The World Channel, which was originally becoming more and more lively because of the strong discussion caused by the hot sale of canned food, fell silent instantly because of a message.

Lin Yue wrote only one line on it.

"From now on, all refuge villages must close the ancient gates of the secret realm and the ancient gates of the special secret realm in the safest way! The strange beasts of the secret realm will rush into other worlds from these places! If you don't want to die!"

But this one, as if possessing a magical power, made everyone fall into silence in an instant!

And after a few seconds, in an instant, everyone finally reacted, and with the first reply from Lily Callahau, everyone started to discuss it!

Lily Callahau: "Is it a mysterious beast... I am the first to agree with this proposal. Human beings cannot perish."

Kanula: "Huh? Lin Yue actually spoke? That Lin Yue? I read it correctly, right? It seems that Lin Yue's previous speech... What is it? I feel that every time he speaks, he says something very serious."

Bellakley: "It's because of the seriousness, Lin Yue said it. Our refuge village has sent people to block it with a stone wall."

Sun Jing: "Stone? Are you serious? Some of the monsters in the secret realm are bigger than elephants. Your stone wall probably won't last even a second. Listen to me, use iron blocks as a wall, sure. Nothing is lost."

Takeda Nobumasa: "A samurai is not afraid of strange beasts in the secret realm! If there is any attack, ask the sword in my hand!"

Lin Ming: "The Neon people upstairs are crazy. If there is anyone who doesn't want to stay there, you can come to our refuge village at any time."

Kadlec: "We believe in Lin. He is not wrong once. The flying pterosaurs I saw in the secret realm seem to have come here. We killed two of them yesterday! "

Bev: "Really, let's listen to Lin Yue!"

Pu Renyong: "I don't believe it. Lin Yuezhun has some plans! Our refuge village doesn't care about this! The ancient gate of the secret realm is so scary, he must be for some purpose."


Lin Yue watched the world channel for a while, and after confirming that they had started to discuss his proposal on a large scale, he felt a little more relaxed.

There are not as many things he can do as he imagined, after all, he is just one person.

It is not easy for a person to guard his refuge well.

Now the total population is about 2 billion, and there are millions of shelters.

Even if he was a superman, he would never be able to take care of so many people.

Even if he wanted to be the so-called "savior of mankind", there was absolutely no other way.

At least, his current strength is not that great.

"It is enough to inform most of the shelters about this information. Whether they listen or not, I have no way to force them, but..."

Lin Yue knew that those who could drive these secret monsters were neither survivors nor beggars.

There is only one creature, the lizardmen, and only they can do this.

If you want to fundamentally avoid this kind of thing from happening, then there is only one way to do it.

Destroy all the Lizardmen!

This is not something too easy.

After all, the number of lizardmen is terrifying.

Judging from the fact that tens of thousands of them can be drawn casually, making them disappear in a short period of time is not something that can be easily accomplished.

Unless, there is some power that can gather all the lizardmen in one place, and then he will directly launch two intercontinental missiles, at least hundreds of thousands can be wiped out.

But this kind of thing is impossible to happen...

Lin Yue felt that the battle with the lizardmen would probably continue for a long time.

After all, no one knows how many and where they are, and there is no way to completely eliminate them.

Lin Yue felt that finding a way to eliminate the lizardmen had to be considered in the long run.

If anyone can come up with a way to completely and quickly eliminate the lizardmen, he will definitely send him two hundred cans!

Looking at the chat panel again, he found that Fei Yue seemed to have sent him a message in the morning.

At that time, because he was busy dividing up the base, rushing back, and fighting with the strange beasts in the secret realm, he forgot this important ally.

"Lin Yue, I want to ask your permission for something. If you see it, please contact me immediately."

There is only one sentence in Fei Yue's words.

Um? what's the situation? Still need to ask my permission? Aren't they all "allies of the same level" relationship, why is there an aura of "dominant people" again?

"I'm here, you say."

Lin Yue immediately returned to the past, walked to the side of the giant beetle and Du Tianlong, and peeled off their shells.

