Fei Yue opened his eyes.

He pressed his head, took a deep breath, and looked around.

Only Zheng Jingzhi was watching the sky, his fingers still moving.

It seems that it is in the operating system panel.

Seeing Fei Yue get up, he also stood up immediately, nodded to Fei Yue: "Boss."

"Well, Lao Zheng...why is it past ten o'clock? Why didn't you call me?" Fei Yue glanced at the alarm clock on the side, his eyes widened in surprise.

Actually fell asleep until now?

Yesterday, because he was worried about a night attack, he didn't close his eyes all night.

After setting up the city wall with the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand left by Lin Yue yesterday, he still felt uneasy, so he let the main force of the battle go to sleep first, and brought dozens of men who insisted on guarding with him. , Wrapped in a coat on the city wall and stayed overnight.

However, the good news is that the opponent did not attack, and besides a lot of bugs that night, it seemed that there were waves of sandstorms blown by the wind, which annoyed him a bit.

"Boss, if you are sleepy, sleep more. The brothers outside have taken care of the shelter. Everyone is now preparing for tomorrow's disaster. Follow your previous strategy."

Zheng Jingzhi said and sat back again, giggling for a while.

"What are you laughing at, you're so stupid." Fei Yue stretched his waist and stood up, then suddenly remembered something, "By the way, the leaderboard came out yesterday?"

"Come out, Boss." You Siyuan pushed open the door and walked in, "Sleep a little longer, what are you doing up so early, we don't have to do anything today, just now I went to reinforce the city wall with my brothers , now it looks like a fortress. Besides, according to what you said before, we dispatched all the members in the early morning to paste the thick sheepskin soaked in the sweat and blood of the lizard people for a long time at every gap and exit of our main refuge. We've gone up one level, anyway, the pest plague can't do anything to us."

"Is that so... our number... No, who is Lily Callahau?" Fei Yue put on his clothes, thinking that he had been asleep for such a long time, and his subordinates had already done everything they needed to do. Help guys are really good.

"Boss, you should see for yourself. Besides, I don't think you should be shocked." You Siyuan said, bringing a bottle of water and handing it over.

Fei Yue took a sip, sat down at the table, and opened the system panel.

He found the announcement interface directly, and took out another piece of dry bread: "Now, Lin Yue is not the first one to surprise me, what else... what? This..."

"Scary, isn't it? Boss, it seems that Lin Yue is right." You Siyuan couldn't help but shook his head.

Fei Yue's face was gloomy, he stood up abruptly, his body couldn't help shaking!

"That doesn't make sense...I didn't expect that I made a mistake in my judgment!"

1. Lin Yue 598875 points

2. Lily Callahau (Refuge Village) 57554 points

3. Feiyue (Refuge Village) 56998 points

4. Jia Yunzhan (Refuge Village) 7754 points

5. Casbar (Refuge Village) 7015 points

6. Alessandro (Refuge Village) 7014 points

7. Sun Si (Refuge Village) 7011 points

8. Kamel James (Refuge Village) 7002 points

9. Takeda Nobumasa (Refuge Village) 6998 points

10. Lin Ming (Refuge Village) 6917 points

On the leaderboard, compared to before, there are indeed not too many changes.

In such a short period of time, with Lin Yue's help and their hard work, their refuge village has successfully climbed from ninth to third place in the world's ranking list after 15 days of development.

Moreover, the score from Lily Callahau's refuge village is only about five or six hundred points away.

This is enough to prove that they have really become stronger.

As for Lin Yue's score, it was as outrageous as ever.

However, these are actually not the point.

"Boss, we are third. We are only 556 points away from that lunatic. You must know that the number of people in that guy's refuge village is more than one or two thousand?" Zheng Jingzhi still smiled. It can be said to be a huge incentive for the reader.

You know, when they first started, they couldn't even get into the top 20 of the group.

Although the third master's appeal was very strong at that time, everyone really gathered for the third master's fame.

At that time, everyone worked hard and worked hard, and the wisdom and command skills of the third master were also very strong, but that was it.

But now, under the leadership of Fei Yue, an incomparably reliable leader, they have grown to this point, and have even become one of the "three poles" in this world, and there is even room for their scores to catch up!

That's enough to cheer any one of them up!

