Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 379 The doomsday bunker is collected, the key to unlocking the mystery!

"how can that be……"

Lin Yue closed the thick diary, and at this moment, it was as if he was in a dream.

Everything recorded in it was almost equal to the most terrifying and terrifying thought he had just thought.

Moreover, it is even more bizarre and more magical!

He closed his eyes and felt that his original understanding of this place was on the verge of collapse.

The countless information and intelligence revealed in the diary that contradicted the current survival game in another world made Lin Yue suspicious of everything and plunged him into deeper thinking.

Lin Yue took another look at the dead bone in front of him.

According to what was said in the diary, it didn't take long for this person to travel to this different world, and he met a female survivor. After that, as there were more and more survivors in the shelter, their team became bigger and bigger. This person established a relationship with the female survivor, and after moving twice, settled down in this place far from the oil mine. In the end, because he originally thought that the child of the female survivor and the female survivor was the child of another black man. He went crazy, killed everyone, and finally ended himself in this study.

However, these are obviously unimportant things.

In this diary, other kinds of information that are completely unfamiliar to him are more important.

Lin Yue read the diary again, took out his pen, and wrote some noteworthy keywords in his diary.

But he found that these key words could not be finished in three or four pages.

After entering this sanctuary, the mysteries appeared one after another, and even, one by one, made him doubt the world.

The entrance to the shelter buried under the soil, the corpses that had apparently been dead for more than thirty-five days, the clothes that were almost shattered when touched, the dust everywhere...

This place is like a vortex of a huge mystery, easily swallowing up all the various understandings that Lin Yue had established in this world.

"If this diary can be judged to be true... No, this calendar and these dead bones can basically prove that everything in this shelter and our survival this time are things that exist in two time and space."

The handwriting of the diary and the degree of preservation of the paper have quite a few traces of time. It is definitely not something that can be done within thirty-five days, not to mention everything else in this sanctuary, which shows the strangeness and difference here.

Lin Yue was silent, he tried his best to calm down his excitement, and turned his attention to thinking.

In his mind, he tried to stitch together these keywords and various information to find the closest truth.

"Then, this is not the first time that humans have traveled to this different world to survive. It was once a few decades ago. More specifically, it should have been nearly 30 years ago that 100 million people came here. this world."

Judging from the information recorded by the owner of this diary, the information about the BP machine, the paging station, the big brother, etc., the last group of people who came to this other world to survive was led to this other world by the system nearly 30 years ago. of.

The proof is that the owner of this diary does not have the slightest knowledge and understanding of "network", etc., and the system is quite complete, giving this wave of 100 million survivors a more suitable communication platform and trading platform.

"Thirty years ago, this group of people was teleported to a different world... Although I don't know where this number came from, after these people came to another world, the difficulty of survival was much easier than it is now. After all, They can move freely even at night, and there seems to be no shortage of food and water."

"Moreover, the cycle of their disasters was even extended to once every fifteen days. It seems that various resources can be easily found, and even giant creatures appear much later than now."

Lin Yue kept recording the conclusions of his analysis in his diary.

"After they easily used the platinum treasure chest to open the oil extraction and refining platform, they were finally completely eliminated on the 369th day in this different world."

"They also found the ancient gate of the secret realm, and they also encountered the species of lizardmen."

Although this diary is filled with a lot of water and descriptions that are completely irrelevant to important information, there are indeed a lot of noteworthy things.


Lin Yue wrote the words "Xing Lingfeng" in the book and drew another circle.

This should not be the name that appeared in this diary, but it really had to be mentioned.

This can be said to be the biggest mystery in this diary.

Moreover, from the time Xing Lingfeng joined this sanctuary, until he "disappeared", almost every day, he had to write something about him in his diary.

Xing Lingfeng in the diary is in his twenties and does not like to talk much, but in all aspects of survival, he has the ability to be higher than ordinary people, and he is quite obedient, so the owner of this diary values ​​him very much, and he is very obedient to him. Extremely trusting, even when Xing Lingfeng disappeared, it took several days to find it, so he had some grudges against the old grandson.

