Lin Yue pushed open the door of the shelter.

A slight burnt smell wafted over.

Looking at the ground again, it has been covered with a layer of black gray by grass ash.

The breeze on the wasteland is not strong, and it can even be said that it is a bit small.

But even so, Lin Yue still felt that there was still a little too much grass ash on the ground.

"I don't know if it can be included in the storage space?"

Thinking so, he came down from the steps and soon came to the ground.

Soon, he came into contact with the grass ash, and the next second, the system notification sounded.

And the sound only rang for tens of seconds, when Lin Yue suddenly heard another sound.

【Your storage space is full】

good guy?

Lin Yue raised his head and looked around, almost all the ashes were gone!

Looking at the storage space of 39,000 cubic meters, it was already filled with grass ash!

"Huh? What did I do..." Lin Yue shook his head, knowing that he might have collected a huge area of ​​grass ash from the wasteland.

How to deal with these things?

After thinking about it, he opened the survival point mall in the system panel.

He unexpectedly discovered that Survival Point Mall had changed a lot.

"Huh? The lottery system is gone... Has it been gone for a long time? Moreover, it seems that the products have been categorized, and some items are only limited to one-time purchases. However, there are some items that can be changed to a set of items regardless of one or a bag. Tons are okay."

Throwing all the ashes into the recycling function, Lin Yue directly got more than 70,000 survival points, and looked at his own survival points, and found that there were almost 930,000 more.

"What the hell did I do to give me so much... It feels like it's useless." Lin Yue turned around again, and found that although there were some changes, they were still almost the same.

However, there was something inside that cost one million survival points, which caught his attention.

"This is actually... unlocking the entire map area?"

"Master, what happened?" Xiaobai waited for Lin Yue by the side for a while. Since the beginning, the master has been in a daze. It thought that Lin Yue would go to the door of exploration immediately.

"Well, on the system tablet, there is something that needs to be unlocked, a new addition."

Lin Yue took out the system tablet and handed it to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai held it in his hand, expressing that he really didn't understand: "Master, Xiaobai, I don't understand what is written on it."

"Uh... By the way, you don't understand words, I forgot."

Lin Yue scratched his head, indeed he forgot about it.

Xiaobai can be said to be a terrifying genius in language, but in terms of writing, no one has taught him, so it's no wonder he can understand it.

"Master, you should tell Xiaobai, what is written on it?"

"To put it simply, we can unlock all the maps of different worlds by spending one million survival points. No matter where we are, we can find our own location." Lin Yue replied.

"Is it so amazing?" Xiaobai was thoughtful. It has indeed gone to many places now, but it really doesn't know how far it is from the valley of the wolf head to the wasteland here, and in which direction it is located.

"Yes, it's so amazing... But it's true, I may have to wait until tomorrow before I can exchange for that thing." Lin Yue remembered that he seemed to have gotten more than 590,000 in the total score of the last leaderboard.

This number, a blow to the second place, can be described as "desperate".

Lin Yue guessed that there are probably a lot of bonuses for killing mythical behemoths, as well as a lot of various materials from the ancient gate of the designated secret realm, as well as so many things and design drawings he got from opening the treasure chest. some relationship.

"Master, since this is the case, it is very good."

"Yes, it's very good. If you can open all the maps, Xiaobai, are you interested in letting us fly once?" Lin Yue turned off the system tablet and suggested.

"Of course, Master." Xiaobai naturally hoped so, and flew around the world with a more purposeful purpose. Who wouldn't want to?

However, before going to the gate of exploration, Lin Yue had a few things to do first.

He came to the side of the original farm, and established two new farms again, and also separated the crowded chickens in the original No. 1 farm, and assigned them to two new breeding farms. field.

And Lin Yue didn't forget the "large electric sentinel turret" that was launched last night.

After he got all kinds of materials from the warehouse, he manufactured eight sets in a row, and installed them in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and two sets in each direction.

Lin Yue each operated these sentry machine turrets, and after setting that they would only launch when a large group of enemies or giant creatures appeared, he was relieved to come down.

