This time, it was the second time that Lin Yue saw the ancient gate of the secret realm open by himself.

The first time, the lizard people rushed out with a large number of mysterious beasts, trying to launch a sudden attack on his sanctuary.

Whether it was giant spiders, strange mice, storm lizards, blood-sucking insects, tentacle monsters, or even giant beetles and poisonous dragons, they all came out together.

But these were originally the means by which the lizardmen raided him as a surprise soldier, but they were directly used by him. Instead, they were used as a means of harvesting treasure chests for themselves, and they directly brushed a wave.

So, this time, what will the ancient gate of the secret realm come up with?

Lin Yue opened the system tablet and turned off the power switch of the sentry machine gun stand in the shelter. He didn't want to accidentally hurt himself and Xiaomeng.

Lin Yue leaned back against the wall, erected a half-meter-high low wall in front of him, and brought out his sniper rifle, ready to fight at any time.

And beside him is Xiao Meng who is eager to try, and a large group of little ice lizards are also waiting for Lin Yue's order by the wall, ready to rush out and tear the enemy into pieces!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

With the sound of the air being split, it came out from the ancient gate of the secret realm that had been expanded a lot, and several black shadows also came out from it at the same time, flying high into the sky!

Storm Lizard!

Lin Yue immediately adjusted his posture to lie down, and the sniper rifle rushed towards the sky. As he pulled the trigger lightly, a bullet hole was added to the leg of a storm lizard that had just started circling and was about to dive down!

After it screamed and fell, Lin Yue fired the second and third shots!

At the same time, a dull sound suddenly sounded, and the head of the giant beetle was squeezed out of the door!

"Xiao Meng, get ready to fight!" Lin Yue glanced out of the corner of his eye, and blood-sucking worms, strange mice, etc. followed closely, and the number was really not small.

"Little ice lizards, rush out and kill those little ones!"

Lin Yue concentrated on dealing with the stormy lizard in the sky, while Xiaomeng remained motionless, waiting for the moment when the master's order was issued!

The little ice lizards have begun to slaughter those small secret realm beasts that have just been drilled out, and the speed is beyond imagination, and the efficiency is extremely high!

In the end, as soon as one or two ends came out of the door, a group of little ice lizards rushed over and killed them. If the points were not enough, they had to wait.

However, when the giant beetle slowly drilled out, more stormy lizards flew out from the door. Gradually, there were more and more stormy lizards in the air!

"Xiaomeng, come on!" Lin Yue saw that the giant beetle was about to get out. After he gave the order, Xiaomeng also rushed over there!

The sound of heavy footsteps rang out, and Xiaomeng rumbled like a chariot towards the giant beetle who didn't understand what was going on. After Xiaomeng came into contact with this unfortunate bastard, its shell was quickly destroyed by Xiaomeng. The iron fist smashed out a huge pothole.

After looking at Xiaomeng and confirming that there was nothing to help, Lin Yue continued to pull the trigger and shot down the stormy lizards in the sky.

However, why are there so many storm lizards this time?

The sentry machine guns of the main shelter can be shot into the sky, but as long as they are opened, the ordinary flat sentry machine guns will also be activated, then the door will also become the target of the machine gun attack, and will be accidentally injured. To the little ice lizards and Xiaomeng.

It seems, a bit limited...

"Tsk, is this a coincidence or a coincidence?"

Lin Yue felt that his current wave seemed to be restricted. If he opened the machine gun station, Xiaomeng and the others would not be able to attack, and the mysterious beasts on the other side of the door would rush out in large numbers.

But if he doesn't open it, the storm lizard becomes a new problem.

The bullet casings kept hitting the ground, and Lin Yue also lay on the ground and kept shooting.

But a monster like the Storm Flying Lizard is not a target, he can attack at will.

Those circling in the sky are fine, if there is one diving, then he must be distracted and kill the diving first.

After all, no matter how rubbish they are in his eyes now, they are also enemies with air power, and the number is still quite large.

If the little ice lizards don't pay attention, they will be simply torn apart by this monster!

This was not the result Lin Yue wanted to see.

To him, each of the little ice lizards was important, and he didn't want to see any of them injured, nor did he want to see any of them die.

