Lin Yue suddenly understood something.

This door is not easy.

It may be connected, not the "where other survivors are located" as mentioned by the system, but where "beyond the human enchantment" mentioned in Du Ping's data!

However, now, Lin Yue has no evidence.

The plants here, the monsters here are still in the style of another world, not the earth.

Moreover, those wolf-headed people may also be the bead of this clan, but they only have such a last clan in this different world.

The evidence was not sufficient, and Lin Yue felt that it was necessary for him to investigate first.

Observing this group of wolf-headed men, Lin Yue found that they, like the vast majority of survivors, were still using cold weapons.

Bows, spears, knives.

These on the fence are still wearing armor that doesn't look too strong, and the material is also a mixture of wood and iron.

More than that.

Lin Yue got closer, and when he looked closely, he found that the armors were not exactly the same, and the spears were also of different lengths and shapes.

This proves...

"They may not be able to use systems, or at least, in weapons and armor, they are not built on systems."

Xiaobai was also lurking in the grass like Lin Yue, and from time to time he spewed some icy mist to the side to expel those bugs that happened to pass by and were very interested in this big man.

Of course, there are also some mutant creatures nearby who don't know anything about the strong, and are ready to rush over to attack at any time.

Lin Yue here was not impressed by the surrounding movement.

After careful observation, he also knew that these wolf-headed men were still in the age of cold weapons, and their bows and arrows could not break through his armor. If Xiaobai flew up, these guys might not be able to use bows and arrows Combat uniform shot through.

As for their walls...

It's a good base, brick by brick. And it is indeed quite long, almost a kilometer or two.

It seems that the city is really not small.

How many wolves are there?

Lin Yue was holding a sniper rifle, but he had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Wolf-headed man...will it be harmful to the survivors? Or maybe they can coexist peacefully with humans?

"Quack." Xiaobai shook his head to Lin Yue.

What does shaking your head mean?

Lin Yue put down his sniper rifle and didn't fight?

It seems that there is really no reason to fight.

The other party didn't react when they landed just now, just gathered and dispersed.

Forget it, exploration matters.

The purpose of coming here this time is indeed not to fight, but to explore.

Lin Yue greeted Xiao Bai, who was already a little tired of the swarming bugs: "Let's go, there's really nothing to see here, go hunting first!"

Xiaobai nodded.

It picked up Lin Yue, straightened up from the grassland, and flapped its wings again!

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and Xiaobai rushed into the sky!

And this action seems to have attracted the attention of the wolf-headed people on the city wall. They roared, gathered from the city wall and drew their long bows.

Lin Yue glanced back and ignored them.

It's really not worth fighting for.


boom! !

At this moment, a sudden explosion sounded, making Lin Yue's heart tremble!

What? !

"Xiao Bai! Fly higher!"

Xiaobai flapped his wings, raised the altitude to more than 200 meters, and reversed the direction of flight in mid-air!

Lin Yue also saw that with another roar, there was another burst of fire on the other side of the fence!

The violent explosion of the shells blooms again at a lower altitude!


Xiaobai flew up again. Although it was basically immune to this kind of explosion, it still didn't want to be injured by it.

And Lin Yue also heard that more artillery sounds kept coming!

"Xiao Bai, step back!"

Lin Yue gave an order, and Xiaobai flew back immediately, and flew back to where the hill was in a flash.

After landing again, Lin Yue checked and found that Xiaobai was not hurt.

Fortunately, the range of the other party's artillery is really not far, otherwise, it is really difficult to handle.


If it doesn't work, don't do it!

Lin Yue took out some food to let Xiaobai recover some physical strength, and he also took out a roast leg of lamb and tore it up.

There is no hostility at all here, just a few shots will be fine.

Give them a lesson anyway!

Nothing to mess with here!

After checking the armor, Lin Yue unexpectedly discovered that there was a ten centimeter scratch on the outside of his trouser leg on his left calf.

He jumped in his heart and pulled up his trouser legs, only to find that there was a scar about five centimeters there!

It's just that this scar doesn't seem to have caused the skin to break, it seems that it's just wiped.

He just wanted to feel at ease, but suddenly thought that Xiaobai would be holding himself. Could it be that his body...

