Lin Yue held the lifelike human skin mask in his hand.

It's soft overall, extremely light in weight, and even, it doesn't take much effort to hold it up.

Lin Yue found that this human skin mask, even every tiny pore, was carefully made.

Moreover, he also found that Fei Yue's mask seemed to be exactly the same as that guy from the outside!

"Master, what is this thing? It feels like Feiyue's face." Xiaobai seemed to be quite curious about this thing, and looked at the super-generation 3D printing suit at this moment, as if he hadn't expected it at all. , It seems that this thing can make this thing out.

In fact, Lin Yue had the same idea as Xiaobai, and he also felt that this 3D printing suit was too outrageous.

"Xiaobai, this thing, how should I put it...that's how it works." Lin Yue said, putting this thin layer of human skin mask with only a mask and no hair on his face, and put it Press it, and soon, after adjusting all parts of his facial features, he turned around.

"Fei Yue!" Xiao Bai couldn't help exclaiming.

It saw that the master in front of him had really turned into that Fei Yue, and his appearance was exactly the same.

"Oh? Really? It seems to be quite successful, but to be honest, this thing is not very comfortable to wear." Leng Buding put such a layer on his face, to be honest, he is not very comfortable.

In particular, its wearing is basically a process of squeezing and kneading, and finally it is untied and put away from the neck. It feels that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

"However, master, you don't have Fei Yue's body shape, so it's easy to see that it's a fake."

Xiaobai finally added.

"I naturally thought of this point. Fei Yue's height of nearly two meters looks to be more than two hundred catties. How can I learn the muscles all over his body... and my hair is much longer than his, so this thing is only It can be regarded as a test case.”

Through a simple try-on, Lin Yue immediately found out quite a lot of room for improvement.

But to be honest, the starting point of this human skin mask is to hide his own face and create an effect that minimizes his influence.

However, wearing comfort, hair improvement, related muscle or fat filling, and height adjustment, etc., all need to be improved slightly.

Of course, this is the case when he wants to completely imitate someone.

If you want to hide your face, then this one is actually enough.

But Lin Yue is someone who wants to be perfect in everything.

This 3D printing device can also do more things.

This human skin mask is not the only one. Since it has the function of creating design drawings by itself, many things can actually be realized through this.

"Xiaobai, you really came out with something pretty good this time... By the way, it's actually still early, why don't you go to the Gate of Exploration and see how the wolfheads are doing?"

Although it is said that the disaster has not officially started yet, all kinds of disasters have actually begun.

Low temperature, drought, insect swarm and sandstorm, these four disasters, had no effect on his shelter.

These kinds of disasters don't even feel as violent as the last one.

Sorry for waiting so long.

You know, fifteen days is not a short time.

"Master, don't you want to collect those treasure boxes? It's been a long time." Xiaobai pointed in another direction. Now, robot dogs are constantly transporting treasure boxes, and robot dogs are constantly opening treasure boxes.

"Well, that's a problem..." Lin Yue knew that at least today he seemed to have to spend the rest of his time here.

As for the exclusive secret ancient gate, and the platinum treasure box dropped by the first place, we will wait until after the disaster.

"Master, there seems to be a lot of things to do next." Xiao Bai urged.

"I know, I know, how come you can speak well, but you have learned everything else? Let's go now."

Although the robot dog can help open the treasure chest, he can only harvest the contents by himself.

Lin Yue walked towards the warehouse, and Xiao Bai also returned to the main refuge.

A busy day passes quickly.

And the time for the official arrival of the disaster is gradually approaching.

It is different from the comfortable and warm Lin Yue's room.

The different world is completely unsuitable for human survival.

The cold temperature almost froze everything, countless bugs frantically wanting to keep warm attacked all the refuge villages looking for warmth, and the stones and sand brought by the sandstorm were gradually burying these refuge villages that had been built with great difficulty .