Xing Lingfeng's description when he disappeared is even more mysterious.

According to what Lao Sun said in the diary, Xing Lingfeng was a thief and Lao Sun when they went to a small lake together and found a strange door leading to an unfamiliar mountain with plants and insects on the earth. People returned to the shelter to find that the shelter had moved, and explicitly told them it was because they had found oil.

After that, Xing Lingfeng used excuses to find the lost thing, and it disappeared since then.

When the owner of the sanctuary took the others to search with the old grandson, the strange door disappeared, and the search for Xing Lingfeng has not been followed since.


Xing Lingfeng.

This name appeared again now, and it just happened to be one of his few chat group friends, and the leader of his relatively close refuge village.

Could these two Xing Lingfeng be the same person?

There shouldn't be many Xing Lingfeng's namesakes, and, even if they do have the same name, how many of them will be strong and able to survive?

Moreover, judging from the various information he has now, the disappearance of Xing Lingfeng in the diary can actually be explained by a bold assumption.

Under the circumstance that the various functions of that system are extremely imperfect, and many of the various functions that appeared very early today were almost experimental at that time, the function of "Secret Realm Ancient Gate" may not be like Now so seamlessly drillable.

The strange door that Lao Sun and Xing Lingfeng found by the lake is undoubtedly the ancient secret door leading to the earth, but it is very likely that the ancient secret door at that time was not connected to what he and other survivors encountered today. This is at least the kind of Earth in thirty years from now.

It is very likely that it leads directly to the earth of the original era, and even there is no rule for compulsory kicking back.

Therefore, it is very likely that Xing Lingfeng returned to the earth through this ancient secret realm, and after hiding for a long time, he found that he did not go back to the other world, and relied on the extraordinary survival consciousness and skills he had trained in the other world. , has long become a world-renowned outdoor survival expert.

After that, after the seven billion people on the earth came back to this different world, he was able to successfully adapt to this place at the fastest speed, and he led a group of survivors very early to become the strongest in this different world. one of the teams.


Actually there are some.

Lin Yue still remembered that when he started several transactions with Xing Lingfeng, he needed a rather rare resource called "gasoline".

At that time, on the trading platform of the whole group, he only found such a person who can provide a large amount of gasoline.

After the transaction, due to the problem of pistol bullets and the lack of raw materials for making bullets, Xing Lingfeng took out the nitrocellulose that he could not imagine to find in general, and the quantity was very large.

After that, he traded a lot with Xing Lingfeng for gasoline, and even in terms of diesel, Xing Lingfeng also had a lot of storage.

For several consecutive disasters, Xing Lingfeng has also been very low-key. It can even be said that this Xing Lingfeng has almost a rich disaster response plan, as if he has experienced it.

Just like the terrifying triple disaster of extreme heat, hail, and fire tornado last time, Xing Lingfeng didn't say anything superfluous from the beginning, but went through the disaster silently and directly without even asking for any help. , By searching the World Channel, he found that Xing Lingfeng didn't even say anything.

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

The keywords of various intelligences between the two Xing Lingfengs actually overlap quite a bit.

"Gasoline, diesel and nitrocellulose, these are all things that were written in the diary of the original shelter owner, and this Xing Lingfeng on my side quickly owned these at the beginning of the disaster, and succeeded after the first disaster. The establishment of a refuge village... Coupled with the inextricable relationship between the two Xing Lingfeng, it is difficult not to make people think about it..."

Lin Yue felt that if it was true, then this matter was really terrible.

This Xing Lingfeng on his side is the same as that Xing Lingfeng, then this person is equivalent to having survived in another world twice, and he has a considerable amount of knowledge and experience. He is really hidden.

After three hundred and sixty-nine days have passed, the original owner of this diary said that he was the last person left in the world, which seems to be inaccurate.

