Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 371 Undercurrents are surging, the most dangerous character among survivors!

lizard Man?

Lin Yue felt that he hadn't heard this proper term for a long time. The last time he saw them alive, it seemed like a long time ago.

"There are no lizardmen attacking here, but the strange fish has encountered it."

He did encounter strange fish on his way to Lake Berg in a big truck, and he encountered quite a few.

Those fish should be carnivorous fish mutants that ran out of the gushing groundwater. Why did they all go to Feiyue and the others? Isn't it just the mutant creature that swims out of the Berg mine?

"Oh, that's good, but there are many people on the World Channel who have encountered that kind of strange fish, you should pay more attention, but I don't think there should be anything that can stum you. By the way, those ice cubes are all there Discuss, you can go to the world channel to see their analysis, there may be some gains, and there are other things, if you have ideas, chat with me. "

Fei Yue also seemed to be quite worried about this side, and reminded him that he should go to the World Channel to take a look.

"Ice cubes? What could that thing be... wait, really, if that's how..."

Lin Yue suddenly thought of something after Fei Yue's reminder.

The disaster is over, but the ice cubes that have turned into a mixture of ice and water have not disappeared.

They are still melting, and the ice-water mixture has submerged a considerable part of the entire wasteland.

What about other places than the wasteland?

He turned on the World Channel and searched for useful information.

"Good guy, after the acid rain flood is the small flood of the thunderstorm. Now that the ice has melted, it will also flood, right? Next time, just forget about the big flood."

"Don't talk, don't talk, I'm drowning again, and there are strange fish in the ice water. We followed the leader out to collect ice, but the leader was accidentally dragged away. I guess..."

"I said these ice cubes will not be related to the next disaster, right? Although the system has identified them as drinkable, the amount is too large."

"Don't rush, a water storage tank is already being built here."

"We had a big river here in the last flood. If the ice cubes come and melt this time, it is estimated that this side will turn from a plain to a swamp. Would it be better for us to move it away?"

"Hehe, who remembers that during the second disaster and earthquake, our refuge village was turned into an isolated island. After the water receded, we moved out. After the last thunderstorm, we went back to see that it was completely flooded there. The hail has melted, so it's probably a big lake over there."

"The one above said it was related to the disaster. I also feel the same way. Just like the extreme heat last time, it may be a precursor to disaster from now on!"

"Speaking of which, are Lily Karahao and the others a little arrogant? Last time she actually notified us that everyone in the refuge village asked to join their refuge village. What's the situation? Do you want to be queen?"

"It's a coincidence, and we have also been informed. Everyone is trying to survive. She is good, and has developed her power, right?"

"Haha, we've gone from a tribe to an empire in this survival game? Guys, is it time to start a war? Looking forward to ing."

"Not only Lily Karahao, but Kasbah also added me."

"My side is Jia Yunzhan."

"This is the Neon Man from Takeda."

"Is there any action in the top ten? No, wait, I just looked at the leaderboard. Who is this big guy Fei Yue? I've never heard of it."

"Queshi, it seemed that the last time I was outside the refuge village of a hundred people? The others are almost the same as the previous few times."

"Let's play joining the alliance, right? Our refuge village will only choose Lin Yue."

"Who's not? It's obvious that Lin Yue and others are not of the same dimension. The bottom nine are not enough to fight, so a fool would join others, right?"

"I'm Carmel James, and I'm joining our refuge village now. I guarantee that everyone has three meals a day, enough water pipes, less tasks and easy work. Welcome everyone!"

"Good guy, the leader will go into battle in person?"

"That, we want to join, ask friends to chat privately!"


Lin Yue closed the World Channel.

What Fei Yue wanted him to see was not the threat posed by ice, but another aspect.

Specifically, it is the "robbing" operation of various refuge villages.

With a population of more than 2 billion, there are more than one million refuge villages in units of 100 people. After the disaster just now, it is conceivable that many refuge villages suffered heavy losses. It is even conceivable that some refuge villages may Only a few survivors remained.

