"Lin Yue, please let me tell everyone about this, no, please tell everyone about this! I think this, this is the turning point of the rise and fall of human beings, and it is also the time when we humans conquer this different world and truly step forward. The first step out!"

Fei Yue was so excited that he was shaking all over!

Originally, he just wanted to solve the threat of the locust plague, but after Lin Yue's reminder, Feiyue felt that he could actually see this layer!

If it is really possible, then this time will completely free mankind from the current unfavorable situation, and even resolve the differences between mankind—the conflict between beggars and survivors.

Fei Yue was extremely excited at this moment.

He waited for Lin Yue's reply. This time, Lin Yue should stand up and tell everyone the secret of this lizardman's sweat.

In that case, Lin Yue will eventually become the world's savior of all mankind!

That is, the savior!

"Lin Yue, you, you can..." He continued, but, because he was too excited, he could no longer speak.

However, on Lin Yue's side, he had recovered from the extreme excitement.

And after a clear head, he immediately realized that this matter is not so simple.

"Indeed, Fei Yue, but..."

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

There are two sides to everything, a good side and a bad side.

The same thing may seem to be very beneficial to what on the surface, or even to say that the beneficial aspect completely overshadows everything.

But at the same time, the deadly places are naturally extremely deadly.

"Fei Yue, listen carefully."

Lin Yue is very clear about the importance of this matter.

Moreover, he also wanted Fei Yue, who was a little too excited, to calm down.

This is not as simple as it seems.

"Lin Yue, I think you should tell everyone about this, not me. Really, if it's you, take this opportunity to become a human..."

"No, Feiyue, calm down."

Lin Yue stopped Fei Yue from continuing to speak.

He knew that Fei Yue should talk about "the savior of mankind" next.

"Lin Yue, this matter is really urgent, let's not talk about anything else..."

"Fei Yue!"

Lin Yue's voice instantly made Fei Yue stop.

Fei Yue was also pulled back to reality by this sound.

"Calm down. This matter is not as simple as you and I think. The lizardmen's sweat and blood may cause harm. If you think you can bear it, there is nothing I can't let you say."

"Hazard?" Fei Yue's mind was blank now. He looked at his subordinates and seemed to feel that what he heard was not the same thing.

What harm can the sweat and blood of the lizardmen do?

Except that it really stinks and is a little sticky, in other respects, it seems to be nothing.

Even the taste is tolerable.

"I don't think there is any harm, right?" Fei Yue discussed with his subordinates, but in the end he didn't feel anything.

Now, they feel that Lin Yue is too cautious.

But Lin Yue didn't want them to be so confused.

"Of course, the sweat and blood of the lizardmen can stimulate the survivors to hunt and kill a lot of the lizardmen, and even wipe them out completely, so that humans will no longer be harassed by these monsters, and there will be no encounters that we have just encountered. This kind of mysterious beast group attacked the refuge."

Lin Yue looked at the ancient gate of the secret realm that had been covered with iron blocks, shook his head, and continued: "However, after the sweat and blood of the lizardmen have been obtained by some humans, the various refugee villages of human beings can still maintain their balance so far. , and from then on there will be a kind of chaos.”

"Chaos? Why?" Fei Yue didn't understand at all what Lin Yue was thinking about.

"Think about it, Fei Yue. If every survivor has this kind of sweat and blood, the survivors won't be able to move around in the daytime because of the little range of movement that was originally constrained by the night and mutant creatures. Or night, wherever, survivors can explore and move freely."

Fei Yue's head was like a lightning strike!

Explore and move freely?

He suddenly remembered what he had led the subordinates of the refuge to walk all night to the vicinity of the Linyue refuge.

If every survivor did this...

What will happen?

Return to the original Earth, everyone can move freely?

But the survivors in this world all have weapons!

The lack of resources makes it difficult for people to survive, and, because of the dark night, because of the mutant creatures, the survivors can only move within a small range.

If it can move freely, then the entire other world will be disrupted from its original balance and stability due to the activities of the survivors who lack resources, and it will be completely messed up!


"Wait, I suddenly understood, that's what it is! If it really becomes like that, then all the survivors can become 'looters', and the war over resources between the survivors will start quietly, Perhaps because of this, the entire human race will fall into an abyss of eternal doom!"

After Fei Yue finished speaking, his body couldn't help shaking.

It's just that the trembling this time is not excitement or excitement, but unease, or even fear!

"That's right. Feiyue, maybe we have found the best way to exterminate the lizardmen, but this method can also exterminate us humans."

Lin Yue closed his eyes.

He imagined the scene if that day finally appeared.

The human beings, who possessed the freedom that they did not have before, destroyed their biggest enemy, the Lizardmen, and the next one to destroy is themselves.

This is exactly what has happened over and over again throughout human history.

Since the era of consuming blood, human beings have begun the process of continuous conquest and the era of killing each other.

Even before the time when all human beings crossed, human beings continued to attack because of resources, land and various reasons.

War has always accompanied human history, but this history came to an abrupt end after everyone collectively traveled to this different world.

The reason is that human beings have no time to attack others, no time to expand their own land, and no time to compete for anything.

Just surviving, has already overwhelmed human beings.

In the original cycle of disasters once every seven days, the number of human beings has also dropped sharply from the highest population of more than seven billion to the current two billion.

It can be said that if battles or wars are provoked for various reasons as in the past, then there is no doubt that at that time, it will also be time for humans to play themselves to death.


In his hands, there is indeed a secret that can drag the entire human race into the abyss.

In other words, this is not a secret, but the key to open Pandora's box.

The sweat and blood of the lizardmen has the magic power that can cause all human beings and the lizardmen to start an all-out war, and finally wipe them out.

