Lin Yue just confirmed one thing.

And, it has never been so firm.

Even if he doesn't become that ray of light, the so-called savior, he will still be the one who fights for it under this ray of light.

Because he was not the only one fighting, he also had Fei Yue, a shining ally by his side.

"To survive, I should have done a good job. Next, I really should use the power in my hand to do my best."

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

He turned back and looked at the fortress behind him.

The shelter still needs to be built, and the lizardmen have to be eliminated.

Although it is no longer possible to use the blood of the lizardmen to exterminate the lizardmen, it does not mean that he cannot use other methods.

As long as the lizardmen are still around, the survivors will always face this threat in addition to disaster.

"Feiyue, I want to ask you to help me with something, and I have naturally prepared some rewards for you."

Lin Yue said to the side that had not hung up the voice.

"If we can do it, just say it, you don't have to be so polite to us." At this moment, Fei Yue had returned to his excitement.

He knew that Lin Yue was completely different from before.

"Feiyue, listen carefully. Next, our main goal is to eliminate the lizards and beggars. If they don't get rid of them for a day, humans will not have a day of eternal peace."

"I know this very well, Lin Yue, let's be each other's strength." Fei Yue nodded.

"Okay, then, you must listen to what I'm going to say next, and you don't need to tell anyone about this, just do what you can do."

Lin Yue felt that he was indeed limited in what he could do alone.

Collect, explore, build, maintain, kill lizardmen, beggars, and even face the internal targets of survivors. Even if he is diligent enough now, he can't cover everything.

Now, with one more Feiyue, he can explain some things and let Feiyue also participate in some things.

On Feiyue's side, at least three hundred people worked for him, and they were extremely loyal.

Lin Yue felt that this team is still worth looking forward to.

"Feiyue, when you went to the underground ruins, did you step through any division?"

"That's not true. Before, our strength was far inferior to the large number of lizardmen, and the underground ruins are also easy to defend and difficult to attack. The S area we would go to, we encountered hundreds of lizardmen. It's not that we succeeded in breaking through with the four-stage strike you've seen, it's really bad luck."

Lin Yue also remembered the four-stage crossbow shooting technique that Fei Yue and the others used. It was indeed the most cutting-edge strategy in the age of cold weapons, and they were able to fight in the narrow and deep home of the lizardmen—the underground ruins. Breaking through their siege has indeed proved the magic and power of this tactic.

"So, have you been to the main room? It's a big booth."

"I've seen it before, and it's also in the S area. Later, I saw it in the U2 area. There are many lizards and beggars in that big room. There is also a weird mural inside. By the way, I felt a little concerned at that time. I took a photo of it, and I'll pass it on to you, I have a photo here."

Feiyue immediately sent two pictures of the murals. Lin Yue picked up the system tablet and observed it carefully.

"Fei Yue, I'll take a look at these two. In addition, you can also take a look at the four in my hand."

There is nothing to hide in this regard.

For him, Feiyue, an ally, is worth relying on, so information other than the ability to explode the treasure chest that does not involve him and the ability to heal himself can be shared.

Moreover, what he wanted Fei Yue to help with was indeed about this aspect.

Looking at the two murals, Lin Yue found that there were still fragments of how the lizard people lived on this planet.

The first depicts the detailed process of the reproduction of the lizard people.

From an egg, it grows into a juvenile and an adult.

Adults have different differentiations.

The first is the ordinary lizardmen he often sees, and he directly drew a lot of them.

The second is the kind of squad leader, the number is much less than the ordinary one, but the total number is still a lot.

The third is the one with a hat and black, which is undoubtedly a priest, and only two or three are drawn in number.

And the lower ones are taller and taller than the above ones, and they are also two or three. This reminds Lin Yue of the lizardmen led by Levick who would kill them. A few of the special types, it turns out, this is a special mutation.

I don't know what treasure chests will come out of killing them?

The last one is a very strong lizard man with obvious muscle lines and a tall height. I have never seen this before. There is only one painted on the mural, which proves that this thing should be the least.

This mural systematically introduces the classification of lizardmen.

Moreover, the number of various lizardmen drawn here seems to represent their proportion of the total number of lizardmen in the entire group of lizardmen.

In this mural, there is also a very obvious existence.

A body is like a hill, a huge monster lying on its stomach that is twice the size of the lizards.

This monster looks ugly, with a huge body and short limbs. His eyes are basically invisible. It looks like a black spot on the mural, and there is even something like a blanket under it.

Lin Yue clicked on the picture, kept shrinking, and found that there were dozens of lizardmen in front of this monster carrying various foods and bringing them to its mouth, as if they were feeding.

And behind this ugly big monster, there are countless eggs laid.

The picture behind these eggs is the hatched lizardmen!

good guy.

Lin Yue called him a good guy!

"Fei Yue, who have you shown this mural to?"

Lin Yue also accepted it. Why wasn't he so lucky to go to the S area of ​​the underground ruins and not be able to see this mural?

"I only showed it to the people in our refuge village. Everyone said that this is the hierarchy of the lizardmen, but it doesn't matter." Fei Yue didn't expect Lin Yue to be so concerned.

He just looked at a few mural pictures passed by Lin Yue, and passed it to a few confidants around him. Everyone looked at it. Except for the sky ball, the mural below is a platform with strange stones. Interesting, otherwise, they didn't see anything.

"This mural talks about the reproduction and survival system of the lizard people, as well as the level you mentioned. At present, it seems that the lizard people should have something like bees or ants, and there is a 'lizard queen' who is responsible for reproduction In laying eggs, there are also divisions of labor such as common soldier lizards, captain lizards, priest lizards, monitor lizards, and leader lizards. In short, it is a very complete social group portrait of lizard people."