Walking into the warehouse again, and putting the multifunctional armored vehicle that had been eating ashes into the storage space, Lin Yue felt that the plan of last night had been realized a little bit.

Returning to Xiaobai's side again, Lin Yue checked the storage space and left a large pile of food nearby.

These are prepared for Xiaomeng and the others. After they all get up, they will eat them by themselves.

"Then it's settled, Xiaobai, where is the door of exploration this time?" Lin Yue walked ahead, waiting for Xiaobai's answer.

"Master, over here."

Xiaobai led Lin Yue to the side next to the smelting furnace, where there was a wide door for exploration.

The door of exploration is different from last time, its frame is actually fiery red.

Lin Yue felt that now that he was going to the place this time, he might not be able to meet those wolf-headed men from before.

"Xiaobai, the one facing us may be an enemy we are very unfamiliar with. Maybe all we have to do is fight."

"Xiaobai is clear." Xiaobai also smelled a scent that did not belong to the werewolf, and it was also ready to fight at this moment.

After Lin Yue put on the superalloy flying armor, he checked all the weapons again. At this time, Xiaomeng appeared with Xiaoliuzi and them.

"Master, they said they wanted to go too."

Xiaomeng waved his big fist and yelled "Guao Guao", as if he was very dissatisfied, and so did the four of them.

"You guys want to go too?" Lin Yue looked at almost all the little ones except for the little ice lizards who went to the greenhouses and farms for a full-time job. Indeed, they were not brought into the battle recently, and most of them were let to go. Do little things now.

"Xiao Meng said that they will not cause trouble to the master. They will do whatever the master tells them to do, and they will never run around." Xiaobai continued to translate.

Lin Yue nodded.

It's not a big problem, if you bring more little ice lizards, you can give them more combat experience.

In fact, Lin Yue wanted the little ice lizards to evolve more, so that he could be more targeted.

Right now, Xiaobai's fighting power is the only one, followed by Xiaomeng, and the black-spotted green-clawed little six and the red line are the third.

The remaining nearly 500 small ice lizards have uneven fighting power, and among them, almost 100 are specially in charge of greenhouses and chicken farms, and basically don't participate in battles much.

Among the 400 little ice lizards, if a few or more than a dozen were able to evolve once with black spots, then he would have more leeway for what he wanted to do next.

"Well then, this time, Xiao Meng, you lead Black Spot and Green Claw, plus two hundred little ice lizards to follow us, and the rest of the little six and Red Line guard the refuge. Tomorrow, Xiao Meng, you and Xiao Meng The six sons and the others exchanged, is that all right?"

Xiaomeng and the others had no objection at all, and they all agreed with Lin Yue's decision.

"Okay, then it's a deal, everyone eat all the food first, and then follow me and Xiaobai, understand?"

"Guao!" Xiaomeng nodded, and quickly started eating to replenish his energy with his friends.

At this time, Xiaobai first flew around the refuge, scouted around, and then came to the door of exploration.

Under Xiaobai's later guidance, Lin Yue used extremely thick iron walls to seal the ancient underground relic gate, the special underground relic ancient gate, the secret realm ancient gate, and the special relic ancient gate respectively.

This is also to prevent the enemy from coming to the center of the shelter from these passages in his absence, resulting in a passive state.

Speaking of which, the existence of these gates was originally said by the system to be used by "survivors to explore and collect".

But in fact, thinking about it carefully, these doors have become a convenient way for the lizardmen to invade after they gradually become the biggest threat, and...


Lin Yue suddenly remembered something.

At that time, when Jia Yunzhan and the others attacked Feiyue refuge village, where did they come from?

I thought before that it might have come out of the ground, but now that I think about it...

How can it be?

In other words, Jia Yunzhan's refuge village is in this wasteland area, but it is still 108,000 miles away from Feiyue's refuge village.

What is left is like a refuge village for Takeda Nobumasa and the others, and I don't know where it is.

If it came from the so-called underground... it's actually impossible.

But what if they came from the ancient gate of the secret realm, or the stone gate of the underground relic?

It seems to be possible to explain clearly...

