The night in the land of exploration is as long as in the other world.

Lin Yue and Xiao Bai were very tired of each other, even though they were chatting all the time.

However, I don't know who said the last sentence, and before I knew it, they all passed out in a coma.

Lin Yue woke up again, the light was still on, and looked at the system tablet, it was already past nine o'clock the next day.

"Master, are you awake?" Xiaobai just opened his eyes, lying on the sheepskin cushion on the ground and staring at Lin Yue, "I haven't asked you yet, how is that mythical giant beast doing?"

"Wake up..." Lin Yue yawned, he didn't expect to sleep for such a long time.

Getting up after nine o'clock... seems really rare.

Today is the forty-ninth day of the end calendar.

Time has always been like this. When it feels fast, it passes slowly, and when it feels slow, it passes quickly again.

The sound of the air conditioner kept humming, making the temperature of the alloy shelter quite comfortable, but Lin Yue could understand that it might not be like this outside.

Taking out the sheepskin coat in the storage space, Lin Yue felt that it would be wise to take it with him before coming over.

It was zero degrees yesterday, and it will be even colder today, right?

Tomorrow is the fiftieth day of the last calendar, and tomorrow will also be the time when this round of disasters will occur.

Today, it should be very lively outside.

Lin Yue remembered those four disasters.

Oxygenation, drought, sandstorms and insect infestation.

Enriched oxygen has reduced the temperature to a certain extent, while the drought has caused the weeds to lose their vitality, and it has also made it easier for fires to occur. As for sandstorms and insect plagues...

Lin Yue didn't feel anything until now.

Maybe it will come suddenly like an earthquake?

However, the mythical giant that Xiaobai mentioned... seems to have been killed a long time ago.

"Xiaobai, of course I killed it, use this thing." Lin Yue took out the superalloy flying armor, "Did you know that this time the mythical giant has two heads, and can use its tail to create fog Well, is it strange or not?"

"Master... a mythical monster with two heads?" Xiao Bai seemed a little surprised, "Can it also create fog?"

"That's right, Xiaobai, although you haven't been able to see the mythical monsters twice, they all look very strange. Last time, they looked like a bastard without a shell. It's a dragon, it's really hard not to feel strange."

Lin Yue was recalling and talking, he felt that it was time to go out and have a look, although there were many things he hadn't done on his side.

When he just turned on the system tablet, he had already been notified of the rewards of the world leaderboard, and this time, it was still the same.

"Master, the werewolf has its own mythology."

Xiaobai's nonsensical sentence made Lin Yue, who was about to read the leaderboard, raised his head and frowned: "Myth? What myth?"

"Master, the werewolf, after coming to this world, has its own mythology. In their mythology, there are gods and saints." Xiaobai replied.

"Ah, 'God' and 'Holy'...By the way, when it comes to this, I still don't understand why I am a 'God' and a 'Holy', that old wolf-headed man can't explain clearly .” Lin Yue recalled, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

He just knew that the whole clan of wolfheads should have been taken captive to this different world from somewhere, just like all human beings on earth.

It's just that they don't have a fairly intelligent "system" like the people on Earth, but are primitive and ancient like the lizard people.

However, the civilization of the werewolves is obviously more developed than that of the lizardmen, and they are also relatively stronger.

Lizardmen have so-called "gods", so it's not surprising that werewolves have them.

Lin Yue felt that the only thing he didn't understand was why the wolf-headed man called Xiao Bai a "holy" and called him a "god" so happily.

And this, it seemed that only Xiaobai could explain it to him.

"In the myth of the wolf head man, the 'god' is not the one who creates everything, but the one who destroys everything."

"Destroy everything?" Lin Yue wondered, good guy, it seems to be really different from what he imagined.

"The wolf-headed people were sent to this land by the 'god', and everything they had was destroyed. All the wolf-headed people called the 'god' the 'God of War'." Xiaobai continued.

"God of War..." Lin Yue recalled, indeed, except for this time, he used his strength to speak almost every time, reducing the dimensionality and hitting the werewolf more than once.

