"Good guy, do you mean there is something more important than knocking down the entire wasteland?" Fei Yue felt that he was not sleepy at all.

Now he is very energetic, and he can't wait to run out immediately, and lead his companions to directly start the plan to conquer the entire wasteland!

Lin Yue's proposal, in fact, he has long wanted to practice. If it hadn't been besieged by the group of enemies who didn't know where the refuge village was, and then caught up with the disaster, Fei Yue really wanted to There are a few more refuge villages to go.

When he attacked those refuge villages before, he also communicated with the other party first, gave conditions, and let the other party choose first.

Those who are convinced will subdue directly, and let the leader of the opponent become a general in their own hands, and those who are not convinced will attack directly.

The offensive efficiency of hot weapons is completely inferior to those swords, guns, bows and arrows.

Even if the opponent shoots a rain of arrows, Fei Yue and the others can rely on the sky battle armor and large alloy shield to protect the vital points, making the opponent helpless.

This is also one of the most basic reasons why he completely took over seven or eight nearby refuge villages in just two or three days.

Now, after weapons and armors have been further upgraded and evolved, and their combat effectiveness has been further strengthened, they also have stronger combat effectiveness than before!

Really, if Lin Yue can provide enough cars, then it won't even take ten days to conquer this wasteland, right?

Fei Yue felt that he was really motivated at this moment, and he also felt that this greatly accelerated the process!

The process of uniting the entire human race!

"Of course, it's more important than that, Fei Yue." Lin Yue felt that every word he said now would have a big enough impact on many things, and even change many things.

"Really? I'll listen to what you say." Fei Yue thought about several possibilities, but decided to listen to Lin Yue first.

"Yes, Fei Yue, although the population of your refuge village is not large enough, but there shouldn't be any problems in pulling out five or six hundred combat and logistics personnel, etc.?"

"That's right, not to mention the logistics, almost 600 pure fighters can be pulled out, and the rest are mostly old and young and women, but they can also be responsible for hunting in the rear. You want me to use these people What are you doing?"

"If there are more than 600 pure fighters, then it will be even better." Lin Yue pondered for a while, and continued, "One hundred people guard the house, and you lead a hundred people to search and kill lizardmen and collect gems in the underground ruins. One hundred people are responsible for the exploration and collection of the secret realm, and the remaining two hundred people, you can let Zheng Jingzhi and the others lead these people to take over the nearby refuge villages first. When there are more combatants, you can also focus on searching On to killing lizardfolk and collecting gems."

Fei Yue nodded: "It's similar to what I thought, but I don't quite understand why I went to search and kill the lizard people? I thought you wanted me to fight in various refuge villages."

"The threat to the lizard people is actually not that great now, especially since you have so many hot weapons, they are not a threat at all. If you go to fight, you will be finished with a cold gun, understand?"

What Lin Yue thought was a safer approach.

"I understand, it's true, I can't bear it if the other party shoots... Wait, I can bear it, you forgot? But, is this the more important thing you want to say?"

"That's not what you mean, Fei Yue. The important thing is, first, gems are extremely important, and it's not just related to the lizard people, so I want you to find gems as much as possible yourself, and Trade it directly to me. Second, you should try your best to help me search for traces of the mythical giants in the secret realm. They must all be wiped out. Third, Fei Yue, your own safety is very important, and your secrets must also Try to keep it to the end so that no one knows about it.”

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he waited for Fei Yue's answer.

Fei Yue's progress is indeed great, and he is also extremely capable.

However, Fei Yue is still a fan of the authorities in some matters. It can be seen that his confidence is really not small now, but he must be cautious.

This can only be reminded by him, the people under Fei Yue are probably as confident as Fei Yue.

"Gem... so important?" Fei Yue didn't expect Lin Yue to attach so much importance to it.

He knew that gems had an extremely important position on the side of the lizard people, and Lin Yue really wanted him to collect gems as much as possible, and it seemed quite urgent.