"Xiao Bai, stand at attention! Spread your wings! Let me check!"

Lin Yue shouted loudly, but Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, put down the sheep he was holding in his hand, and obediently asked Lin Yue to check.

Lin Yue took a closer look and found that there were no scars on Xiao Bai's body, and he was relieved.


After Xiaobai ate for a while, Lin Yue took out the medicine box and took care of the scratches on his body. After confirming that there was no problem, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Really, it's the first time I can hurt myself.

The previous lizard people, beggars, and even mutant creatures were not able to hurt themselves.

There is a very weak relationship with the other party, and there is also a relationship between him who has improved too fast, and the whole body is covered with armor and exoskeleton.

But today, it happened that the Tianlong boots were not brought on his legs, and because of this, he was also injured.

"It's really not sloppy at all." After Lin Yue finished, he felt a little pity for the pants.

In this different world, it is true that clean and comfortable clothes are not easy to obtain. Although he has six or seven sets to change, he is in a bad mood when he has a hole.

But luckily, no injuries.

Xiaobai saw that there was something wrong with Lin Yue, and came over to take a good look. After confirming that there was no problem, he took a big mouthful of food again.

Lin Yue tore apart the cold lamb chops in his hands and ate them, thinking in his heart.

After a while, should Xiaobai lead him into the city directly, or should he attack from the outside?


Lin Yue turned his head and looked at the fortified city not too far away.

In short, it can't be the case.

This hill is only 200 to 300 meters high, and it is indeed not that far from the city.

Distance... a straight line distance, just two kilometers?

If you want to attack, it is also very easy, just need...

boom! !

Lin Yue suddenly heard another bang!

And above the foot of the hill, a large piece of stones and weeds suddenly fell to the ground!

Um? what's the situation?

He looked down, and was surprised to find that, at some point, a not-so-small team had gathered at the foot of the mountain!

Among them, there are also things like five cannons mixed in, and they are all pulled by some creatures.

Moreover, not only that, Lin Yue also saw that the donkey-headed lions that he had just killed, for some reason, became the pawns of these wolf-headed men, and rushed to the foot of the mountain, as if they could come up at any time.

"Actually... It's quite interesting." Lin Yue spat.

It’s okay to fight back then, but in the end, you still chase after him, don’t you give up?

Descendants of wolves?

Give me direct genocide!

The other party directly pushed his nose to the face, and actually chased after them and continued to bombard them, which was indeed too much.

What's going on here?

Inhumane, don't blame the injustice here!

Just as Lin Yue raised the sniper rifle, there was another bang, this time it exploded halfway up the mountain!

"Quack!" Xiaobai roared fiercely, as if he wanted to tear all the wolf-headed people under the mountain into pieces!

Lin Yue was lying on the top of the mountain, using the rock as a shelf, and a wolf-headed man appeared in the sniper scope!

call out! !

One shot rushed, and the next second, he shot again!

One shot, one shot, one shot!

With five shots in a row, the thighs of the five wolf-headed men who were in charge of firing the cannon were all punched in the thigh!

The wolf-headed people instantly panicked, howling one after another, but almost all of them were frightened by this, and they remained motionless!

And this is just the opportunity!

Lin Yue didn't stop, one shot after another!

Fifty shots were fired in a row, and fifty wolf-headed men lost their combat effectiveness!

And the cannon is completely misfired because of this!

But what Lin Yue did not expect was that instead of retreating, the wolf-headed man drove the donkey-headed lions towards the mountain!

"Good guy, I've never seen this before."

Putting the sniper rifle with its hot barrel aside, Lin Yue directly set up three ballista arrows!

Since it is so belligerent, it will not be polite here.

In an instant, three ballista bursting arrows rushed into the foot of the mountain, and after the thunderous roar, the wolf-headed army was instantly blasted out of three big holes!

But Lin Yue didn't stop, but fired another round, directly blasting the wolf-headed cannon and the hapless beside him into pieces!

"Xiao Bai, harvest."

With Lin Yue's order, Xiao Bai swooped down instantly.

