Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 452 The third branch base is completed! Intensive mining of composite mines!

The towering city walls rise from the vicinity of the natural sulfur ore mountains.

As the new city walls continued to rise, the barrier formed completely surrounded the entire natural sulfur ore mountain.

And this also gave Lin Yue's third sub-base a rough prototype.

One side is about one kilometer long, and the stone materials needed for the four-kilometer city wall directly consumed all the stone materials in Lin Yue's hand, who had a little surplus, almost instantly.

In the end, it was still not enough, he even had to remove half of the highly sought-after canned Chinese spicy donkey head lion steak that had just been put on the system mall, and exchanged them for stones.

Fortunately, the remaining ones have been more sought after, after all, alloys are hard to find, but stones can be found everywhere.

"The canning business is doing well, and it seems to be off to a pretty good start."

The sales of canned donkey head and lion steak with medium and spicy taste are extremely hot.

Especially after he exchanged half of them for stones, it seemed that it directly triggered an extremely terrifying panic buying!

Not to mention the endless quotations, the prices are getting higher and higher.

This mere thousand cans is not enough for these hundreds of thousands of people to grab.

You know, this is a "refuge village leader-only" quotation model. It can be said that nearly one-fifth of the refuge villages in this different world have joined this panic buying!

"Sure enough, everyone still likes spicy food, and it seems that donkey-headed lions are far more popular than blind hunting fish?"

Lin Yue felt that if he wanted to just lie flat like this, he would be able to live a very rich life just by catching blind hunting fish or donkey-headed lions every day.

However, in the end he gave up the idea.

After all, lying flat was not his thing.

After buying enough stone materials and finally building the city wall, Lin Yue also heaved a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, it has developed to the present, and it has been stuck for a long time on this most basic material, and it has indeed wasted a lot of time.

However, this situation will not happen again.

After all, besides all kinds of ores, this natural sulfur ore mountain has the most stones, and there are also a lot of stones on hand. Next, he only needs to exchange cans for stones, and he will not be trapped by such a person. Simple material is difficult.

At this moment, Lin Yue has set a new program for the fifty robot dogs. Now, the mining of those natural sulfur ores has begun.

Of course, there will still be a division of labor.

Thirty mined, ten carried, and ten stood guard on the city wall.

In the sound of the robot dogs knocking on the natural sulfur ore with iron picks, Lin Yue was also satisfied to see that a large amount of stone was also exploded at the same time, except for the natural sulfur ore that fell, and was captured by ten other robot dogs. They moved to the open space.

Although their efficiency is very fast, it is obvious that it is obviously unrealistic to quickly mine all the sulfur-zinc-chromium composite ore by relying on them alone.

Therefore, more robot dogs must be invested.

And this required him to go back to the shelter and slowly assemble the components.

And, not only that.

The power generation equipment is gone.

Specifically, the power generation kits for photovoltaic arrays, and even small solar power generation kits are out of stock.

Except for the diesel generator that can only supply power for more than a dozen hours at a time, there is only a medium-sized wind power set on hand.

"I really have no choice. I can only use this neutral wind power set I got from Du Ping for a while."

Lin Yue took out the medium-sized wind power generation suit, but unexpectedly found that it was actually a rather large thing composed of a giant windmill with a height of 30 meters and other large and small power generation equipment.

No wonder it takes up so much storage space.

A huge windmill stood at the very center of the mine, and the wind on the wasteland blew three huge fan blades, causing it to start turning.

As for the many power generation sets next to it, in order to ensure that it would not be affected by the upcoming sandstorm or something, Lin Yue directly opened an underground shelter underground and put everything in it.

Lin Yue raised his head, looked at the three fan blades that had started to rotate at a constant speed, and the battery pack that had started to store electricity, and was quite satisfied with this new power generation method.

Anyway, it is much stronger than the small one before.

After the new solar power generation set came out, Lin Yue felt that he could break down the neutral wind power generation set into design drawings, and then produce a bunch of them.

Anyway, from the current point of view, he still has quite a lot of materials to make this big guy.

