Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 476 The castle-type high-level shelter is established, and the track is just completed!

[Design drawing of the castle-type high-level shelter: a total area of ​​14,000 square meters]

Good guy, 14,000 square meters? Is this the palace?

By the way, this thing is called a castle-type high-level shelter...

Oh, that's all right.

Lin Yue looked at the design drawing of the castle-type advanced shelter, and was ready to build it first.

At this moment, Lin Yue has moved out all the things from the original refuge and put them into the storage space.

This time, he did not choose to directly destroy the original site of the original shelter, and built this castle-type high-level shelter.

Instead, it came to the south of the original site, the southeast side of the original forest, where the terrain was slightly higher than the original one.

The higher terrain can also prevent the entire refuge from being damaged by possible flood disasters, and the location is more scientific, relatively speaking.

Lin Yue carefully looked at the description of the design drawing.

【Castle-type high-level shelter: The ground height is 33 meters, with a total of ten floors. All spaces are perfectly allocated, and a high degree of comfort, practicality and disaster resistance are fully considered. The entire castle-type high-level refuge is divided into two main parts: six floors above ground and three floors underground, and is equipped with multiple functions such as ventilation and exhaust, emergency passages, warehouses, waste disposal, drainage and sewage.

The room allocation of the shelter can be expanded or reduced arbitrarily in the system panel according to the needs of the survivors. The material of the shelter can be made of stone, metal, alloy, mixed, etc.

Among the six floors of the refuge, the top floor is a tower-shaped observation deck, and the roof is equipped with lightning rods and other devices to prevent being struck by lightning. 】

Lin Yue looked at it carefully and carefully.

If it is made of pure alloy, the weight may be a problem. If it is made of stone, wood and alloy, it seems to be able to withstand some of the pressure in this regard.

There are enough things, even three of them are no problem.

Lin Yue's storage space is now full of various materials, and he chose to manufacture without hesitation!

A gigantic white light instantly lit up, and then, it quickly formed a rather large outline!

Xiaobai and Xiaomeng all grew their mouths, watching a huge building rise with the little ice lizards!

Thirty-three meters in height...

Lin Yue couldn't help admiring the huge building about 50 meters long and 50 meters wide that appeared instantly after the white light disappeared.

Compared with the previous refuge, this place is obviously more like a huge palace!

Moreover, he also found that the layout of this building seemed to be different from what he had imagined before.

"The first layer is directly constructed with a layer of rock and alloy to form a solid base, and it seems to be quite thick. Is it five meters or six meters high? Moreover, it really seems to be the base of a castle, good guy."

Lin Yue felt that this one of his really looked like a castle in the past, the bottom floor looked like a semi-underground.

The whole building is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The highest six floors have only a steeple-like structure, and the fifth floor to the second floor are all gradually decreasing.

"It looks like a castle."

Lin Yue led his friends around the building for half a circle, and saw the gate facing south.

The gate on the second floor extends upwards from the ground with sloping steps. Lin Yue and his friends quickly walked up the not-so-steep steps to the second floor, and opened a three-meter-wide and five-meter-high door. The door, walked into it.

Lin Yue opened the system tablet, and soon, the layered plan of the castle-like shelter was displayed on it, and each floor could be operated.

"It's better to put the electrical equipment outside." Lin Yue thought for a while before making a decision.

Now, geothermal power generation has become the first choice for this shelter. Although solar power, wind power and large diesel generators can provide the shelter with electricity that is far from being used, Lin Yue still chooses geothermal power generation.

This method is far more reliable than the others.

And, as long as the ground doesn't change dramatically, there's no need to worry about it breaking.

Made an underground shelter alone, Lin Yue put all the corresponding machines in it, and successfully connected it with the main power grid of this castle-type shelter through the various functions of the shelter interface on the system tablet together.

"The next step is housing allocation, but before that, there is something that must be done."

Lin Yue looked at the newly added thing in the system design panel.

Elevator blueprint!

At that time at the airport, Lin Yue focused on searching and found quite a few elevators.