At this time, some refuge villages began to absorb weaker refuge villages, and the top ten in the world rankings, except for him, Xing Lingfeng and Fei Yue, other refuge villages are doing this kind of thing wantonly .

Even that Carmel James went to the battle himself and went directly to the World Channel to advertise.

"A merger between refuge villages..." Lin Yue was thoughtful.

From small to large, from more to less, this trend is indeed an inevitable law of development in this different world.

More people are more powerful, more people can do things better.

A group of hundreds of people sent out to collect food, explore and collect secrets, is always more efficient than dozens of people, or a few people, or even a person like him.

In terms of combat power, the number of people also has a greater bonus, and in this era of cold weapons, the number of people can really solve a lot of things.

Like a snowball, from a refuge village with hundreds of survivors, to thousands, tens of thousands, or even more...

Refuge villages will become towns, small towns, and even bigger cities.

Human beings will also be like the development process of civilization on the earth, from scattered tribes, slowly forming countries with vast areas, and finally, weak countries disappear, and powerful countries stand side by side.

During this period, various battles, wars and other scenes will also be staged continuously.

Ultimately, it will be the kind of peaceful environment maintained in a delicate balance, like the Earth.

This seems to be a rule, especially when everyone is modern people who have crossed over, rebuilding the original system on the earth is also something that some people pursue.

And these people, led by Lily Karahao, Kasbah and others, will set off a storm from now on!

"However, even so, it has nothing to do with me." Lin Yue was very clear about his position.

He is an alien in this other world.

Not entirely because of his 100% explosion treasure chest.

Even without this, he wouldn't easily choose to cooperate with anyone, or be ordered to do something he didn't want to do.

He will not become the leader of any refuge village, at least he feels that he has no leadership, interpersonal relationship and management, etc.

Therefore, he has basically kept a certain distance from everyone until now.

It's good to say that it's Feiyue.

Thinking of Liu Kai before, in fact, it was okay at that time, but this one went mad and hacked a few people from the refuge village to death, and then defected to the lizardmen...

Lin Yue thought again of the person who only existed in his imagination and acted like a shadow in the dark.

And this person does exist in all kinds of clues and information.

He received a hundred treasure chests, and a pile of storage space, and even dug through the iron wall he made, overlapping with him in different time and space.

Is this person Liu Kai?

Or is it the Du Ping who came back to life inexplicably and frequently appeared in the mysterious diary?

No matter which one it is, Lin Yue believes that this person is a huge threat to him.

Even if this person has not taken further action so far, it is still quite dangerous to spread out the information of the system that he has this 100% explosion treasure chest.

"If you really meet this person, it would be the most reasonable judgment to kill him immediately." Lin Yue thought of this and looked at Fei Yue's chat records.

Looking through it, I found that Feiyue had actually sent a message that Lily Karahao had invited him to join, but he was rejected.

Oh? And this thing?

Xing Lingfeng had told him about this before, and many people on the World Channel are also talking about it now, but it seems that Feiyue has never said it, and he thought it never happened.

Lily Karahao's ability to notice Feiyue proves that she has a high opinion of Feiyue.

However, what is the situation?

"Fei Yue, have you rejected Lily Karahao's invitation? Can you elaborate?"

Lin Yue felt more and more that this Lily Karahao was a little dangerous.

It seems that when other refuge villages absorb and integrate weak and small refuge villages, this person is at the forefront, and he is aiming at refuge villages with high potential resources like Xing Lingfeng and Fei Yue, and the world ranking is relatively high...

integration? annexation? alliance?

It's all possible.

Soon, information came from Feiyue.

"Lily Karahao once sent a message to me and everyone in our refuge village before the disaster, asking us to join her refuge village, otherwise the consequences are not guaranteed."

Um? what's the situation?

