High in the air, the wind was quite strong.

Lin Yue looked at the center of the city on the ground, where it was still surrounded by fog, and it was so white that he couldn't see anything clearly.

And at his current altitude, the mist can't cover it at all, but it still makes him feel the thrill of seeing all the mountains and small mountains at a glance.

However, this mist is not simple.

It only covered the most central part of the city, and there, only the area where he was just now and a radius of nearly twenty to thirty kilometers were shrouded in fog.

The plains, cities and sea in the distance were not affected at all.

On the shore of the sea, beside the collapsed Statue of Liberty, there is a strange black rock-like giant shadow, which is quite conspicuous.

Lin Yue adjusted his body posture so that he was parallel to the ground, and opened the four jets on the left and right of the soles of his feet to the maximum power.

The speed increased instantly, and at this high altitude without any obstructions, Lin Yue didn't have to worry about bumping into anything.

The convenient flying armor on his body made it extremely easy for him to fly at this high altitude.

Moreover, it is also far beyond Lin Yue's imagination, and even beyond the reach of human technology.

Lin Yue didn't understand where this power came from, nor did he know where this technology was born.

But he knew exactly what he was going to do.

"No matter what, we must first kill the mythical giants here."

He looked at what looked like a huge black stone, and it was clear that it was what he was looking for.

Before, Fei Yue and the others said that although the mythical monster moved laterally at that time, it was heading towards the sea.

And this huge black mysterious boulder is unnatural no matter how you look at it.

It happened to be soaking in the sea!

"Although I don't understand why it can still go down into the sea, no matter where it is, we must kill it!"

The flame-throwing aircraft behind Lin Yue, because of his horizontal flight, has changed its form and emitted a blue light!

Soon, as Lin Yue gradually approached, the true face of that huge stone was indeed fully revealed.

"Sure enough, it's it!" Lin Yue saw one end of the huge black stone, an extremely ugly and huge head, drooping next to the collapsed Statue of Liberty, and countless tentacles behind the head were also constantly in mid-air waving.


"Its appearance seems to be different from the previous one." The closer Lin Yue got to it, the more strange he felt.

This mythical behemoth seems to be quite different from the previous one in appearance.

At least, there are no plants on this one's back, and the skin color is not as gray as last time, but pitch black!

If you don't look carefully, this thing really looks like a huge rock!

Lin Yue lowered his altitude slowly, and made a detour towards the coast.

In this way, we can avoid the deadly fog and not be blocked by it.

However, as Lin Yue's height gradually decreased, he also found that things were not as simple as he imagined.

"What's going on? Why does the mist seem to rise from the sea? And, it's right where the mythical giant is?"

Lin Yue landed on the roof of the tallest building on the coast, which is about two kilometers away from the mythical monster. This place is just outside the range of fog, and he can also see the warm sunshine in the sky from here. , and can clearly see everything about that mythical giant beast!

And doubts also rose from his mind.

Could it be that……

He picked up the scope and looked straight over there.

Soon, he discovered a problem.

"Is that... a tail?" Lin Yue was quite clear about the size of the mythical monster.

And this guy basically soaked his whole body in the water now, only his ugly head and broad back were exposed.

But at a corner extending to the shore, a black mass emerged from the sea.

Although it is clustered together, clusters of white mist are constantly emerging from the things that look like blowholes on the top!

The... source of the mist?

The head of the mythical giant plunges into the water from time to time, and the fog at the tail

Lin Yue looked at the huge thing, and at the ugly head of the mythical monster in the distance, thinking about how to kill it.

The original bursting method seems to be unusable at all.

Most of the mythical monster's body is soaked in seawater, and there is no way to aim at the back door of this monster.

Or, on the back of this thing, make a hole like last time, and then blast it from the back?

Lin Yue also had some confusion about the current appearance of this mythical giant.