Something like an elevator is quite convenient for quickly moving between floors. He has long wanted an elevator that allows him to move quickly in the shelter instead of having to go up and down the stairs every time.

What's more, with the continuous growth of Xiaobai and Xiaomeng's size, the originally spacious stairway has become much narrower now, especially Xiaomeng, who is so big that he hardly goes downstairs now.

Now with this elevator...

No, it should be called "large freight elevator".

Compared with ordinary elevators, this kind of elevator, which is more spacious and taller, is obviously more suitable for Xiaobai and Xiaomeng to ride. Although it will take up some space, this large castle-shaped shelter has the most space!

So, this is not a problem at all!

His fingers kept beating on the system panel, and he quickly installed the elevator in the center of the shelter.

You can go up to the top observation deck, and down you can go directly to the fourth underground floor, perfect!

Lin Yue then took Xiaobai and Xiaomeng into the gate of this huge refuge. Looking at the empty hall, he gradually had some plans in his mind.

"For convenience, it's better to put the main functional areas on the second floor."

Considering Xiaobai, Xiaomeng and the little ice lizards, Lin Yue put the kitchen, living room, dining room and bathroom on the second floor.

The place is big enough and the rooms could be made bigger.

Lin Yue made some settings on the system panel, and a huge living room with a total area of ​​500 square meters was formed.

Inside, Lin Yue immediately put a thick layer of sheepskin cushions, and of course, his sofa was also placed in the deepest part.

He collected a lot of things like sofas at the airport. In addition to putting one here, he also has design drawings of sofas of various sizes. If you want to rest and relax elsewhere, you can make them anytime, anywhere A sofa and just lie on it.

Kitchen This time, he chose the integrated kitchen design drawing obtained out of the box. Soon, as the white light shone and fell on one side of the room, a kitchen of about 100 square meters successfully appeared. The refrigerators that Lin Yue brought from the shelter over there before were also put away one by one.

The kitchen has been tidied up a bit and is much more spacious.

As for the newly added dining room, Lin Yue didn't pay too much attention, and directly created a huge space of 500 square meters, and here, it can also accommodate all the little ice lizards, Xiaobai, and Xiaomeng eating together at the same time.

Then you don't have to go outside.

As for the bathroom, Lin Yue made it a little bigger this time out of selfishness, less than 300 square meters, and the heated swimming pool that will be opened is directly placed in it.

This heating is heated by electricity, and the temperature can be adjusted at any time. The large bathtub can accommodate almost thirty or fifty people in it, and even Xiaobai has no problem if he wants to go in for a swim.

The bath is even decorated with stone lions and various carvings, which is quite luxurious.

The huge space of 2500 square meters on the first floor, Lin Yue enlarged the functional area so much, the living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom combined only used 1400 square meters.

Lin Yue didn't make any effort to allocate the remaining 1,000 square meters, and just used it as Xiaobai's activity area.

"The first floor is finished, the second floor... what should we do better?"

There are many floors, many rooms, and a large square meter is also a problem.

Indeed, for him, such a large shelter does not need to be built at all.

After all, he was alone, and if he was exhausted, counting Xiaobai and Xiaomeng, nearly five hundred little ice lizards would not need to be so big, the original shelter would be enough.

But to be honest, the original refuge had too many restrictions, and it was difficult to turn around in all aspects, not to mention its high degree of flaws.

Therefore, the establishment of this castle-type shelter has become a little more reasonable.

Although the space is indeed too large, it can be transformed slowly.

Lin Yue took the elevator with Xiaobai and Xiaomeng to the fifth floor, which was about five or six hundred square meters, which was really too big for a bedroom.

Lin Yue thought for a while, and divided it into four parts with the elevator as the center, and chose the one facing the southeast as his bedroom.

After the simple layout, Lin Yue put the space sleeping capsule up, and on this side, put an external sightseeing elevator to go out.

This is so that he can have more choices.

