[Warning, the fifth disaster, the triple disaster of extreme heat, giant hail and fire tornado is coming! Warning, the fifth disaster, the triple disaster of extreme heat, giant hail and fire tornado is coming! 】

【This disaster will last for 1 hour! 】

[The temperature of the extremely hot top will gradually increase, and the fire tornado will gradually expand its volume and burning area! 】

[The giant hailstone will appear in the last ten minutes, once it is smashed out, there is absolutely no possibility of survival! 】

[All secret realms will be closed at the same time, and those who stay inside will be forcibly kicked out of the secret realm! Refresh after the disaster is over! 】

[More system functions will be opened after this disaster! 】

【I wish you all the best of luck! 】

[The next disaster notice will be issued in 72 hours! 】


The survivors of the completely different world finally endured this moment.

The triple disaster is finally here!

But the system's notification made them fall into an ice cave in an instant!

"The temperature will still increase? I'm almost dehydrated now! Is there a mistake!"

"I said before that the system was nothing at all, but now it's alright, this time the system is real, okay, it's not a loss to have a lot of people die with me."

"The temperature has indeed risen again. We are now 28 degrees indoors, and it was 24 degrees before. I have to say, the ice cubes are really fragrant."

"Hot is hot, cold is cold, what do I say if I have an air conditioner? The thermometer is 17 degrees to find out. Picture.jpg"

"Do you still have any thoughts at this time? You guys are completely broken. Damn, we didn't grab the saltpeter, and even if we grabbed the air conditioner, there is no power generation equipment. Now the entire refuge village has poured all the water they drank. In the big pool, everyone is soaked in hot water, how come there is still an hour!"

"Let's just say, it seems that everyone who didn't grab it is the same. We were almost peeled off in the water. It seems that we have to continue for an hour."

"@Everyone, everyone, this is a super-beautiful fire tornado that I have never seen in my life! It has a diameter of more than ten meters and twenty meters? Picture.jpg"

"Good guy, it's almost the same as ours, but there are three here, waiting to be cooked."

"Extreme heat and fire tornadoes plus giant hail, this is the double world of ice and fire, right? Lin Yue is too strong to get so many air conditioners. Our refuge village didn't get saltpeter last time. A lucky one."

"Hehe, the poor are so poor, they can hold on to the death, and the air conditioners are all in use. Lin Yue is dedicated to serving the people who are already at the forefront. It's okay for the elites to form a group."

"Isn't Lin Yue always like this, holding a lot of resources and sitting on the ground to raise prices, profiteer Lin Yue has been called from the beginning to now, when has he changed? He is that kind of person!"

"He must still have saltpeter. He's holding back and waiting for us to raise the price. This man's heart is completely broken! Let's kill Lin Yue together after the disaster is over, kill him, and see how many resources the refuge has!"

"Good guy, I didn't try to run here and bark. The last wave of people who scolded Lin Yue, I don't think any of them grabbed the saltpeter. I wonder if those few have died of heat? I don't know if there is a blacklist function? ? It is estimated that the above few will not be able to trade with Lin Yue in the future. As for the one who wanted to kill Lin Yue, he forgot about Levec, right, that guy and 500 fools. It's almost two meters tall."

"Why do you care about him, last time everyone knew that this guy was a beggar, and still thought that no one knew about it, without Lin Yue, most of us couldn't even survive the last disaster, right? This time I think Lin Yue has done the best he can, who can make tens of thousands of units of saltpeter like him?"


On the World Channel, because of the official arrival of the disaster, survivors and even beggars all over the world have joined the discussion about the disaster.

No one slept, and no one dared to sleep.

They couldn't sleep, whether or not they had a way to resist extreme heat, fire tornadoes, giant hailstorms. Compared with any previous time, this disaster can be said to be the most difficult. Even if it has survived the extreme heat and has survived the fire tornado, no one knows whether it will be able to withstand the arrival of the giant hail!

The hot night continued.

Wastelands, valleys, forests, plains, mountains...

The fire tornadoes that are burning violently, each with a diameter of nearly ten meters connecting the heaven and the earth, move forward slowly in this world, and destroy everything they pass by!

