[You got: Advanced Seiko Display Stand Design Drawing, Regional Map Fragments (Medium) X1]

[You got: Jinhua ham 300kg, regional map fragments (middle) X1]

【You got... 】

Lin Yue checked the silver treasure chest that Xiaobai opened.

I have to say that Xiaobai's face is as white as its name.

Specifically, among so many silver treasure chests, there are actually more than half of the "regional map fragments (middle)".

And the 47 regional map fragments (middle) quickly supplemented the darkness in this vast area, and even opened this side and the map on the other side of the Exploration Gate.

Because of this, Lin Yue was also able to get a glimpse of the general situation here.

The surrounding mountains and mountains are not the boundaries of this map.

On the contrary, these mountains should be on the map of this area, and are responsible for dividing the boundaries of small areas.

Although there are not many maps, Lin Yue can also see that the other side of the mountain is not a continuous plateau, but a valley with flowing rivers.

It's not too different from here.

These peaks are more like a "symbolic meaning", just landmarks one by one.

More than that.

Lin Yue also discovered that there is not only one castle here.

Not far to the south of the wolf-headed castle they just met, that is, to the northwest of the river beach where they were, there was a castle like a refuge village even bigger than that.

And there, there is still nothing to show.

If there are no survivors, there will be wolf-headed people in there, or is there no one?

Lin Yue felt that it was necessary to investigate.

Moreover, such a castle seems to exist far away.

This made Lin Yue feel that the place he came to was a very strange place.

After Xiaobai and Xiaobai quickly finished eating the meat skewers, drank the cola, and finally opened the rest of the copper treasure chest with Xiaobai, Lin Yue found a lot of regional map fragments.

Most of the rest is eaten.

Moreover, there were actually 12 bottles of Coke in it, which made Xiaobai feel a little more energetic.

"Let's go, our mission is not over yet. I don't like opening the treasure chest, so I won't force it when I go back, but, wait until you are all tired of opening the treasure chest..."

Lin Yue lightly beat Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai also seemed a little embarrassed, and scratched his head again with his big paw.

The dragon spread its wings and flew, and quickly took Lin Yue to the sky.

With the previous experience, Lin Yue did not let Xiaobai's height be very low, but tried to raise it to a position of at least 300 meters or more.

The firing length of those wolf-headed cannons is completely useless at more than 300 meters.

Soon, according to Lin Yue's command, Xiao Bai took him to the vicinity of the larger refuge village.

And soon, after Xiaobai landed on a nearby hill, Lin Yue took out his scope and looked inside, and knew that things seemed to be beyond his knowledge.

"Just now, those are not the descendants of the wolf-headed people, that's just a small part!"

Among the fortresses here, there are obviously more wolf-headed people, and Lin Yue even found that in this vast rectangular area surrounded by a wall with a length of five or six kilometers, the wolf-headed people actually established quite a number of them. architecture!

The central one is actually a small castle!

Guys, what's going on here?

Lin Yue, who was getting more and more astonished, was even more surprised when he looked at the small black dots that were like ants and as many as the hair of cattle came and went in the city.

This seems to be a small city-state!

Wolf-headed people, who built a city-state that was completely different from the refuge villages of the survivors?

Are their development stronger than those of the survivors?

Lin Yue felt that his entire concept had been refreshed this time.

Originally, he thought that these wolf-headed people were only a small group, maybe only in such a small place, but it turned out that there was such a city-state in a place not too far apart...

He couldn't believe it.

After opening the regional map again, Lin Yue made Xiaobai fly again and go in another direction.

There's a similar fort there, but the same size as the first...

Xiaobai was tireless, and took Lin Yue on a long journey to come there again. As a result, Lin Yue also used the scope and telescope to confirm that this was another wolf-headed colony!


Lin Yue suddenly felt that this time the system update was full of maliciousness.

think about it.

These equipment are not too bad, and even the wolf-headed man who has mastered the art of artillery will lead the army to the world where the survivors are, and then attack everyone who is confused...

It seems that besides him, there are not too many refuge villages, and not too many survivors can deal with them, right?

No, I have to tell other people about this!

