18 copper chests, 18 mutant sheep.

In order to hurry up, Lin Yue didn't dissect the mutant sheep at all, just put some water in, and put them back one by one.

However, this chance encounter also made Lin Yue more determined to build short- and medium-distance rail-type express trains and elevated railways.

It takes nearly two hours to drive back and forth to the saltpeter mine, but if the elevated railway runs the train, it can cut the time in half or even less.

Not to mention, it is possible to encounter some mutant creatures less often, or even not at all.

Of course, this has to be based on the huge storage of saltpeter mines.

If there is not enough storage in the saltpeter mine, then there is no need to do so.

However, it is possible to do such a thing at the Oil River Base. After all, no matter how low the oil storage capacity is, it is still an unimaginably huge number.

The tactical ATV continued to move forward. As Lin Yue continued to speed up, it didn't take long before he saw the towering walled fortress in the distance.

Of course, I also saw the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand that constantly swings the barrel on the fortress.

Fortunately, this thing is intelligent and can be controlled. If you don't see anyone, even he can't get close to it, then it's a waste of time.

"Puji puji." The little ice lizards in the car shouted again, looking up at the sky.

A black shadow suddenly flew out from the city wall fortress like lightning!

Like a crossbow arrow, it passed over their heads, quickly flew over the road, and landed smoothly in front of the car!

It is a large lizard with light green scales and a height of nearly one meter five. Its slender body has extremely thin arms and legs. Unlike Xiaobai and Xiaoliuzi, its wings are under the arms, like covering Like a film, it is attached to the side of the leg.

When standing on the ground, the wings are folded at the same time as the arms are lowered.

Looking at the little head again, unlike other ice lizards, there was a horn-like protrusion on the top of the head, stretching the entire head into a triangle.

The slender tail also has fins like the tail of a fish, and it is quite slender.

Overall, it looks like a green flying shark!

"Gah!" After seeing Lin Yue, it suddenly danced in the middle of the road with joy, spinning in circles!

"Uh...green claw?" Lin Yue was a little unsure, this guy looked familiar and a little unfamiliar.

"Gah!" The little green guy immediately jumped to the side of the driver's seat, and his scythe-like claws hugged Lin Yue's arm and rubbed it hard.

Man, what a green claw...

The change is really big!

At this moment, there was another rumbling sound from far to near, and a black shadow appeared from the end of the road!

The speed of the shadow is extremely fast, and the sound of running has some heavy sound effects.

"My dear, is this... a black spot?" Lin Yue couldn't help but marveled at the large black lizard that was almost 1.5 meters in height as it rushed to the front of the car.

Like the green claw, it is also of a relatively slender body shape, but the arms are much thicker than the green claw, and the claws are longer, and it is like a dagger.

Not only that, but on its back there is a narrow blue bulge that extends to the tip of the tail and is about ten centimeters wide, like a slender "sail".

What's more special is that around its neck, there is a layer of strange flakes, like a big black umbrella!

It squeezed to the side of Green Claw, and when it heard Lin Yue call out "Black Dot", it nodded again and again, "ga oh ga oh", it seemed extremely excited.

And because of excitement, the "black umbrella" on the neck also opened, shaking non-stop.

"Haha, you've been waiting for a long time, the change is really big..." Lin Yue was quite emotional. The changes of the little ice lizards always surprised him.

This kind of "tethered evolution" that violates the earth's side can allow a small lizard like the ice lizard to grow slowly, and eventually become a powerful dragon with powerful dominance!

The evolution in such a very short period of time has indeed brought earth-shaking changes to them.

Moreover, their greatly enhanced strength also brought greater assistance to Lin Yue's overall combat effectiveness.

It can be said that a giant dragon like Xiaobai Xiaomeng can defend a sanctuary by himself!

Yesterday, didn't Xiaomeng lead the little ice lizards to defend against the attacks of the lizards and beggars from all directions?

At that time, the walls of the main sanctuary had not yet been built, and they could build such a terrifying record.

Lin Yue can now look forward to waiting for Black Dot, Green Claw, Red Line and Xiao Liuzi to evolve again like Xiaobai Xiaomeng, and after the other little ice lizards have also evolved once, his strength may be able to easily destroy any refuge. village!

Even if it's as strong as Lily Karahao, it's only a matter of ten minutes...

"Okay, okay, it's best if you two are fine. Are you hungry? Let's have something delicious. By the way, the twenty of you haven't eaten, so we just got together."

Lin Yue took out several large pots of fragrant instant noodles from the storage space, and then took out some fried meat and the like and put them on the ground.

It's best if the black spots and green claws are okay.

Evolving to the current size, their combat effectiveness has also improved more.

And, not only that.

One on land, one in the air, both aspects can be taken care of.

Xiaobai, Xiaoliuzi and Green Claw are all aerial combatants, and Xiaomeng, Red Line and Black Dot are all land-based assault soldiers.

It's getting stronger and stronger...

Lin Yue was very satisfied with this.

Who doesn't want to let their strength continue to increase, and then reach a state that no one can shake?

Now, having just completely wiped out nearly 90,000 lizards and beggars, and also killed Du Ping, a confidant, Lin Yue's confidence is not weak.

How do you say that?

Those who offend me will be punished even if they are far away!

This sentence, I believe, will make him feel this way even more when the ICBM launch vehicle is launched.

"Okay, I can't continue to sigh, and quickly do another business."

After starting the engine and letting the black spots and green claws eat first, Lin Yue quickly drove through the gap and entered the walled fortress.

But as soon as he entered it, Lin Yue noticed the changes inside.

"The mine has become deeper and deeper down? Also, are there too many 'pyramids'?" Lin Yue looked at as many as 30 or 40 'pyramids' sitting on the original On the shelters built by those beggars, they couldn't help but marvel.

Efficiency can be really high!

Lin Yue was quite pleasantly surprised when he saw the robot dogs shining with metal light in the mine, in the middle of the mountain road and near the pyramid.

However, surprises are surprises.

He cares a lot about how much saltpeter mine still has, and how long it can be mined.

Walking near the underground shelter, he took out the giant mineral resource reserve detector from the storage space and connected the power supply.

With a roar, the green indicator lights also turned on one by one!

The dashboard wobbled and the giant screen lit up!

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