In the shelter, Xiaobai hiccupped after eating the last bite of noodles in satisfaction.

Originally, it was already lying down on the table, and it was difficult to even move, but after finding the scent of Lin Yue's coffee, he tried his best to turn over, hum hum hum, and crawled to the side, lying beside the cup, He opened his red eyes and looked at Lin Yue.

"Do you want to drink this too?" Lin Yue called out to the snack food in his heart, dipped his chopsticks and licked it.

After tasting the bitter and sour taste, Xiaobai instantly retracted his neck and shook his head vigorously.

However, just when Lin Yue was about to finish his last sip, Xiao Bai came over and rubbed his hand again, staring at the coffee cup again, tilting his little head, and shouting "Puji puji".

"Xiao Bai, if you drink too much, you won't be able to sleep. I'll tell you."

After blowing the last bit of cold air and pouring it on a porcelain plate, Xiao Bai couldn't wait to drink it.

Good guy, what kind of lizard I have raised, it’s okay to eat instant noodles and mutton skewers, and tea and coffee are also the same. ,

After seeing Xiaobai licking the last bit as if he was still unfinished, Lin Yue also called out to him in his heart.

It was quiet inside the shelter, but the strong wind still rang out outside.

After Lin Yue regained his original attire, he nibbled on the apple and opened the game panel.

Just now, he was broadcast live.

He didn't care about the so-called points last night at all, and he didn't have any preparations in the morning.

If he knew there was a live broadcast, he would put everything that should not be discovered in the inventory in advance.

Of course, he did put away a lot, when changing clothes at that time.

Lin Yue could have changed it directly on the chair at that time, but he took into account that there were almost too many machines in the basement, so he put them away one by one.

When he was eating noodles, he got a prompt from the system, saying that when the live broadcast was about to start, he immediately went to the game panel to check it.

Only then did he realize that the top three in the standings would be directly forced into a "live broadcast" program.

This live broadcast program, as the name suggests, is to show everything about the entire shelter, including the outside and inside, to those who are still alive in the group.

As the number one, of course, he will be the focus of attention.

And, indeed, it is.

Not only is the outside of the shelter unobstructed, but the inside is also "anatomized" inside and out for the audience to see.

This is not a good thing.

Lin Yue looked at the standings. After everyone's scores, there was a "..." sign, which showed the detailed source of the scores.

There is also a play button behind the top three, and a number next to it, showing the amount of play.

After the live broadcast, it will not disappear, but will continue to exist as a video.

Lin Yue looked at the playback volume.

The third place's playback volume was only over 4,000, and the second place's playback volume was more than 6,000, and his playback volume reached 15,000 in such a short time after he finished eating!

Lin Yue frowned.

This proves that everyone is studying the most nourishing people in his group!

I believe that in another day, this number will more than double!

And this is the purpose of the system.

At the time of the first disaster, the entire group has indeed lost more than half of its people, and the number is rising.

Survival is not easy, even extremely difficult.

Everyone is working hard to survive.

The system gives everyone the opportunity to simply create and invent things with materials, and it also gives the rule that by killing monsters, there is a certain chance to explode the treasure chest, the purpose is to let people survive better.

And this live broadcast is of course the purpose.

The system wants everyone to see how the top three maintain shelters and survive disasters, so that everyone can learn.

Those who have lived to this day are basically all learned.

Although the mouth has been joking, but in fact everyone is carefully observing the top three shelters, and will rely on these experiences to make their lives better, so that they can still survive the next disaster. able to survive.

Lin Yue unscrewed a bottle of water and took a sip.

He clicked on the video of the sanctuary in third place.

Since others can learn from him, he can also learn from others, right?

With this 100% treasure chest system, he must be much stronger than others. If he can't keep the distance, it can only prove that he is too far.

The video is not too long, it can be said to be extremely short.

"Iron shelter? I really didn't think about it. And the channel made of ice seems to have both functions of ventilation and travel... How many mutant creatures did this guy kill? And they all seem to be quite big ones. kind of."

In terms of firmness, the metal shelter is naturally much stronger than his stone. It is estimated that a bump like a mutant sheep will not take away the durability value.

However, Lin Yue had never opened it from the treasure chest, nor had he seen anyone selling designs in the mall.

But he knew that if there was a blueprint, it would definitely be in this person's hands.

"Berger, right?"

Lin Yue wrote down his name, and when he was going to see what resources this product was extremely seriously lacking, he would get the design drawing of the iron shelter in his hand.

In Berg's bonus item, there is an additional "number of refugees". It seems that the number of people can indeed affect the score to a certain extent. One person is 20 points.

It is naturally much easier for two people to work together to survive than to do it alone, after all, there is one more labor force.

But this also raises the question of who is doing the work and who is doing the work.

If you get it right, it's a win-win situation, but if you don't get it right...

Of course there is no need to say much.

There is also a problem here.

Where is the other's refuge?

When Lin Yue was about to continue watching the second-placed video, he suddenly saw other people's comments in the video, all of which kept mentioning Du Ping's fall from second place to fourth place.

Du Ping, this person Lin Yue has a deep memory of, he has also been paying attention to it.

And falling from second place to fourth place, this kind of thing is not a trivial matter.

Especially knowing that the grading system seemed to have been grading since the disaster last night, and after the deadline was in the morning, Lin Yue was even more strange.

This gave him an idea: Is Du Ping controlling points?

Because the top three will be broadcast live, and Du Ping, who doesn't want others to know what he has asylum, controls his score...

Does this possibility exist?

The more Lin thought about it, the more wrong it became.

If it's true, then Du Ping...

He has to be careful.

Continue to the third video.

The time is also not long, but the amount of information is quite large.

The second person can be seen from the video that he should be a good carpenter and a very good hunter. At the same time, he can also use stone to make a fireplace for heating.

Even, this is the work done by one person.

You can see the strength of this man.

Lin Yue carefully checked the various arrangements in this person's house, and he also had some concerns in his heart.

Later, if this person wants to buy water to drink, then he can take the opportunity to get some woodworking designs and add something to his shelter.


Lin Yue opened the private message.

It's something he basically wouldn't watch.

After all, every time I look at it, there are 9999 pieces of information, most of which are garbage, and I can't read it at all.

But at this moment, Lin Yue felt that it was not impossible to find business opportunities.

Especially since he has become a celebrity in the group.

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