"Fei Yue, did you ever have a fever when the giant creature attacked?"

Lin Yue knew very well what the fever meant.

The fever came on extremely quickly and violently, reaching a high temperature of forty degrees within a short period of time, and then it would make people fall into a coma.

After the fever, some people did not survive at all, and finally died directly.

Some people also survived.

Then, the body will undergo some "changes".

Some people have noticed this and have even started investigations on various survivors.

Because, this "change" will make these lucky people become "extraordinary"!

Lin Yue stretched out his hand, spread out his five fingers, and held it again.

These hands used to have countless shallow wounds, but now, they have completely disappeared.

After a high fever, he has an indescribable ability to "self-heal".

Although it was not long before he discovered it, it seems that his body has undergone considerable changes since that time.

In retrospect, no matter how many things I did that day and how many times I fought, I would never feel particularly tired. Even if I really felt that way, I would recover a lot the next day.

"Yes, I once had a fever. It was a strange one. It was the same day. After the fever subsided, I didn't have any strength. It was the same for the third master. Although we all survived in the end, But the third master finally got old because of his old age, and passed away after a few days." Feiyue said, and sighed again.

Lin Yue remembered the third master Meng Yutang. The old man was also a character. Even when he came to another world, he did not lose his original dignity.

Moreover, it is indeed cunning and clever enough, if it can live, it may really be an excellent ally.

Of course, Feiyue was even more than that.

The third master can keep this guy Feiyue as the leader.

The process of Fei Yue's fever was exactly the same as his own. It was also a sudden high fever, as well as fainting and coma. The duration was also very short.

In the world group, there are hundreds of such people.

"So, didn't you discuss this on the World Channel later? Then how did Du Ping find you and what did he ask?" The topic shifted from the altar to the fever, and Lin Yue felt that it was indeed a bit stiff.

However, this is a very important thing.

Extraordinary, this kind of thing that cannot happen to human beings is actually happening now.

In Liu Kai's dialogue with the Lizardmen, Guan Yi's power is infinite and his strange self-healing ability.

He had previously classified the names of those who talked about this fever on the World Channel into a notepad, but among the hundreds of names, Fei Yue's name was not included.

Feiyue was actually quite puzzled.

Does having a fever matter?

But since Lin Yue was asking, there was nothing to hide.

"Du Ping? That person found me all of a sudden. I still remember that he exchanged things with me and added friends in the early days, but he didn't show up for a long time. At that time, he came up to say hello to me and asked directly. Did I have a fever?"


Lin Yue glanced at the log left by Du Ping on the system tablet.

Du Ping has not written about other people.

Is it too late?

"What's your answer?"

"I just said that I have a fever. After all, it is true. After I get better, there are no other sequelae. By the way, if I really say it, my appetite seems to have improved."

good guy.

As expected of Fei Yue.

Lin Yue was really too lazy to complain.

"Oh, so, Du Ping didn't say anything else?" Lin Yue wrote Feiyue's name on the system tablet.

"No, then when I see him again, his profile picture is already gray." Fei Yue reported truthfully.

Lin Yue wrote down these things and made some calculations.

"Feiyue, you and your refuge village should help me to break through those underground ruins as much as possible and find more murals. If you can find that kind of gem, it will be better. I sent you a special transaction, these two designs Take the picture, and these big shells are enough for some of you to get a good defense."

As Lin Yue said that, he put the design drawings of the Tianlong battle helmet and the Tianlong battle armor, together with the shell of the poisonous Tianlong that had been killed several times.

Feiyue and the others are already quite good in combat effectiveness, but their defense is far worse.

Moreover, if they had to face the lizard people, they obviously had more challenges.

Therefore, qualified defense methods must be put on the agenda.

"This is... Poison Tianlong's carapace? And the design of Tianlong's helmet and Tianlong's armor? Lin Yue! We can't accept this!"

Fei Yue really did not expect that Lin Yue would come up and give such a valuable thing.