He opened the system panel and came to the world channel again. As a result, Lin Yue suddenly found out that a topic that many people were talking about was that after passing through these doors of exploration, they encountered an alien thing.

"Everyone, the gate of exploration, if it is not in use, it must be sealed. If aliens are allowed to enter, I am afraid that we will face consequences that are even more terrifying than the lizardmen!"

Lin Yue was above, and after sending this message, he ordered Xiaobai to fly again.

Must go back.

Can't stay here any longer.

In the short contact with the wolf-headed man, he can already understand that this race is not a good stubble, and it can even be said that they are too good at fighting and like to fight.

If you don't pay attention to them, as long as they discover the gate of exploration and organize a legion to pass through, it will be a nightmare for the entire survivors!

At the fastest speed, Xiaobai flew Lin Yue to the original door of exploration, which was shrouded in iron blocks.

However, Lin Yue saw that there were quite a lot of wolf-headed people gathered below at some point!

Moreover, they also got a dozen cannons and hundreds of donkey-headed lions!

"Tsk, these belligerent aliens!" Lin Yue knew that he probably couldn't simply go back.

He had to remove the blockers blocking his way back one by one.

if not……

"Xiao Bai, land over there, go directly to the vicinity of the small castle, let's make a noise, let these wolf-headed people pay attention to one thing and another, and see if their nest is more important, or that iron gate is important! 】"

"Quack!" Xiaobai turned around and ran directly to the vicinity of the city wall. Soon after Xiaobai landed, Lin Yue set up twenty ballistas and loaded them with explosive ballista arrows!

The wolf-headed people on the city wall shouted loudly, and the city gate opened at an unknown time, but Lin Yue didn't care about anything else, and fired the explosive ballista arrows one after another!

boom! ! !

A burst of explosions roared from the city wall, and the strong vibration caused the wolf-headed people to fall into mourning and fear!

"This is just the first wave of appetizers, the next wave is... this!"

Lin Yue took out twenty catapults from the storage space again!

Although this thing is not useful for attacking those giant creatures, it is most suitable for siege warfare.

The steel ball explosives were tied to it, and Lin Yue stepped on their triggers one by one. Soon, as the steel ball explosives were thrown into parabolas by the catapult and fell into the city, more explosions sounded. , also followed with a bang!

"Ga woo!" Xiaobai reminded Lin Yue that the wolf-headed class teachers in the back came back!

"Okay, Xiaobai, take this opportunity..."

Lin Yue put ten ballistas in a row, and after them, put another ten ballistas, and after these ten, another ten!

"We can't get Feiyue's four-stage strike, but three-stage strike... we can still try it!"

"Quack!" Xiaobai didn't know what the master was talking about, but watching this battle, there was going to be a big wave!

"The enemy, here we come!"

Lin Yue stood in front of the front row of ballistas, and the nearest wolf-headed man had already rushed to a position less than fifty meters away.

And this is also within the scope of Lin Yue's design!

"Wolf-headed man..."

"Turn it into a treasure chest!"

A burst of ballista burst arrows flew out in an instant with Lin Yue's firing!

They dragged the arc and rushed towards the stunned wolf-headed people!

A burst of explosions made the earth tremble!

The screams of the wolf-headed man also came one after another in the system sound of the treasure chest bursting out.

However, the belligerent and reckless wolf-headed pioneer did not stop advancing after his companion fell, but rushed over again screaming!

Lin Yue was also waiting at the ballista in the second row, and at the same time, the ballista in the first row also started to wind up, ready for the next wave of attacks!

swoosh swish...

A burst of bursting arrows dragging the violent flames rushed towards the red-eyed wolf-headed people like a devil emitting flames, and a great roar broke out!

The stumps and arms of the wolf-headed people kept falling from the air with dust. Another wave of their elites had already died here at this moment.

However, they still have a glimmer of hope. After the two consecutive bombardments, there will be no next wave of attacks, right?

However, when they rushed to the corpses of their companions thinking so, they were terrified to see that another terrifying killer had attacked them!

