Lin Yue had many plans.

This is especially so at night after a full sleep.

Now he has all kinds of ideas, and some want to do it.

However, before doing anything else, Lin Yue decided to cook a hearty breakfast for Xiaobai, who had made a lot of contributions this time.

"Breakfast is actually easy to make, but I don't know how tricky the little guy's mouth is."

Lin Yue came to the fresh-keeping cold storage. After tidying up the contents, he found some blind hunting fish fillets, put them all into the canning production line, and then went to another one, where a large The pile of mutated sheep meat was put on the side of the canning production line.

Should the canned food be sold tomorrow morning or not?

By the way, I can take the opportunity to do something else.

Taking out a large piece of lion-headed bear steak, Lin Yue found a few more onions and returned to the kitchen of the castle shelter. Then, he put the steak and onions on the oversized chopping board.

"Chop the stuffing first, and then prepare it with various seasonings. If you stir it..."

The knife in Lin Yue's hand was about to have an afterimage, and the steak on the chopping board quickly turned into a large pile of meat paste. After finishing these, he found a large pot and put the meat stuffing in it. in.

Next, he cut the onion in the same way and put it together with the meat stuffing. After adding soy sauce, sesame oil, and five-spice powder, he began to stir the stuffing.

Under the joint effect of various seasonings, the taste soon collided with a jumping stave, and the notes of the fragrance wafted out, and then played a more gorgeous movement!

"You're done, what's next..."

Lin Yue looked at a corner of the modern kitchen.

There is a machine there that has never been used.

Automatic kneading machine.

Putting flour and water into it, Lin Yue waited for a while, and got a large piece of dough.

He put the dough into another automatic cooking machine, and soon, slices of diamond-shaped dough were produced.

"Okay, this is not bad." Lin Yue immediately picked up the chopsticks and started to move.

Speaking of breakfast in the morning...

In Lin Yue's memory, nothing is more like "wonton".

A little shrimp skin, a little seaweed, a little salt, a little soy sauce, and a little sesame oil.

When the wontons filled with meat are cooked, pour the hot water in the pot on the bottom material, and then put the hot wontons into the bowl.

In Lin Yue's memory, this was almost his favorite breakfast in the orphanage.

However, wontons are generally only available on weekends.

Later, when I grew up and went to work to earn money, because of the tight time between studies and part-time work, I basically couldn't eat any serious breakfast in the morning, and I haven't eaten wonton for a long time.

Later, he also read those recipes and memorized the method of making wontons.

But what I didn't expect was that I never used it afterwards.

"Our wontons have a lot of ingredients and fillings, Xiaobai will definitely like it." Lin Yue wrapped them with chopsticks and hands while opening the system tablet, watching the speeches of various people on the world channel above.

Soon, large wontons as big as dumplings were made one by one in Lin Yue's hands, and Lin Yue became more and more proficient in making them.

Soon, he made wontons like hills.

"Unfortunately, there is no coriander. Shrimp seaweed and other seasonings are available. However, I think Xiaobai can eat coriander, right?"

Lin Yue finished wrapping the last dough, rubbed his sore shoulders, stretched his arms, and put all the wontons into the storage space to keep them fresh.

Then, from the kitchen, he followed the aisle and quickly came to No. 5 glass greenhouse.

The meal is ready.

Lin Yue could feel the steaming hot air coming out, and the unique aroma of rice was constantly entering his nasal cavity.

Lin Yue found that some little ice lizards who hadn't slept yet ran over, attracted by the smell of the rice, and seeing Lin Yue approaching, they immediately ran to his feet, pointing at the cauldron while jumping. bouncing.

"I know, I know, I'll give you some to eat later, but I think it's better to eat the rice warm?"

Lin Yue knew that if he took out the hot rice right away, the little ones would soon cool it down with ice spray.

Lin Yue opened the lid of the pot, and a gust of hot air quickly rose to the roof.

The aroma of the rice was enough to make the little ice lizards dizzy, and they "pu chi pu chi" danced more happily.

Lin Yue clicked the button, and soon, the liner rose from the inside, moved to the side, and tilted to 45 degrees.

After Lin Yue waited for the rice to cool down a bit, he stretched out his hand to touch it. Soon, he put a large pot of rice into the storage space.

Then, Lin Yue took out dozens of boiled eggs.