This carapace...can it equip Xiao Meng and the little ice lizards? Go back and ask them for their thoughts and opinions.

As Lin Yue thought about it, the system tablet in his left hand rang.

"Lin Yue, just now, I saw you talking about the strange beasts in the secret realm...Actually, we have just repelled a wave of attacks, but they are all small characters, so it's no big deal. By the way, it's convenient for voice."


Um? Was Fei Yue also under attack? The timing is a bit of a coincidence.

How can it be so simultaneous?

Lin Yue thought about this, and opened the voice chat with Fei Yue.

"Lin Yue, what you just said on the World Channel about how to block the strange beasts in the secret realm..."

"Fei Yue, when did your refuge village come under attack?" Lin Yue interrupted him. To him, this was very important.

Also, how uniform is the degree?

He was not on the World Channel just now, and he saw that the refuge village was attacked. Even now, there are still discussions on whether to seal the ancient gate of the secret realm, and what materials should be used to seal it. Half of the discussion No one was attacked by the monster that rushed out of it.

It seemed that the only ones who were attacked just now were him, Fei Yue and the others.

This is obviously too abnormal.

"Ah, this, just not long ago, just over ten minutes ago?" Fei Yue recalled and said.

More than ten minutes ago, this was also the moment when he saw those mysterious beasts coming out of the ancient gate of the secret realm.

It really is "simultaneously".

Lin Yue felt that this was definitely not a coincidence.

Whoever didn't attack would attack him, Fei Yue.

This is obviously targeted, and it cannot be explained by simple "accidental".

What, let the lizardmen drive these mysterious beasts to attack him and Fei Yue at the same time?

If there is such a force...

Then it is definitely not the lizard man itself, but a beggar, or a beggar!

If one were to be suspected, Lily Callahau would seem to be at the top of the list.

Even without Xing Lingfeng's previous provocation, Lin Yue didn't feel that the leader of the giant refuge village, who was already ranked second on the ranking list and left the third place far behind, had no hostility towards him.

After all, Feiyue's refuge village, which this person wanted to incorporate, has now reached the top ten in the rankings, and as his solid ally, his strength is also steadily improving, and he will not accept any inclusion at all.

After the first ranking, Lily Callahoo, in Xing Lingfeng's go-between, wanted to form a so-called "alliance" with Jia Yunzhan, Kasbal and the other refuge villages to form a body of interests .

But after that, because Lily Callahau herself started to move around, wanting to merge other refuge villages with her refuge village, this so-called proposal, which was originally unstable, became a flower in the water, and the moon in the mirror .


This too is just speculation.

"Could it be that you were attacked by a strange beast from the secret realm more than ten minutes ago from the ancient gate of the secret realm?"

At this time, Fei Yue seemed to suddenly understand something.

"Yes, there are a lot of them, and it was more than ten minutes ago, just right."

Lin Yue felt that one person's thoughts are very limited, but if two people, no, Fei Yue and other people can think together with him, this can make thinking more diversified and richer.

"Is that so..." Fei Yue was silent for a while.

"Boss, what a coincidence!"

"It's definitely not a coincidence that the time has come together."

"I feel like it's aimed specifically at Lin Yue and us!"


Lin Yue heard that Fei Yue's side seemed to be very lively, and the voices of You Siyuan, Feng Peng, Huo Yu, and Wang Ce all came over.

"Do you have any ideas?" Lin Yue asked.

Fei Yue discussed with several people, and seemed to have an answer soon.

"There should be something that wants to deal with you, and we who are closest to you and are your allies."

"Oh?" Sure enough, the reaction over there was quick, Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, "For example...who?"

"'s hard to say. At present, we think that these mysterious beasts should be driven by the lizard people. Are they to deal with you and us?"

"Is that so..." Lin Yue felt that there was too little information on Fei Yue's side.

They didn't know that there was a Liu Kai who had the ability to talk to lizardmen.

The wisdom of the lizard people is not enough for them to drive out so many mysterious beasts from the ancient gates near the two refuges that are so far apart at the same time.

