Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 475 Reasonable division of labor, the determination of the lone wolf!


Xiao Bai got up from the big sheepskin cushion, looked at Lin Yue who was sitting on the edge of the space sleeping cabin and was thinking, and couldn't help calling out in a low voice.

Lin Yue turned his head, greeted Xiaobai, and fell into deep thought again.

He felt that he had indeed too subjectively identified those beggars as beggars from the lizardmen.

Although he has always felt that lizardmen and beggars are subordinates, even a fixed relationship of domination or being dominated.

But, thinking about it now, is that really the case?

In order to avoid disaster and live more easily, some survivors chose this path.

Since then, they have followed the lizardmen and become accomplices of tigers. Since then, they have also lost their qualifications as human beings and their bottom line.

Together with the lizardmen, they went to harm the survivors...

Originally, Lin Yue treated beggars in this way.

But now, he now feels that maybe his judgment is not accurate?

What if they, or some of them, are really like what Fei Yue said just now, they are actually obeying someone, and then they have an equal relationship with the lizard people?

The so-called partnership of jointly obeying "someone"?

Lin Yue remembered that at that time, the confession of the "survivor" that the prisoner he captured once said was the same as that of the person Fei Yue met this time who pretended to surrender.

Several times before, in the battles between him and the lizardmen and the beggars, now that I think about it carefully, it seems that it is indeed not as imagined. The lizardmen use the beggars as cannon fodder. Get up before the beggars join the fight mid-battle.

It's like he wasn't in the shelter that time, and when more than 10,000 lizardmen led hundreds of beggars to storm the shelter, the corpses of the lizardmen were all at the front and even to the middle and back, while Levik There were only a few corpses of the beggars who led them, and almost all of them were discovered at the end.

At that time, he also felt that these may be accidental.

But looking at it this way now, it seems that it just confirms the various senses of disobedience before.

"Fei Yue, I think this matter deserves our continued attention. How about it, next time if you can catch a living or I catch a living, let's exchange information at that time!"

"Understood. Lin Yue, I think if you can, you can concentrate on dealing with those mythical beasts. How about we come here?" Fei Yue thought of the mythical beast and looked at the crowd again.

Lin Yue's abilities should be used in more appropriate places, but they are still weak compared to Lin Yue.

But against these lizardmen, there is no problem at all.

Fei Yue is now confident that even if tens of thousands of lizardmen really come to attack the refuge village, he can still guard the refuge village well.

Although it may be worse than Lin Yue.

Lin Yue expressed surprise at Fei Yue's initiative to invite Ying.

Indeed, he had thought so.

The lizard man was indeed not a threat to him at all. Even if tens of thousands came, Lin Yue didn't think it was a big deal.

The big deal is to let the machine guns and robot dogs come to harvest.

Moreover, since these two consecutive times that wiped out a large wave of the lizard people's vitality, the lizard people seemed to be terrified, and they didn't dare to come back at all, and there was no threat to him.

Now Lin Yue thinks that Fei Yue's proposal is indeed possible.

He could concentrate on dealing with the mythical monsters, while Fei Yue directly wiped out as many lizardmen as possible.

Confirm the division of labor, then it will be better and easier to do what you want to do next.

"I have no problem, but there is one thing I need to confirm."

Lin Yue thought for a while, and took out the G3 assault rifle and MP5 submachine gun.

After breaking them down into design drawings, he continued to ask Fei Yue: "How is your M19 pistol used?"

"I think I'm average, but I suspect that all of my subordinates are firearms experts, much more accurate than me. Having said that, this modular pistol is really easy to make. Lin Yue, give me this Is it really possible?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Lin Yue began to upgrade the magazine for the G3 assault rifle again, improving its material.

Then, analyze the design drawing of the bullet.

"We gave you so little, I even think... Lin Yue, why are you giving us this?"

Fei Yue suddenly discovered that Lin Yue had sent him an exclusive deal!

MP5 submachine gun and bullet design!

G3 assault rifle and bullet design!

This is……

submachine gun! Assault Rifles!

That is a more powerful weapon than the M19 pistol in his hand!

