Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 404 Combat Charge! The enemy with all his might! (Add more updates for the leader Bai Shiyu!

There was a continuous roar like a thunderstorm, and after the explosive ballista arrow burst on the giant creature, a blood mist was also raised on it!

The giant creature was also hit by this terrifying first round of explosions, and after making an unpleasant wailing scream, it was about to fall to the other side.

But the extremely strong and well-balanced eight legs made it barely fall to the ground after some struggles.

But on its body, the shell on that side has been blasted out with several large holes, exposing the pulpy meat inside.

A large amount of blood flowed out of the wound like a stream of water.

It took quite a lot of damage!

"Oh? Are you able to persevere? Let's try again?!"

Lin Yue didn't hesitate, and another wave of ten bursts!

The roar came again, and then, there was another great vibration!

The smoke and dust in the sky also rose into the sky from the direction of the giant creature that was hit again after the black smoke was raised!

Lin Yue immediately put the ballista arrows back into the storage space, glanced at the Lizardmen Legion that was less than 400 or 500 meters away from him, and pressed the switch of the backpack-style flamethrower, heading in the direction of the giant creature. fly away quickly.

Soon, lingering and struggling, the giant creature who wanted to stand up again entered his eyes.

However, Lin Yue also found that its breathing is extremely rapid now, but it is obviously a candle in the wind, and it is estimated that it will not last long.

But Lin Yue didn't want to lose the chance to destroy a giant creature.

One is to eliminate hidden dangers, and the other is for treasure chests!

A barrel of gasoline emerged from the storage space and fell directly into the wound of the giant creature below due to gravity!

And when the gasoline barrel fell on the wound, what immediately plunged into the barrel was a burning arrow!

boom! !

The violent explosion sounded again, and the gasoline also ignited the giant creature that was still barely holding on!

After it made its last scream, there was no movement.

And Lin Yue immediately heard the voice he wanted to hear.

[You killed the giant creature, the giant shrimp-type beast! 】

【You got a platinum treasure chest! 】

[System airdrop rewards will be released immediately! 】

Lin Yue landed immediately, put the platinum treasure chest that appeared beside the giant creature into the storage space, and immediately refueled the backpack-style flame jet, and flew towards the shelter again!

The two flames that erupted violently shot diagonally backward from the flame vent behind him, and Lin Yue also flew past the black Lizardmen Legion like an arrow!

However, just as he was about to reach the range of the sanctuary, he accidentally glanced forward, and unexpectedly discovered that there were actually a large group of flying shadows on the horizon!

Look in other directions, there are more shadows!

"This is not the kind of eagle-wing worm, but a bigger monster, and it is a monster I am very familiar with..."

Standing on the city wall again, Lin Yue saw that Xiaomeng had withdrawn into the shelter, and the other little ice lizards had also run back.

Their bodies were covered in blood, but they were not harmed. In the battle just now, they were just chasing the lizardmen to attack, and the target of the lizardmen was him from the beginning!

Therefore, Xiaomeng and they were not injured at all...

boom! !

At this moment, there was a sudden roar, Lin Yue looked up into the distance, and found that in the northwest direction, there was another monster with a very long body raised up high!

"Poison Tianlong? Then the ones in the sky are those stormy lizards, right?"

He picked up the scope and aimed it at the sky, and the nearest monster was clearly discernible.

Isn't what the storm lizard is?

The lizardmen played a really big battle, and even got these things.

Then, it is not impossible for giant beetles, strange mice, blood-sucking insects, giant spiders, etc. to appear.

"Liuzi, fly up to drag the time!"

Lin Yue gave the order, and a black shadow immediately moved away from him and rose straight into the sky!

Lin Yue also took advantage of the opportunity of Xiao Liuzi to buy time, and immediately began to build an upward slope on the city wall, next to several medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stations, just like the deputy shelter of Youhe River.

Then, after four slopes were established on the four walls at the fastest speed, a total of sixteen electric sentry machine gun stations also pointed their machine gun barrels to the sky diagonally above!

Lin Yue raised his head again, the sound of fighting in the air had not stopped since the beginning, and black shadows kept falling from the air, hitting the ground.

Xiao Liuzi seemed to be on the rise, killing more than a dozen Storm Flying Lizards in a row!

"Xiao Bai, tell it it's alright!"

Lin Yue looked at Xiao Bai who was on the ground in a hurry, and Xiao Bai immediately roared. Xiao Liuzi, who had already lost in the fight with the huge number of Tempest Flying Lizards, immediately turned around and flew back to the shelter. At the same time, the anti-aircraft machine guns around them began to play their role, and there were continuous stormy lizards falling in the sky!

At this time, Lin Yue glanced at the poisonous Tianlong who was gradually approaching here.

The robot dogs on this side don't use the long range of sniper rifles on other lizardmen, but pour bullets onto it.

Although the distance is indeed still a little far, at least two kilometers or more, this product is always a serious problem!

For the time being, until it's not close enough, you can ignore it for a while, after all, Xiaomeng can use his powerful combat power to beat this guy into a concussion.

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

He needs to calmly analyze.

In this situation now, as long as his head heats up, he may lose all his efforts.

Moreover, there is another confidant, that is, the giant creature that was in the northeast direction before.

At this moment, it is also from here, not so far away.

More than that.

The lizardmen outside didn't seem to want to hide either. They all came out from the ground. Some of them were too close to the shelter, so they triggered the attack mode of the sentry machine gun stand, and the bullets poured out at the same time. Immediately formed a fire network of bullets!

Those lizardmen who unfortunately entered the shooting range didn't even have a chance to hide or dodge, and they didn't even have a chance to scream, they were easily torn into pieces by the violent bullet rain, and more lizardmen were also there. Keep getting shot!

The medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand kept twisting the machine gun stand, and the flames were constantly spewing out, and the deafening sound also made Lin Yue have to put on earmuffs.

The lizardmen's encircling net was forced to retreat continuously by the bullets, leaving only one place of corpses, but their encircling net faded, and at this time, more gray things rushed out from the rear and replaced them!

"Strange rat? There are also giant spiders and blood-sucking worms! How much power did the lizardmen use?"

This is something that has never been done before.

Venomous dragons, storm lizards, strange mice, giant spiders, blood-sucking worms, these monsters from the secret realm, along with the number of tens of thousands of lizardmen, attacked this sanctuary together!

This made Lin Yue feel that the previous battles that had repelled the Lizardmen's attack were like a joke again and again.

And this time, the lizardmen are really moving!

No, it should be said that the person behind the lizardmen finally decided to launch the biggest and most terrifying battle charge against him this time!

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