"The werewolf said that God will destroy everything, and then make all wolfheads fear. God will wear metal clothes and fly in the air, use weapons to destroy everything, and then rebuild everything. And beside God, there must be a white head the giant dragon, and this giant dragon is also 'Holy'."

Lin Yue nodded, it seemed that some things were beyond imagination again.

The god of creation is also the god of war and the god of destruction.

Wearing metal clothes, it flies in the air and brings the werewolf to this planet. It possesses a powerful force that can destroy everything and rebuild everything.


It seems to be a survivor.

Survivors will take weapons to destroy any alien species, and they can also use the system to build and manufacture various buildings and things.

As for flying...

This point is almost the same as what I am now!

No wonder those werewolf-headed men called him "God".

"The white dragon will appear after the disappearance of the 'god', and save the wolf-headed people when they are in danger, so it is 'holy', and in the history of the wolf-headed people, 'holy' has appeared more than once, so the wolf-headed dragon People believe that "Holy" is the holy beast that saves the werewolf. And when "God" appears, if "Holy" appears together, then the werewolf will also be able to restore its former glory and return to its hometown .”

Xiao Bai finally finished speaking, and Lin Yue seemed to understand what the so-called "God" and "Holy" represented.

From the so-called "myth" of the werewolves, some very interesting things can be deduced.

However, Lin Yue was a little surprised that the so-called "white dragon" actually played a certain role in it.

The white dragon... corresponds to Xiaobai, is this a coincidence?

In other words, is it a coincidence that they can correspond with the ice lizards?

Lin Yue felt that it might not be that simple.

"Master, in the myth of the werewolf, there is a disaster god named 'Camberak', and there is..."

"Wait, Xiaobai, you... say it again?" Lin Yue suddenly felt like a bolt of lightning passed through his brain. This name is really hard for him to forget!

"In the myth of the werewolves, there is a disaster god named 'Camberak', master." Xiaobai repeated again, it really did not expect that the master was so surprised.

"Camberak... Isn't the name of the mythical beast Kamberak? The first head!" Lin Yue felt his scalp tingle, "Xiaobai, are you not lying? It's not that you listened to me talking in my sleep Did you get the information?"

"The mythical giant is called Kamberak. The master, the werewolf myth, Camberak, is just a god of disaster that carries the earth on his back. It conceives all things, plants, and life. The other, the double-headed god of disaster , called Beverly Heath."

"You, what you it true?" Lin Yue felt that his breathing became short of breath.

If it is possible that Kamberak, the first mythical monster, was talking in his sleep and then Xiaobai made up such a story to amuse him, then, the latter Beflixis, Xiaobai is not It is possible, and absolutely impossible to know its name!

After all, that was the mythical behemoth he had just defeated. Xiaobai had no way of knowing the name of this werewolf in the exploration place!

"Master, in the myth of the werewolves, Kambelak carried the earth and gave birth to life. On its back, there were grasslands and giant trees, and the sea was hidden in its back. When it was not angry, the wolf-headed people The land will also be stable, but once it gets angry and the sea surges, the entire land will also be shaken and collapsed. Therefore, the wolf-headed people call the mountain-like Kamberak the God of Calamity."

After Xiaobai finished speaking, he looked up at Lin Yue.

But it found that the owner's face was extremely pale.

Lin Yue felt that at this moment he was in a dream, and in this dream, he had an unbelievable sense of suffocation.

This sense of suffocation comes from the myth of the werewolf, from their names and descriptions of the disaster gods.

Camberak, isn't that the name of the first mythical beast he killed?

But why is this name appearing in the first place?

When he killed the mythical monster, shouldn't it be one of dozens, or hundreds of thousands of heads? The names shouldn't be in this order.

Moreover, as Xiaobai said, the land, weeds and giant trees on the disaster god Kamberak seem to symbolize the so-called "creation of new life".

Another point……

When Kamberak gets angry, the whole earth will be shaken...will it collapse?

It's kind of like...


