big problem?

Lin is getting more energetic.

He turned on the lights in the sleep cabin, sat up and looked at the system tablet.

The "big problem" Fei Yue said...

He glanced at the system bulletin again.

Soon, he discovered the problem.

"Are you saying that the system has not given the forecast time for the next disaster?"

He replied immediately and invited Fei Yue to voice chat. There was nothing to avoid in this regard, there was no need to talk about their extraordinary power, and there was no need to think about not letting others hear.

Compared with text, voice is obviously the most convenient.

"Wait a moment." Fei Yue didn't answer right away, but instead asked Lin Yue to wait a while.

Naturally, Lin Yue could afford to wait, but he also guessed that what Fei Yue was going to say next should be something that should not be heard by others.

Besides the self-healing power of extraordinary power, is there anything else?

Lin Yue found it strange, but since Fei Yue did this, he must have his reasons.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yue received a reply from there.

"Hey, Lin Yue, ah, should we have separate names? Isn't it a little strange to always be called by the full name? Or, I'll call you Xiao Lin, and you call me Lao Fei?"

Fei Yue laughed loudly, making Lin Yue wonder if this guy's brain is pumped.

"Stop making trouble, talk about business, Fei Yue." Lin Yue took a deep breath, "Is this what you said?"

Fei Yue stopped laughing: "That's right, Lin Yue, many people have discovered that the disaster outside has made it difficult for everyone to sleep, but some people have also seen it, this time the system did not say this, unlike the usual It's different every time."

"Yeah, I didn't say it. I usually say it was seventy-two years old. This time, there was no hint at all. It sounds like something is wrong." Lin Yue checked the disaster announcement again.

The disaster announcement this time is not much different from the previous ones. It is nothing more than an announcement that the disaster has officially started this time, and then it is an introduction to the hazards of the disaster.

But the difference from the previous template is that the next disaster notice is not written.

No more disasters?

That is absolutely impossible.

Since it's called a survival game, it's no joke.

This world is cruel and abnormal, and the greatest harm to human beings is nothing more than various disasters.

Although it is said that the remaining two billion people have survived several rounds of disasters in a row, and there are still almost so many people left, but the disasters should not stop.

After all, a single disaster is easy to deal with, but multiple disasters will have the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Not to mention the extreme intensity of harm brought about by this kind of triple disaster and quadruple disaster.

"In this regard, I have an idea." Fei Yue said suddenly.

"Tell me?" Lin Yue pondered for a while, but he still didn't understand the meaning of the system's operation.

"In is to let us guess the disaster, and then use it to add a layer of disaster power. Look at me...Is what I said right?" Fei Yue said his answer.

Lin Yue suddenly realized.

He thought too complicated.

Or, he thought too extreme.

Fei Yue's idea, although it looks simple, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, it is indeed somewhat possible.

Every previous round of disasters had a systematic forecast on the third day.

This notice will also tell all the survivors the name of the disaster on the seventh day and the fifteenth day of the last time, and in this way, the survivors have enough time to make various preparations instead of being caught blind.

But this time, if it is the situation Fei Yue said, then indeed, things will become more difficult.

You must know that the current disaster is not a single disaster, but has directly entered the quadruple disaster. If you want to guess what the quadruple disaster is, it is extremely difficult.

Just like this round of quadruple disasters, Lin Yue guessed the eutrophication, and also guessed the drought.

But it never occurred to me that there would be insect swarms and sandstorms.

What if the next disaster is an earthquake? What about snowstorms?

This kind of thing is impossible to guess.

"That's true. If we catch the blind, then any preparations in advance will be futile, and without accurate information, we will become more passive..." Lin Yue understood the seriousness of this matter sex.

He knew that the high probability that Fei Yue said should be like this.

If the system does not broadcast the specific name of the disaster, they can only take one step at a time. They may not be able to fully know the specific name of the disaster until the second when the disaster arrives.

This is extremely detrimental to the entire human race and to the entire survivors.