"Ah? Really?" Fei Yue really didn't think much of it. Before, he and his subordinates also killed the lizardmen when they saw them, regardless of the division of labor.

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that I have actually encountered lizardmen dressed in different clothes.

"On this picture, there are two most important pieces of information. One is this lizard man who looks like a leader, I have never encountered it before, its existence should be like a male bee and male ant, responsible for and the huge The second point is very important, as long as we find this ugly lizard and kill it, then the source of the lizard people's reproduction can be eliminated quite easily. ."

Although Lin Yue didn't understand why the lizardmen were not male and female, they reproduced in the same way as human beings, but they were the same as bees and ants, but their strange way of reproduction gave him a chance. kind of inspiration.

As long as you find this "lizard queen", then you can cut off the key elements of the lizard people's reproduction!

"Wait, what do you mean, if we can find this so-called 'lizard queen', then that part of the lizardmen can be completely wiped out?!"

Fei Yue was suddenly enlightened and fully understood the meaning of this mural!

Unexpectedly, this mural, which he thought was useless, actually contained so much information, and even contained the key factors to eliminate the lizard people!

"Yes. If we can find more lizard queens, then we will also find more possibilities to eliminate the lizardmen, instead of killing them head-to-head. The existence of this 'lizard queen' should be extremely few."

Lin Yue was quite surprised when he said this.

If he could have seen this mural earlier, he would have been able to change his strategy earlier, instead of using the sweeping tactics to defeat the lizard people as before.

However, the place where the 'Queen of the Lizards' lives...

Lin Yue looked at the mural carefully and found that there were no more clues.

"Really...really!" Fei Yue and several of his subordinates were quite excited.

They looked at each other and seemed to have found their way to the future!

"Lin Yue, then, what you want us to do is to find this 'lizard queen' and destroy it..."

"No, you can look at the mural with two moons and an altar, that's what I want you to help me do, wait, I'll look at the second mural."

After Lin Yue opened the second mural, he carefully observed it.

The above picture is another picture he has never imagined!

And Feiyue and the others looked again at the murals of the "moon" and "altar" that Lin Yue had mentioned.

"Boss, you're not talking about the two big balls, and there's a table with things on it, right?"

"I think it may be this one. There are indeed two moons in this different world. By the way, is this the altar? It's too abstract!"


Fei Yue listened to the discussions of several of his subordinates and looked at the mural carefully.

If according to what Lin Yue said, it was the moon and the altar...

"Huh? Wait, these things... Lin Yue, do you mean that the lizardmen put something on this altar to summon something on the moon?"

Feiyue suddenly figured out, what, he clapped his hands suddenly, so it was!

"Lin Yue, do you want us to help you find what's on the altar of this lizardman?"

On Lin Yue's side, he had just finished reading the mural.

He heard Feiyue's answer, and answered affirmatively: "Feiyue, I really want you to find it, that's all."

He took out all the gems in his hand one by one.

Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, fluorite, amethyst, the rough stones of these six gems were placed on the ground in front of them, shining with unimaginable and wonderful light under the sunlight.

Even in this other world where gems have no meaning of any value, they are still beautiful.

Lin Yue took a photo of them and sent it to Feiyue.

"Gem? This is a diamond...Wait, Lin Yue, where did you find these gems, my dear, these can make you a ten-digit deposit on the earth!" Just that one piece A rough diamond larger than a fist is already extremely scary, and there is no need to say more about other larger red sapphires.

"These have nothing to do with money. The next thing you are looking for is this gem. Take a look at this photo. This is a photo I took underground in another place."

As Lin Yue said, he also sent Fei Yue the picture of the indescribable stone statue and the altar in his mouth.

And Feiyue's eyes widened after seeing the two photos!

"Wait, isn't this stone statue almost identical to the one in the second one in the mural I just sent you? Also, this altar... seems to be the one in the mural you just sent you. altar!"

Feiyue felt that he seemed to have been suddenly enlightened all day long. His brain was basically running at a high speed, but it was like trying to pedal a bicycle, and he could only see Lin Yue's car taillights.

"The altar in the mouth of the stone statue used to have the amethyst on it, and after I took the amethyst, those lizardmen chased me for nearly 100 kilometers, all the way to the refuge. And they were at that time. The group you are facing!"

Fei Yue suddenly realized that it was so.

At that time, he thought that the tens of thousands of lizardmen were the ones who were left to take revenge. It turned out that there was such a thing in between.

"Wait, since they can send tens of thousands of troops to chase you, they want to take that amethyst back... Could it be that this crystal really has any magic power? It's worthy of their deployment of so many troops, even after chasing close A hundred kilometers?"

"That's right, it seems so. The previous time, these lizardmen also gathered to seize the other gems in my hand. However, there is another person's business here. Fei Yue, me I only tell you about things, don't tell your subordinates first, just take it as what the two of us know."

At this time, Lin Yue put this sentence directly into the chat dialog box instead of sending it by voice.

"Okay, say it." Fei Yue understood that this matter was no trivial matter, even to the extent that he couldn't share it with others.

"That day, more than 10,000 lizards and beggars besieged the city, and Levek took the lead. But the second time, when you got the news, the leaders were Du Ping and Sun Shuyi. And Du Ping used the fluorite in his hand to induce tens of thousands of lizards and beggars to gather near my shelter and attack my shelter again."

Fei Yue was stunned.

"Du Ping? Is that the Du Ping who was very strong in the group before?"


Fei Yue still remember him?

"Yes, it's him."

"This Du Ping, he was looking for me a few days ago."

"Looking for you?"

"Yes, it is said that I knew about the fact that I had a high fever and then recovered, and asked me if there was any change in my body..."


Lin Yue's heart skipped a beat!

Fei Yue also...

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