There was a burst of roaring noises from far away.

From the due west and northeast direction of the refuge, two giant creatures like hills are now under the leadership of the lizardmen, constantly approaching the refuge.

The engine of the heavy-duty truck made a deafening roar, and after driving out of the shelter, suddenly there was a ten-kilometer boulder avenue in the direction of the west!

The moment Lin Yue got on the truck, he immediately had a plan for the next battle.

Now, Xiaobai can't make any contribution to the movement when he can't fly. Although Xiaomeng's foot is smashed, his fighting power is still there, so Lin Yue chooses to drive a heavy truck with Xiaomeng. Swiftly rushes towards the nearest giant creature.

Before he came out, he also prepared immediately, turning a large number of stones into a ten-kilometer stone road.

Originally, in Lin Yue's plan, building a road was a matter that needed to be considered in many aspects, and he had to be cautious every time he built a road.

But now in battle, this kind of thing doesn't need to be considered too much, everything serves the battle!

The heavy truck, along this road at a very fast speed, rushed towards the giant creature that was constantly approaching due to the west!

Lin Yue didn't think about the "ambush" of the lizardmen.

Since there were so many lizards and beggars attacking the city yesterday, with these two giant creatures today, there will definitely be ambushes lying around.

Perhaps, the number of ambushes will not be in a small number, or it is not impossible for you to have a wave of unimaginable numbers. .

Nor was he completely unprepared.

On the big truck, along with Xiaomeng, there are three hundred little ice lizards!

Their combat power is quite limited, but they are more than enough to deal with lizardmen, and their speed is definitely their forte. They can cause casualties to a large number of lizardmen or beggars in a short period of time by biting their necks and other attacks, thus causing some enemies The psychological collapse in a short period of time, this is also the proud tactics of the little ice lizards.

Even if thousands of ambushes come, they can spread out and cause death all over the enemy's phalanx, causing the enemy's formation to be thrown into chaos.

After that, no matter what Lin Yue did, these ambush soldiers couldn't stop him.

What's more, he also brought a secret weapon - Xiao Liuzi!

The strength of this flying little guy can never be underestimated.

In yesterday's battle, although Lin Yue didn't see it with his own eyes, he was still able to see from the corpses of more than 80 beggars who died by beheading almost instantly. The strength of this little guy can be said to be outstanding!

Being able to determine the enemy's command center, use the power of flight to rush to the opponent, and then use the most appropriate method - beheading to kill the enemy, Xiao Liuzi's wisdom and instant response are also quite high.

It also took this battle to successfully establish an important position as an "assassin"!

Before departure, Lin Yue also refilled its flying knife launcher with ammunition.

When the enemy leader appears, its role will be highlighted.

Even if there is a big lizardman like the last time I saw it, the little guy will definitely do something.

There are nearly 300 little ice lizards on the other side of the sanctuary, and they are on standby at any time under the leadership of Xiao Bai.

On the city wall, there is also a firepower network composed of medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stations, and is equipped with twenty robot dogs with long-range attack capabilities as auxiliary.

Defense is perfect.

If there are any shortcomings, then only the air part is worse.

Xiaobai, who could kill the Quartet in the air, is now due to the strain, and it is estimated that it is definitely impossible to fly into the sky again to fight.

So far, there is only one Xiao Liuzi left who can carry out fire strikes or assistance in the air.

He probably guessed some of the Lizardmen's attack methods, or so-called tactics.

Let the two giant creatures charge from two directions, as long as one of them was not dealt with in time, then the other end rushed to the refuge, and he would definitely not be able to destroy the city wall in time to destroy it.

The best result is that a huge hole is opened in the city wall in an instant, and the lizards and beggars who may have been lurking under the ground will take advantage of this to storm into the shelter, causing him to suffer the loss he least wants to see. .

"Then, as long as the two giant creatures are killed first... what the lizards and those beggars do next will be completely useless!"

The heavy truck roared and galloped on the road, and it was getting closer and closer to the giant creature with eight giant legs and armor shell, more like a huge crab-like creature.