These were cooked by him in the past few days, and now he receives three or four hundred eggs every day.

Almost half of these eggs could not hatch chicks, so Lin Yue used them as food without any hesitation.

However, the amount accumulated up to now is more than 600 but less than 700, so Lin Yue has not put it on the market for sale immediately.

But soon, as the scale of the chicken farm continued to increase, Lin Yue believed that eggs would be available to many people within a few days.

Especially under the continuous operation of the incubator, new chicks are born continuously, and these chicks will turn into adult chickens that can lay eggs in three days, and this speed will continue to grow exponentially over time !

Therefore, Lin Yue also decided to wait until tomorrow to rebuild two chicken farms to ensure normal operation in the future.

As for those roosters, Lin Yue is also planning to send them on the road tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and stock up on chicken stocks.

"Speaking of which, it's really been a long time since I ate chicken...I'll get some Kung Pao chicken later?" Thinking about this, Lin Yue handed the boiled eggs to the little ice lizards and asked them to peel the eggshells. Peel them one by one, and he is in charge of preparing the sauce for mixing eggs.

Soon, the eggs were put into the big basin, and Lin Yue also made the sauce. Then he crushed the eggs and mixed them with the sauce, and the mixed eggs were ready.

Then, put the mixed eggs on the rice, and Lin Yue thoughtfully put some bacon and vegetables.

The wonderful smell of this sumptuous meal has already made the little ice lizards mesmerized.

And Lin Yue also saw the process of the little guys eating frantically.

It seems that they like it very much.

Lin Yue saw with satisfaction that dozens of little ice lizards had eaten up a large bowl of rice, each of them felt as if their stomachs were bursting, and finally lay down on the ground, unable to get up.

"Well, it seems that the group of little ice lizards are foodies. This meal didn't take much effort, but the effect is still good."

Lin Yue returned to the castle-like shelter from the glass greenhouse, and came to the kitchen again.

This time, he took out new dough and started cooking it...


Early in the morning, Xiao Bai was the first to rush into the kitchen.

This little guy smelled the mixed eggs last night, and actually wanted to rush over to grab some food, but he held back in pain when he thought of the delicious breakfast the owner said the next day.

But just after dawn in the morning, the little guy couldn't hold back and rushed into the kitchen immediately.

And it was also satisfied to see that its owner, Lin Yue, was already cooking delicious meals for it.

"Xiaobai, wait a minute, it will be ready soon."

Lin Yue guessed that Xiaobai would definitely get up very early, so he also got up early and came to the kitchen immediately.

Putting a lot of wontons into the pan, Lin Yue immediately put the base of the wontons into a large basin for preparation, then stretched out the noodles on the chopping board, and put them into the large oil pan that was bubbling aside.

"Master, what is this! It's so fragrant!"

Xiaobai heard the crackling sound of frying and smelled an indescribably delicious smell. He widened his eyes and looked at the noodles that the master just threw into the frying pan had already floated up!

And the owner is using two long sticks to turn the golden thing that floated up back and forth.

"Fried dough sticks, of course they are delicious." Lin Yue was very satisfied with Xiaobai's reaction.

Wonton must be served with fried dough sticks, of course.

Lin Yue didn't know what other places or people thought, or how they matched.

For him, if he eats wontons in the morning, he must have fried dough sticks.

Fried dough sticks, if you haven't eaten them for a long time, will feel even more delicious when you eat them again!

Lin Yue smelled this fragrance, and he was actually too greedy. However, he glanced at Xiaobai and found that the saliva was dripping down. You know, this is something that has never happened before.

Xiaobai has never been so greedy even if he eats lion-headed bear meat. He never thought that the little guy would become so greedy with a small fried dough stick.

"Master, fried dough sticks, what is it? It smells too fragrant." Xiaobai's saliva really flowed down three thousand feet, tick-tock-tick.

"Fried dough sticks... It's a very popular breakfast snack in our Tang country. It's simple to make and delicious... Oh, this one is ready, Xiaobai, don't worry, it's still hot. It tastes best when it's hot. Especially, the crispy part of the oil on the top is even more fragrant." Lin Yue just picked up one and put it in the oil filter next to him, Xiao Bai was about to reach for it, but Lin Yue stopped it immediately.