Weeds and forests were lit, countless thick smoke billowed up, and the cloud layer of the dark clouds that shrouded the other world became even thicker.

And the heat they bring has raised the high temperature of nearly 60 degrees brought by extreme heat to a higher level!

There are also some changes in the extremely thick clouds over time, and the temperature difference between the upper cloud and the lower cloud also makes this change even more drastic!

The powerful current rolled and jumped between the clouds, some broke through to the bottom, and directly hit the ground, making a deafening roar!

There were even some lightning strikes that hit the fire tornado, and even a giant tornado of flames with electric current was formed in an instant, and the destructive power was even more amazing.

However, this situation did not last long. As the temperature above gradually subsided, the fire tornado gradually disappeared, the thunder became more frequent, and countless silver snakes raged between the sky and the earth!

At the last moment of the disaster, the thunder light gradually subsided, and the temperature also reached the highest point at this time.

However, as a terrifying gust of wind blew, the temperature dropped suddenly, and huge ice cubes began to pour out from the dark clouds!

boom! boom! boom……

With the sound of the first hail falling to the ground, the refugees discovered that the giant hail was the most terrifying of the triple disasters.

The giant ice cubes fell like meteors, bombarding the ground like bombs at an extremely fast speed. Of course, the traces of the fire tornado just ravaged the ground, and the remaining flames were also destroyed by these giant hailstones. all!

On the earth, in the mountains and in the shelters, two billion survivors and beggars, after finally surviving the first two disasters, listened to the terrifying sound of crashing overhead, everyone felt , as long as these terrifying hailstones smash any corner of the shelter, the entire solid shelter will be bombarded to pieces, and they will also become corpses in the fragments of ice.

on the wasteland.

The huge and lonely shelter has also become an important target of this giant hailstorm.

The thirty-fourth day has passed in another world, and now that the thirty-fifth day is coming, almost all the survivors have gathered in a refuge village.

In the refuge villages, with the continuous exploration and construction of the survivors of the refuge villages, more functional buildings have been built, and walls have also been established, and there are more refuges within the walls.

The more of these buildings, the more destroyed by giant hailstones.

The reason why hail has become an "economic disaster" on the earth is also due to this.

I often hear about how many electrical wires, house windows and doors, and a lot of crops have been damaged due to hail, but I have never heard that these hailstones can kill people.

But this time, it's different.

The giant hailstones that bombarded from the sky incessantly like cannonballs are worthy of this description.

"It's the size of a cantaloupe. Is it called hail or ice cannonball?"

Lin Yue just opened a gap in the door on the warehouse side. Under the strong southerly wind, there was a small area at the north door of the big warehouse that was not affected by the hail.

He took a flashlight and took a look around, and found that the giant hailstones that were still bombarding the earth and the shelter had covered the ground with a thick "ice shell"!

Just scratching a piece with the excellent iron spear, I found that the size of the so-called "giant hailstone" is enough to be described as "stunning".

Generally speaking, isn't the biggest hailstone on earth the size of a fist? This cantaloupe-like "hailstone" in his hand should actually be called an "ice bomb"!

And they are really like cannonballs, always pouring and destroying, setting off a storm of ice!

The extremely high speed of falling from high altitude and their terrifying mass size also brought extremely serious damage to the ground. Wooden shelters could not withstand a single blow, and stone shelters were also crumbling. As for iron The shelter that was made was pure canned food. Although it was not smashed, it was smashed in a loud noise, which also tortured the survivors who thought they were safe inside.

Lin Yue found in the system panel that his main shelter was not damaged at all. Although there were some damages to the stone shell covering the alloy, even those giant hailstones with extremely strong destructive power took it without the slightest. Method.

At that time, the fire tornado had crossed the wall, rushed towards the direction of the greenhouse, and after sweeping past the main shelter, it went in the other direction until it disappeared, and no waves were caused.

This is enough to prove that his disaster prevention effect is excellent!

The bombardment of the giant hailstones went from dense to sparse, and finally disappeared completely at one o'clock in the system time.