There were too many bugs in the survival system at that time, like this Xing Lingfeng, like that old grandson who disappeared inexplicably, they may have slipped through the net.

But in the end, these are just conjectures.

It is even said that it is forced to explain.

After all, everything in the world will not develop according to what he said, and these hypotheses are actually just supplements.


At this time, Xiaobai shouted loudly, coming from above, and seemed to be quite anxious.

Lin Yue glanced at the dead bone again, put away the chair, and quickly returned to the entrance from here, seeing Xiao Bai who was quite anxious.

"What's the matter, little guy? Are you worried about me?" Lin Yue smiled and jumped out of the entrance of the underground shelter.

The sky outside is very blue.

Breathing in the fresh air, he looked at the entrance of the underground shelter again, feeling that what he had just experienced inside was like a nightmare.

However, the diary left by the dead bone in his hand told him that this was not a nightmare.

All kinds of things that are contrary to this different world are still circling in his mind, making him feel doubts and doubts about everything now.

"Ga woo..." Xiaobai glanced at the entrance, then looked at Lin Yue again, as if he didn't understand why the master stayed inside for so long and didn't come out.

After all, there is nothing here other than the smell of death.

"Xiao Bai, I don't know what to tell you. This world doesn't seem to be as simple as we imagined..."

He went down again, starting from the first basement level and ending at the fourth basement level. He collected the entire shelter again, collected everything he could, and replaced the junk with survival points.

However, he didn't get anything like the diary anymore, and he didn't collect any materials.

He didn't find any of the various things mentioned in the diary, whether it was diesel gasoline or nitrocellulose.

Drilling out again, Lin Yue stroked the entrance of the shelter without the alloy cover, thinking about how to deal with this place, when suddenly, the sound of the system suddenly sounded at this moment.

[Whether or not to fold the doomsday bunker]

Doomsday... Bunker?

The system made the mechanical sound he used to make when collecting those unmanned shelters.

Doomsday bunker...

It has a completely different title from the Refuge. Is this the name of the original Refuge? Or did the original owner of the diary and the female survivor named Xiaomin designed this underground shelter, which was recognized by the system as another type of shelter?

[Whether or not to fold the doomsday bunker]

After Lin Yue thought about the general structure and orientation inside, he took Xiaobai to stand on the other side.

"Confirm folding!"

A white light suddenly flashed, and a rumbling sound erupted on the ground!

The soil on the ground kept sinking downwards, and Lin Yue was caught by Xiaobai and flew into the air. At the same time, a light blue blueprint appeared in his hand.

"A blueprint for the doomsday bunker?"

Lin Yue imagined the incomparably huge fourth-floor space below, as well as the sufficiently safe corridor and the entrance to the deep and narrow refuge, and felt that he had gained a lot this time.

He looked at the ground. Under the billowing smoke and dust, in the big pit that suddenly appeared on the ground, some bones were rolled and covered by the floating soil, and his heart was quite complicated.

This is the last remaining wave of people in the last survival game, and this is their last grave.

With his arrival, he took away the secrets and the doomsday bunker where these people were buried.

He thought of the last words that the owner of the diary had in the diary at that time.

He is the only one left in the world, so the meaning of living becomes nothing.

"Xiao Bai, go back first. We have to go back to the sanctuary and get all the materials we need. We need a new doomsday bunker here."


Xiaobai just replied softly.

It spread its wings and flew over the vast and boundless grassland, with ruby-like eyes watching everything on the earth and in the air.

The black river was flowing slowly, and the big pit where no smoke was floating was behind them, waiting for their arrival again.

"Xing Lingfeng..."

As Lin Yue read this enigmatic name, he remembered that not long ago, this person seemed to want to provoke the confrontation between him and Lily Karahao.

"Would you like to take the plan? Or, test him?"

This person is not only the mystery itself, but also the key to solving the mystery!

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