"The power generation facilities are ready, and the next step is to form the armed forces."

As Lin Yue said, he used the alloys he had just exchanged for cans to manufacture twenty-five medium-sized electric sentry machine guns.

Connect the wires of the wind turbines one by one to ensure that each wall is set up within 200 meters of each other, so that there is no blind spot for firepower.

Of course, considering issues such as keeping the wall under the wall and the shortest shooting distance, Lin Yue used the stones just mined by the robot dogs and the stones exchanged for sulfur to extend the outside of the city wall for ten meters. stone platform.

Then, also on these stone platforms, three sentry machine gun stations were set up on each wall.

And the corners of the four walls are each equipped with a sentry machine gun platform.

Of course, Lin Yue also considered the high-altitude defense. He built a 20-meter-high, about 10-square-meter platform by the lake. Machine guns from all directions came out.

In this way, even if the lizardman uses the storm flying lizard to attack here, there is no need to worry.

After cooking these, basically you don't have to worry about the defense of external enemies.

"The next thing that needs to be done is the internal defense, but it seems that the robot dogs can do it themselves?"

For the interior, it depends on the robot dogs themselves. The overgrown weeds are covered with a layer of stone slabs. At present, it seems that there is nothing worthy of attention.

When we come back in two days, let one of the black spots or the green claws come over and guard the place with twenty little ice lizards, basically it's almost the same.

"Xiaobai, little six, if you two are tired, you will be fine."

Returning to the lake, Lin Yue yelled at the two little guys who were still throwing blind hunting fish to the shore.

"Gah!" "Gah!"

The two little guys spread their wings from the water, flew into the air, and returned to the shore.

Lin Yue looked at the blind hunting fish on the shore like a hill, and knew that this time the canning production line seemed to be busy all day long.

Taking out Zhuoyue Iron Spear and Zhuoyue Dagger, Lin Yue quickly dissected those who had just died and put the meat steaks in the storage space, while stabbing those who hadn't died, and then continued to dissect.

Of course, although the copper treasure chest that burst out was tasteless, it still had to be collected.

With his continuous work, the blind hunting fish was gradually decomposed into a large number of fish bones and internal organs, which were collected by Lin Yue into the storage space.

Afterwards, he threw these bones and internal organs back into the small lake that was almost completely blood-red, and these things also attracted those fish that slipped through the net to gobble them up.

Is it sustainable...

"Xiaobai, do you know where the underground shelters we will build here are? There is still a lot of sulfur to be collected."

Xiaobai nodded, and quickly led Lin Yue to the places that had been completely covered by weeds.

And Lin Yue immediately collected the large amount of natural sulfur ore accumulated inside into the storage space.

After that, there is no reason to stay here anymore.

"Xiaobai, you and Little Six can rest here for a while, I have to go back to the shelter first."

After putting down a lot of food, Lin Yue settled the two little guys, and drove straight towards the shelter.

"It's not in vain this time. The natural sulfur ore mountain is much better than I imagined. Then, we only need to continue to build this place into a new sub-base."

One main refuge and three sub-refuges.

At present, these shelters can exist for a long time before the resources are fully exploited by him.

And the various resources obtained from these mines will also become his help, allowing him to live better in this different world.

"However, we still have to get the tracks and trains out early. This trip requires a car, and it takes an hour to go back. It's really a waste of time to go back and forth for two hours."

Lin Yue muttered to himself while looking at the scenery at the end of the distance.

If there's one thing that matters most, it's safe to say it's time.

In the main refuge, he can easily do a lot of things well, the fundamental reason is that he can not waste time on moving.

Today, when heading to any sub-shelter to build or gather, there is a lot of time wasted moving around.

Even relying on Xiaobai to fly over, it will not reduce the time to come out.

What's more, flying in the air for a long time, his body will not be able to bear it, even if he wears a helmet or something, it is far from normal.

If possible, Lin Yue felt that unless he was going to some extremely distant places, otherwise, he should try to fly as little as possible.

From the current point of view, it seems that this track construction must be put on the agenda, and it must start as soon as possible.

