In the picture, chopsticks are holding bacon and instant noodles, and he is about to put them in his mouth, but Lin Yue, who is staring blankly in the direction of the camera.

All the people who are interested in the whole group, the focus of the line of sight is not right.

Lin Yue, who noticed something, hurriedly ran down to the basement, put on his hiking clothes and hiking pants as fast as he could, and came back again.

"Cough, okay, I think it's normal."

"I can wrap my waist around what I say? Am I proud?"

"Based on my experience over the years, this is true..."

"Is Lin Shen short of a partner? Is it okay to be so deadly with sex?"

"I want to communicate with more and more in a simple way."

"Wait, I'm the one who came first! Even the word "Lin Shen" was invented by me, right?"

"It's already rushing."


However, the voices of these people were quickly replaced by the exclamations of others.

The camera rotates inside the shelter and also captures everything on the entire first floor of the shelter.

"Wait, wasn't the stone shelter just outside? Why are the walls inside the house turned into wood again?"

"I see! Damn it, Lin Yue's bullshit. Actually, the interior is reinforced with wooden boards for thermal insulation, and the skin of mutant creatures is used to nail it on top, which is equivalent to adding another layer of warmth?"

"I'll go, isn't that a built-in steel fireplace? I've sold that one before, which allows the fuel to be re-burned while still..."

"Talk about the point."

"In short, with such a thing, coupled with the double-layer thermal insulation measures taken by Lin Yue, it is too easy to open a sky pit in the snowfield, and the shelter is not covered with snow. Of course, this also makes him unable to Don't wear shorts and vests in the shelter, or you will get heatstroke."

"Isn't the snow disaster a good thing? I now understand why I have to open the windows. It's not for pretending, but it's really too hot. Of course, this is also a pretense?"

"Look at the sweat on Lin Yue's head. It's not that he doesn't want to wear it, but he really can't wear it. I haven't worn this mountaineering suit for a minute, and the sweat is flowing down like water, right?"

"Professional! Shocked my mother for a whole year, Lin Shenniu approved!"

The screen continued to move, and everyone was carefully looking at the shelter that had already shocked them from the bottom of their hearts.

Many people also understand from the bottom of their hearts that Lin Yue is not just the kind of person who has a lot of water, but really has a certain ability to make his points really reach the level that is three times that of the second place.

Moreover, more people are also very clear that maybe things are not so simple.

After the camera was aimed at Lin Yue's dining table, everyone started a new round of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"It's numb, I've been eating grass roots for two days. Thanks to Lin Yue, I only ate meat for the first time in seven days, but I didn't expect the top-level configuration of bacon instant noodles."

"There are still apples. I forgot when I last ate fruit."

"And potato chips... Good guy, what I just ate for lunch was steamed buns that came out of the treasure chest I don't know how many days ago. This comparison is too hurtful."

"Everyone, look at the instant noodles carefully and take a second look. Maybe you don't have to eat dinner today. This is called Wangmei quenching thirst."

"You're the devil, right? I'm even more hungry when I see it. Ten thousand people's blood is written to ask Big Brother Lin to sell instant noodles! 1/10000"


"Did you see, glass, coffee! Sun, seems to be living a two-dimensional life with me. Why don't I even have water?"

"I advise everyone not to be in a hurry to boast. Lin Yue has companions on the cliff, and they are probably all hiding in the basement. I don't believe that he can make so many things himself, and still live so well! He is a mascot to show to the outside world."

"That's right, it's the same sentence, if he doesn't have a companion, I'll eat upside down!"


However, in addition to the group of people who looked at Lin Yue's appearance and what Lin Yue eats, many people also noticed that Lin Yue was nibbling on apples on his shoulders, stroking instant noodles, and had a beautiful appearance like silver.

"So cute, where is this thing, I really want it!"

"The lizard was 18 centimeters visually, and it was as big as my own!"

"Haha, that's half smaller than mine."

"The eyes of this little thing are a bit too beautiful, pure red, can Lin Yue send it to me? Don't forget to stuff two liters of water when you send it."

"His grandma's, why is it so cute, why!"

"I also want to raise such a dog, who knows where to get it?"

Xiaobai seemed to have sensed something, and after instigating a face, two ruby-like eyes stared straight ahead, and suddenly a white mist that was visible to the naked eye erupted!

The screen was instantly covered by this white fog, but it finally became clear again after a while.

But this time, others are not calm.

"You, did you see it? White mist?"

"Is this the beginning of the magical world? Don't stop me, I will curse Arvada!"

"Uh, wait, you haven't seen a mutant creature that can breathe fire? It's not outrageous. What's really outrageous is that Lin Yue can tame such a mutant creature, right?"

"So, I went to a cave before, and I seem to have found a similar mutant creature, but it is much larger than this, and it is extremely ferocious. I lean on the cave to be the dominant position."

"Who, Lin Yue, can actually tame this thing?"

"The cliff has a companion to help him, the cliff!"

However, the camera circled the house again, showing a fairly complete set of furniture and various weapons, and then descended directly from the stairs under the table to the quiet basement.

In the basement, it was quite quiet.

In addition to a bed covered with a mat, there are a lot of various materials, and there are quite a few of them, which are extremely unfamiliar to everyone. Moreover, there are no half-way figures in the basement, and there are no companions that those people said.

Some people exclaimed at those furs, some people were shocked that Lin Yue had obtained quite a few mechanical things, and some people were thinking, why Lin Yue achieved such achievements in such a short period of time.

That is, at this moment, the live broadcast screen turned again and typed out the detailed rating of Lin Yue's Refuge.

【Comprehensive Score: 1095】

【Refuge Score: 350】

[Material Score: 495]

[Additional points for the number of refugees: 0]

[Disaster Resilience Bonus: 250]

Unlike the previous two, this time, almost no one would question Lin Yue, and no one would think there was a problem with the system's scoring.

Everyone can see how different Lin Yue's painting style is in this snow disaster where everyone is about to freeze to death.

When everyone else wanted to be wrapped in ten layers of fur, Lin Yue was so hot that he could only sleep on the mat, sweating profusely in his shorts and vest.

Others drank a drop of water in half, and a piece of bread lasted for three or four days. He actually drank coffee and ate instant noodles with bacon, and even fruit and snacks after meals.

Others are lonely and lonely, and can only be with the five girls' fingers. He is lucky, he actually has an extremely beautiful and lovely pet, and that pet can breathe cold air, and even has spirituality.

No matter what, Lin Yue lived like another level of life, one level ahead of everyone, as if others were suffering, and he was enjoying it, like he was on vacation.

"I disagree with the rating!"

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