There are bursts of smoke rising from the mouth of the mythical giant beast!

Four consecutive muffled sounds came from its mouth, and part of its tongue was also blown apart.

And although this little damage couldn't cause it too much pain, it also ignited its anger!

It growled lowly at Lin Yue who was gradually lowering in the sky, trying to get this annoying bug down!

However, when it saw that Lin Yue had landed next to the Statue of Liberty, his body that didn't want to move could not help but take a step forward on the bottom of the sea.

Just as Lin Yue landed, he glanced at the Statue of Liberty beside him, which had collapsed because of the damaged base, and took out something from the storage space.

Workbench for high-precision research!

Ask, how to enrage this mythical giant, make it unbearable, and then chase after it?

The answer is simple.

The workbench for high-precision research touched the huge and iconic building.

At the same time, with a flash of white light, beside Lin Yue, the rusty copper-clad Statue of Liberty turned into a pile of copper blocks and more steel.

"Unexpectedly, this thing is made of these two things." Lin Yue originally thought that this thing was a layer of copper on the outside and stones on the inside.

As a result, there is only a small amount of reinforced concrete.

The rest is copper and steel, and in considerable quantities!

Lin Yue didn't stop, but immediately put the copper and steel into the storage space!

And beside the ear, the more violent and frequent roar of the mythical giant beast sounded!

"Sure enough. This huge humidifier monster seems to really like this thing."

After Lin Yue collected the large amount of metal around him into the storage space, the mythical monster seemed to be unable to restrain its anger, and roared again!

It started to move its steps, and every movement made the sea water boil, rolling out countless eddies and bubbles, and the sea water, under this movement, set off huge waves of several meters!

Lin Yue knew that he had succeeded.

He lightly activated the flying armor and flew into the sky, avoiding the first wave of waves that submerged the original place, and then flew straight to a higher place.

After raising the height as much as possible, Lin Yue was also relieved to see that the head of the mythical behemoth was completely looking at him, and no matter which way he moved, the monster would also turn his head to look at it. Be attracted to him.

"Come on, then, really... Mythical giants like taller buildings or landmarks that are almost all made of metal..."

Lin Yue looked around, and while moving backward, he approached the land.

Moreover, he also discovered that as the mythical monster's tail entered the water with its movement, the mist no longer received replenishment and gradually became thinner.

However, the speed was still very slow. In a short time, Lin Yue felt that the fog would continue for a while.

In a blink of an eye, the mythical monster followed Lin Yue who was gradually approaching the land, and pulled out its huge body from the sea water, and its true face also appeared!

"What? It actually...has two heads? Besides, its tail doesn't seem very good..."

This time, it was Lin Yue's turn to be shocked.

Half of the body of the mythical giant came out of the sea, and its height reached nearly one or two hundred meters. However, Lin Yue had to gradually increase his height to avoid possible sudden attacks.

As the first front leg of the mythical giant stood up from the beach, Lin Yue also had a clear view of the creature.

It was different from the creatures Lin Yue had seen before. It had two slender necks and a huge and ugly head on each.

However, the appearance of the two heads is not the same.

One is the one who has been staring at him just now. It looks quite similar to the shellless bastard before, but it is smaller and has a lot of exposed teeth. There are only two huge eyes, and the pupils are also huge. .

The other head has extremely long hair-like things that even cover its four eyes, and, unlike the head next to it, its tentacles at the back are extremely short, but extend from the head to the back back. Its big mouth is narrower and longer, its teeth are restrained but densely packed, and the number is much more than the ones next to it.

What's even more weird is that the two heads share the same body, but they don't seem to act in exactly the same way.

Not to mention the head that has been looking at him, the other one seems to be obsessed with the sea water and the tail. It keeps pushing its head into the sea water and looking in the direction of the tail.

But as a part of it landed on the shore, the other head couldn't continue to enter the water. Although it was still looking at the tail, it was basically forced by the actions of the other head to follow Lin Yue. .

"Two heads... who controls the body and who controls the tail?" Lin Yue was also a little confused by this wonderful creature.

Indeed, where on earth has such a creature existed.

Although he had seen some "rare and exotic beast exhibition" in a small park before, and there were things like two-headed snakes in it, but they were probably sewn on or something, that is, cheating tickets and provoking eyeball.

Lin Yue remembered that when he was a child, he had a good relationship with the security guard at the gate, so he sneaked in. After seeing all kinds of things inside, he ran out immediately, shouting that he was fooled, and felt that he would never believe in such things in the future. up.

As a result, he actually saw the two-headed creature today.

Moreover, unlike the sewn-on double-headed snake, the two heads of this mythical monster are indeed grown on the same body instead of being sewn on. They each have a head that can perform different movements.

Even their looks are completely different!

"What the hell is this..." Lin Yue also felt that this was scary enough. Indeed, it was very different from the "creatures" he knew.

With the help of the flying battle armor, he gradually backed away, attracting the mythical behemoth to come ashore. He also continued to see that the overall height of this head was much lower than the previous one, but the neck could still touch three to four hundred meters The second and third legs of the high-altitude monster came ashore.

And following its movements, blocks of buildings collapsed, and huge waves kept hitting the deeper parts of the original land.

Lin Yue felt that such things as mythical giants were too wonderful.

Originally, he thought that this kind of thing should look almost the same, even if it was not mass-produced, it should be the same species.

However, the feeling at this end made his original idea no longer exist.

Although the evidence is not enough, Lin Yue feels that the small monsters he saw in Tokyo and Paris before may be just its "infant form", and as time goes by, they will also change the size of their bodies, and at the same time possess completely different form.

This is very similar to Xiaobai and the ice lizards.

Lin Yue continued to move backwards, feeling as if he was gradually connecting some deeper clues to some mysteries.