However, how can we accurately find the ancient gate of the secret realm leading to Feiyue's refuge village, or the stone gate of the underground ruins?

After finally finishing all the things that should be done, Lin Yue and Xiao Bai returned to the door of exploration, Xiao Meng and the others also waited for a while.

"Remember, no matter what happens, you don't act on your own, you don't know what danger you will encounter, understand?"

After Lin Yue instructed Xiao Meng and them for the last time, he pushed open the door of exploration.

A heat wave suddenly blew over.

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows.

You know, the temperature still hasn't come up in the shelter.

Since the last disaster, the temperature on this side of the wasteland is still five or six degrees.

Although it is a little better than the subzero when the disaster broke out, to be honest, it is not guaranteed.

Lin Yue looked up at the billowing dark clouds above his eyes, and suspected that there might be a continuous rain here.

However, inside the Exploration Gate, this does not seem to be the case.

He looked inside the Exploration Gate and found that the inside was completely covered by rocks, not even a single tree or grass.

There are strangely shaped boulders, vertically downward cliffs, and abysses of unknown depths everywhere.

Lin Yue felt that he seemed to have come to a barren land.

However, looking at these, he suddenly remembered one thing.

"By the way, why didn't the system release the summary and system upgrade of the end of the disaster?"

Lin Yue quickly took out the system tablet and checked it carefully.

The result is true, nothing!

Strange, what's the situation?

There is no disaster warning, how come there is no summary and system upgrade?

The system is broken?

Lin Yue felt very strange. He opened the world chat channel and found that everyone was also chatting about this topic.

Everyone expressed serious incomprehension about the abnormality of the system this time.

It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible to be like this.

"What exactly happened... However, let's focus on the exploration gate for the time being. The system will eventually have an explanation."

Lin Yue put away the system tablet, waved at Xiaobai and the others, and walked into the door of exploration.

Soon, the little ice lizard army led by Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and the black-spotted green claw entered the door of exploration.

"I'm sure, there won't be any werewolves here, Xiaobai."

Lin Yue looked around and felt that he should have come to a new place this time.

"Master, there is no smell of a werewolf, but there are many enemies here, do you want to eliminate them?" Xiaobai also observed, and its keen sense of smell brought Lin Yue more information.

"Does Xiao Meng need to be dispatched?" Lin Yue saw that Xiao Bai didn't seem so nervous, so he didn't plan to make a move by himself.

"There are a lot of them, but little ice lizards, that's enough." Xiao Bai replied with a nod.

"Then let the little ice lizards go out and destroy as many enemies as possible."

Lin Yue was relieved to let Xiaobai take command, while he directly activated the superalloy flying armor and came to midair.

Lin Yue could hear the roars coming from everywhere.

And he discovered in mid-air that the area of ​​this Gobi desert seemed to be extremely vast.

At the end of the line of sight, there are boundless rocks and canyons.

It's like a forbidden area without any life.

He looked up to the sky and looked around.

The sun is strong here, and there is no cloud in the sky.

The temperature is about 30 degrees, and it feels like summer.

It seems that this place has not been affected by the disaster in the other world where humans live, and it seems that it has never changed.

However, when Lin Yue wandered around, he unexpectedly discovered that there were unimaginable numbers of streams and rivers between the rocks, and there were quite dense green plants in the gullies washed out by these flowing waters!

He approached one of them, and found that a little ice lizard under him was fighting with a mutated flying insect that looked like a dragonfly but had sharp claws.

However, the strength of the mutated flying insects was not too strong, the little ice lizard easily chopped it up, and went to the next place, where it encountered two mutated flying insects.

Lin Yue even discovered that there were more mutated creatures in the water in the creeks and rivers.

"It's weird here."

Although it looks barren from the outside, life seems to be quite prosperous in the end!

Will there be any humanoids here?

Just as Lin Yue was thinking so, Xiaobai and Green Claw flew into the sky.

"Master, there seems to be a humanoid creature in that direction, that is, the red thing."

"Red?" Lin Yue followed the direction Xiaobai pointed, and saw a tall red creature with a weapon in his hand, ready to attack them!

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