And what if there is Liu Kai's "assistance" behind it?

It seems that some things are not impossible.

Originally, he didn't want to believe in the so-called "extraordinary", but now something completely incomprehensible has happened to him, so Liu Kai can only be regarded as true.

As for Liu Kai...

Who owns this product now?

Lin Yue searched Liu Kai's name and found that he now has a suffix.

[Belongs to Lily Callahau Refuge Village. 】

Oh shit.

"Let's put this matter aside first." Lin Yue felt that when he was not sure about some things, it was better not to tell Fei Yue.

Especially, he didn't want Fei Yue to think too much about this so-called "extraordinary person".

No matter how trusting you are, it's better to hide this aspect.

"You came to me before, what's the matter?"

"Ah, speaking of this, actually, I have one thing to ask for your permission. This matter is related to... many things, even, whether we can survive this disaster this time!"

Lin Yue was a little surprised by Fei Yue's sudden remark.

Is it about whether we can survive this disaster?

"Tell me, let me listen." Lin Yue first agreed to listen first, and he didn't know what he could say without his permission. He didn't even think of what made Fei Yue like this .

However, he really wanted to hear from Fei Yue how to deal with the lizardmen.

After this guy finishes talking about this so-called request, let him discuss this matter with Fei Yue in detail.

"Actually, it's the sweat and blood of the lizardman before. Doesn't it have the function of keeping secret creatures and mutant creatures from approaching easily? Last time you told me, it also allowed our refuge village to develop rapidly. , but I think other survivors don't seem to know about this matter, if you allow me to tell others, then the bug swarm will also..."



What Fei Yue just said...

"Yes! This is it!"

Lin Yue couldn't help blurting out!

Hey guys, this belongs to be bumped together!

"Huh? Right? What's the matter?" Fei Yue was still at a loss, not knowing what happened, and Lin Yue, who was usually not excited about anything, actually screamed out.

"I mean... the way to completely eliminate this threat!" Lin Yue couldn't hide his excitement.

Who would have thought that he would have held in his hand the method of completely eradicating the lizardmen and the alien beasts in the secret realm to attack the alien world!

That is - the sweat and blood of the lizard man!

"To completely eliminate this threat? It's worth it... um? Lin Yue, are you talking about the invasion of strange beasts in the secret realm... No! Wait, wait! Could it be that this trick can even wipe out the entire lizard-human race?!"

Fei Yue was not stupid, he understood Lin Yue's thoughts almost instantly.


The sweat and blood of the lizard people, this thing is obtained from the lizard people.

And this sweat and blood can expel strange beasts in the secret realm, and can also be disgusted by mutated creatures. It is also a secret weapon that allows survivors to move freely at night without fear of the night!

They were besieged by the lizardmen at night. If they didn't rely on the sweat and blood of the lizardmen, even with the addition of steel crossbows, they would never have been able to wipe out all the lizardmen in such a short period of time and solve the crisis!


All the survivors in the different worlds have the fetish of the lizardman's sweat and blood, so it can be said that they can be invincible in the secret realm, and they can also travel freely in the dark night!

And human beings can thus become more fearless and control this different world!

If people knew that the sweat and blood of the lizardmen possessed such abilities, then those old enemies of humans with green scales would usher in the frantic strangulation of the entire human race!

No matter how many of them there are, they can't resist the desire of human beings. Just like all kinds of extinct creatures on the earth, they have only one way to end!

And if the lizardmen can be eliminated... then humans can concentrate on more things!

Even, the vast underground ruins can be used to avoid disasters that can be resisted underground!

Thinking of this, Fei Yue couldn't help becoming excited, and the faces of the people around him were also full of joy.

This incident seems to not only allow all mankind to at least survive the locust plague, but even wipe out the lizardmen in one fell swoop, and it will make the life of all mankind better.

In the end, maybe this incident will become a turning point for the revival of the entire human race in a different world!

Lanbaiju's new book (I didn't think I knew Juguo), everyone, go to Kangkang!

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