"Master, it's okay, I can blow on the air-conditioning lightly." Xiaobai obviously couldn't hold back any longer. He stared at the golden fried dough sticks, feeling like he could eat five sticks of delicious food more than half a meter long in one bite! ,

"Then we have to wait first. Our Tang Dynasty has a good saying, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, let alone hot fried dough sticks, although I said the latter sentence hahaha."

Xiaobai tilted his head, savoring this sentence carefully, and at the same time thinking, should he just take a big bite regardless of the burning of his tongue?

Lin Yue deftly stretched out the noodles one by one, rolled them up a bit and put them into the hot oil pan. By the way, he looked back at the wontons in the pan, and took this opportunity to pour out the soup inside and pour them into the pan. Put it into a large basin, and then filled out all the wontons again.

The tangy aroma mixed together made Xiaobai in the kitchen salivate like a waterfall.

Soon, ten fried dough sticks were ready, and Lin Yue took them out of the oil strainer and put them on a large plate.

"Little guy, can't wait, eat first, I'll fry a few more."

Lin Yue could almost see that Xiaobai's ruby-like pupils were shining brightly!

Good guy, this product is really a foodie.

"Master, this wonton is too fragrant, and the fried dough sticks are so delicious! Master, I feel like we can go out and kill some mythical monster in a while!"

Xiaobai yelled while eating excitedly, as if what he was eating was not fried dough sticks, but adrenaline.

Lin Yue fried about a hundred more sticks. After using up all the noodles, he took out one and put all the remaining fried dough sticks in the storage space.

Then, he cooked himself a bowl of wontons in a pot, and ate them together with Xiao Bai.

Lin Yue's belly was round after eating, and he couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiao Bai who was too full to walk and could only lie down on the ground.

"Eat too much, do you want to digest it later?" Lin Yue suggested.

"If the reward is another meal at noon, Xiaobai agrees!" The little guy felt that he would never get tired of eating this, it was so delicious.

"It's delicious, but you can't eat it all the time, little guy." Lin Yue was quite satisfied with Xiaobai's reply, but he would get tired of eating it all the time.

"Then we have to eat, but, master, what are we going to do later?"

Xiaobai struggled to sit up, but he found that this seemed to be a futile effort. He was too full from the meal just now, so much soup and deep-fried dough sticks were poured into his stomach, and he was really full.

"For a while..." Lin Yue took out the system tablet and confirmed the information on it, "We have to go to the exploration place in front of our house to have a look first, Feiyue hasn't replied yet."

When Lin Yue was eating just now, he did contact Fei Yue, but Fei Yue hadn't replied yet.

Not up yet?

Probably not.

Lin Yue felt that the man who kept his promise must have gathered fighters to conquer the Quartet, and was preparing to conquer the entire wilderness in a wave of violence.

Of course, Lin Yue also knew that Fei Yue would not forget all the things he said yesterday that he was going to do, this guy should still be busy.

"A place to explore? Master, Xiaobai is ready." Xiaobai finally struggled up this time, and when he heard that he could go to that place to fight, he suddenly regained his energy.

The door of exploration, leading to an unknown place of exploration.

Xiaobai learned from the master that the place to explore will change to a different place with the end of a round of disasters.

Maybe this time, he was going to the valley of the werewolf, maybe it was another place.

But no matter where it is, Xiaobai is very interested.

"Just get ready. If we go there later and find out that it's not a werewolf, come back quickly if we meet the person opposite. We still have an ancient door to the designated secret realm that hasn't been opened yet."

Lin Yue wiped his mouth, put away the bowls and chopsticks, and moved his shoulders a little.

The designated ancient gate of the secret realm is the reward for killing a mythical behemoth last time, and you can search it within 24 hours after entering the gate.

Although there will be some strange beasts in the secret realm, but in fact, it's okay, the strength is too weak.

Due to many reasons, Lin Yue didn't have time to go inside, but that doesn't mean he can throw it away.

"Xiaobai...actually, I don't want to go to the ancient gate of the designated secret realm. I feel like I can't help you much," Xiaobai said.

"Emmmmm... Actually, it's okay." Although Lin Yue said that, he did know that basically Xiaobai couldn't do much.

Designating the ancient gate of the secret realm is actually beating smaller secret realm beasts, and then all the rest of the time is just carrying things around.

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