The most frightening thing is that clusters of flames are constantly burning in the wilderness, forest, etc., igniting the five-meter-high weeds that cover the earth layer by layer!

The flames soared into the sky, and surrounded by violent sand and dust, the entire grassland was almost instantly ignited!

Covered in layers of black smoke, countless mutated bugs and mutated creatures became charred in the flames.

The flames gradually ended in various refuges and refuge villages, and even greater disasters swept in!

It was about twelve o'clock in the middle of the night that Lin Yue left from the window and returned to the extremely comfortable sleeping cabin.

Xiaobai had already gone to find Xiaomeng and the others to rest together, so it was rare for Lin Yue to stay by himself tonight.

"The coming again."

Lin Yue closed the hatch and lay down on the soft cushion.

Mental exhaustion had already made him drowsy. Although he didn't have to open the treasure chest himself, the process of collecting the treasure chest was quite exhausting.

In particular, the flames he created turned the outside of the shelter into a sea of ​​treasure chests in a very short period of time.

If it weren't for the fact that the fuel burned out in the end, Lin Yue felt that his robot dogs would not be able to finish picking up those treasure boxes in ten days.

It wasn't until not long ago that he collected all the water and food in the wooden treasure chests.

Moreover, in order to save trouble, he directly made a combination of "Food Safety Package" and "Water Safety Package", and sold them for nearly 5,000 yuan on the World Channel in a way that only one copy can be taken in a single refuge village share.

Of course, he also harvested a lot of basic building materials such as stone, wood, and iron.

Now, these things have been put by Lin Yue in the yard of the vast refuge, and he will make plans after the disaster is over tomorrow.

"Actually, you can really think about it now, and make good preparations for what you will do next."

All kinds of logistics and other things have basically been handed over to the little ice lizards now, and what he has to do is actually to go out and fight.

However, the lack of various materials has made this a constraint and bottleneck.

"There are more than a few things to do. It feels like there are countless things to do every day."

You need to take care of the refuge, you need to worry about the affairs of the various sub-bases, you have to deal with the lizardmen and werewolves, and there are all kinds of conflicts and conflicts among the survivors.

Giant creatures haven't been seen in a long time, but the mythical behemoth is a new enemy.

Although they have killed two heads in a row, to be honest, although the two battles did not take long, they were indeed not easy.

In the secret realm, without the blessing of self-healing ability, he also needs to pay attention to not being seriously injured, let alone prolonging the fighting time and causing loss of physical strength.

In comparison, the moment of the disaster in this different world is a little easier now.

It even made him feel that this is his most relaxed moment.

Lin Yue lay on the bed, feeling the passing of time every minute.

Looking back on his life in another world for the past fifty days, he felt that it was too fulfilling.

Enriched to make him feel tired.

Because of this self-healing ability, there is no physical fatigue, but mental fatigue is real.

"Looking at the World Channel, it seems that everyone is well prepared for this disaster..."

Lin Yue flipped through the system panel. He looked at the world channel, and the reactions of various shelters did not seem to be the same as before. All kinds of ghosts and wolves howled, or screamed in pain, and there was nothing that was greatly affected by the disaster because of this. kind of.


After experiencing several rounds of disasters in a row, the survivors are now familiar with various disasters.

Moreover, they all have different responses and countermeasures to these disasters.

From the panic at the beginning of the blizzard disaster to the calmness shown by the people in various refuge villages on the world chat channel, Lin Yue felt that the progress of the survivors was not ordinary.

Survivors are becoming more and more accustomed to life in this different world. Although they lack resources and are far behind the earth in every aspect, as time goes by, everyone becomes stronger and stronger. Stronger, more calm.

"If we can really unite together and kill the deadliest threat, the lizardmen, then we don't have to worry about anything else." Lin Yue knew very well that the biggest threat to human beings still comes from the underground. A creature with some intelligence.

They are cruel and easy to kill, and they are extremely cunning.

