Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 367 Disaster? Great resource! 120 robot dogs, just ask if you are afraid!

In another world, there is peace.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning poured wantonly on the whole land.

After the disaster, the "ice shell" made up of ice cubes that gradually melted together as the temperature increased, also reflected sunlight at this moment, reflecting a dazzling light.

However, as the sun gradually rose, the temperature further warmed, and the ice melted faster.

Gradually, the ground covered by the ice shell gradually revealed its true face. Pieces of scorched vegetation, gray-black rocks, and broken shelters seemed to tell the horror and ruthlessness of the disaster last night.

Lin Yue was even more ruthless.

After opening the door, he was obsessed with putting all the ice cubes he could see into the storage space. When it was full, he immediately turned them into water using a high-precision research workbench, and put them into the storage space. Among the many empty water tanks.

When the water storage tank is full, a new water storage tank is built again in the large underground warehouse, and it is filled again and again.

Mechanical, repetitive, and unaware of fatigue.

After taking back the ice last night and identifying it as "drinkable", Lin Yue knew that this thing would become a very important reserve resource.

So, after getting up, he immediately plunged into the crazy collection.

Like a ruthless ice shovel, Lin Yue quickly cleaned up all the ice cubes in the shelter, and then started the ice shovel outside the shelter non-stop.

Giant Hail×

Fresh water supplement√

On the day of the disaster, the secret realm could not be entered, and there were no lizardmen in the underground ruins. Lin Yue decided to warm up before doing all kinds of troublesome things.

After doing it for a while, he sat on the ground again, breathing the air that had become much cooler.

When he went out, he hung the thermometer outside again, and took a good look at it after a while.

It was 14 degrees when I first came out in the morning, and it was even a little cold. When the sun came out, it was estimated that it would be around 20 degrees.

Like the extremely hot situation before, it was like a dream.

He has a feeling.

Every time a disaster comes and ends, it seems to bring some changes to this different world, and this change seems to have an inexplicable common connection, which makes Lin Yue feel more and more intense.

From the dryness at the beginning, to the green wasteland after the first disaster, replenished by snow, the feeling kept pouring out.

The snow disaster of the first disaster brought a lot of water to this otherwise barren world, and penetrated deep into the ground, allowing plants to begin to grow a lot.

The earthquake of the second disaster is more like "loosening the soil", which makes the plants grow more lush, like the poisonous English grass with toxins and blooming flowers also appeared because of this. is constantly being discovered from a hidden state.

The acid rain and flood of the third disaster once again gave the earth more water, and at the same time, more rivers and lakes were formed, making the soil of the whole other world even more moist.

The fourth disaster, hurricanes and thunderstorms, also carried away more plant seeds, instead of transporting giant creatures, allowing plants to grow in a wider range. At the same time, the rainfall brought by thunderstorms also changed the earth again moist.

And this fifth disaster is even more obvious.

The extreme heat makes the whole other world sultry, and the fire tornado further heats the earth. As for this giant hailstone, I believe it will disappear completely within a day or two, or evaporate into steam, or form a stream. , rivers, rivers, or converge into ponds, lakes, or even enter the ground to become part of the abundant groundwater source.

All of this is changing the face of another world, and at the same time secretly giving something special and huge energy!

This kind of thing, in fact, can be seen everywhere, and it is even more commonplace - plants!

Lin Yue looked at the ground under his feet.

Burned to ashes last night, some dark green grass buds have emerged from the surface, and they seem to be denser than before! Even more and more!

They have plump cotyledons and contain extremely powerful energy!

Just less than ten hours after being burned by the fire tornado, they began to grow again and broke out of the ground...

Vitality seems to be more tenacious.

In other words, the vitality is too tenacious, and some are unscientific.

Reborn in a few hours...

Even if it is said that the spring breeze is blowing again, this speed is outrageous.

Lin Yue looked around, and the little ice lizards really liked these big ice cubes. A large group of little ice lizards, led by Xiao Liuzi and Hong Xian, were slipping around on this vast ice field, so happy.

Xiaobai and Xiaomeng didn't say anything, they didn't pay any attention to it.

Are you saying that you are worrying too much?

Lin Yue squatted down and looked carefully at the grass buds under his feet.

After looking at it for a while, I found no more changes. They are still the same as before, although the number is indeed large...