Lin Yue sat on the sofa quietly watching various news in the World Channel, and after the sound of the hailstorm disappeared, he also recovered.

Putting down the pen and diary in his hand, he looked at the many words written on it.

It was the refuge villages, the names of the leaders who controlled them, and all kinds of information about them.

The total is exaggerated.


These are the last figures of the refuge village that made an offer for the air conditioner when he released the air conditioner as an important resource at the last moment.

The amount of information is quite huge.

At that time, when he saw this number, Lin Yue was really surprised for a while. He didn't expect that there would be so many refuge villages that could bid for air conditioners at such a moment.

Originally, he thought that only 100 would be considered dead.

You must know that the people who need air conditioning at this last disaster-fighting crisis are definitely not the kind of people who have no electricity to join in the fun. In other words, these people have power generation devices and have entered the electric age!

Usually, almost no one has said anything about the so-called electricity use, or anything related to electrical appliances, so everyone on the World Channel, including Lin Yue, thinks that the number of refuge villages with electricity available should be extremely small. .

But after he released the air conditioner deal, 249 people just saw the news and made an offer.

How many of the other shelters that have already obtained saltpeter, or have had methods to resist disasters before, can use electricity?

The number is probably even greater!

And not only that.

These people probably still have diesel or gasoline generators, not wind or solar power units, which will not survive the hailstorm.

"There are no eight leaders in the top ten except me and Fei Yue in the 249 refuge villages that made offers, and these eight leaders have also never traded saltpeter mines!"

In his notebook, Lin Yue also wrote down the names of the leaders of the eight refuge villages.

A good memory is not as good as a bad writing. At this time, you should remember these names well.

It is strange that many of these people are quite familiar to him, and they have all traded and even spoken.

But speaking of it, he watched the chat on the World Channel just now, and one person actually said something similar to what he was thinking now.

He was indeed closer to the "topmost" of all the refuge villages, and among the people who traded with him, the topmost group also traded with him the most.

The reason, without him.

These people have the most abundant resources and are more valuable as transaction parties.

With a huge number of survivors and a gradually mature combat and survival system experience, they are obviously more dominant in terms of collection and production.

And these collected things have also allowed them to have more pursuits while growing stronger.

Toilet paper, fruits and vegetables, red wine, whiskey, and later saltpeter, air conditioners.

Indeed, most of these "hard currencies" also flowed to these refuge villages.

Lin Yue kept flipping through the chat records of the leaders of the two hundred people on the World Channel, and skimmed through some of the words they had said.

That's the only way to get to know these people.

Focus on one wave and prepare for it later.

Whether it is a future partner or a potential enemy, the current method of recording is well prepared.

It's boring...it's really boring.

Anyway, there is really nothing else to do right now, because of the afternoon sleep at that meeting, he is not sleepy at all now.

However, Xiaobai seemed to have been unable to withstand the Sandman's attack, and immediately passed out after the hail stopped just now.

"This little guy is really cute."

Just when Lin Yue put the diary and pen into the storage space, he remembered something.

Speaking of which, this diary was taken from that lonely empty shelter, and it belonged to the survivor who was quite a cup.

He still remembered that it was recorded in the diary that the survivor's father was not his father, and his son was not his son. The double cups belonged to yes.

But with the help of Uncle Wang next door to his biological father, he got a lot of help and even lived well.

The most worthy of Lin Yue's attention in the diary is actually the information about that "Du Ping".

There is actually a very strange contradiction here.

Du Ping should have been killed by him in the secret realm on the fourteenth day, but this person continued to appear in the diary, and he still had a relationship with Levek, lizardmen, beggars, etc. connect.

Even now, this Du Ping's head portrait is still on, as if he had never been killed by him.

"Du Ping... he didn't even come to seek revenge. What the hell is this person thinking?"

Lin Yue wrote the person's name on the notebook again, and at the same time, he glanced at Liu Kai's name in the group.

Liu Kai...

These two people have been in the dark all the time, and they haven't appeared since a special moment.

Du Ping and Liu Kai, is it possible that one of these two people will be the "that person" who has never shown his true colors?

Lin Yue looked at the names of these two people and fell into deep thought.

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