However, he also understands.

Many things are just guesses now, before there is more evidence.

At this moment, half of the body of the mythical behemoth has landed on the shore, and its six giant legs are also different from the previous shellless bastard, missing a pair.

"It's really different... The tail of this one is too long, and there are nearly thirty or forty air holes on it, all of which are used for spraying... Oh? The fog seems to have dispersed a lot."

Lin Yue suddenly discovered that the mist had become thinner, and it seemed that without the supplement of the spray from the mythical monster before, the mist could not hold on for such a long time.

"This thing is too weird, and there doesn't seem to be any weakness for me to find." Lin Yue felt that the difficulty this time was completely different from the last time.

The last time the tail was extremely short, that's why Xiaomeng was able to simply climb up and stuff the cluster bombs into its rear end, but this time, the tail was extremely long, and it almost covered the rear end.

It's not easy...

Lin Yue felt that this time, he really had to worry more.

Continuing to move backward, he also gradually retreated to a place where the fog was thinner, and then he raised the altitude again.

As the height increased, the fog would not be able to affect him, and he could see the mythical behemoth below more clearly.

However, there is a question, that is, where is this guy's head?

And at this moment!

Suddenly a violent airflow hit from the left, Lin Yue almost instinctively turned off the engine, and at the same time he fell directly to the ground in an instant!

Looking up at the original place, the long-haired head cut through the fog, rushed out of the sky, and suddenly appeared there, as if it had been waiting for a long time!

so close!

Lin Yue, who fell into the mist, activated the flying armor again, and after drawing an arc in the air, he rushed upwards obliquely and rushed out of the mist in an instant!

And this time, he also rushed directly into the sky, right behind that long-haired head!

The distance is less than 100 meters!

Lin Yue accelerated and rushed, and the tentacles of the long-haired monster kept shaking as if seeing him, as if reminding the long-haired head.

However, Lin Yue didn't give him any room to react. He had already grabbed a gasoline can, flew over its head in an instant, and poured gasoline on its head!

Then, he turned on the grenade launcher and fired two rounds of ammunition!

Although this monster appears to be well-prepared, it actually has weaknesses.


As long as it cannot enter the seawater before the flames burn all over its body, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the end of being burned by the flames!


After two loud noises, the flames from the grenade immediately ignited the gasoline, and the long-haired head of the mythical giant also sensed something was wrong. It twisted its neck violently, trying to rush over and bite Lin Yue who was in the air.

But its action made the flames even more intense!

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Lin Yue looked at the other head that didn't know what happened below, and flew towards it!

His idea is simple.

Let these two heads whose actions are inconsistent cannot take care of each other.

By the time the head below realized the seriousness of the problem, the fire had spread rapidly.

If you want to go back to the sea again, unless you are dreaming!

Lin Yue instantly flew in front of the other head to attract its attention, and even fired two grenades into its mouth again!

Originally, this head seemed to want to see what happened to the other head, but Lin Yue used this trick to attract his attention again, raised his legs again, and wanted to chase Lin Yue!

"It's really like this... Then, things will be easy." Lin Yue heard the scream of the huge head whose long hair was ignited, and felt deeply lucky.

These two heads don't seem to be the type that can be completely coordinated.

Moreover, it seems that the one with exposed teeth and longer tentacles seems to be the one that mainly controls this huge body.

So, the next thing seems to be simple.

Hold out as long as possible before the flames completely ignite that long-haired head, and lure this gigantic monster inland.

Of course, there are costs.

"Survivors in the American country, if they see that I have destroyed half of New York by the way, will they be like the Neon gang?"

As Lin Yue stepped back, he was thinking about those neon people on the World Channel last time, because he used a cluster bomb to explode a part of a mythical behemoth, and then Ollie flooded the city of Tokyo. When he saw the corpse of the mythical monster, he also set off a unique flame, which even burned the whole of Tokyo.

And this time, it seems that most of the buildings on the coast of New York were damaged, destroyed or even turned into ruins because he wanted to introduce this two-headed mythical behemoth into the inland.

Although it is a pity, there is no other way.

Lin Yue doesn't have a weapon that can be called "destructive" now, so he has no way to kill this mythical monster with one blow.

If anything, he even gave it such a good time when he saw the mythical behemoth for the first time.

Of course, if the intercontinental missile launch vehicle is also counted, he can be counted as having one.

But the power of that thing... Lin Yue felt that unless he was far enough away, he might be blown to pieces by the wide attack range.

He accelerated and rushed to the distance. After calculating that he was five or six hundred meters away from the mythical giant, he landed on the roof of a building, and then directly took the howitzer out of the storage space.

"Taste how powerful this thing is!"

Lin Yue adjusted the shooting target of the howitzer, aimed at the huge head that was still running towards him, and pressed the burst button!

Boom boom boom~!

After a triple shell rushed out, it accurately hit the exposed teeth of the mythical giant, and even directly blasted two of them!

Lin Yue blasted out two more rounds in succession. Before the enraged giant mythical beast could react, he charged into the sky again!

The roar of the monster kept ringing behind him, and Lin Yue knew without turning his head that he had successfully angered the monster completely.

Looking up at the other long-haired head, Lin Yue has already seen that near its head, the flames have stretched from the short and dense tentacles on the extremely long neck to the back, and clusters of flames grow with the wind. !

Just now, the two rounds of six rounds of ammunition fired by the howitzer also broke a few teeth of this guy again. Although it failed to cause more damage, it was already very good as an irritation and provocation.

"Next..." Lin Yue landed on the top of the building in front of him again, looked at the mythical monster that was far away from the coast, and his body was fully exposed, and took a deep breath.

"Is it time for me to launch a general attack?"

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