[You broke through the D area of ​​the underground ruins]

After a mechanical sound beside his ear, Fei Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he had stepped through an underground ruin, and he had never experienced such a thing before.

The subordinates were also very curious about this kind of thing, and they all looked at each other with surprised expressions, they knew that what Lin Yue said before was true.

Just place a weight on that dot and the hidden door will be revealed.

Although the three underground ruins I went to before had similar switches, they were all overwhelmed. They didn't even encounter any decent resistance in those three underground ruins. Moreover, it turned out in the end that, It wasn't them who stepped there.

Now this underground relic D area is the underground relic they really broke through, the first time!

Sure enough, after bursts of teeth-stinging sounds continued for a while, a wonderful black downward entrance appeared underground.

Everyone came to it and discovered the huge space inside!

"Boss, so many bones... Are they human?" Huo Yu walked around the area, and finally returned to Fei Yue, who was holding a huge Opal gemstone. .

When they first came down, none of them thought that there would be so many bones waiting for them at the end of the stairs in this underground space.

These white bones seemed to be placed together according to certain rules, but after they came down, they didn't care about the irregular rules or any special meaning, and walked directly to the center.

Because, there is a very high platform in the center, and on the platform, there is a platform carved with images of arms and hands.

On the top of the table, there is a gemstone the size of a football, under the light of the flashlight, it reveals a dazzling light!

"Although they look alike, they are definitely not." Fei Yue squatted down and took a closer look at the bones.

The overall size of the skull is much smaller than that of a human being, which is about 1.31 meters and 4 meters. Moreover, the fingers are extremely pointed and long, and the tops have a weird curvature like the claws of wild beasts.

Moreover, the overall posture is not completely upright.

It's not so much a human bone, it's more like a beast.

"Boss, these bones are so creepy, they feel like they were thrown here collectively after being killed...By the way, let me have a look at the gemstone?" The opal gemstones with beautiful and incomparable colors are completely attracted to the eyes.

Like him, so did everyone else.

On the earth, such a big opal is so beautiful, its value may be immeasurable!

"This thing is in a different world. It can't even compare to a piece of bread. Close your eyes. This thing has nothing to do with us." Fei Yue said and put it in an exclusive transaction for Lin Yue, keeping it for a second. No idea.

"Boss, you sent it away before I finished watching it... By the way, you really don't want to stay by yourself, what about that?" You Siyuan was surprised by Fei Yue's decisiveness, but still couldn't help asking.

Their leader really didn't say anything to Lin Yue, his ally.

"It's useless for us to stay. All the remaining gems are in Lin Yue. If something can be made, then he must be able to do it, and we just do what we can."

Fei Yue didn't seem to take it seriously, looked around here, and after confirming that there was nothing left behind, he called everyone to go up.

"Moreover, Lin Yue will also give us corresponding rewards, right? For us, before we can completely stand beside the giant Lin Yue, we still have to accumulate a lot of money. You Siyuan, you have to remember this sentence, 'Standing on the shoulders of giants...'”

"To see further?"

You Siyuan was thoughtful.

"No, it's 'something that can't be seen without giants.' Ah, remember, all of you, what we're going to do is not to be the opportunistic guy standing on the shoulders of giants, but to be able to become A giant partner that even giants can rely on!

Entering the underground ruins, our combat power is stronger than before, and we are more united than before. We can rely on our own efforts to step through this underground ruins for the first time. This is something that I didn't dare to think about before, isn't it? ?

We may indeed have borrowed the weapons and shields given by Lin Yue, but without everyone's efforts, no matter how good the equipment is, we would not have come here, and we were not injured at all.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have just taken the first step. Next, we will continue to grow, and eventually we will be able to stand beside Lin Yue and become a giant as well! "


Everyone suddenly felt excited, and now everyone felt that everything they did was meaningful.

It is meaningful to come to this underground ruins, step through this underground ruins, and find that huge gemstone!

Originally, they thought that this was to complete the task assigned by Lin Yue, but now, they don't have to think so.

"Okay, let me use this excitement until I step on the next underground ruin!"


Fei Yue was very satisfied that his companions were so excited, and everyone followed him to the top and assembled again.

He counted the number of people, and if no one was left behind, he waved his hand and signaled everyone to go back.

This trip has actually yielded a lot.

There are 49 copper treasure boxes and 21 iron treasure boxes, with a total storage space of 139 cubic meters.

Along the way, although it was said that they fought hard for a while when they encountered a large army of lizardmen, in fact, it just took some time. Everyone who usually hangs dots, this time they were unscathed.

They all understand that they have become stronger.

This is true whether it is weapons and equipment or mentality.

"Boss, but I have something to say, how long has it been since you contacted Lin Yue?" You Siyuan said suddenly.

Fei Yue shook his head: "It's been more than two days, and it's true that I haven't been in touch. He left me a message yesterday morning, and it's been a whole day, and he hasn't replied. I guess Maybe Lin Yue was too tired when he killed that mythical monster, so he has been resting and recuperating?"

Everyone came to the huge room outside. Everyone glanced at the huge mural on the wall from time to time, wondering what happened to Lin Yue.

Killing the mythical monster is indeed a manifestation of Lin Yue's strength.

After they came out of other secret realms, they did read the information about the mythical giant in the group, and they were also deeply shocked.

A huge creature of that level is no longer within the scope of their comprehension, let alone fighting it, or even defeating it.

Although Fei Yue's words just now made everyone's blood boil for a while, but after the mood calmed down, everyone became a little depressed when they thought of the mythical giant.

They seemed to be chasing behind Lin Yue forever, and they never even saw his back.

"Become the giant beside him... Leader, are we saying it's too early?" Finally, Feng Peng tried to say something.

