【Last calendar · 3rd day】

[I finally opened the treasure chest today and found a diary that I can write in. The pen and ink set I opened yesterday seems to be useful. However, who can tell me why killing those disgusting monsters can get the so-called treasure chest? What is the treasure chest?

I haven't seen a single person for the past three days. Where did the other 100 million people who claimed to be a system say go? Where is this place? Also, what is that in the air that appears in front of the eyes? It doesn't feel like the technology of our time.

I feel like my life has been like a year for the past three days. What kind of shelter is this broken house called by the system, it is not as good as the earthen house in my hometown. It is said that there will be some disasters predicted tonight. Also, how can anything be put in this so-called "inventory"?

Where is this place? It's a nightmare! I want to go back! My wife has to rely on me to support her! 】


【Last calendar · 8th day】

[It has been the eighth day since I came to this so-called different world. I feel that I have completely adapted to this place, but I still haven’t found a way to go back. Keeping a diary also seems to be the only way I can find relief from troubles and loneliness.

In the past eight days, I still haven't seen anyone, and I can't even find a way to contact anyone. I only know that there are 100 million people in this world with me in this world, and after yesterday After the disaster, there are less than seventy million today.

The system will release various announcements every day, and I will take a look at the so-called "updates" or various information above almost every once in a while.

But I am very suspicious, why doesn't the system have a function that is convenient for everyone to contact?

It's like the kind of BP machine and paging station, or like the big brother, I see people using it on the street, it's very convenient.

It really doesn't work. Ordinary phones should have them, right? But there doesn't seem to be any such thing at all.

Do you know if there will be any future updates?

Speaking of yesterday's disaster, it is also a bit confusing. I didn't care about the locust plague itself, but on the sixth day, after seeing locusts as big as dogs in this world, I didn't think so much.

So on the sixth day, I blocked all the gaps in the stone shelter, stored a lot of food, and even dug a basement, blocked the hole with stone slabs, and after ventilation, it seemed Extremely safe.

After a night's sleep in it, the disaster was over, and I became one of the 70 million who survived.

Still lucky.

In other words, at night, the number of monsters also increased, but it was still acceptable. The chance of killing those monsters and getting the wooden treasure chest was not low, after all, the number was there.

By the way, the system says that it will be updated tomorrow. I wonder what new features will be there? 】


【Last calendar · 15th day】

【I have moved.

The place where I stayed before had too few resources, and the disaster was too outrageous. After the end, the water hadn't receded, and it turned my shelter into an isolated island, which was outrageous.

I made a boat with the materials in my hand, and I left there with all the things. As a result, after walking on the grassland for almost two days, I met a person in this new place! And like me, I'm also a native of Tang. Haha, I finally saw a similar one. I met a few big lizards standing up with stone axe, which scared me to death.

She was also forced to move by the flood and was looking for a new place, so I tried to invite her to live in a shelter with me so that the two could take care of each other.

Of course, I will still abide by the three chapters of the gentleman's contract. The eldest girl is three years older than me, so we must abide by the rules.

Having said that, the newly added functions of the previous system are really a bit like BP machines and paging stations, and they have given the contact numbers of everyone in the group of 10,000 people, but they can only send 30 messages a day. The communication is really not easy. The system is so much ahead of the scientific level of human beings, why not invent a function that is more convenient for communication?

It's like the message board in the school, where anyone can leave a message, or when talking to someone alone, it's like making a phone call? 】


【Last calendar · 29th day】

[Xiaomi and I have welcomed new members, Lao Sun and Crickett.

It is a good thing to have more members. After all, more people are more powerful, and the more people there are, the easier it will be to survive.

Cricket was tall and mighty and looked very strong, Lao Sun was much worse, and he came with almost nothing, really.

With Xiaomin's support, I also became the leader of our seven-person sanctuary. Everyone listened to me and respected me. This was something I had never thought about before.

Xiaomin's ability is very strong, and she is simply my virtuous wife. I didn't expect that a bachelor in my late 30s would be able to get this daughter-in-law in another world. Who can say for certain about such things in life?

Xiaomin has always kept the shelter in good order, and can cook, and is also a good hunter. Everyone envies me, and it feels so good.

