Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 441 Ten thousand cubic meters of storage space? This is just the beginning!

On the battlefield, it was dead silent at this moment.

In the dilapidated city behind him, no new werewolf came out.

This battle still ended with his absolute victory.

Take a look at the storage space.

221 Bronze Treasure Chests, 181 Silver Treasure Chests, and 1 Gold Treasure Chest.

The harvest is not bad.


Why do you keep exploding treasure chests here!

Didn't you come to explore? hateful!

Lin Yue felt that he had fallen into the original mode of action again.

How about you come to this "Gate of Exploration" to explore it?

It seems that only when the barbecue is on the river beach is it still considered leisurely.

Lin Yue couldn't help shaking his head.

So are the werewolves.

Does it have to be this way?

Originally, Lin Yue didn't have a good impression of the alien race from the bottom of his heart.

After all, the lizardman is "bead and jade first".

This time, the werewolf man didn't give him a good impression either.

Originally, Xiaobai would land on the ground, so everyone here should not interfere with each other.

After all, this is also a random reconnaissance, are you going to continue hunting donkey-headed lions?

But the wolf-headed people ran away immediately, even chasing and beating them fiercely. They didn't even let them go when they came to the hill, and ran down the hill to continue attacking.

Even, after that, he dragged the cannon and ran to the door of exploration, blocking his way back.

There is no way out, is there?

It's so bullying here?

Are you warlike? This side likes to wipe out all the alien races.

So, the end result is...

Lin Yue looked at the battlefield again.

Xiao Bai dragged the corpses together and threw them into the place where the fire was burning.

The fire intensified.

The burnt smell made both Lin Yue and Xiao Bai feel a little uncomfortable.

"Let's go, Xiaobai, go to the hill."


Xiaobai lifted Lin Yue up, flew up into the sky, and finally landed on the hill.

The corpses just now are still there.

Xiaobai saw his master walking around, taking away everything from the wolf-headed people, whether it was armor or weapons, and then returned.

Then he took the master back to the door of the exploration gate that had been trampled flat, but the master did not take down the metal covering the gate.

Instead, he turned around and looked at it.

There is a smile in the eyes.

It doesn't know why, it has a strange premonition, an ominous premonition...

"Ga, ga woo?"

Seeing its owner pile up a large pile of treasure chests in front of it like a hill, its premonition came true, and it wailed in pain.

"Here, Xiaobai, it's up to you. The silver treasure chest, did you enjoy opening the treasure chest just now, and feel that you have achieved a lot?" Lin Yue said to Xiaobai with a smile.

Xiaobai shook his head frantically, expressing that he didn't want to drive anymore.

But at this moment, Lin Yue suddenly took out a big bag of good things.

"Snail powder, promise to give you all the sour bamboo shoots, I will eat one of them, five packs, how about it?"

Xiaobai hesitated, and it wavered.

Sour bamboo shoots!

That crunchy, stinky, magical thing...


After a battle, Xiaobai's stomach growled again at this moment.



Looking at those treasure chests, the big claws didn't listen to the instructions, and opened them one by one!

Lin Yue nodded in satisfaction, made a five-meter-high fence, and walked up it by stepping on a ladder.

The gathering place of werewolves cannot be taken lightly.

When Xiaobai is in pain to open the treasure chest, he can also check it a little bit at this time.

There was still silence over there, and there was no more movement.


There seemed to be no donkey-headed lions around.

This is not good news.

Lin Yue got down from the high wall, took out the stove, lit the fire, and filled the pot with water.

The sound of tearing the package of snail noodles woke up the drowsy Xiaobai instantly, and he began to open the treasure chest more quickly!

Lin Yue nodded in satisfaction, took out a lot of seasonings, and took out a big basin, and put it at his feet.

Cook the powder after the water boils, wait for a while, and start feeding again.

When tearing open the package of sour bamboo shoots, a familiar smell came out, and Xiaobai opened the treasure chest faster!

Its big claws have afterimages, and it is constantly in the pile of treasure chests, opening treasure chests one by one!

After Lin Yue waited leisurely for the noodles to be cooked, he began to fill the noodles with big chopsticks, and finally poured some boiled noodles soup, together with all the soup, into the big basin.