"It's very important, Fei Yue. It has a lot to do with it. Let's talk about it. You have helped me so much, and I will repay you accordingly. Your refuge village will consume a lot of vegetables every day. I will directly provide you with this aspect in the future. , the amount I provide is only a little more. In addition, I will also provide you with heavy trucks. Of course, all kinds of fuel are enough. There are also medium-sized electric sentry machine guns, which you can use in protective refuge villages .”

"Fuck, do you think you have too many good things? You have already given us enough before, no need, Lin Yue." Fei Yue was a little flattered, he really didn't expect that Lin Yue actually gave them before After so much, I still have to continue to give.

Isn't that too generous?

Fei Yue even felt that what he wanted to do was totally different from what Lin Yue wanted to give.

"I don't mean anything else, Fei Yue, continuous fighting and exploration, logistics are very important, and if you want to complete the occupation of the entire wasteland in a short period of time, if the logistics can't keep up, you won't be able to continue, so food In terms of vegetables, I can help as much as I can. After all, you can occupy the entire wasteland, which can only be beneficial to me." Lin Yue explained.

Fei Yue's action is necessary.

The entire human race is currently in an extremely dispersed and independent state, and there is no extremely strong leader among them.

And this loose state cannot be guaranteed at all. When faced with the same thing, everyone will work together to make a joint effort and response.

Let’s not talk about the whole other world, just this wasteland area, hundreds of thousands of refuge villages, after gradually merging, there is still no common leader to face mutant creatures, disasters, and lizards people.

When the enemy is outnumbered, this kind of looseness will allow small refuge villages with few resources, small population and extremely scarce combat effectiveness to be easily wiped out.

Therefore, it is and has always been a correct trend for small refuge villages to merge into large refuge villages, and for weak ones to merge with powerful ones.

However, under the influence of disasters and so on, the speed of this trend is too slow.

As a matter of fact, there are still hundreds of refuge villages in even a small place like the wasteland.

Feiyue's action to sweep the entire wasteland can also integrate all the refuge villages. Similarly, it can also gather all the scattered forces, so that under Feiyue's command, the orderly and precise to do something.

For example.

Wipe out all the lizardmen in the wasteland!

Fei Yue's strength is small because his refuge village has only a few people.

Six hundred combat power is actually not much.

And if you want to go to underground ruins, secret areas, special secret areas, food acquisition, material collection, etc., the number of these people will be scattered, so there is not much available in terms of combat power.

Think about it, now Feiyue can only draw 100 people to go to the underground ruins to explore gems and eliminate lizardmen.

But what if that number is multiplied tenfold, twentyfold, or even a hundredfold?

Lin Yue feels that if this is really possible, even if there are so many lizard people, they will be completely overwhelmed by Fei Yue's people, right?

The lizardman is like this, what if Fei Yue can join the same fighters in the secret realm?

No matter how many strange beasts there are in the secret realm, they can only die miserably amidst the sound of gunfire.

And, there's a little bit more to it.

The relationship between him and Fei Yue is very close.

If he and Fei Yue want to do something together, the more people Fei Yue has under his command, the easier it will be to do one thing, not to mention getting twice the result with half the effort, even if Lin Yue wants Fei Yue to build a huge city , and it should be done in an hour or two.

Even, what materials he wanted, if Fei Yue took people to the secret realm, he would be able to get them back hundreds of times, right?

Therefore, the expansion of Fei Yue's strength is only beneficial and not harmful to him.

"I understand. Occupying the wasteland is quite simple, but let me say this first, Lin Yue, before the disaster of washing once comes, I may be able to capture all the land next to the wasteland, do you believe it or not? "Fei Yue laughed again as he spoke.

"Keep your feet on the ground, Fei Yue." Lin Yue shook his head helplessly, this Fei Yue was heartless, "Okay, go to bed first, after the disaster is over tomorrow, if you can get me more scrapped cars, yours The fleet could have a few more cars."

Although it is said that one heavy truck can transport all the combatants to various places, Lin Yue still thinks that it is better to prepare two more large trucks for Fei Yue.

This person's strategy and tactics are much better than his own, and if he gives a few cars a lot, this guy will take down the entire wasteland a few days earlier?

If the wasteland can really be brought down...

Even Lily Callahau's words are nothing at all.