Could it be that……

At this time, Lin Yue had a wild idea.

If it is said that the mythical giant Kamberak represents the disaster of "earthquake"...

So, if it is eliminated, does it mean that the "earthquake" can be completely eliminated in a different world?

Lin Yue felt that this idea of ​​his was indeed too mysterious.

"Master, Bevelisis, the god of disaster, is also a god who occupies a considerable position in the myth of the werewolf. According to legend, Bevelisis has two heads, one with a lot of teeth, and the other with a long and slender head. Under the head of Bevelisis's hair, there is a very long neck, and its tail can release a lot of mist, but once it gets angry, the mist will also contain poison, killing all life, Destroy. Beverly Xis, that's why he is called the God of Calamity by the werewolves."

After Xiaobai finished talking, he seemed a little tired.

These are all things it heard from the old wolf head leader, but because it is not interested, what it remembers is only a general idea.

But it really didn't expect that Lin Yue listened so seriously, and his expression seemed to be getting more and more wrong.

What it didn't know was that Lin Yue was really shocked by this continuous incident at the moment.

After all, who would have imagined that the two mythical behemoths he just killed were actually the disaster gods of the werewolves?

Moreover, the two calamity gods of the werewolves are exactly the same as the two mythical behemoths in terms of their names and descriptions.

Not even the slightest bit of difference.

It's just that Xiaobai took their photos and came to a live explanation.

"Xiaobai, look at this." Lin Yue felt that Xiaobai really had to open his eyes.

After handing the system tablet to Xiaobai, Lin Yue also fell into deep thought.

According to the train of thought just now, then the disaster controlled by Bevelisis is "fog", or in other words, "poisonous fog"?

Although his idea is a bit too weird, Lin Yue thinks it seems interesting to think about it this way.

"Master, what you killed was...Camberak, and Beverly Xis?" Xiao Bai also seemed to realize that something was wrong.

What a coincidence.

In other words, it was too deliberate.

"Yes, unless the werewolf has some way to know the names of these two monsters. Xiaobai, tell me, when did you know the name Bevelisis?"

Lin Yue feels that unless the werewolves also have a system, they can listen to the broadcast of the human system's full-channel announcements. Otherwise, the so-called myth they uttered is really too outrageous.

"Master, shortly after you left, Xiaobai acted with the leader of the werewolf, and it told Xiaobai these myths."

Xiaobai raised his head, and his face was also extremely confused.

Its eyes are now full of puzzlement just like Lin Yue's.

Why such a coincidence.

"Maybe... maybe so." Lin Yue took a deep breath, and he felt as if he was talking nonsense, "The first mythical beast we encountered can, and can only be, Kamberak, the shellless monster. Bastard, and the second head, can, and can only be Beverly Xis, that is, this two-headed brontosaurus!"

Xiaobai shook his head: "Master, what you think is really too bizarre."

"Why don't I think so." Lin Yue also knew that his thinking was too outrageous.

But it seems that there is no more reasonable answer.

He felt that he didn't tell Xiaobai that he didn't connect the mythical giant beast with the disaster, otherwise Xiaobai might think he was crazy.

"Master, if the next mythical beast named Skilapek is a mythical beast with three long horns like spear points on its head, then the master's idea may be right. " Xiaobai finally said.

Lin Yue also nodded.

He put on the superalloy flying armor, and after successfully activating it, he looked towards the exit door.

Outside, he felt just now, as if something was hitting the alloy door, and it was rattling all the time.

enemy? then what?

Lin Yue looked at Xiao Bai.

"Master, no matter what, we should go out. We have to go back to the shelter." Xiaobai stood up. After getting enough sleep, it has now fully recovered its fighting power.

And Lin Yue really wanted to go back to the refuge as soon as possible.

To deal with tomorrow's disaster, there are many things that must be done.

As for the werewolves, it's not too late to wait until this round of disaster is over.

"Let's go, Xiaobai, just like you said, some things must be done first, by the way, are you interested in opening a palladium treasure chest?"

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