I'm afraid that the next disaster will eliminate half of the people.

The premise is that there is no guess about the exact name of the next wave of disasters. .

"Right, so, let's feel that this time we have to do more anyway, observe more and think more, otherwise we won't even be able to guess the name of the disaster, otherwise, I'm afraid even people like us will feel very uncomfortable. " Fei Yue shook his head.

"Yeah, that's it." Lin Yue thought about various countermeasures, but it seemed that it was really difficult to deal with at present.

"We can only take one step at a time, Lin Yue, let's take a closer look when the disaster is over tomorrow." Fei Yue finally said, "Maybe the system forgot, hahaha."

The more Lin thought about it, it was indeed the only way.

Even if this is the case in the end, he has no good solution.

"Understood, Fei Yue, by the way, I have something to ask you." Lin Yue remembered the matter of the Exploration Gate, and told Fei Yue not to hang up in a hurry.

"Tell me, I know everything."

"Where did the exploration door in your refuge village lead to last time?"

After this one catastrophe, his original one will no longer exist.

Perhaps the next one that appears will be a door of exploration leading to another place.

It would be best if Fei Yue could provide some information.

Maybe it was the same one?

"That... To be honest, we really didn't have time to explore, but the companions who passed said that there was no one there, only some strong mutant creatures. Later, we felt that there was really nothing to explore, so we sent people I've been transferred back to do other things, what's the matter? Over there at the Gate of Exploration? I heard that someone encountered a humanoid creature, is that what you want to ask?"

Fei Yue was quite curious about what Lin Yue wanted to ask. After all, no matter what this guy does, he is quite beyond common sense. Once he is interested in something, he will almost quickly take action, or do it right away.

"Yes, that's it. Last time, the door of exploration on my side led to an area where a werewolf is located. What I want to say is that if there is a door of exploration in your place tomorrow, no matter whether it is a werewolf or not. , tell me right away, okay?"

Lin Yue felt that the relatively close and well-connected refuge village seemed to be the one on Feiyue's side, and he could only be entrusted with this matter.

Thinking about it now, Xing Lingfeng, who had a good relationship with them, has now become Lily Callahau's lackey, while Liu Kai suddenly went mad, and finally became a middleman between the mysterious lizard man and some people.

As for other large and small surrounding refuge villages, some were annexed by Feiyue, and some eventually fell apart due to disasters, and all members also drifted to various new refuge villages.

Generally speaking, the changes of the refuge villages in the south of this wasteland area are quite similar to the changes of the refuge villages in the whole other world.

According to the speech statistics of the World Channel, and the quotation feedback of the water and food packs he put on the World Trading Channel yesterday before the disaster, it seems that the overall number of refuge villages is further shrinking.

Lin Yue felt that there were no refuge villages with millions of tens of millions at all, and it would be like eight or nine million to die.

It is estimated that after another round of disasters, this number may be further reduced.

It's like the development and changes of the whole world.

"That's it... I think it's a big deal, no problem! Haha, to be honest, I'm a little swollen now, and I need to be beaten and beaten, some strong enemy." Fei Yue laughed, "I really think Where do you want me to go to kill something more worth dealing with than the lizardmen?"

"It's not like there are no such things." Lin Yue really felt that the number of people in Feiyue's current refuge village had further increased, and his strength had reached the top three levels in the world. If possible, he really wanted to let Feiyue Feiyue to do some more, more important things.

"Really? Except for mythical giant beasts, I really can't do that." Fei Yue laughed again.

This Fei Yue... is really heartless.

Lin Yue is helpless, such a person, you say he has no brains, his brain is really easy to use, he can manage so many people well, you say he has brains, he can still laugh when some big and important things happen.


What a big heart.

"I can do the mythical monster. Fei Yue, I want you to help me do it. It's actually quite difficult and complicated." Lin Yue thought for a while, writing and drawing on the system tablet.

Indeed, there are many things that he can't take care of at all.