Now, they are still wearing iron armor. Although this thing is bulky, it is still strong. Even this iron armor is the design drawing that Lin Yue gave them last time.

This time, Lin Yue wants to give this poisonous dragon's carapace, as well as the dragon's armor and the dragon's helmet...

They know what the so-called "Poison Tianlong" is.

Before, on the World Channel, Jia Yunzhan, the third-ranked powerhouse in the world rankings, passed the names of various monsters in the secret realm.

And these monsters will be introduced from the ancient gate of the secret realm to the other world and killed, and their names will be revealed.

Jia Yunzhan's Refuge Village's combat effectiveness is quite strong. In the secret realm, except for the eight-legged creature with the largest size and the same size as a giant creature, he has killed all the other secret realm alien beasts one by one. Most of the names and photos of the mysterious monsters have been popularized.

And Du Tianlong was also the strongest monster that Jia Yunzhan and the others had killed.

The poisonous Tianlong, with a body of dozens of meters long, needs to use an entire refuge village to kill it reluctantly.

Just because of its shell, it is so hard that it is almost invulnerable!

It was only then that Fei Yue knew that there were such terrifying creatures in the secret realm.

And Lin Yue, at this time, wants to give himself the carapace of such an incomparably powerful monster?

And this Heavenly Dragon Battle Armor, the Heavenly Dragon Battle Helmet, sounds like something related to Poison Heavenly Dragon.

Lin Yue, actually want to give them such a precious thing?

"Take it, I have a lot more here." Lin Yue looked at the inventory.

There were still a bunch of Du Tianlong's shells left. For the time being, he couldn't think of what to use them for. He took out some and gave them to Feiyue, just to improve their combat effectiveness.


"Take it, it's very dangerous to go to the underground ruins, these things are just usable, and in case any other survivors want to attack you, even if it's a hot weapon, there's nothing wrong with this one. Okay, Fei Yue, We're going to be busy next, so I'll leave it to you over there, waiting for your good news!"

Finally, after saying something similar for a while, Lin Yue closed the chat panel.

He also breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, he gained a lot from the long conversation with Fei Yue.

Feiyue has a lot of information that he has always wanted to get, and in exchange, he also gave some information from his side to the other side.

At the same time, he also handed over another serious matter to Fei Yue and the others to do.

"Exploring the underground ruins, I really don't have time to do it."

Lin Yue now even has to take time to go to the secret realm, and the underground ruins have no idea at all.

Although the lizardmen were a problem, they weren't enough to threaten him.

Lin Yue returned to the shelter from the outside.

Indeed, much must be done now, and, if possible, quickly.

"Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, you all come here."

On the platform outside, the corpse of the Lizardman was burning with flames soaring to the sky.

A scorching smell permeated this space.

Beside the spacious main sanctuary, in front of Lin Yue, are Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and Xiaoliuzi and other little ice lizards.

Now, everyone put down what they were doing, and after eating a lot of food placed by Lin Yue, they waited for the master's next order.

"Xiao Bai, where is the ancient gate of the special secret realm?"

"Quack!" Xiaobai quickly brought Lin Yue to the courtyard, the southern corner of the greenhouse, and Lin Yue immediately sealed it with an iron wall.

"The greenhouse and the farm each have ten little ice lizards, who are responsible for it!"

If you want to be organized, then you have to get everything right and make it more targeted.

"Quack!" Xiaobai gave an order, and twenty little ice lizards stood up, and Xiaobai immediately conveyed the master's order to them. They also went to the greenhouse and medium-sized farm after taking the order. went.

"Xiao Bai, where are the ancient gates of underground ruins and the ancient gates of special underground ruins?"

"Quack." Xiaobai took Lin Yue and quickly came to the small alloy shelter and the pool room of the little ice lizards.

Lin Yue also saw what he wanted to see there.

Back on the ground again, Lin Yue looked at the little ice lizards.

"Little Liuzi, you lead fifty little ice lizards to the special underground ruins. If you see lizards and beggars, kill them directly, and the survivors don't need to worry about them. In addition, if you encounter a particularly powerful one, just kill them. Don't fall in love, retreat now!"