He shook his head.

Maybe it's really overthinking.

He raised his head and looked at the conspicuous places on the wasteland except for the ice layer.

The remaining bone armor and tissues of the giant creatures, the Bull Snake Dragon and the One-Horned Armored Dragon, are quite dazzling.

The combination of the gigantic spine and rib of the Cow Snake Dragon looks like a huge passage, but only half of the ugly skull is outside.

Most of the skeleton of the one-horned armored dragon is still there, but due to the burning of the flames, some of them were burnt black, and some seemed to be damaged by hail, with many cracks.

Lin Yue walked over and put the three-meter-long sharp corners on the huge skull into the storage space.

【You got the unicorn of the Unicorn Armored Dragon! 】

I know, I know.

If you have to say something, the system is really idle.

The last time because of the lizardmen's trouble, he couldn't take this thing in, and after that, because he went to save the little ice lizards, he completely forgot about it.

At that time, it seems that only the armor of the one-horned armored dragon was obtained, but the one-horn was forgotten.

Lin Yue took the unicorn out of the storage space again, and after careful observation, he found that it seemed extremely hard. After thinking about it, he took out the excellent dagger and slashed it gently.

As a result, cut a lonely.

Only a faint trace was left.

"'s a bit terrifyingly hard." The armor of this one-horned armored dragon didn't show how hard it was, and it could be blasted by a howitzer, which was even worse than Du Tianlong's.

But this angle seems quite unusual!

Is it possible to combine it with other weapons or armor?

Lin Yue thought about it and put it back again. There are many choices, so he can use it without any hurry.

After collecting some more ice cubes nearby, Lin Yue looked due south.

Back then, this giant creature, the one-horned armored dragon, should have been brought here by the lizardmen, and attacking his shelter should not be the subjective will of this giant creature.

According to the previous law of the natural sulfur ore mountain guarded by the bull-carrying snake dragon, and the spider-shaped oracle-bone beast guarding the saltpeter mine, this one-horned armored dragon, including the previous oracle-bone beast, should be guarding some resource points.

And every time the system is updated, it will also indirectly connect the resource update and the increase of giant creatures, which makes people have to equate the two.

So, why don't you look south?

I have always traveled far north and east, but never to the west or south.

Lin Yue opened the system panel, looked at the map of the area that he had basically driven, and looked straight to the south.

The location of his Refuge is also located in the relatively southerly direction on this area map, and there are not too many map fragments to describe there. However, there are only sporadic Refugees on the few blocks. Lin Yue enlarged it, but did not find any icons of survivors.

These survivors are not dead, that is, they have joined other people's refuge villages, or become beggars.

Looking at the vacant shelters, Lin Yue also had the urge to explore.

He looked up at Xiaobai, and then at the shelter.

Indeed, there are some things that need to be done at hand, and when they are done, it seems that it is really worth exploring.

He walked towards the shelter, and Xiao Bai saw it and followed closely.

"Xiao Bai, it just so happens that you can help me out."

After Lin Yue turned ice into water and stored it in the water storage tank, he first installed the original photovoltaic power generation array and wind turbine, and then re-converted the diesel power generation mode to the photovoltaic wind hybrid power generation mode, and then went straight through the main grid. Refuge, came to a large warehouse.

Then, he took out a high-precision research workbench, and at the same time took out a bunch of robot dogs that had been placed in the corner.

Most of these robot dogs are not bad, but to be honest, after working at high intensity, they have some wear and tear, and some of them are completely damaged by soaking in water.

Lin Yue checked and confirmed that it must be re-disassembled and manufactured.

Moreover, the number of these robot dogs is still too small, after re-disassembly and manufacturing, more need to be made!

He looked up at the mountains of various things.

These machinery, old appliances, and parts and alloys are all good things bought with saltpeter and air conditioners. They may not be of much use to others, but to him, these are treasures!

"Disassemble the robot dog first! Xiaobai, help me move all that pile of parts to me, as well as over there."

Do it right away, or you'll have to put it off until you don't know when.

Lin Yue put the robot dogs in front of the workbench and disassembled them, and Xiaobai also started to carry them according to his instructions. After a burst of heavy footsteps, Xiaomeng also joined the carrying team.