Therefore, he can hardly stop firing guns now, and he has to shoot down the flying monsters to the ground.

However, the number of Storm Flying Lizards is still increasing!

Lin Yue glanced at Xiaomeng, it was now waiting on the side of the door, pulled the big guy who rushed in from the door and killed it, while the little ice lizards were beside him, and they were going to the gap in the door. The small mysterious alien beast that came out was killed.

Moreover, the little ice lizards are not in a group now, but they are very scattered, and they pay great attention to the storm lizards in the sky. Even if the other party comes to dive, they can quickly spread out and are quite alert.

However, as the number of Storm Flying Lizards increases, the situation will become more and more complicated!

If it goes on like this, it will indeed have to change the strategy.

Let Xiao Meng come back, and Xiao Bingli retreats to avoid the shelter, then turns on the power of the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun station, and swept it directly. He can just snipe again.


Just as Lin Yue was analyzing the situation of the battle, suddenly two extremely fast black shadows flew from a distance and rushed into the circling stormy lizards. In the next second, shrill screams sounded. , A storm of flying lizards fell directly from the air, and then fell to the ground, becoming a puddle of meat mud!


There was a roar, and at the same time Lin Yue also saw that the silver-white shadow flashed through the air like thunder, and the heads of the storm lizards were instantly cut in half, or their heads were chopped off without any trace at all. The power to fight back!

The other gray-white figure is also vigorous and fast, and it seems to only attack the head of the Storm Flying Lizard. In the flickering figure, the heads of the Storm Flying Lizard are also falling!

Xiaobai and Xiaoliu are back!

With the sharp decrease in the number of storm lizards in the air, Lin Yue also had time to breathe. He didn't need to be distracted in the air, so he would just deal with those coming from the door.

Xiaomeng has been fighting for a while, and now there are six or seven giant beetles lying beside it, and two poisonous dragons.

Xiaomeng didn't leave them alone like last time, but beat them to death without leaving a single breath.

It also seems to be much more cautious than at the beginning, and has a better understanding than before. Otherwise, if someone lying beside him suddenly stands up and makes a sneak attack, it can't stand it.

Where did Xiaomeng get this experience?

Lin Yue put away the hot sniper rifle in his hand, took out another one from the storage space, and continued to shoot at the one in the sky.

His main job now is basically to support the little guys.

I have to say that with the air strikes of Xiaobai and Xiaoliuzi, the current offensive of the strange beasts in the secret realm has basically been completely suppressed.

Xiaomeng and the little ice lizards wiped out the spring water, Xiaobai and Xiaoliuzi swept the stormy lizards, and he was responsible for killing the fish that slipped through the net.

He cooperates with the little guys quite smoothly, and this is not the first time, there is no such thing as rusty.

Although the battle is still going on, it is no longer as fierce as it was just now. Instead, it has entered a fixed routine.

The strange beasts in the secret realm kept coming out of the ancient gate of the secret realm, but they were completely unable to pose any threat to their own side.

And after Xiaobai and Xiaoliuzi cut the last storm lizard into four sections, the threat from the air has completely disappeared, and after Xiaobai and Xiaoliuzi joined the action of surrounding the spring with Xiaobai, they fought against each other. The situation has completely changed to complete suppression.

Lin Yue put away his sniper rifle, stood up, and after scouting around and making sure that there were no enemies from elsewhere, he was relieved.

This sudden situation really caught people off guard.

If it's not right here, it's not necessarily what it will be like in the end.

Of course, if he wasn't here, it might not be as complicated as it is now. The robot dog and the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand may have solved most of these monsters.

With the last strange mouse having its head cut off by Xiao Liuzi, there were no more mysterious monsters at the ancient gate of the secret realm.

The battle seems to be over...

Lin Yue waited for a while, but it seemed that there was still silence at the ancient gate of the secret realm.

He finally walked over and closed the ancient gate of the secret realm. At the same time, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little guys, it's all thanks to you." Lin Yue stretched his arms, this time, he hardly did anything.

Almost all of them were able to end this sudden attack by relying on Xiaobai and Xiaomeng.

"However, this is really strange."

Lin Yue looked at the ancient gate of the secret realm, and after blocking it with a very thick iron wall, he led the little guys to the direction of the refuge.