"Take it, Fei Yue." Lin Yue didn't spare these weapons.

He could also go on to make the MP5 submachine gun and the G3 assault rifle.

However, Fei Yue and the others don't have such a thing.

Their combat effectiveness has indeed improved too much in a short period of time, and they can even speed through four underground ruins in just a few days.

Moreover, through the addition of the number of people and the strength of that group of people, their combat effectiveness is indeed strong enough.

But to be honest, asking him to deal with the mythical behemoth alone, and this group of people to face the lizard people, obviously they are not competent enough.

The number of lizard people is much more than what Fei Yue and the others imagined, and there are also a huge number of beggars among them.

In particular, there may be a so-called "that person" behind the lizardmen and beggars.

Fei Yue and the others needed more powerful weapons and more support.

Only in this way, when he went to kill the mythical beast, this wasteland could be safely guarded by Fei Yue and the others.

"But, how can we..." Fei Yue was completely terrified.

This is heavy equipment!

Why did Lin Yue hand it over to them with such a big heart?

"After you accept it, I can rest assured to find trouble with the mythical behemoth, and... I have one more thing for you to do." Lin Yue also thought of another thing.

expansion of power.

Now, in this wasteland, the area that he and Fei Yue are in charge of together, although it looks not small, but overall, it is still a lot worse.

In this world, an area as large as the wasteland is still too small.

With the establishment of large refuge villages and the demise of small refuge villages, I am afraid it will become a mainstream.

And in this mainstream, although he has no desires and desires, if Fei Yue wants to do something, then this kind of desires and desires is really not a good thing.

If possible, Lin Yue hopes that Fei Yue can build a powerful refuge village, command dozens, even hundreds, thousands of refuge villages, and then act together.

After all, there are too few things a refuge village with hundreds of people can do.

If the Lizardman gathers, hundreds of thousands of people come to break through the refuge villages of the survivors, even he will fall into a certain crisis, not to mention that he has become an alliance with him now, and has become a certain Fei Yue and the others are the thorn in the side of some people.

Therefore, these weapons are very important to Fei Yue and the others!

"What you said, do you want me to expand it?" Fei Yue is not stupid, it can even be said that he is very smart.

He had already guessed what Lin Yue wanted to do.

"That's right, Fei Yue, your strength is very strong, but your influence is very small. It's not easy for dozens or hundreds of people to do something. But if you have thousands or even tens of thousands of people under your command If you're human, then whatever we do, it's going to be easier, aren't you right?"

Lin Yue said, and opened the door of the refuge.

The air outside was cooler again.

He looked at the large glass greenhouse and had a new idea.

You can't do anything with one person, and you can't do anything with hundreds of people.

But what if the vast majority of human beings are gathered together?

It would not be so difficult to eliminate the lizardmen and the mythical monsters.

No matter what secret realm to explore, go to the door of exploration.

Moreover, it will be easier to face some disasters!

However, it is still possible to manage hundreds of people, but what about managing thousands or tens of thousands?

Lin Yue felt that Fei Yue had a lot to do, and even said that it was much more difficult than him.

Uniting mankind, facing disasters and enemies together, he can't do this kind of thing, but Fei Yue can.

The so-called savior of the world is to unite the entire human race, and then become the most outstanding and cutting-edge powerful person, using spirit and strength to guide mankind to finally realize their ideals and return to the earth.

Lin Yue realized that he couldn't do it.


This ability is in the way.

Moreover, it also has a certain relationship with his personality. He doesn't like to show his face, and he doesn't like to lead them back to the earth in front of a group of people, creating an image of a savior.

This kind of thing is too difficult.

It's not that it can't be done, but it's troublesome.

Instead of doing that, it's better to do something silently behind.

But now he felt that the most he could do was to give Fei Yue and the others the design drawings of these weapons.

"I understand." Fei Yue accepted Lin Yue's kindness.

He understood that Lin Yue had entrusted him with the most important matter.

Explore the underground ruins, slay the lizardfolk, and fight against the powerful forces that may be hiding behind the lizardmen and beggars.