Lin Yue thought for a while.

"Oxygenation, drought, insect swarms, and sandstorms. It seems that this disaster will not cause any trouble for the construction of tracks and trains. If there is an earthquake or something, this will be much worse."

After a brief judgment, he now feels that this is the best time to build this short-to-medium-distance track.

The several disasters this time will not cause any trouble for the construction of tracks and trains. If there are enough materials, it is indeed time to build them.

Moreover, it still needs the form of a viaduct, which requires not only steel, but also a large amount of concrete. If possible, he also wants to get something like a protective cover on the outside of the track.

These materials are really hard to find in this different world, and it is obviously unrealistic to rely solely on Fei Yue to collect them.

Lin Yue raised his head and looked forward.

The shadow of the wall can already be seen.

This time, he will take Xiao Meng to the gate of the secret realm to collect it. If possible, he hopes to bring back enough materials needed to build tracks and trains.

The tactical ATV brought Lin Yue to the battlefield quickly, and Lin Yue also saw some light spots of storage space on the ground again.

However, it seems that most of the little ice lizards stopped searching, and followed the robot dogs to carry the fragments of lizardmen and beggars.

A large number of corpses and other things were thrown into the big pit dug before. It seems that it is almost the same.

"Little ice lizards, you guys go back to the refuge, there is no need to search here."

"Puff!" The little ice lizards obeyed Lin Yue's order, put down the things in their hands one by one, and went straight to the direction of the shelter.

Lin Yue looked at the forty robot dogs, and smelled the rotten smell coming from the pit.

He took out a torch and threw it into the pit again.

In the nearly ten-meter-deep pit, those rotten things also began to be ignited by the flames, and finally burst into flames.

After the robot dogs have picked up the leftovers, it will be over here.

Cleaning the battlefield is actually not easy, especially when facing tens of thousands of enemies.

The amount of nearly 90,000 lizardmen on this side took two days to clean up, and the 30,000 lizardmen on the other side of the door are almost the same.

Lin Yue drove towards the door. He felt that there were so many things to do like a mountain.

"If I didn't have these two abilities, would I be able to have a bunch of people help me like Fei Yue and the others? No, wait, even if I don't have this ability, I don't like to get together with others so much. "

Lin Yue was deeply worried about his character.


If he didn't have these two abilities, he wouldn't like to get together with a lot of people.

The two theories of trust and distrust are mainly because they are afraid of trouble, and they don't like to be instructed by leaders, and they don't like to lead others as a leader.

In general, Lin Yue still prefers freedom rather than acting with a group of people.

Yes, as it is now.

Although sometimes, like now, there is a mountain of work piled up, but no one forces him to do it, and no one waits for his command, and he doesn't need to worry about the various problems of his subordinates .

There is no need to listen to any complaints, no need to worry about betrayal by subordinates, and no need to worry about being recruited by Lily Callahoo every day like Xing Lingfeng, and then eventually being recruited.


Lin Yue likes this kind of life where no one disturbs, and no one needs him to disturb him.

Raise chickens, grow vegetables, collect resources, build, fight...

Although busy, it is still orderly.

Moreover, they have all been quite fruitful.

One main base and three sub-bases.

There are two main generals, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng, and four generals, Black Spot, Green Claw, Little Six and Red Line.

There are also nearly 500 little ice lizards with extremely strong combat effectiveness and stronger execution ability as assistants.

The robot dogs have also reached a certain scale, and these bases are electrified, with sentry machine gun platforms as guards.

Basically, his life in another world has entered a healthy track.

After that, when better things come out, the life here can reach a new level.

It seems that it is also very good, isn't it?

Next, you only need to take one step at a time, follow the current pace, and move forward!

"Next, it's time to search the secret realm!"

Xiao Meng saw him coming back, and immediately ran over to greet him.

Lin Yue jumped out of the car and stretched his arms.

In the distance, the ancient gate of the secret realm is waiting for him.

They even opened the door, welcoming...


"Xiao Meng! Ready to fight!"

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