"Haha, it's true, it's a bit too far-fetched now, but we will never feel that we can't catch up! At least I think so."

Fei Yue turned around and looked at everyone, his eyes were extremely firm.

"A guy I know once said to me. 'If you pick only the things you can do, you're going to get nowhere. You're not going to make any progress. What matters is whether you're interested in it.' ', now, I am very interested in us being the most reliable ally around Lin Yue, what about you?"

Everyone looked at the leader.

They thought of Fei Yue who used to have no opinion and was always thinking about how to make Lin Yue a dominant person, that puppet-like puppet under the soul of the third master.

And the one who led them now, gradually changed from an unknown small refuge village to the leader of a famous refuge village that can now be ranked among the top ten in the world.

They had never imagined before that they could pass through this underground ruins with this leader without injury.

Fei Yue's change, or even a "transformation", is what everyone has been watching.

He became the real leader.

Even stronger than others!

"We are also very interested!" You Siyuan roared suddenly.

Then, everyone roared!

"We're interested too!"

Fei Yue nodded in satisfaction, and was about to say something when he suddenly received an invitation for a voice call!

And in this different world, there is only Lin Yue's voice invitation, and he is open!

"Everyone wait a minute! Lin Yue is in touch!" Fei Yue signaled everyone to be quiet, and immediately connected, "Lin Yue?"

"Fei Yue, I'm sorry, I just got up, how are you doing?"

On Lin Yue's side, it seemed quite quiet, but the voice sounded very listless.

"We just broke through the D area of ​​the underground ruins. There is a good thing that has been traded exclusively for you. In addition, there are two things that I really want to report to you."

"Oh? Let me see... Opal? Fei Yue, you are amazing!" Lin Yue quickly traded Opal and put it in his hands.

This raw gemstone exuding dazzling light is undoubtedly what will be used on the altar of the lizardmen!

Unexpectedly, Fei Yue and the others found a gem so quickly!

Obviously, it's only been two days.

Not all underground ruins have gems.

After Lin Yue was busy with everything last night and finally fell asleep, he originally wanted to sleep until he woke up naturally, but his body's self-healing ability even included this side effect of restoring the body to its best state after sleep.

He obviously felt like his body was going to fall apart before going to bed, but after just a few hours of sleep, when he came out of the space sleep capsule, he felt as if he hadn't done anything yesterday.

After waking up, Lin Yue immediately turned on the system tablet and called Fei Yue.

Because this guy had left more than a dozen messages on his chat panel to record what they were doing there.

Seeing that this group of people went to four underground ruins in a row, and finally successfully broke through one, they got this huge gemstone. To be honest, Lin Yueting was delighted with their efficiency.

"This gem is another story. I think there are more important things. You should also think about it carefully."

As Fei Yue said, he repeated what he said today in front of the last big room of the underground ruins when he met those people who pretended to surrender.

Then, he sent the photo of the huge mural behind them, along with the photos of the murals of several other underground ruins.

"What do you think?" Fei Yue said, listening to Lin Yue's silence over there.

Lin Yue only felt that the mural in the last area D was shocking, and felt that Fei Yue's retelling was too thoughtful and frightening.

What is depicted on the mural is nothing else.

It is exactly how the Lizardmen use a set of complex and cumbersome sacrificial processes to "summon" something with that altar.

Drive together the humanoid creatures with ears on their heads that are now "wolf-headed men" in Lin Yue's eyes, then kill them, and finally use their blood to soak the gems.

After the gems are soaked, they will be placed in various "sacred temples", and the corpses of those wolfheads will be used as sacrifices next to the gems.

Only one piece will be left and placed on the altar.

Eleven of the twelve gems are in each temple, and when the "summoning" is about to start, there will be lizardman priests going to each temple to take the gems to the huge altar.

Then, a group of twelve lizardman priests would kill each other as sacrifices on the altar, and as the ceremony ended, the huge stone statue would come out of the ground and onto the ground.

Finally, the two beams of light falling from the two huge moons will summon something on both sides of the idol.

"The one who was summoned was... this one?"

When Lin Yue saw the appearance of something completely inconsistent with the mural era, he still felt that it was someone's prank, rather than something that existed in the first place.

"You think so too?" Fei Yue felt the same way over there.

After seeing the thing summoned by the lizardman depicted at the end of the mural, he also found it ridiculous.

How could such a thing appear on a mural?

However, when he walked over to observe carefully, he really couldn't find anything wrong with it.

This is carved and depicted not knowing how long ago, not the kind added by later generations.

"I think it will take me a while to digest this matter. Fei Yue, let's talk about what the person who pretended to surrender said first."

With a sharp pain in his temple, Lin Yue felt that his worldview seemed to be being reshaped.

Originally, the rationality of the existence of this world, or every aspect of this world, made him feel a kind of "wonderful" and "deja vu", but now, after seeing this summoned thing, Lin Yue felt it again. I feel, this feeling has completely become another thing.


He even understood now why those lizardmen didn't attack him when he flew into the sky.

"I heard the 'survivor' that person said once before, but I didn't pay much attention to it. But now, it seems that's not the case." Lin Yue recalled what the prisoner he had captured once said up.

Survivors, not beggars.

Moreover, the relationship with the lizardman is not the "superior and superior" relationship he always thought, but the "colleague" he said this time.

Even, they are still "companions" who take orders from someone together.

Originally, Lin Yue could also treat this as false information. After all, this might be the strategy of the person who pretended to surrender for the purpose of throwing explosives later, but thinking about it carefully...

"Maybe the lizardmen and the beggars are really not together?"

Lin Yue thought of all the previous battles with the lizardmen and the beggars, and thought of many inexplicable things. In the end, he also came to such a conclusion!

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