After making all the robot dogs into parts, Lin Yue began to break down the various parts, old appliances, etc. that were piled up around him into finer parts, and then put the useful ones into the storage space, which was temporarily useless. Throw it directly behind you.

Within an hour, Lin Yue, Xiaobai, and Xiaomeng never stopped, and there were more and more discarded parts behind Lin Yue, and the storage space became more and more full.

"Okay, it seems that we have enough materials." Lin Yue finally stopped when he saw that all kinds of materials were enough, and Xiaobai and Xiaomeng also stopped the transportation work at this time, looking as if they were going to The master of what a big deal.

"Haha, don't be surprised for a while." Lin Yue smiled, the harvest this time was simply too great, much bigger than expected!

He quickly found the blueprints and chose to start manufacturing!

A white light suddenly appeared in the very center of the warehouse, and after it dissipated, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng could not help but growled in surprise at the new thing on the ground!

That's exactly 120 brand-new, neatly arranged precision machines that reflect light under the lights - robot dogs!

"Oh, it looks pretty good, at least there's a battle, isn't it?" Lin Yue was very satisfied with his work.

120 robot dogs, if they were to meet 20,000 lizardmen, they would be able to beat them to the brink of shit.

MP5 plus RPG rocket launcher, solar charging device and lithium battery are all equipped, and mechanical claw reinforcement is naturally necessary.

Lin Yue took these robot dogs outside together, and they quickly stretched out the solar charging panel to charge in the sun.

"Quack..." Xiaobai was still in a state of shock, as was Xiaomeng.

They have never seen that the master can make so many iron lumps that can move, mine and shoot!

Needless to say about mining, they also pay attention to the performance of these iron lumps every time they fight, and after the iron lumps have been continuously transformed by their masters into more terrifying and more powerful firepower, they have also thought that if this What a powerful existence it would be if the species increased to the number!

And now after the 120 iron lumps came out...

They glanced at each other, and now they all understood the master's strength, and they went to a higher level!

After charging these robot dogs, Lin Yue started a new movement.

I came to the warehouse where the ICBM launcher, the Katyusha rocket launcher, and the anti-aircraft missile launcher were hidden, and got them all out one by one. Then I found an open space and raised it a little with stones. After the terrain, put them on again.

If you don't take them out, they will all lose their practical effect. After all, in the underground warehouse, there is no launch hole for them. If you encounter anything, it will take an extra step.

After doing this, Lin Yue then began to disassemble and decompose the "cover" made of alloy stones covering the greenhouse and other buildings.

Among these, the stone is secondary, and Lin Yue wants the alloy inside.

Although there are still a lot of alloys in stock, the exact number is still unknown. These covers must be removed anyway, especially for plastic greenhouses. Not only the covers must be removed, but the greenhouse itself must also be removed. .

He has gathered all the materials for the glass greenhouse, and the hail disaster has completely passed, and it is time to build it up.

Soon, as Lin Yue's speed continued to increase, the lids were immediately decomposed into stones and alloys, and Lin Yue once again put the plastic greenhouses into the storage space and sent them directly to the exchange survival point. went.

Lin Yue quickly moved the soilless cultivation kits and the vegetables and fruits on them to other places where they would not get in the way. The original greenhouses had also vacated quite a lot of space.

Lin Yue returned to the large warehouse again, and soon collected all the materials needed for the greenhouse, and came here again.

"What will the glass greenhouse look like?"

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

He quickly selected the design drawing of the glass greenhouse on the system manufacturing panel!

[Design drawing of large glass greenhouse: concrete 20/20 cubic, organic/special/thick glass 500/500, alloy 170/170, glass fiber reinforced plastic/90/90, plastic 10/10, rubber 10/10, intelligent induction electric heating Temperature system (alloy 2/2, copper block 10/10, controller 1/1, drive system 1/1, driver 1/1, driver power supply 1/1, integrated circuit board 1/1), temperature and humidity detection system ( Alloy 2/2, controller 1/1, integrated circuit board 1/1), wire rope curtain machine (alloy 5/5), sunshade net (polyethylene 5/5), fan and water curtain cooling system 20/20 ( Aluminum alloy 20/20, stainless steel 20/20, motor 20/20, rotor 20/20, wire 20/20)]

All materials are collected!

Well, confirm the manufacture!

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