Yesterday's disaster was also managed by her, and Xiao Sun would have been blown away by the strong wind. If it wasn't for Xiaomin's clever move, our shelter would have lost labor.

By the way, the system also released information today, saying that there are only more than 43 million people left in the world. The number of people who have lost half of them this month... Suddenly there is a sense of despair.

I want to go back now, but I don't want to go back. I can find my wife when I go back, but what about Xiaomin? 】


【Last calendar · 38th day】

[We are moving again, not because of what disaster has done to our sturdy shelter, but because we have discovered a new resource - oil! 】

To defeat monsters, even those lizard-faced "people", the number of treasure chests we can get has never been able to increase, and it seems that there is no way to improve this kind of "luck" in this world.

Although there are few treasure chests, the things that come out are all good, whether it is food or tools, or even some things we can't imagine, we are still very excited.

For example, the revolver that I have always pinned to my waist is called Colt. It is something that comes out of a treasure chest.

That foreigner from Crickett seems to be able to make bullets. We have brass and the like, and gunpowder has blueprints. In the end, we also successfully found saltpeter and sulfur, and successfully made bullets, so this gun of mine is not the same. No shortage of bullets.

Moreover, when I have enough bullets, I also take it out for hunting if I have nothing to do, and the accuracy is quite good now.

In other words, there are fifteen people in the shelter now, when did there become so many?

However, when my Xiaomin gives birth to our baby, we can add one more.

The young man named Xing Lingfeng who joined before is very strong and has outstanding abilities in all aspects. Although he is young, he is a qualified deputy.

Eight of us came out of the shelter the day before yesterday and explored the surroundings in pairs. Liu Cheng and I walked through the forest, crossed a mountain, and walked for two days. We found this piece of shit In the wasteland, there is actually a black river!

Liu Cheng said that it was oil, so we both took some back, but the rest were sure that it was oil!

The new function released by the system a few days ago is said to be tradable. What would happen if we could put oil on it?

I suddenly felt that I might not worry about food and clothing in the future. I know how important oil is, even though I haven't read a book for a few years!

So our main task today is to pack up and take the entire sanctuary.

Four of the six people left came back. Old Sun and Xing Lingfeng haven't come back yet. They don't know where they went. I left a note for them and pressed it with a big stone. They won't see it, right? .

Old Sun doesn't care, Xing Lingfeng is a very strong fighting force, if he can't come back, he will lose a lot.

By the way, the disaster has changed from this one time to every fifteen days, and finally I can relax a little bit. 】


【Last calendar · 41st day】

[Old Sun came back, but Xing Lingfeng did not come back.

Lao Sun said that they were going to the small lake in the opposite direction to ours, and it took about a day's walk to get there.

There, they actually found a strange door on the shore of the lake, the door was made of wood, next to it was a brick wall covered with vines, and it was not built by anyone or anywhere.

There was also nothing on the other side of the door, which felt like a prank.

The old grandson also said that after they opened the door curiously, they found that the opposite of the door was not the small lake, but a large mountain!

The two of them entered the mountain and saw a lot of animals, bugs and plants that originally existed on the earth, not the monsters and all kinds of strange plants in this ghost place.

The two hurried back, and they finally returned to the original shelter. They saw our message and knew that we were here.

As a result, just as Lao Sun was about to set off, that Xing Lingfeng said that he had lost something and asked Lao Sun to go forward first, and he immediately followed.

I asked the old grandson what happened later, but the old grandson said that he was too tired to travel at that time, so he found a tree to rest, and asked Xiaoxing to go back quickly, and he would have to come back within an hour if he could not find it.

But Xiao Xing never returned, and Lao Sun went back to look for it, but he couldn't find it, so he quickly found it.

I feel that Lao Sun is lying, did he kill Xiao Xing?

After all, something found a strange door, and something fell, this reason sounds too lame.

Lao Sun vowed to say that the door definitely exists. Seeing that I didn't believe it, he said that he would go back to Xiao Xing and bring him back immediately. I discussed it with the others and decided to send five people to look for it with Lao Sun.