Thinking so, Lin Yue turned off the lights in the sleeping cabin, then lay down and closed his eyes.

Sleepiness hit like a tide, and Lin Yue drifted with the tide and fell asleep.


Sanctuary, beyond the walls.

The fire that almost ignited the entire world is scorching everything.

The five-meter-high dry grass has become an excellent fuel. Under the raging wildfire, it is gradually connected together. Behind the burning flames, among the charred grass ash, there are countless mutated creatures and mutated insects. turned to ashes.

In the night sky, sand and stones dance.

The strong wind made the flames more violent, and similarly, it also made the exhausted mutated birds and mutated insects hovering in the sky miserable.

It is absolutely impossible for them to fall down and rest for a while, no matter where the flames are burning or where the ashes are burnt, it is extremely hot, and even some small lakes are dried by the high temperature brought by the flames.

Large lakes, only the deepest ones are not scorching hot, allowing those aquatic life to survive.

The flames became a wave of fire, and the wave of fire became a sea of ​​fire.

The fire quickly burned the entire wasteland under the gust of wind, and it also raged violently in other areas.

And in these flames.

The refuge villages are like isolated islands, standing proudly in the ocean of flames.

The smart survivors have already built a strong enough barrier deep underground, and they have also built enough buffer zones around the refuge village.

Of course, not all refuge villages are so perfect.

There are also some small refuge villages, or refuge villages that are overconfident in themselves, and even the survivors who ran into the underground ruins, have tasted the ruthless destruction of this quadruple disaster.

The survivors in the underground ruins couldn't resist the ocean-like insect swarm that fled into the ground, and were quickly gnawed into dry bones.

Survivors who did not establish a buffer zone, or made the entire refuge village hide on tall buildings tens of meters above the ground, did not expect that the flames would be blown to an extremely high level by the violent wind, and the high temperature in the air would also Let them be roasted to death in pain.

The night is very long.

The sea of ​​fire turned night into day, and during the day, the black smoke turned day into night.

Twelve hours, like the countdown to death.

After taking away a large number of lives, they disappeared into the different world as if they had never come before.

Stretching, Lin Yue opened his eyes, and after opening the hatch of the sleeping cabin, he sat up.

In front of him, Xiao Bai, Xiao Meng, and other little ice lizards were all waiting for him to get up, and they seemed to have been waiting outside for a long time.

"What's the matter? What are you doing here, you guys." Lin Yue glanced at the time.

Boy, two o'clock in the afternoon is fine.

Sleeping directly until the end of the disaster, this sleep is really very long.

But it is true that when chatting with Fei Yue last night, he wasted a lot of brain cells. In his dream, he was even thinking about how to do various things next.

"Master, everything outside seems to have changed." Xiao Bai pointed to the direction of the window, which was being blocked by thick curtains, and Lin Yue couldn't see clearly what was going on outside.

"Everything has changed? Was the fire too big yesterday?"

He yawned, walked to the window, and after drawing the curtains, he was also stunned for nearly five seconds.



Black sky, black wasteland.

Everything black.

How big was the fire last night?

Looking at the thick layer of black clouds in the sky, Lin Yue also felt that the system seemed to be playing big games in this disaster.

If it rains next, there will probably be a wave of black rain, right?

"Xiaobai, what about the loss? How about our loss?"

"Master, they are all inside the city wall. All the buildings are fine, but they are all black."

Xiaobai reported to Lin Yue.

"Black? Oh...that's okay. The wind was quite strong yesterday, and the black can be washed off. Let me go out and have a look."

After Lin Yue finished dressing, he walked to the elevator.

On the elevator, he looked into the distance.

Suddenly, I remembered something I forgot to do before.

Wait, are you okay at the Shiyouhefen base...

It was only then that Lin Yue remembered that there was a sub-base on the other side of the Shiyou River.

Although all the little ice lizards had been withdrawn long ago, to be honest, it was still extremely dangerous there.

After all, the oil river is flammable and explosive!

"Xiaobai, hurry up and follow me to Shiyouhefen Base!"

Seems like there's one more thing to confirm...

Is the short-distance rail-type express train on the viaduct all right?

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