby cars into the storage space, which crashed into the wall, overturned into the roadside ditch, and were buried by tall weeds. Of course, the road or something He didn't forget to lift it away, and naturally he wouldn't let go of street lights and the like.

I've come here, why don't you bring something back home?

When Lin Yue searched, he also had some preliminary understanding and understanding of this town buried in green. From the text signs left in various places, he found that it was probably a tourist resort, or a certain tourist resort. A small town near the scenic spot.

Among the wildly growing trees here, Lin Yue also saw a lot of houses that looked like shops, most of which were restaurants, cafes, shops selling small commodities, etc., which could also indirectly prove his conjecture.

However, this temperature makes people have to think of the tropics, and it is indeed difficult to adapt to it.

Having said that, it seems that after arriving in the secret realm, I have never been to the Tang country, and I have never heard of anyone who has been to the Tang country in the secret realm.

Most of them are small towns and small towns, mostly in Europe and the United States, but these are not too important things. For Lin Yue, the more resources, the better.

Most of the things collected from here are all kinds of electrical appliances and cars, and they are all things that can let him get various parts. Even if they are half rotten, and only a few things are left intact, Lin Yue has not let them go. .

Especially this time he received a considerable number of air conditioners, and dozens of large solar panels on the roofs of various buildings that are still in good condition, which also made him gain a lot.

During his search, Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, Xiaoliuzi and Hongxian led the little ice lizards. In this small town in the secret realm, they had killed all the monsters that could be seen, and there was not one left. The roaring and roaring hardly ever stopped.

Even, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng killed two giant beetles and a poisonous dragon!

Lin Yue didn't know why there were so many monsters in this place, but he felt that at present, it seemed that it was completely impossible to clean up all such monsters on the earth.

At least, judging from the strength of him and Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and other little ice lizards, although they can no longer be afraid of tens of thousands of lizards and beggars, they are not afraid of the nearness that can appear in the small town. Thousands of monsters big and small, he is still a little pessimistic about it.

Originally thought that their number should be controllable, or only a certain scale, but Lin Yue doesn't think so now.

He can be considered to be in and out of the secret realm frequently. Every time he comes to the secret realm and fights those monsters, he has a feeling, or in other words, his feeling is changing.

From the scarcity at the beginning, to the appearance of more and more kinds of monsters, the more terrifying it is.

Even in this small town, there are such a huge number of monsters, and the number of monsters is probably much larger than imagined.

This is true on land and in the air. How many rivers, lakes and seas are there in the water body?

All kinds of insect-like appearances, beast-like appearances, and monsters with strange shapes that can't be said...

What he has seen now is only a small part of it.

Recalling that among the patterns in the murals in the Lizardman cave, there were also dozens of monsters that he had never seen before.

As for the number of them, I am afraid it is calculated in trillions.

Lin Yue once again felt the insignificance of a person's strength. If he had been cleaning up these things all by himself, and wanting to be able to restore the earth to its previous state, I'm afraid it would be a fool's dream.

Unless he can gather all the monsters in the world together, and then he will send them away collectively with an intercontinental rocket.

But that's probably not really possible.

"Maybe it's only possible to unite the entire human race, and then collectively return to the secret realm to destroy these monsters a little bit, but human beings... how can it be possible to unite?"

Lin Yue is pessimistic about this.

In his understanding, human beings are complex and contradictory.

Once human beings have appeared in the long river of history, they have always spent almost all their energy on making others "understand".

Arguing, verbal abuse, fighting, fighting, war.

In order for people to understand, human beings have been repeating this kind of thing over and over again.

And these are also accompanied by the entire history of human development.

For this reason, tribes were born, villages and towns were born, and more things were born, until the whole world was filled.

The weapons that humans use to persuade each other also range from fists to stones, knives, and firearms, even nuclear bombs, and more terrifying weapons.

But all these have not been able to unify all human beings with one thought, and no one has been able to completely persuade the other.

I am afraid that until the extinction of mankind, no one can absolutely convince the other.

At the root...probably, it's because humans are complex animals themselves.

Everyone has their own thoughts and thoughts, and their own views on things.

And this kind of thinking and view has also continuously allowed human beings to evolve from the era of consuming blood to the use of stone tools, iron tools, and firearms, and has been promoting the entire history of human beings.

If you want the entire human collective to do one thing, except for the necessary physiological activities such as eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing, etc., human beings seem to have never done similar collective actions.

If it really exists, it is that the collective was sent to another world by something unknown to collectively survive.

This was still a passive will, and the elderly, children, and those with limited mobility had not been sent over the past seven days.

"It's even more difficult for everyone to deal with these monsters collectively than if I wiped out all these monsters myself."

Lin Yue finally returned to the shelter with his friends and made a summary after counting the little ones that were not left out there.

Back to Earth, I am afraid it is just an extravagant hope at present.

Although the disaster that occurs once every seven days is terrifying, it seems to be quite easy here, except that the disaster is more difficult.

After all, it is simpler than dealing with the insect tide with the flesh.

He pushed open the door to the big warehouse, and a heat wave also wrapped him at the same time. He just glanced at the time, and it was less than two hours away.

There's a lot to do in these two hours.

"Xiao Bai, you guys go and have a good wash first, I still have something to do."

Lin Yue took a deep breath and stacked all the things he had just collected in the storage space in this big warehouse in turn, and these things made the warehouse seem crowded.

He glanced around, and when he saw those vehicles, he suddenly remembered something extremely important.

"My armored car is still thrown out, I almost forgot!"

This matter has to be done. If there is a huge hailstorm, or it is directly smashed to an unimaginable level, it will not be worth it.