And the wolf-headed man, together with those donkey-headed lions, were all torn apart by sharp claws and sharp teeth in front of Xiaobai who had been waiting for a long time to fight!

In the face of absolute firepower and combat power advantages, the wolf-headed man has no counterattack.

Lin Yue turned on the backpack-style flame jet and slowly flew down from the top of the mountain.

Soon after falling to the ground, he neatly stabbed some of the enemies that Xiaobai didn't kill on purpose, and killed them one by one.


The wolf head will also explode the treasure chest.

Moreover, to Lin Yue's surprise, what they burst out was actually a silver treasure chest!

"It seems that there is one more reason to kill them all."

Lin Yue stabbed the last donkey-headed lion to death, put away the copper treasure chest, and looked around.

The ground was full of the broken corpses of the wolf-headed man, not a single one of whom was breathing.

"Originally, this battle could have been avoided."

Lin Yue muttered to himself.

Indeed, originally he and Xiaobai just wanted to scout up close, then prepare to hunt nearby mutant creatures, and then quickly open the area map here.

But as a result, the wolf-headed people didn't do anything at first, and then they suddenly attacked and fired artillery at them!

When they were on the top of the mountain, Lin Yue originally thought of giving them a hard lesson and it was over. After all, this side was also injured.

As a result, the wolf-headed man refused to give up, and pulled five cannons to chase to the hillside to continue the attack.

This is what can be tolerated or not.

What resentment what? Not so much here.

Since they have come, they will all stay.

Lin Yue was not used to their stinky problems.

The wave just now consisted of 200 wolf-headed people and 35 donkey-headed lions. Except for the more than 100 wolf-headed people who had just been killed by Xiaobai in one breath, all the others made him burst out of the silver treasure chest.

"82 silver treasure chests, 35 copper treasure chests."

Good harvest.

Lin Yue continued to clean the battlefield, and walked to a cannon that fell to the ground, his eyes lit up!

"This... an earth cannon?" He had seen something similar in the museum before. Although it was made of fine iron, its power was average and the failure rate was extremely high, but it was capable of making quite a loud noise and had some destructive power. weapon.

I didn't expect that a wolf-headed man could have such a thing...

However, after walking around again and looking at the remaining four broken earth cannons, Lin Yue discovered another thing he didn't want to see.

"No, the size, appearance, muzzle diameter, barrel length are all too similar..."

Lin Yue was even more surprised when he put several cannons into the storage space, and then took them out and gathered them together.

Five guns, exactly the same!

Definitely coming off a production line!

Wolf-headed man, mastered such a precise smelting technique?


They also have systems?

"Xiao Bai, let's go, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time."

Attacking the wolf-headed city now is actually not the best choice.

If you really want to attack, it's right to go back and call Xiaomeng and the little ice lizards over.

It just so happens that the little ice lizards can exercise a little bit of fighting power.

If he...

First snip off the guards on the city wall, then blast away the city wall with ballista blasting arrows, then blast the wolves out with MP5 and spray guns one by one, and finally rush into the city, knocking out all the surviving wolves. Keep.

Of course, you can also let Xiaobai come directly inside to capture the thief and the king first...

There are so many ways.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. Although the silver treasure chest is good, it is only a silver treasure chest. I still want a palladium treasure chest!"

"Quack!" Xiaobai took Lin Yue, spread his wings and flew high again, left a little, and flew further south.

After a while, as Xiaobai finally landed slowly, Lin Yue also heard the roar of running water in his ears.

Oh? A big river?

Lin Yue remembered the sparkling piece he would see on the top of the mountain. Was it here?

Xiaobai hovered and descended, and finally came to a rocky beach by the big river.

This rocky beach is not small, but no weeds grow. Because of the terrain, the field of vision is still wide.

"Quack!" Xiaobai looked around, and after confirming that there was no enemy's breath, he signaled that Lin Yue could start.

"I know, I know, but it's true that our main purpose this time is not to explore."

Lin Yue took out a lot of treasure chests and looked at Xiao Bai.

"Come on, open enough treasure chests, as long as you can open good things, I will cook a pot of snail noodles for you later!"

82 silver treasure chests and 35 copper treasure chests were placed in front of Xiaobai!

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