Hiding deep underground also makes it extremely difficult to destroy them.

However, this does not mean that it is impossible to eliminate them completely.

As long as all human beings are united, the lizardmen are no opponents at all, right?

Lin Yue recalled the unimaginable battle that Fei Yue suffered yesterday.

Originally thought that the person who came was Lily Callahau, but judging from the scores on the world rankings, the person who came was most likely from other refuge villages.

Lily Callahau didn't seem to be affected at all, and the score was even five or six times higher than last time, which was in line with their upward trend.

In the past, Fei Yue used the so-called "Prisoner's Dilemma" to force questions, except for the scores of Lily Callahau's refuge villages, most of them were basically hesitant.

This is already very illustrative.

However, this made Lin Yue feel a little puzzling.

Why did those refuge villages collectively attack Feiyue's refuge village? How did they come to this wasteland?

Why, they were still able to contact the Lizardmen to fight with them?

When thinking about the weapons in their hands, Lin Yue felt even more incredible.

With hot weapons, shouldn't we expand the territory, why do we have to fight?

"Maybe, Lily Callahau contacted them, or simply controlled them, and launched an attack on Feiyue's refuge village?"

The lizardman should be Liu Kai's problem. As for the rest, Lin Yue can only think about Lily Callahau.

[Warning, the sixth disaster, the quadruple disaster of oxidative oxidation, drought, insect swarm and sandstorm is coming! Warning, the sixth disaster, the quadruple disaster of oxidative enrichment, drought, insect swarm and sandstorm is coming! 】

[This disaster will last for 12 hours! 】

[Enriched oxygen will plunge the entire world into a cold wave! Drought will make plants extremely flammable! 】

[Insect swarms will attack humans indiscriminately, and sandstorms will bury poorly protected refuge villages! 】

[All the secret realms will be closed at the same time, and those who stay inside will be forcibly kicked out of the secret realm! Refresh again after the disaster is over! 】

【After this disaster, more system functions will be enabled! 】

[I wish everyone a good time! 】

The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

In this noisy night, it was like a thunderclap.

At this moment, Lin Yue looked at the group.

The disaster has officially begun.

This time, there is no doubt that some unprepared survivors will be eliminated.

This is unavoidable.

Survival of the fittest is the law of nature, and it is also the iron rule of this different world, this survival game.

The previous five billion people also became victims of this iron rule for various reasons.

And the vast majority of them are those old people, and people who are unwilling to work hard and make mistakes to implement various decisions.

They too were quickly eliminated after the first disaster, as well as the second.

This also caused a large reduction in the population, and the remaining people, who persisted until the sixth disaster, were able to maintain a state of around two billion.

It can be said that the remaining people are basically the strongest.

Judging from the chat content on the world channel, these people have also adapted to this different world and these disasters.

Turning off the lights in the sleeping cabin, Lin Yue closed his eyes.

The protective cover of the sleep cabin is very sound-proof, and after it is set up, it can almost block everything from the outside world.

And this completely creates the best conditions for sleep.

It was really uncomfortable to sleep at the Exploration Gate last night. Next time, if you have to go to that kind of place and have to rest for a night, just in case, you really have to sleep well...


Lin Yue sat up abruptly.

The Gateway to it still there?

He vaguely remembered that after the last update, there were still some precautions!

He opened the system tablet and saw the last announcement.


He put down the system tablet.

After seeing the above-mentioned information that "will not change" before the disaster, he realized that it seemed impossible to go to the valley of the werewolf through the exploration door in the refuge.

"Afterwards, we need to collect information to see if we have encountered a werewolf in other people's shelters... Speaking of which, why hasn't Fei Yue said what is in the exploration gate next to his refuge village?"

Lin Yue felt that this question seemed to be vaguely telling him the answer.

At this time, on the chat panel, Fei Yue just sent a message.

"Lin Yue, have you rested yet?"

"Have you noticed, there seems to be a big problem."

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