"Gah!" Xiao Liuzi took the lead, and immediately led the little ice lizards down.

"The rest of the little ice lizards, leave a hundred of them, and all the others go to another ancient gate of the secret realm. They still only need to take action against the lizards and beggars, and don't care about the others. They must leave immediately when they encounter an attack. do you understand?"


The little ice lizards were very obedient, and a large group of Wuyangyang went directly to the ancient gate of the special secret realm.

Now even if they kill the beggars, they can still pick up the light spot in the storage space from beside them, so there is no need to worry about the collection in this regard.

As for the lizardmen and beggars, as many as they can destroy, Lin Yue really doesn't like the copper and silver chests on them.

There is still a copper treasure chest of 70,000 at home that has not been opened.

Lin Yue sighed again that those things took up too much space.

Why don't he let the little ice lizards have a good time when he comes back after today's work is over until they vomit.

"The rest of the little ice lizards, Xiaobai, you pick twenty of them, take them to the natural sulfur ore mountain, and when you come back, you will be responsible for watching the house for a while, understand?"

"Quack!" Xiaobai said that he obeyed the master's orders. It was indeed a little tired after flying and fighting for a long time. The last time the master went to the gate of exploration, he didn't bring Xiaomeng with him. Leave it to Xiaomeng.

Xiao Bai, who was already quite agile now, immediately found twenty little ice lizards, spread his wings, and instantly flew north with food and them.

Lin Yue looked at the remaining little ice lizards.

There are also eighty little guys, who seem to be eager to try Lin Yue's next order.

However, Lin Yue also had his own considerations.

The next thing to go is the secret realm.

Moreover, since there is a special secret realm, then go to the special secret realm first and collect some more things to come back.

Now, in all aspects, there are quite a few shortages. Going to the secret realm and bringing back some more things is the most important thing.

The reason why I brought Xiaomeng was because I wanted to have a strong partner by my side. After all, Xiaomeng's strength is quite outstanding.

But just a little fierce is definitely not enough.

Although the little ice lizards are weak in combat, they are enough to deal with the spiders, bugs, and strange mice in the strange beasts in the secret realm.

Lin Yue picked out ten little ones from the remaining little ice lizards.

"The ten of you will come with me later. The rest of the little ice lizards, your tasks are also very arduous. You can just stay in this sanctuary. Later, every little ice lizard has a task. Wait for me to come back. Before, I was going to see seventy prey that you hunted, understand?"

"Pfft!" The little ice lizards obeyed and rushed out of the shelter immediately.

"Well, the assignment is finally finished. However, it is not completely finished yet."

On the city wall, Lin Yue put all 60 of the 80 robot dogs on it, and programmed them one by one.

Twenty heads are dedicated to staring at the gate of exploration, and the remaining fifty heads are distributed around the city wall, responsible for long-range sniping of enemies that may appear.

Of the remaining twenty robot dogs, Lin Yue placed ten of them in the area between the outer wall and the city wall of the main shelter, and the other ten were placed around the main shelter.

Their task is to patrol and guard.

If the lizardmen or something made trouble when he was out, then the robot dogs would be able to cooperate with the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand for defense.

Of course, this time he went to the secret realm, he rushed to fill up the storage space and then came back, so, if the things inside can be emptied, they still have to be emptied.

The sulfur ore was stored in a separate large underground warehouse. The smell of that thing was actually quite irritating, and it was also a kind of flammable and explosive material, so it was just right to put it inside.

And the rest that occupies a lot of land is the steak of blindly hunted fish.

Lin Yue came to the door of the large chilled food processing factory and pushed in.

Entering the canning production line, Lin Yue glanced at the inventory of empty cans, added some iron in it, and then simply packed the unloading box.

Putting a large amount of fish in it, Lin Yue immediately turned on the power again.

This batch is made salted first, just like the previous batch.

After filling the tank with water, the canning line started running.

But...the box is really too small.

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