Xiaobai let out a "Gahoo~" and opened the last two copper treasure chests, feeling like his saliva was about to overflow!

"Okay, little guy, let's serve dinner! What I promised you is yours!"

Lin Yue placed the big basin in front of Xiao Bai who almost opened the treasure chest so much that he was foaming at the mouth.

And Xiaobai also seemed to be revived all of a sudden, jumped up instantly, happily took the big basin, and went to the back to eat.

Lin Yue couldn't help smiling when he saw the little guy feasting on two long branches as chopsticks.

One snack.

From a young age, that's all.

Lin Yue went up to the wall and observed again, and found that the werewolf man was still quiet.

It seems that this wave has crippled them.

Judging from the militant character of this group of alien races, if it hadn't seriously injured their vitality, I'm afraid they wouldn't be so quiet, and they would have sent a large army to come long ago.

Lin Yue got off the city wall and began to check the treasure chest.

[You have obtained an air humidifier X1, and an area map medium-sized fragment X1]

[You have obtained radiator design drawing X1, area map medium-sized fragment X1]

【You got...】

Inside the silver treasure chest, it was the same as last time. There were not too many things worth noting, or things that looked very important. Half of them were medium-sized fragments of the area map.

However, 80kg of nitrocellulose and a small mining robot were released, which looked pretty good.

After merging the 73 medium-sized fragments of the regional map with the regional map here in the system, it opened up nearly one-twentieth of the entire map.

Lin Yue put away the rest of the copper treasure chest, and there were quite a few fragments of regional maps in it, but they were very small.

Moreover, many of the copper treasure chests are related to "eating", especially some seasonings, such as chili noodles and chili powder, which are added a lot.

That's not bad.

Otherwise, he still has to go to the world trading mall to see if there is any exchange.

"Gah!" Xiaobai got excited after eating, and ate the noodles and soup. He didn't forget to use the big chopsticks to pick out sour bamboo shoots, dried radishes, fungus, capers and so on, and made a batch of them.

Lin Yue nodded in satisfaction.

Xiaobai was compensated for opening so many treasure chests in one breath, and the state of drowsiness and resistance to opening treasure chests just now also flew to the sky.


Next, just wait for Xiaobai to finish eating.

However, there is one thing that Lin Yue also cares about.

He looked at the regional map, and many of the extra maps showed the existence of refuge villages surrounded by city walls.

And if you look at any of them, they are all the same as the previous ones, without the marks of survivors.

So, that is to say, like the previous ones, are they all wolf-headed territories?

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

He sensed more malice from the system!

Opening the so-called "gate of exploration" seems to give survivors more space to explore, so that survivors can have more sources of resources, food, etc., and it can also allow survivors to expand their power, etc. .

But now that he has experienced the battle with these warlike werewolves, Lin Yue doesn't think it's all good.

Although it looks beautiful, in fact, if the refuge village of the survivors is not well built, or if the guards almost fail, then the various alien races in these exploration gates will cause great trouble to the survivors!

The light ones cause casualties to the survivors, and the serious ones...

The village was destroyed!

Moreover, these alien races will also use these exploration doors to invade the "enchantment" where the survivors are, making this their territory.

This is not alarmist talk.

It was mentioned on the World Channel before that they encountered alien races like giants, which proved that the werewolves are not the only alien race.

Maybe, all kinds of alien races that Lao Sun mentioned before will appear.

And when the time comes, if a large number of alien races, together with lizardmen and beggars, come to deal with the survivors...

That goes without saying!

"Just like the appearance of the lizardmen before, this so-called gateway to exploration is actually another disaster!"

As Lin Yue said, he looked at Xiaobai who lifted up the big basin and was about to drink the soup with his neck up.

This is a big deal.

If the survivors don't pay attention...

Two billion people, I'm afraid they can't keep it.

Put away all the things, Lin Yue greeted Xiaobai, and put the iron block that wrapped the door of exploration into the storage space.

Open the door and let Xiaobai go first.

Then, he followed again, blocking the door of exploration with an extremely thick iron block on the side of the door.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the opponent being able to pass easily.