After installing the intelligent AI function of the whole house, Lin Yue finally built two huge windows on the east and south walls!

The windows are the ones that will be removed from the airport terminal building, and while maintaining the thickness and size, it is also quite impact resistant.

At least, when he was resting in this room, if there were any mutant creatures that would come outside at night, the thick windows on these two sides would be enough to block the attack.

Of course, Lin Yue did not forget the defensive measures and countermeasures.

Go up from the fifth floor to the sixth floor. There is a rather large platform between the fifth and sixth floors. Lin Yue directly arranged twelve robot dogs here. They can be charged with solar charging panels at ordinary times, and can be used at any time at night. Find the enemy and snipe at any time.

The sound of the sniper rifle is not loud, and the noise is much lower than that of the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun, so there is no need to worry too much about it.

Finally, after completing all this, Lin Yue also let out a sigh of relief, and after covering the outer layer of the shelter with a layer of stone, it was completed in stages.

"I didn't expect it to take such a long time all of a sudden, and the matter is far from finished."

As Lin Yue said, he came back to the first floor with the little ones.

Xiao Bai, Xiao Meng and the little ice lizards were all moving freely in those activity areas, while Lin Yue walked out of the gate and came outside.

Under the gloomy sky, gusts of cold wind blew.

Lin Yue looked outside, and saw the weeds that had grown to nearly five meters.

They started yesterday and have no momentum to grow upwards.

Even, their color gradually changed from the original yellow-green to the current bright red.

When I went to the three sub-bases two days ago, the three main roads were basically covered by the dumped weeds, which forced Lin Yue to give up driving, and finally changed to flying or Xiaobai took him. This is the only way forward.

There was nothing wrong with the three sub-bases, that is, there were scattered lizardmen who came to attack, but they were all wiped out without any chance under the attack of robot dogs and machine gun platforms.

When Lin Yue went to the three sub-bases to check, he also noticed that the bottom part of the weeds close to the ground was somewhat lignified, and most of the leaves in the middle were also dry.

He estimates that within a few days, the weeds will be completely dry, and by then, as long as there are sporadic wildfires, the whole world...

Perhaps, if the disaster is not sustained, it will become a sea of ​​flames!

On the World Channel, a consensus was also reached on this matter.

That is to use as many stones and other things as possible to cover the weeds surrounding the refuge village. There are quite a few refuge villages whose main task is to mow the grass every day, and they don't even go to explore secret places.

The drought has made these extremely dense plants extremely dangerous, and there have even been fires in many places, causing great hidden dangers from time to time.

Lin Yue also saw from the World Channel that many people were posting photos of the fire.

Although some losses have been caused, and even some refuge villages have been severely damaged, overall, the number of fires seems to be a small number.

"Nevertheless, I still can't stop my idea of ​​building a short-to-medium-distance rail-type express train."

Lin Yue looked towards Zhengdong.

The closest to the main refuge is the saltpeter mine sub-base.

This was obviously the most suitable if one wanted to build a viaduct track out of existing materials.

Before that, Lin Yue also analyzed it a little bit.

The reinforced concrete viaduct is really good, but in fact, some alloys or stones can be placed inside to save some materials.

Otherwise, the large amount of reinforced concrete raw materials he removed from the airport is probably enough to lay such a long distance.

After making up his mind, Lin Yue put all the relevant materials into the storage space, and then he went directly outside the easternmost city wall.

Taking out the system tablet, Lin Yue confirmed the design drawing again.

[Construction of short and medium-distance track-type express train viaduct track from here to the destination, all the materials in the storage space are sufficient, is it established? 】


As a familiar white light lit up, in front of Lin Yue, a silhouette towering high above the ground appeared instantly!

Soon, viaducts with a height of 15 meters suddenly rose on the wasteland!

On top of it, a brand new steel rail extended from the main refuge, like an extremely long flying dragon, rushing straight to the saltpeter mine sub-base!

And on the track above Lin Yue's head, there is a station that is not too big. In the station, a brand new alloy train is waiting for its first passengers.

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