In the same way, it can also make humans no longer have to fear any mutant creatures in this other world, so they can run amok and completely embark on the road of conquering this other world.

Even, there is a magic power that allows humans to run wild in the secret realm and completely utilize everything.

But, as I said before, it is the catalyst that can put humanity on the road to extinction.

"Feiyue, I don't think we need to talk about this matter anymore. There should be some people who know about the sweat and blood of the lizardmen. However, even those who know this level of secrets will not share it. Say it, because this is a great help for your own shelter to develop quickly, you should be very aware of this, and Xing Lingfeng is the same."

Fei Yue was there, silently nodded.

The originally high emotions, after thinking about the terrifying future, are now like falling into an ice cave, and there is no excitement or excitement.

Yes, only after fear and fear!

But... Xing Lingfeng?

He looked at You Siyuan, Feng Peng and Huo Yu who were beside him, and the three of them also nodded.

"Xing Lingfeng once heard me say about the blood and sweat of the lizardmen, he should have made this the biggest secret of the refuge village, and wanted the whole refuge village to be at the forefront of all refuge villages, but he It seems that I went the wrong way in the end." Lin Yue added.

"Indeed, boss, no one said anything about that old thing. Even, in our refuge village, except for the dozens of people who often go out, no one else knows about it." You Siyuan Zaifei Yue said next to him.

"Sure enough." Lin Yue also heard You Siyuan's words. He didn't expect that Xing Lingfeng would even guard himself.

However, the less people know about it, the better.

Moreover, it can also be seen from the side that the survivors who know this matter, no matter how many they are, will keep this secret and will not tell others at will.

that's enough.

At least, from the current point of view, none of the survivors on the bright side have talked about the sweat and blood of the lizardmen, which also proves this from the side.

"Feiyue, I think we have to reach a tacit understanding, because judging from this attack, you, as my ally, have now become the target of the attack by the master behind the scenes. Feiyue, take refuge for you and you. For the safety of the village, you can explain to others on the World Channel that you are not my ally, so..."

"I reject."

Feiyue's side interrupted Lin Yue's words directly, and he was extremely firm!


"I said, we refuse to abandon your alliance or something for our own safety! Lin Yue, don't look down on the backbone of everyone in our refuge village!"

Fei Yue's words are sonorous and powerful!

"In our refuge village, if it weren't for you, the lives of these people would have died a long time ago. We will never forget this kindness! We originally hoped that you would be our ruler. Now, we hope that you are Our allies are forever and ever, and we will never abandon our allies, and we will never give up! Nor will we forget this kindness and abandon our allies because of threats to our own safety! Lin Yue, please Don't say such things, I, Feiyue, will put my words here today, if there is anyone in the refuge village who wants to protect himself and has such thoughts, I will blast him out as soon as possible!"

Lin Yue listened to Fei Yue's words and remained silent.

In this different world, having such friendship is rare and precious.

Having such a loyal ally is even more touching.

"It's like when an enemy like the 30,000 Lizardmen came, and we rushed over at the first time, even if you face 300,000, 3 million, 30 million enemies, we will be by your side without hesitation. By the way! Even if our strength is not that great, even if we can't help anything, we will fight until the last moment, and we will never back down! Lin Yue, I hope you can stop saying what you just said in the future, we will definitely not because of this not your ally, understand?"

"I understand, ally." Lin Yue closed his eyes at the moment.

He felt the blood in his heart that seemed to have never been so churning.

He felt, deep in his heart, that kind of emotion that seemed to have never appeared before.

In the orphanage since he was a child, he has always been the one excluded by the crowd.

Since that time when he was covered in blood and beat three older children to tears, he has not had anyone at school who would talk to him.

In the orphanage, the vice dean passed away early. In high school and university, he has always been the most silent person and the most withdrawn person.

Lin Yue, who has seen ugliness, injustice, and the dark side of human beings, has never felt the warmth like now.

Allies, no, it should be said that this is a friend.

A friend who can stand firmly by his side in times of crisis and vow to live and die together.

Not one person, but a group of people.

In this different world with no moral constraints, no laws and no rules.

The biggest dark side of people is constantly growing and magnifying, making this world a world of the jungle.

Feiyue, like a ray of light, penetrated the dark cloud shrouded in this different world.

"Knew it."

Lin Yue suddenly smiled.

He felt that he suddenly found a goal.

A goal I never imagined.

Even, he always thought that he was the burden that he couldn't bear at all, but now he felt that it was not impossible to give it a try.

Humans are ugly.

Humans are also beautiful.

After millions of years of development, human beings finally became the master of the earth from the weak who grabbed food from the beasts.

Not just by fighting, not just by war, not just by wisdom and technology.

In the long scroll of history, those who shine with glorious names all have great characters and powerful abilities.

And accompanying him more are those anonymous ordinary people behind him.

Whether it is the strong or the ordinary people, the brilliance of humanity shining on them makes the human beings who cannot understand each other, ugly and beautiful, twisted and upright, cruel and kind, weak and strong and arrogant. , suspicious and loyal, evil and kind, complex creatures, passed down from ancient times to modern times.

In the end, let human beings stand out from all things, and eventually become the most outstanding creature on the earth, and become the ultimate winning creature!

And in this different world, the brilliance of mankind will eventually illuminate all the darkness, and will bring mankind back to their original home!

if it is possible.

Lin Yue felt that he could become this light, or the one who fought for it under this light!

"I don't want to be the savior of the world."

Lin Yue opened his eyes and looked up at the blue sky.

"But if I can do my part, I need a very reliable ally."

"Haha, you seem to have found it."


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