But Zheng Jingzhi didn't see any joy from Fei Yue's face.

"Xiao You, what's the situation with the leader?"

"Old Zheng, your idea is strange. What's your situation?" You Siyuan shook his head helplessly, "Look, we have more than 50,000 points, right?"

"That's right, more than 50,000, that Jia Yunzhan who was so strong before couldn't even see our taillights!" Zheng Jingzhi didn't hear anything yet.

"Stupid old Zheng, think about it, last time, how many points were the top three?" You Siyuan reminded.

"Last time? There is a historical record in the announcement, wait for me to check..."

Zheng Jingzhi opened the system panel and checked it again.

1. Lin Yue 45411 points

2. Lily Callahau (Refuge Village) 17951 points

3. Jia Yunzhan (Refuge Village) 7557 points

4. Xing Lingfeng (Refuge Village) 7493 points

5. Kasbal (Refuge Village) 6998 points

6. Alessandro (Refuge Village) 6741 points

7. Sun Si (Refuge Village) 5988 points

8. Kamel James (Refuge Village) 5622 points

9. Feiyue (Refuge Village) 5567 points

10. Takeda Nobumasa (Refuge Village) 4917 points


He looked at it for a while, compared it again, and shook his head: "Xing Lingfeng's refuge village is gone, it has been merged into Lily Karahau's refuge village, and the rest is just the 10th place that replaced Lin Ming. Others, Neither did I... Wait, this score is wrong!"

Zheng Jingzhi finally discovered the problem.

"Yes, you said..."

"Fuck, Lin Yue was only 45,000 last time, so this time it's 600,000?" Zheng Jingzhi interrupted You Siyuan, "This time Lily Karahao and us directly made more than 50,000, We are really awesome!"

Zheng Jingzhi laughed out loud.

However, he found that You Siyuan didn't smile, and Fei Yue frowned even more.

"What's the situation? Am I wrong?"

"Old Zheng, you're really not right." Fei Yue looked at him and shook his head, "How much has Lily Callahoo's score increased?"

"It's increased... almost 40,000?" Zheng Jingzhi still didn't understand.

"Others, except us."

"Others... hiss! What the hell? So, that's how it is!" Zheng Jingzhi was breaking out in a cold sweat after comparing it again, "The scores of the other top ten didn't increase much? That means ..."

"Explain, the group of people who came to trouble us yesterday may not be only Lily Callahau, or maybe they have little relationship with Lily Callahau." Fei Yue nodded.

You Siyuan continued next to him: "After fifteen days of development in the refuge village of these people, how could there be only such a small improvement score? Just relying on the number of people, they are more than that. The only possibility is ... They, especially Jia Yunzhan, Casper, and Takeda Shinmasa, are usually rumored on the World Channel as a very strong team. But now, is their score justified?"

Fei Yue closed the announcement and looked at Zheng Jingzhi: "Lin Yue told me that it was probably not Lily Karahau who did this. I believe it a little bit now. Now I can think of two possible."

"One is that Jia Yunzhan and the others did this without the participation of Lily Callahoo? Second, there is still Lily Callahau's participation, but she made it easier for these people?" Zheng Zheng Jingzhi suddenly realized!

"Yes. That's right. Old Zheng, we seem to be the target of public criticism." Fei Yue laughed.

"Boss, you don't know if it's good or not with such heartless energy, and you're still laughing at this moment." You Siyuan really felt that this Fei Yue was really the type who was wise and foolish.

You can say that he is smart and clever, he usually always smiles foolishly, just like now when this is not a good time, Fei Yue will always take it seriously, smile confidently, as if there is nothing in his head Don't pretend to be the same.

Call him stupid, he has made this refuge village such a large scale in a short period of time, and the top and bottom are arranged in an orderly manner.

Even, because of Fei Yue's personal charm, the legendary Lin Yue became an ally with him, and because of this, this refuge village developed so fast and so healthy.

"Laugh, of course you have to laugh, are you happy when I cry?" Fei Yue took a picture of Zheng Jingzhi who was thinking and terrified, opened the door and walked into the corridor outside the room.

"Let me take a look outside... My good fellow, these insects are really dense." Pulling back the curtain covering the window, Fei Yue discovered without any surprise that there were so many kinds of insects flying outside the window that it was terrifying!