Along the way, the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt.

This battle, so to speak, was another test of the defenses of his sanctuary.

Moreover, unlike before, this time, the combination of these mysterious beasts is also quite interesting.

The Storm Flying Lizards are the most numerous. After they emerged from the ancient gate of the secret realm, they also caused considerable trouble to their own side. Almost all of them hovered in mid-air, diving at ground targets at any time.

On the ground, the heavily armored giant beetle and the poisonous dragon are the main force, and the monster rat giant spider is the auxiliary. Except for their speed is slightly worse, the defense can be said to be quite strong.

The ground is added to the air. If the giant beetle burrows into the soil, then the ground must be added.

In fact, if this combination was not used to attack him, but to attack any other random refuge village, Lin Yue felt that few refuge villages could last ten minutes.

Moreover, even him, if the strategic choice is not good, he may fall into a hard battle.

This time, Lin Yue felt that the attack methods of these strange beasts in the secret realm seemed to be attacking his "weakness", or in other words, he found a bug in his defense methods.

If this time, instead of letting Xiaomeng and the little ice lizards attack, but letting the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand and the sniper robot dog to attack, then the battle will probably fall into a disadvantageous situation.

After all, whether it is a giant beetle or a poisonous dragon, the carapace cannot be penetrated by bullets at all, or even broken.

And if there are enough storm lizards in the air, those sentry machine guns facing the sky may not be able to completely kill them in a very short time.

As long as there are so many heads rushing out of the firepower net and attacking from directly above the shelter, then there will be a strong impact in the interior without any defense at all!

It is conceivable that those storm lizards landed next to the greenhouses, melting furnaces, warehouses and other buildings next to the shelter, which would cause some losses to some extent.

Not to mention, giant beetles will burrow into the ground, while Du Tianlong is almost fearless of bullets, and can even ignore those machine gun stations and enter the shelter with great ease.

But if, like just now, let the Xiaomeng little ice lizards attack and block them, and he is responsible for sniping the storm lizards in the air next to him, then the sentry machine gun stand cannot be opened, and it becomes a decoration directly.

And without the sentry machine gun stand, if air forces like Xiaobai and Xiaoliuzi can't support...

Then, the situation will be easily broken by these things, and even put oneself into a certain crisis.

To be honest, this really pinpointed the location of a defensive bug in his sanctuary.

Moreover, it also greatly limited his platoon arrangement.

Think about it, if Xiaobai is not there and Xiaomeng is not there, then the rest of the little ice lizards will not be able to support it for a long time, right?

"I don't know now, whether it was accidental or someone did it on purpose." Lin Yue didn't want to have any luck, even if he didn't, he still wanted to think that this was someone who deliberately used this to test his refuge. the defense force.

As for how to deal with it...

Actually there is one.

"Xiaomeng, you don't have to move these, I'll come."

Lin Yue walked over and directly put the corpses of the giant beetle and the poisonous Tianlong into the storage space. After emptying the vicinity of the ancient gate of the secret realm, he took out a lot of iron blocks and made a two-meter thick iron wall. Completely seal the ancient gate of this secret realm.

Now, unless there is some extremely powerful bomb attack on the other side of the wall, otherwise, this iron wall can't be blasted.

And this iron wall has also successfully sealed the attacks of the strange beasts in the secret realm that may reappear.

Whether it's a giant beetle or a poisonous dragon, their power, just relying on the impact or something, can't get rid of this.

However, the fact that they can't get this out doesn't mean they can't come out of other secret realm ancient gates.

For example, from the ancient gates of special secret realms and the ancient gates of secret realms near other refuge villages, you can enter and exit at will, right?

"It seems that something needs to be done."

Lin Yue opened the system tablet and turned his attention to the world chat channel.

In any case, the attack on his sanctuary this time was not accidental.

Maybe the same will happen elsewhere.

On the other side of the earth in the secret realm, alien beasts invaded the alien world with earth and human beings, which really gave him a feeling that he couldn't tell.

"Let's inform you first, otherwise, the survivors here will be wiped out by those secret realm monsters before they can resist the sixth disaster."

Lin Yue was also on the World Channel and entered the message he wanted to convey!

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