Have you sent a message to everyone in Feiyue Refuge Village?

" refused, didn't you?" Lin Yue was thoughtful, the behavior of this Lily Callahao was indeed surprising.

It is equivalent to giving General Feiyue a full hand!

As long as there is one person who wants to surrender to Lily Karahao, then a considerable number of people can be driven to leave, and this will also shake the foundation of a refuge village, and even bring it down!

In the end, Lily Callahao came to persuade again, so basically there would be no difficulties.

If they don't follow suit, they will directly launch an attack on the advantage of the number of people...


"Yes, I rejected her proposal for all the people in the refuge village. For me, guarding the refuge village left by the third master is something I have to do even with my life. And I don't think we should do it. Bow down to someone. Our refuge village has grown from being weak in the past to ranking ninth in the world, which also proves that.”

Fei Yue's answer has changed a lot compared to the previous one.

Lin Yue felt that this man was truly reborn, as if he had changed his mind.

"So, is there no objection?" he asked again, wanting to learn more.

"There was objection, not even one."

Oh, sure enough.

Lily Callahau has a vicious style, and, well, there's a problem.

How can this person know the contact information of all the people? You know, it's not easy to find everyone in a refuge village.


"Those people were turned against by Lily Karahao and became the other party's person, so they can know the contact information of all of you." Lin Yue replied.

"That's right. That's it. Those people were directly thrown out of the refuge village by us. They were the few who joined us later and defected to our refuge village. If these people were not stupid enough, we would probably be in chaos. Let someone take the opportunity to enter." Fei Yue answered what Lin Yue wanted to hear.

Sure enough.

Perhaps, Lily Callahau seems to have done it a long time ago.

Send your own people to each refuge village, and then use these spies to mess up each refuge village, and people's hearts float.

When the time is right, he will issue a warning to everyone in the refuge village, and then use those spies to take the opportunity to turn the wind towards the surrendering side...

This will destroy a refuge village from the inside, and Lily Karahao will then take the opportunity to collect the fruits of victory.

The information gathered so far allows Lin Yue to judge these general situations.

There may be more ways to do it.

Speaking of which, if this is the case, then the advertisement for Carmel James is much more LOW.

"Okay, if there is anything else on your side, contact me right away."

"I understand, you have to be more careful on your side." Fei Yue finally said.

Lin Yue closed the chat panel, and in the world chat panel, he searched the name of Lily Karahao again.

Then, click on her avatar.

The face of a woman with long brown-black hair and a cold but fierce face appeared in front of him.

She is probably in her thirties. According to the points of her refuge villages in the world rankings, the number of people in the refuge is a plus. There should be a total of 574 people in her refuge village.

574 people, a rather exaggerated number.

In this different world, she is really quite powerful. She can rush to the second place in the ranking list at the fastest speed, and she can also lead so many survivors through disasters one after another. It is strange to say that she has no ability.

However, the biggest feeling this person gave him was the word "dangerous".

From the so-called "top five alliances" at the beginning, to the time everyone advised her to join her refuge village, the ambition is really quite large.

Moreover, the means are also quite disgusting. Although the strength is indeed there, Lin Yue does not agree with what this person has done to expand his strength.

"Anyway, you should be more careful with this person."

Lin Yue sent another message to Xing Lingfeng asking about Lily Karahao, and Xing Lingfeng quickly replied.

"Like you said, that woman is very dangerous. Our newcomers seem to be her eyeliners, and we have clearly rejected her, but we have not suffered any other damage."

"So, do you have any other information about her?"

Is that true? It's really as I thought... This person is really scary!

Lin Yue couldn't help frowning.

After a while, Xing Lingfeng replied, "This person is too dangerous, I guess she will make more moves soon, by the way, I got a definite information. It is said that Lily Karahao and Lizardmen and beggars are related, and she has developed rapidly with the help of the power of those guys. Lin Yue, do you want to investigate?"


It seems that I got some great information.

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