There is also expanding the territory, uniting as many people as possible.

This is a daunting task.

After realizing the burden on his shoulders, Fei Yue closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

After a while, he opened his eyes again, turned around and looked at the subordinates waiting behind him, his eyes were extremely firm.

"You can go boldly to destroy the mythical monsters. If you don't want to be a savior, let me do it! I'm very interested in this kind of thing!"

"Well, then I'll leave it to you, Fei Yue, I'll wait for your good news."

Lin Yue felt the power of the language conveyed from the other end.

After giving them MP5 submachine guns and G3 assault rifles, I believe Fei Yue's combat effectiveness will be improved to a higher level!

It is estimated that the underground ruins will not be a problem for them at all. I believe that they can also make considerable achievements in finding gems.

As for expanding the territory, it is not difficult given their combat effectiveness. Moreover, absorbing the weak refuge villages is also a trend in the future. Hasn't that Lily Callahau been doing this kind of thing all the time?

Lin Yue hung up the voice chat, came out of the bedroom, and walked to the kitchen with Xiao Bai.

Start your day with a delicious breakfast!

The task for today and tomorrow is to clean up the things brought out from the exclusive secret realm yesterday, the workload is quite huge!

Moreover, he has to go to the three sub-bases, as well as road repairs and new sub-bases...

"There are so many things to do, but this is the challenge, isn't it?"

Lin Yue, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Meng who came running over smelling the aroma, chomped on the instant noodles with a lot of vegetables and meat, getting ready for another busy day!


Days, always inadvertently, passed by lightly.

In a flash, three days passed like that.

Usually, Lin Yue would feel that every day is very busy, and there are countless things to do.

He put all his heart and soul into everything.

But these three days were completely different.

According to the schedule he set before, he lived quite regularly.

Let Xiaobai and Xiaomeng catch fish, make canned food the night before, collect the canned food the next morning, and put a lot of vegetables on the world trading panel to exchange for various materials he wants.

Then, collect the eggs and put them in the incubator, collect the vegetables, and collect the pineapples. After finishing these tasks, I go directly to pack up the various things brought back from the exclusive secret realm.

The various materials that had been decomposed were also stacked by Lin Yue in a standardized manner, and they were placed in the dozens of huge warehouses he built.

Of course, for the convenience of access, he also got their own signs for these warehouses, so that he can find them easily.

And in the past three days, he also found that his alloys had increased a lot again, and the concrete had also increased tremendously. Even, after mastering the design drawings of reinforced concrete, he could manufacture simple buildings very conveniently.

However, he was not in a hurry, but was preparing for the future.

The current outside temperature, even at noon, is only three or four degrees, and, recently, every day is basically cloudy.

I don't know how far it will be reduced when disaster strikes.

In three days, he also disassembled all the things he brought back and put them in various warehouses. He finally finished such a big job.

At the end of the calendar, on the morning of the forty-fifth day, Lin got up earlier.

Looking at the time, it was only half past five in the morning.

In the bedroom, except for the faint light of the space sleeping capsule, it was pitch black.

Today, he has many big things to do.

In the second half of last night, he almost fell asleep imagining what he would do today.

"Fei Yue's side seems to be going well. Although no gemstones have been found, two more underground ruins have been connected, and..."

Opening the area map, Lin Yue saw with satisfaction that Fei Yue and the others seemed to have expanded their sphere of influence by almost three times in just three days!

The few small refuge villages nearby have all been absorbed by Fei Yue and the others.

According to Fei Yue's report last night, there are more than a thousand people in their refuge village.

Moreover, it seems that those people in the refuge village have long thought of doing it with Fei Yue.

"It seems that things are developing on the good side."

Lin Yue sighed, and lay back in the sleeping cabin again.

Today, he has a lot to do.

Build a castle-shaped large-scale shelter, and then give it a short-to-medium-distance rail-type express train!

"There are enough materials, is there anything else that can't be done?"

"Gahoo..." Xiaobai replied in a daze, then snored again.

There are still four days until the disaster strikes.

Seems just right if you want to do something.

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