To deal with this giant creature, Lin Yue's idea is very simple.


As long as it is a carbon-based creature, there is no one who is not afraid of fire, and this is also a magic weapon to restrain almost all enemies!

And fire is also the weapon he is best at.

Whether it's throwing gasoline cans, burning arrows, or even giant ballista burning arrows, or simply throwing some gasoline cans from the catapult that was driven earlier, and then igniting it, a giant creature will do it. Easy to leash.

Or, simpler.

This little guy, Xiaomeng, although he is far inferior to the giant creatures in size, has quite strong combat power and defense power. It is not impossible for Xiaomeng, who can instantly beat a Du Feilong to the residual blood, to deal with the giant creatures.

It is even said that this method is even simpler.

While thinking about it, Lin Yue quickly approached the giant creature.

When there were less than 200 meters left, Lin Yue suddenly stopped the car!

"Xiao Meng, prepare to fight!"

He got on the roof of the car at the fastest speed, and set up a sniper rifle on his stomach!


A gunshot sounded like thunder, and bullets flew out in an instant, and the lizardman who was leading it in front of the giant creature was hit in the thigh at this time and fell directly to the ground!

Lin Yue quickly pressed the trigger, and before the other lizardmen could react, more than a dozen bullets flew out, and all the remaining lizardmen fell to the ground!

Killing can't be killed for the time being, and the treasure chest will also explode if you shoot it directly. If it is picked up by the lizardmen who suddenly emerged from the ground, it will be a big loss.

The wailing of the lizard people could be heard clearly by Lin Yue from here, but before they cried for too long, they were stepped on by their extremely heavy legs, and they became puddles of mud at the feet of the giant creatures. !

"Okay, next..."

However, at this moment, strange sounds came from the nearby ground, and almost at the same time, large holes suddenly appeared on the ground near the truck!

"Xiao Meng, let the little ice lizards dispatch, now!"


"Puji!" The little ice lizards turned into streaks of white light, divided into several strands, and rushed into the big holes where the lizardmen's heads had just emerged!

Immediately, there were bursts of screams in those caves.

However, more burrows also appeared from a little further away!

At this time, Lin Yue also discovered that the giant creature, as if attracted by something, came straight in his direction.

Oh, actually rushed over directly?

The courage is not small!

"Xiao Meng, get ready to fight, I'll make this guy blind first!" Lin Yue glanced at the more and more lizardmen ambush.

He fired a bullet very quickly!

In the scope, among the six black-like eyes embedded in the front edge of the head, the top left one was instantly exploded by the bullet!

But before it could make the next move because of the severe pain, Lin Yue's bullets had pierced through its four eyes continuously!

"Hey hey hey!!"

The cry of the giant creature was quite disgusting, but Lin Yue didn't care about it, his bullet fired again!

But this time, the giant creature shook its head because of the pain, and did not hit its last eye, but hit the outer skin above its eyes!

"Tsk, one eye is fine, Xiaomeng!"

Lin Yue roared, and Xiao Meng, who was still in the car just now, was already in front of the car.

All around, countless lizardmen emerged from various caves. Even if there were three hundred little ice lizards, they would not be able to take care of the enemies that appeared in so many pits.

Xiaomeng was not distracted by this. He also knew that it was impossible for these lizardmen to hurt the little ice lizards. What it wanted to do was to smash the lizardmen who were approaching here!

Xiaomeng suddenly let out a roar, and it walked straight forward, tearing and crushing the lizardmen who blocked Lin Yuelu one by one!

Under its activity, a passage covered with the blood of the Lizardmen was soon opened!

Lin Yue returned to the cockpit and restarted the heavy truck.

There is still some distance from the giant creature here. Except for the sniper rifle, the range of other weapons is not enough to attack the giant monster that is nearly three or four hundred meters away from him, so he must get closer. Just do it.

The roar of the truck startled the surrounding lizards, and Lin Yue quickly stepped up the accelerator and dashed bravely in the road opened by Xiaomeng!