Almost everything is covered by these colorful bugs, and there is nothing else at all.

They flew in mid-air, or landed on the distant city wall, or landed on the roof not far away, covering the entire world.

The insects flying all over the sky were twisted by the gusts of wind from time to time, and grains of sand also hit the glass windows at the same time.

Fei Yue felt that it was hard for him to imagine that there seemed to be nothing in the morning, how could it suddenly become like this?

"Boss, I definitely can't go outside. There are still more than ten hours before the disaster... How did it become like this? Besides, these bugs don't seem to be afraid of the cold at all. When we are outside, don't we hurry up in the middle of the night?" Did they freeze to death, how are they all right?"

You Siyuan closed the curtains again, the scene outside was so terrifying, it felt like hell.

"Who knows, many things in this different world do not follow common sense. Who has ever seen something as big as a giant creature? When we went out at night before, didn't we still see three-eyed birds? There are also flying ones. The black bug looks crooked and has a bird's beak or something." Zheng Jingzhi couldn't help shivering as he spoke.

The creatures in the other world are disgusting and ugly that are completely incomprehensible.

Speaking of which, looking at it this way, the mutated sheep is actually quite handsome.

Fei Yue's face was gloomy.

Although it is said that their refuge village is ready.

But what about the other refuge villages?

Before that, according to Lin Yue's meaning and his own thoughts, he talked about how to get through this disaster on the World Channel several times.

And how many survivors can be saved by this is still unknown.

In front of all mankind, disasters should be the first to adapt and solve.

But judging from the siege of his refuge village yesterday, it seems that some people don't want to think about it that way.

For them, it seems that stronger people will be wiped out, and they will compete for supremacy in the different world.

That's what they really want, not trying to survive.


It seemed that this time, what he thought before, that it was Lily Callahau's people who came to attack, was not reliable at all.

It is very likely that this is more complicated and more serious behind the scenes.

"Lin Yue...what would he think?" Fei Yue said, and opened the system panel.

He made a voice call to Lin Yue directly, but Lin Yue quickly refused.

Just when Fei Yue was wondering what happened there, Lin Yue replied to the message by voice after a while.

"We're sorting out the shelter, what's up?"

Fei Yue also heard that there seemed to be various sounds coming from there all the time.

"Yes, wait until you finish your work first."

"It's almost over. Come on, wait... I guess, what you want to talk about is the attack yesterday, not about Lily Callahau?"

As expected of Lin Yue, he was keen.

"You found out."

"What about the ranking list? It's strange to say that you can't see anything. Do you have two ideas?" Lin Yue asked immediately.

"Yes, two kinds, one with Lily Callahau's participation and one without."

Fei Yue managed not to hide anything, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Yes, I can't see it at the moment, but I can be sure that Jia Yunzhan, Kasbah, Kamel James, and Takeda Shinmasa may have participated in the siege of you this time, Lily Callahau Maybe someone was sent, maybe it was just 'tech support'."

Lin Yue typed in the chat box this time: "You know, the lizardmen and the survivors are under the orders of the most likely person we guess, and the one who contacts the lizardmen is Liu Kai, who has the ability to communicate with them. A person with ability. As for Liu Kai, he is still a survivor with no affiliation, and we don't know how many things have happened between him and Lily Callahau."

Fei Yue knew it in his heart.

The matter of extraordinary power is currently a secret to anyone.

At present, under the premise that the extraordinary power has not been known to everyone in the world, and these people have not shown up collectively, this kind of thing cannot be said.

No one can know about his super self-healing and Lin Yue's super self-healing.

"I said, what's going on with your refuge, is there anything I can help with?" Fei Yue had heard the noisy voices from Lin Yue's side all the time, and asked hastily.

"No, it's almost over. Also, how many people are there in your refuge village? How much does it consume in a day?"

When Lin Yue asked such a question suddenly, Fei Yue was stunned.

"There are more than a thousand people... the daily consumption is actually not bad." However, he quickly realized the problem, "You mean... the food consumption problem, this time's disaster?"

"That's right, the consumption of a refuge village of 1,000 people is definitely not a small number, Fei Yue, this disaster will officially start tomorrow, until it ends, I'm afraid some things will not end because of this."

Food, crisis!

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