Cool, what can I use to express it?

Lin Yue felt at the moment that he was at an emotional peak now!

And this comes from nothing else.

The reason is that when he touched the palladium treasure chest that had just been airdropped, the system reminded him again that there was a new reward!

And this reward is a platinum treasure chest!

One weight, another weight!

The palladium treasure chest is a precious treasure chest that is extremely difficult to obtain. It is the most precious reward given by the system after the regional map fragments have been collected and the entire wasteland map has been fully unlocked and opened. .

Before the Palladium Treasure Chest, the highest level reward was the Platinum Treasure Chest.

If you want to get the platinum treasure chest, then you have to do things such as stepping through the underground ruins guarded by lizards and beggars who are eager and dangerous; or kill the huge creatures with huge size and amazing attack power; or become this The number one existence in another world...

No matter which one is, it is actually an extremely difficult thing, and basically, it requires a huge effort.

Some have little chance of even trying.

The platinum treasure chest is such a rare and precious thing.

So far, Lin Yue seems to have never seen or heard of anyone else who has obtained a platinum treasure chest.

Because he found that when the system seems to distribute platinum treasure chests, it will also advertise it on the whole world channel, wishing others would not know about it.

And this time the release of the palladium treasure chest, without having to look at the World Channel, Lin Yue also knew that there had already been an extremely terrifying wave.

After confirming the system's reminder, Lin Yue looked at the sky again. This time, there was no accident like just now. Instead, he slowly fell down and finally fell to the door of the main shelter.

Lin Yue picked up the fire axe, and quickly chopped open the wooden box, and immediately saw the old friend inside.

"Platinum treasure chest, this belongs to the big one and the small one."

You can open two treasure chests in a row for a while, and they are all very high-level.

It's obviously impossible to just take a shower and change clothes. To open a treasure chest of this level, Lin Yue felt that using the shower gel twice was too little.

However, I still have to take a look at Xiaobai's injury first. Although it doesn't seem to be a serious problem, it must be checked carefully.

Taking out the emergency medicine box, Lin Yue went straight to the treasure box area and saw the little guys who were waiting for his arrival with anticipation.

However, Xiaobai was lying directly on the cold ground. Although this guy likes to be cool, but he is injured, it is better not to lie directly on the ground.

Lin Yue took out two thick sheepskins from the storage space.

"Xiaomeng, move Xiaobai up, and you should be more comfortable when you open the treasure chest, right? After you're done, Xiaobai, let me check your specific injuries."

After putting the medicine box in place, Lin Yue quickly took out the Baiyao spray from it.

After Xiaobai was moved to the sheepskin mat by Xiaomeng, he also obediently stretched out his arms and let Lin Yue be at the mercy of him.

"Here?" Lin Yue slightly touched the center of the lower arm, the connection between the shoulder and the arm, and the connection between the big claws and the lower arm. This is the most easily injured place, and Xiaobai nodded immediately.

Lin Yue recalled that when he was a child, he climbed the wall of the orphanage and ran out. He had injured his arm countless times. He remembered that it was in almost the same position every time.

This can be regarded as a good doctor after a long illness. He has been injured too many times, and he knows the exact location.

But then again, the structures of ice lizards and humans seem to be quite similar.

Lin Yue took out the white medicine, and sprayed Xiaobai with the insurance first. After five minutes, he found that there was no stress reaction or it became serious, and then took out the body and gave Xiaobai's arms and joints. It was sprayed all over the wings.

"Xiao Bai, you have to endure the taste for a while, Xiao Meng, if you cover your nose, go over there. This smells so good!"

Lin Yue still likes the smell of Baiyao. He doesn't know why, but he just thinks it smells good.

Just like some people like the smell of gasoline and some people like the smell of Huoxiangzhengqi water, he only has a soft spot for the smell of Baiyao.

This was probably because he was injured too frequently, and the vice president of the orphanage always brought white medicine from home to strain his arm.

By the way, why was the wall of the orphanage so high at that time, and the last section was still so far from the ground, every time he climbed over the wall and came down, his last arm had to hang there before jumping to the ground.

The orphanage went up and down, but the vice president was a good person, and he always took good care of everyone in the orphanage. But unfortunately, good people don't live long.

Others, like the dean, regard it as a cash cow, thinking about how to make money every day...

By the way, is that dean still alive? Anyone else?

While waiting for Baiyao to take effect, Lin Yue slightly opened the world panel and checked it.


The old dean is still alive, and so is the old witch who always pinches his arm with sharp fingernails...

It's true that good people don't live long, and Wang Ba lives for a thousand years.

For such a long time, these people have been living well, and the other world has not done anything to them in such hardships.

"However, it's not a good thing. Those gangs don't seem to belong, and they don't belong. At this time, they can basically be judged as 'beggars'."

Since the last system upgrade, each person's information that can be found now has a sign of the refuge village to which they belong.

Even a lone wolf survivor like him would have a suffix like "Lin Yue's Refuge Village".

If there is no sign, it can basically be identified as a "beggar".

The system didn't give this group of people who took refuge in the lizardmen this name, but because of his appeal on the world panel before, almost all survivors are used to calling them "beggars" when they mention these people. ".

Speaking of beggars, Lin Yue now also found out that Liu Kai, the leader of the refuge village who was his trading partner before, is also a beggar; and Du Ping, who has never been seen, is also a beggar. living.

These people have sold their souls to the Lizardmen and lost their bottom line as human beings.

In the future, if he could meet them, Lin Yue felt that he would not simply let these people escape.

"Begging for life is a big problem for those who are seeking life."

The one who understands human beings best is human beings themselves.

Taking out some plasters from the medicine box, Lin Yue tore them apart and stuck them on Xiaobai's joints and muscles, which made Xiaobai look rather funny.

"It will cool down for a while, and then you should be comfortable."

Lin Yue patted the little friend, the plaster, but it was very interesting.

"Put the treasure chest here first, you two don't move around here, I'm going to buy an orange, no, go wash and come back, do you hear?"

The palladium treasure chest and the platinum treasure chest were placed in front of the two little guys. After instructing them, Lin Yue walked upstairs.

The two little guys waited for a while, looked at each other, and then looked at the treasure chest in front of them that was shining with a wonderful and attractive light under the light.

At this moment, a strange feeling in their hearts suddenly came out quietly.

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