The last time, I obviously encountered something that could spray water mist from its back. It was gray all over, and it moved on land, and there were some plants and soil on its back, which was quite strange.

And this time, the appearance of the mythical behemoth is quite different from the ones seen now.

I don't know what will happen after it comes out?

However, speaking of it, there is another point that Lin Yue still cares about.

That's when Fei Yue and the others saw the mythical beast before, they really "saw it", and they saw it shortly after they came in, and they just went back immediately after collecting some resources nearby.

And if you want to see the incomparably huge mythical behemoth in the mist, it is probably impossible.


In other words, when the mythical behemoth is on land, it cannot create fog at all?

Lin Yue watched the mythical behemoth that stepped countless high-rise buildings into ruins and ruins when it entered the ocean from the land, and seemed to understand something.

Could it be that this big guy drank seawater and then decomposed the fog?

No wonder the meeting always felt that the mist was a bit salty.

Lin Yue took a deep breath and sat on the roof.

He needs some thinking to think about how to kill this giant monster.

It must be killed, and this is also the purpose of his coming to this special secret realm this time.

Kill the mythical behemoth, then purify this place, go back to get the palladium treasure box, and then have a 24-hour exclusive right to search the ancient gate of the secret realm.

"It's true that there are a lot of rewards, but the premise is to kill it first... First, it seems that I have to find a way to force this big guy out of the sea."

It doesn't seem like a good choice to blast this guy's back with a TNT explosive ballista arrow.

Who knows if this stuff will be painless at all?

After all, from a distance, its back really looks like an aquatic creature, quite smooth.

If you want to get closer...

Lin Yue looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on the Statue of Liberty.

Although the mythical giant seems to want to be close to it, in fact there is a certain distance.

Almost... two or three hundred meters.

Lin Yue looked at a passage extending inland beside the collapsed Statue of Liberty. If he approached the mythical giant from there...how would it react?


Just as Lin Yue was thinking about how to attack this giant mythical beast, the cry of Little Six rang in his ears, and then it landed directly beside Lin Yue.

"Little guy, are you exhausted?" Lin Yue stroked the little six who was covered in the blood of the storm flying lizard, and took out a steak of lion-headed bear.

Next, Little Six could no longer continue fighting.

Lin Yue looked at the panting little six, and knew that if he was sent out again, he might lose one of his capable generals.

"Go back to the ancient gate of the secret realm when you're full. You're too tired, and the next battle is too dangerous, understand?" Lin Yue didn't want to see any downsizing, especially since he was supposed to be with Xiaobai this time He came here, but now he only brought Xiaoliuzi with him, so he was indeed a step behind in strength.

"Gah..." Xiao Liuzi glanced at the mythical monster in the distance, and then at Lin Yue who was fully armed, and lowered his head, as if he didn't want to stay out of it.

But it has some negative emotions about its own lack of strength.

Little Six is ​​very unwilling, but it also knows that its own strength is far, far worse than it is.

"It doesn't matter, one day you will catch up with Xiaomeng, catch up with Xiaobai, and become stronger, stronger than you imagined. Little six, but that's only if you live, not in a hurry to get hurt , go and send your own life there. There is an old saying in our place, "Leave it as a green mountain, and you will not be afraid of no firewood." If you want to become stronger, then this time, go back to the ancient gate of the secret realm obediently Wait for me to come back, understand?"

Lin Yue patted the flying dragon who was shorter than him beside him, and said with a smile.

"Gah!" The little six seemed to understand, it nodded vigorously, and at the same time stared closely at the huge head of the mythical giant.

The master's words made it firm in his heart.

The strength is not good, as long as you become stronger in the future, it will not be too late to come back to fight.

Now, it is exhausted. If it continues to fight forcefully, it may lose its life if it is not careful.

"Just understand, losing any of you is absolutely unacceptable to me, little six, go back obediently, by the way, send this piece of meat to the little ice lizards, and wait by the door for me to return safely Bar!"