"Roar!!" The slow-moving artillery team of the wolf-headed man finally caught up with the large army. They saw the smoke in front of them and didn't know what happened, and the wolf-headed man who managed to escape in front just informed them that it happened. what time...

In the sky, ten extremely high parabolic, flaming explosive arrows suddenly flew out, rushing straight to the front of the artillery team that had come here!

With the sound of a frenzy, this group of artillery teams were completely scrapped, and the wolf-headed people became a muddy mess with the cannons, and only treasure chests remained, proving that they were once here.

The remaining wolf-headed men rushed forward like crazy, but they were greeted by round after round of artillery fire!

Lin Yue looked back at the city wall.

There were also screams.

Xiaobai has already gone over there to clean up those unlucky bastards who have left the city.

And, not only that.

Xiaobai also kept carrying some silver treasure chests here, as if they were taken from the city.

Good guy, don't go empty.

However, it is a very good habit not to leave anything for the wolf-headed man.

The smoke in front of him dissipated, and Lin Yue saw that there were some wolf-headed men rushing over on both sides of the flanks.

The ballista turned around, and burst arrows were fired.

After two loud bangs, more than half of it was solved.

Then, there is room for MP5 to play.

After the alloy explosion-proof shield, the bullets shot out one by one, and the wolf-headed people who rushed to the front fell in response.

In the face of advanced thermal weapons, the wolf-headed cannons appear more like toys.

Not to mention their weak cold weapons, which can't cause any damage at all.

Several arrows that flew from the air and drew arcs were weakly inserted into the grass five or six meters away from Lin Yue, like garbage.

Lin Yue put away the explosion-proof shield and collected Xiaobai behind him... eh? Copper treasure chest?

Originally, Lin Yue thought that these were all silver treasure chests, but it turned out that the casualties of the wolf-headed men caused by the catapults that fell into the city were all given to copper treasure chests.

This is not bad, anyway, two or three hundred on the battlefield are silver.

Soon, 76 copper treasure chests and 12 silver treasure chests were taken back by Lin Yue, who again carried a gun and came to the direction of the battlefield.

Several lingering wolf-headed men seemed to want to attack him, but they were all killed with one shot.

Treasure chests burst out, and they didn't come here in vain.

"There are 169 silver treasure chests, the number is okay, but it seems that the wolf-headed man without armor is all copper treasure chests?"

After receiving another 112 copper treasure chests, Lin Yue also discovered that there are differences in the treasure chests on the wolf-headed man's side.

There were only seven left of the donkey-headed wolf, which were still intact. Lin Yue collected their bodies and collected a total of 33 copper treasure chests.

Finally, he came to a big man who was more than twice the size of the other wolf-headed men, and looked at the extra golden treasure chest next to the half-dead body.

This man is wearing chain mail, and the vital parts are protected by layers of iron plates, but this can't resist the impact of the explosive arrow. After smashing his head in half, no matter how strong the defense is, it can't be worse than paper. How many.

What's more, he just used a burst arrow, not a howitzer.

Of course, no matter how strong this guy is, Lin Yue still has the confidence to make a series of attacks and give it repeated pain.

【You got a treasure chest! 】

After the system beeps, Lin Yue finally cleaned up the area.

Of course, he didn't forget to confiscate the armor and weapons of these wolf-headed people and replace them with survival points.

As for those cannons, they can be taken away as garbage.

Decomposed into design drawings?

I'll talk about this later.

Ballista Bursting Arrows are much more powerful than these earth cannons, and can be self-winding repeatedly, allowing them to fire continuously when the Burst Arrows are placed.

"Quack!" Xiaobai simply killed the wolf-headed men who rushed out of the city, and successfully scare away all the enemies there.

It flew back to Lin Yue's side again, waiting for the master's next order.

"Let's go, go to the foot of the mountain and pack up first, and then go back to the shelter." Lin Yue felt that there was nothing to wait for going down, and it was time to go back.

There were a bunch of unopened treasure chests, and the time-consuming battle was not what he wanted.

If you have this time, why don't you go brush those donkey-headed wolves and explode the map fragments?

The donkey-headed wolf is much easier to deal with than the wolf-headed man.

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