Anyway, you can march at night, there is no problem with wearing protective equipment, and it is not impossible to walk at night. 】


【Last calendar · 44th day】

[The disaster is still very early. We don't have to worry about the disaster. The rushing army finally came to the lake, but we didn't find Xiao Xing, and we didn't find the door that Lao Sun said.

This old man, Lao Sun, dares to lie? Lied to my head?

Xiaomin said that although this incident is bizarre, Lao Sun has been with us for a long time, so he shouldn't be able to lie.

But I don't think this is going to go away.

Although Xiao Xing has just arrived, he is much better than this old guy in all aspects, and he has brought us a lot of supplies.

The old guy came with nothing!

Lost a go-getter and left an old thing behind? Trading at a loss.

This old thing, I must find a reason to blow him away when I look back. 】


【Last Calendar · Fifty-ninth Day】

[Oil can only be extracted by hand, and we were able to collect it with a group of people at first, and sell this crude oil to those who want it but don’t know what to do, in exchange for a lot of food and water, and some tools.

I have forgotten the first few rounds of disasters, but the total population has been reduced to less than 30 million. I don’t know whether this is fast or slow, but I think that human beings are still quite tenacious.

Our sanctuary is located two kilometers from the oil mine and chose to be a sanctuary underground, not above ground.

The ground is not safe, and it is built into a building. It is estimated that it cannot be survived by the next hurricane disaster.

The underground shelter is currently two floors. We think the entrance cannot be designed according to the system. It is still the kind of submarine. The entrance is vertical like a well. It seems to be the safest.

This is Xiaomin's idea, and I listen to her.

Our children seem to be growing up slowly.

Then build a slightly longer passage, in case the enemy can retreat indoors, the main shelter will be made of alloy, as for...

This was also Xiaomin's idea, and I listened to her.

By the way, after Lao Sun went out, he didn't know where to go, died? 】


【Last calendar · 83rd day】

[More than 30 of us killed a huge monster together, two or three stories high, like a dinosaur drawn in a book. This system was only updated a few days ago. We really used a lot of methods. that led it to that swamp. If it weren't for that, it wouldn't really be able to do it.

As a result, the monster died and didn't come out of the treasure chest. The system notified me that I got a treasure chest, and also said that it was made of platinum. As a result, we really opened a good thing.

Moreover, it is a platform that can extract and refine crude oil!

After installing it, we not only got gasoline, diesel, etc., but also some things that we don't know what to do. Xiaomin said that they are very useful and saved. 】


【Last Calendar · 142nd Day】

【disaster? That kind of thing doesn't exist in this sanctuary.

All kinds of disasters, in this absolutely safe refuge, can only retreat with hatred.

Thanks Xiaomin.

There are still more than 20 million people in the world, is it too small?

Some people came and some died in the sanctuary. In the end, these forty-two people are all extremely strong partners.

Recently, we found thousands of books in an abandoned shelter. I don't know how the previous owner got them. I thought it was useful, so I opened another floor underground and turned it into a study, which is not bad.

By the way, we killed another huge monster, and in the platinum treasure chest it exploded, we opened dozens of kilograms of nitrocellulose! This thing Cricket said can replace black powder, and it is more powerful.

Xiaomin said help me to exist in a space that will not explode easily, and said that it will not deteriorate for decades.

Is it true or false. 】


【Last Calendar · 302nd Day】

[Xiaomi was about to give birth, prematurely. Fortunately, Claire would deliver the baby, and the child was born smoothly.

But the child is dark skinned.

I killed Cricket, the only dark one among us.

die! die! Fuck me!

Xiaomin confessed, she and Cricket are on good terms, everyone else knows, and everyone regards Xiaomin as the leader here, not me!

I am a clown? Turns out I'm a clown!

give me death! 】


【Last Calendar · Day 369】

[After a lapse of two months, I came back here again, the air was full of rotten smell, I just glanced at it, and I was the only one left in the world.

The system didn't give me any reward as the only survivor.

I wandered around like a lonely ghost for a long time, and finally returned to this sad place.

Living seems to have no meaning at all.

Seems like it's time for me to go too.

I wrote these diaries, so funny, so funny.

Hahahaha, everyone died, all died, hahahaha! 】

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