Lin Yue finally patted Xiao Liuzi on the head, and Xiao Liuzi also grabbed the delicious steak and flew out from the top of the tall building in an instant.

It went straight into the gray-white thick fog and disappeared.

And Lin Yue now has no worries after ensuring that Little Six will not join the battle halfway.

Next, you only need to deal with this mythical giant with all your strength.

As for how to force it out...

Lin Yue has a good method.

But this method takes advantage of a characteristic of this mythical giant.

They seem to quite like to be entrenched next to that metal tower.

Whether it is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Sky Tree in Tokyo, the Tokyo Tower, or even the collapsed Statue of Liberty in New York, there are mythical behemoths.

"Perhaps, mythical behemoths like this kind of building that uses a lot of metal?"

Lin Yue thought about the similarities, and finally came to a conjecture and conclusion.

Why they like this kind of thing, Lin Yue doesn't know, what he wants to do is not to understand this mystery, but to kill it!

"However, we can take advantage of this and try to lure it ashore?"

Lin Yue glanced at the small display screen inside the flying armor.

It showed less than half of the remaining fuel, and the temperature had dropped from normal.

He filled the tank with aviation fuel and took a deep breath.

It's time to start, and I've been preparing for it for a while, and I must kill this mythical giant as soon as possible.

Guessing that Xiao Liuzi should have almost reached the ancient gate of the secret realm, Lin Yue also took out the system tablet.

He opened the world chat channel, and he saw that Fei Yue had told everyone to stay away from this secret realm.

Indeed, if you don't pay attention, just like the last time, if you turn around and defeat the mythical giant, there will be a forced ejection, and all the monsters in the secret realm in the city will rush out. It will be bad if you get hurt because of it. up.

Of course, no world channel information can be received in this secret realm, and Fei Yue's appeal is just to keep the survivors who want to come in not to come in.

Putting away the system tablet, Lin Yue pressed the start switch of the flying armor.

As the blue-purple jet flames spewed out from all the nozzles, Lin Yue also flew out from the building.

However, he also noticed that the giant mythical beast was not indifferent to him like the last time.

This one actually protruded an extremely long neck from the sea water, turned its head, and looked at him intently, as if staring at a strange little bug.

Lin Yue flew directly over it, and had an idea in his heart.

This mythical behemoth is completely different from the last time.

From the outside, the one from last time looked like a turtle without a shell, with almost no neck, and it was also fat and thick-limbed overall.

And this one, from the current point of view, looks like the original ancient creature on the earth-Brontosaurus!

Brontosaurus, a large dinosaur born on the earth in ancient times, has an extremely long neck, a huge body, and a snake-like tail.

However, brontosaurus doesn't have a black tail that can spray mist, does it?

Of course, it is impossible for it to grow to a height of three or four hundred meters, let alone run into the sea, falling in love with a bunch of green and rusty collapsed Statue of Liberty.

The mythical giant looked up at Lin Yue who flew into the air, and twisted its neck following him.

Lin Yue circled around it, and it also twisted its neck.

In the air, Lin Yue saw that the long and slender tentacles behind the monster's head seemed to have their own life, and they kept floating upwards where he was.

Lin Yue looked at the guy who opened his mouth wide open at him, and suddenly had some thoughts.

What if... you give it two grenades?

Thinking of this, Lin Yue directly launched a double grenade launcher!

"Before the big meal, there is always an appetizer, right? Before the big battle, there must be some contact battles!"

As he spoke, he aimed at the mythical monster with its mouth wide open, and fired four grenades!

The four grenades rushed towards the giant mythical beast's mouth in an instant, and then smoothly entered its unclosed mouth!

Before the bursts of muffled sound roared, Lin Yue leaped over the location of the mythical giant beast and came to the side of the collapsed Statue of Liberty.

A large amount of smoke spewed out from the mouth of the mythical behemoth, and it also let out an angry roar!

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