As things become more and more complicated, the system has more and more constraints, and the system opens up more and more things similar to "copies". Now there are more and more things in front of Lin Yue. up.

If one wants to cover everything, it is definitely impossible, after all one person's power is very limited, even with Xiao Bai, Xiao Meng and many little ice lizards, it is absolutely impossible to take care of everything.

And this does make Lin Yue sometimes have to make some choices, some trade-offs.

"Fei Yue, some of these things may be things you want to do next, and some things I really can't spare the time to do, if you help me move, that would be really good .”

"Oh, that's not a problem, but I guess one of them is to let me continue to expand the refuge village?"

Lin Yue felt again that this guy's sensitivity was indeed top-notch.

"That's right, one of them is this. I don't want to expand my shelter much, but you are different."

"That's right. A refuge village with 1,000 people can only be regarded as a refuge village. If you want to do more things and unite more people, this is just a start." Fei Yue nodded, "I think If I want to be the savior, I can't just have a thousand people think I can do it, hahaha."

"Well, so, I hope that before the next disaster strikes, you can control the entire wasteland area in your hands, can you do it?" Lin Yue made a rather big request to Fei Yue.

"A whole wasteland? Hahaha, Lin Yue, are you mistaken? A whole wasteland is almost as big as a province. How can I capture it all for you in fifteen days?" Just as Fei Yue finished speaking, suddenly What came to mind, "Wait, I know what you're thinking, Che?"

"Yes, I will provide the car. Of course, if you have the materials, I can build you such a large truck. It is not a problem to make thousands of them. Moreover, the road can be done directly with stones. You also have Design drawing, right?" Lin Yue had wanted Fei Yue to do this a long time ago.

He has little interest in people annexing other refuge villages.

After all, he doesn't want to manage so many people, to be the "king" of those people.

But Fei Yue is different, Fei Yue is going to do this.

If it is said that he is the "li" who hides behind and does those big things by himself, then Fei Yue is the "behind" who needs more people's support to become the savior among the many survivors.

As for Fei Yue, he really needed to capture more refuge villages and manage more refuge villages.

Those who stand in the way, no matter which one must be killed.

it is necessary.

"If there is a car and a road... Indeed, I still have a map of the area, I just need to conquer those refuge villages one by one." Fei Yue also understood what Lin Yue meant, he actually planned to do the same before , but I didn't think of any way to use it.

Now, Lin Yue has proposed a quite feasible solution, and Fei Yue is naturally willing.

"Your area map is not complete, Fei Yue, I will send you my area map of the wasteland area that has been developed, and then, when the disaster is over tomorrow, you will vacate the refuge village. If you have materials, send them to me, and I will get you a team first."

Lin Yue still has a lot of materials in his hands. It should be no problem to make more than a dozen heavy trucks, but if he wants more, he has to let Fei Yue figure out a way.

It is basically not a problem to take away heavy trucks in this wasteland, but this truck can become a quite effective personnel carrier by then.

Not to mention, the big truck can also be equipped with some weapons to become an armed vehicle, which is quite deterrent.

"The team is okay." Fei Yue whistled, "I said Lin Yue, do you want me to conquer the world?"

With the convoy, not to mention saving such a large wasteland, Fei Yue feels that he can go to farther places.

Moreover, after receiving the area map from Lin Yuefa, he couldn't help opening it and observing it carefully.

There are hundreds of refuge villages, large and small, not far from each other.

With the carrying capacity of a large truck, if he wants to lead five or six hundred people, he can even easily swallow a dozen of them a day without any problem.

Even, if you divide your troops to attack each of them, building dozens of refuge villages a day is just like playing.

After all, under the disparity of weapons and equipment, they have a large number of hot weapons, which are enough to deal with any opponent who wants to resist.

"Overriding" is not enough to explain this gap!

"Besides this, I do, there is another thing I want you to help me with."

What Lin Yue wants to say next is what he really wants to do!

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