Lin Yue pushed open the door of the warehouse, and at the same time, a dizzying heat wave poured into the warehouse at the same time!

this temperature!

Lin Yue felt that he was almost out of breath for a moment!

He quickly retreated back and put on his night vision goggles, and suddenly found a terrifyingly huge pillar of fire in his sight!

It is rolling up and down at the distance from the outer wall, burning a violent terrifying whirlwind, and is moving forward along the wall at a slow speed. The fire column composed of black and red is directly connected to the sky, and will also The whole night sky is lit up like day!

He took off his night vision goggles, which were useless at all.

This fire tornado must be at least three or four meters in diameter... This is before the disaster!

The temperature it brings is almost unbearable, and Lin Yue feels that its collective appearance and its ever-expanding diameter can even bring this already crazy temperature to a higher level!

"This disaster is really moving..." Lin Yue dived and came to the wall next to the shelter. After putting the armored car into the storage space, he returned to the warehouse at the fastest speed. , and the figures of Xiaobai and Xiaomeng also appeared by the door.

"Quack." Xiaobai let out a low growl. It didn't understand why the owner had just returned to the shelter and hadn't gone to rest. He was a little worried and immediately turned back.

The same is true of Xiaomeng. Although he is not good at expressing himself and is not as smart as Xiaobai, he is still a little worried about his master.

They dragged Lin Yue from the door into the door, and closed the door completely.

The high temperature made them a little unbearable, and the fire tornado outside surprised them even more.

"I'm fine, you two go to rest, I have to continue before things are done."

Lin Yue said that in the warehouse, he put a large amount of air conditioners into the storage space, and then he went back to the shelter non-stop, took out a high-precision research workbench, and continuously decomposed the air conditioner into parts, and then looked directly at him. The design of the air conditioner!

While there is still time, I can just change the air conditioner and go out.

Of course, the premise is that there is a shelter that can generate electricity.

Soon, the internal and external units of the air conditioners manufactured in batches appeared in front of him, and Lin Yue immediately put them on the World Trade Channel.

The asking price is alloy, and if you can afford an air conditioner, there will be absolutely no shortage of alloy!

It can generate electricity. Without alloys, it can’t be justified. Although Lin Yue has a lot of alloy reserves now, it is far from “abundant”. If there are more reserves, then naturally he can be more competitive. Some.

In the future, if something comes out of the box that consumes a lot of alloys, like a food cold storage factory, he will not be stuck because of this.

Wasn't it just like this before, that his development was restricted a little bit.

Secondly, the exchange of alloys is actually secondary. This time, he mainly wants to see how many refuge villages with power generation capacity can be exposed with the fifty-seven air conditioners on hand.

Power generation is a sign that human beings have entered a higher level of science and technology. On the original earth, a variety of power generation methods have also continuously input power into most regions of the world, so that humans living in these regions can also enjoy Great convenience.

In another world, it's completely different.

Everyone starts from scratch, it can even be said that they start over from the Stone Age, and then they explore different worlds, explore secret realms, explore underground ruins, and keep collecting and searching.

Except for him, only people with good luck can get power generation equipment, and the number of these people has always been hidden in the dark.

Although he was the first survivor to enter the so-called "electronic technology stage", the system did not tell everyone the second and third.

Who knows how many refuge villages there are with electricity?

There has been no conclusion on this matter, and everyone has kept it a secret, and has not talked about it.

But at this time, it seems that I can just confirm how many refuge villages there will be.

He looked at the top ten. Among the nine refuge villages, there should be at least one other than Feiyue and him.

At that time, Lily Karahao, Jia Yunzhan, and Kasbal didn't grab the saltpeter. They even said that from the second to the ninth mile, except Feiyue, no one else grabbed the saltpeter.

Did they have saltpeter, or did they actually have electricity or air conditioning?

After Lin Yue put the air conditioner on the world trading panel, he waited for the price.

The auction system is the same as before, the one with the highest price will get a total of fifty-seven units, let's see how many fish you can catch!

Taking advantage of this time, he came to the power controller's room.

There are indeed things outside that have not been taken back, but they are relatively easy to clean up.

【The solar power generation mode has been switched to the diesel power generation mode! 】

After changing the power connection mode, the lights in the house were briefly turned off. Naturally, various electrical appliances were also affected. However, Lin Yue methodically filled the diesel generator with diesel oil, and then filled the necessary electrical appliances, such as Air conditioners and freezers, refrigerators, and incubators on the warehouse side are back on.

Then, he climbed the ladder again, came to the roof, removed the alloy that had just been placed there during the day to block the window, pushed the window open again, and the high temperature poured in again through the only opening of this solid and airtight shelter.

Lin Yue endured the discomfort of the high temperature, and quickly went up to the roof, and put all the wind turbines and photovoltaic power generation arrays above into the storage space.

Even if the hail is smaller, these things are definitely not enough to hit them all at once.

He looked around, and there were two extremely thick fire tornadoes around the shelter at the moment, one was the one he just saw, and was the closest to the shelter, and the other was in the direction of the main entrance, in the acid rain that he used to excrete sewage. Walk around the lake.

Lin Yue glanced at the sky for the last time, and immediately stepped back. After re-sealing the window, Lin Yue, who was covered in sweat, finally returned to the living room and finally lay down on the sofa.

Enjoying the comfortable temperature brought by the air conditioner, Lin Yue glanced at the time.

Just over an hour more.

The disaster is about to start soon, so how many people will bid for air conditioners at this time?

However, after Lin Yue opened the World Trading Channel and saw the bids there, he doubted for a moment what he had read wrong.

"How is that possible?! Why?"

He couldn't help exclaiming!

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