Lizardmen who had no time to dodge flew out under the rapid collision of the truck, and some of them turned into mud under the wheels...

However, before Lin Yue walked less than 100 meters, he found that he could no longer move forward at all.

There are too many lizardmen gathered in front!

Less than a few dozen meters away from him, the lizardmen drilled out from the ground like a tide, and rushed towards the truck frantically!

And the number of lizardmen facing the front is the largest!

Even the lizardmen on the side gathered to the front, as if blocking him from attacking the giant creature!

Xiaomeng attacked frantically and completely destroyed them,

Sure enough.

The lizard people have already invested a considerable amount of energy, and their response is quite fast.

The number of them is not limited to just ten thousand people.

I'm afraid, there will be tens of thousands!

With so many lizardmen rushing here, it seems that his analysis is becoming a reality.

They are not without organization, nor without strategy, and now it seems that there is really a force behind them.

Lin Yue also found that after seeing him, the lizard people rushed over at the fastest speed, even ignoring Xiaomeng and Xiaobingli.

Moreover, they didn't seem to want to kill him, but rushed over with their bare hands.

This kind of thing made him feel that his idea was right.

Lizard people, want a living him!

The purpose is to 100% explode the treasure chest system!

"Back up? I'll never back down, what's more, these rotten tomatoes still want to catch me?" Lin Yue jumped out of the car and immediately put it into the storage space.

He could actually back up the truck and go back to the shelter, but doing that wouldn't change anything.

Giant creatures will still rush to the shelter, and so will the lizardmen.

Rather than...

To die and then to live!

Then, he took out the backpack-style flame jet and immediately put it on himself!

"If the ground can't be approached, then advance in the air! Xiaomeng, you retreat to the shelter! Immediately!"

"Quack!" Xiaomeng had been chasing the lizardmen, but now he heard Lin Yue's roar not far away, and immediately responded.

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

The enemy's target is him, Xiaomeng, it's better for them to go back to the shelter!

Last night he tried to fly for about an hour wearing a light-extinguishing night suit.

While Xiaobai and the others were resting, they were all ready to rest, he walked out the door again, satisfied his curiosity, took it out and filled it with fuel.

Then, it was about an hour or so of exploration and familiarity.

The feeling of being in the air is actually not too comfortable, especially when you have to control the front, back, left, and right, and you have to take into account the up and down height. To be honest, it will make him feel dizzy for a while.

Of course, with his strong learning ability and comprehension ability, he finally realized a lot within an hour. Although he is still a little short of proficiency, he can already fly freely in the air completely relying on his own thoughts. .

At this moment, Lin Yue pressed the switch on his hand, and soon there was a continuous vibration on his back!

Soon, wearing windproof goggles, he soared into the air and reached a height of nearly 30 meters!

Some of the lizard people responded and set up bows and arrows, trying to shoot Lin Yue down from the sky.

But Lin Yue's speed was like an arrow out of the string, galloping out of the spot!

At the same time, Lin Yue rushed towards the giant creature at the fastest speed, and fell to the side within 100 meters of it, standing firmly on the ground.

The backpack-style flame jet is still quite powerful!

He glanced behind him, and the nearest lizardman was more than 600 to 700 meters away!

Distance is enough, time is enough!

He turned to look at the giant creature again.

Giant creatures aren't actually scary.

It can even be said that except for its size, it basically does not have much threat.

If you want to beat it, you just need to find a way to burn it up!

Lin Yue was on the ground and immediately placed ten ballistas with explosive ballista arrows on them!

This kind of crossbow arrow with explosives can not only explode violently, but even the steel balls inside can also kill the enemy in a certain range!

But what if ten ballistas instantly fired ten explosive ballista arrows, and they bombarded the flank of a giant creature whose defense didn't seem that strong?

Lin Yue glanced at the giant creature that was still writhing its head frantically because of the severe pain in its eyes.

He aimed the crosshair at it, and immediately stepped on the triggers of ten ballistas in turn with his feet!

Whoosh! !

One after another, bursting ballista arrows broke through the air like meteors and rushed directly to the giant creature!

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