"Xiaobai, let's go back first."

Lin Yue and Xiao Bai quickly returned to the refuge, and he went straight up to the city wall.

Facing the door of exploration, Lin Yue directly arranged six robot dogs and changed their programs slightly.

Next, in case the group of werewolves break through the iron blocks blocking the door, what will greet them...

It is the long-distance quick sniping from the robot dogs!

After refilling the bullets for the robot dogs, Lin Yue went down the city wall with confidence.

At the level of the werewolves, even if they could go out at this distance, they would probably be screened out as many times as they came.

Even if they really rush to the city wall and want to use a cannon to shoot, then the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun station here will teach them a lesson.

As for why the door is blocked...

The main reason is that Lin Yue doesn't want to hear the gunshots here from time to time. No matter how small the gunshots are, it will disturb the normal life.

It seems that Xiaobai has gone to the farm to take care of the chicks, but there is no need to drag it.

Driving the tactical ATV, Lin Yue came to the battlefield that Xiaomeng and the others had unearthed.

Lin Yue found that the black smoke column that soared into the sky before had disappeared, and Xiao Meng was digging the ground violently, and a group of little ice lizards were running around.

The robot dogs are methodically picking up the copper treasure chests from the big pit and the grass, and stacking them on another open space.

When Lin Yue got out of the car, Xiao Meng and the others also stopped their work and greeted them one by one.

"Good job." Lin Yue saw that bright spots like a small mountain were piled up on the side, and there were even three little ice lizards guarding the side.

These are the blips of storage space!

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

Will more than 20,000 people come?

Then, if you absorb all these light spots into the storage space...

He took out quite a lot of food and rewarded Xiao Meng and the little ice lizards who had worked hard for half a day.

While they were eating, I walked up to the hill that was a highlight of the storage space, which was much taller than myself.

Lin Yue looked at one of them carefully, and found that it was more like a transparent, luminous round small gemstone.

"10,000 cubic meters... No, maybe more storage space, what will it bring?"

Lin Yue touched those light spots with his hand!

【You get 2 cubic meters of storage space! 】

[You get 4 cubic meters of storage space! 】


The continuous and systematic report sound kept ringing in Lin Yue's ears.

He also saw that the hill in front of him was slowly becoming shorter and smaller in size.

Instead, the capacity of his storage space is also constantly rising to higher values ​​one after another!

Lin Yue didn't know how to describe this feeling.

He remembered that at the very beginning, when the system update changed the originally convenient and unlimited inventory into a storage space, and only gave each person one cubic meter of storage space at the beginning.

At that time, one cubic meter was really useless.

Just a little decoration and it will be full immediately.

But later, as he continued to kill the predators and beggars who came to attack, the area of ​​this storage space continued to grow!

One cubic meter became one hundred cubic meters, and then one thousand cubic meters.

From being able to hold some food and water without space, to being able to hold a car at will, to even being able to hold thousands or tens of thousands of treasure boxes, this sense of accomplishment has gradually increased!

And this will reach a new height today!

The small mountain of light spots further shrunk in volume.

It even reached the point where Lin Yue had to bow his head and finally squat down to touch it.

Each of them is proof of the existence of a beggar.

But for Lin Yue, these enemies who tried to capture his refuge and wipe him out did not deserve any mercy.

When a person is killed, he dies.

Who doesn't understand this truth?

My shelter is fine here, why do so many people come to attack and occupy it?

Just like that old grandson, who obviously had a good life and got along well, but insisted on getting along with Du Ping, and was finally killed by him.

How do you say that.

Master Xiu Yulin.

Sun will destroy it.

But here, not everyone can destroy it!


It's the wall that keeps getting thicker and higher, it's the more robot dogs here, it's the dozens of sentry machine gun towers standing on the wall, and it's the nearly five hundred little ice lizards.

It is these two powerful dragons that have become more terrifying!

[You have obtained 3 cubic meters of storage space! 】

The last bright spot of light disappeared, and Lin Yue finally stood up again.

He looked at the total size of his storage space and smiled with satisfaction.

16322 cubic meters!

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