Lin Yue was constantly shuttling back and forth, forgetting the time.

Indeed, there is also a reason why the inside and outside of the door are completely reversed.

When the afternoon came, it was just morning in the secret realm, and when it was almost night in the secret realm, it was daytime again in the other world.

During this long period of time, Lin Yue took the ancient gate of the secret realm as the center, and continuously put all the surrounding buildings, roads, various items, etc. into the huge storage space, and then sent them into the storage space. In the vast space of the shelter.

However, Lin Yue did feel more and more that this kind of thing was becoming a bit tormented.

Especially after the initial excitement, the matter of carrying has become a mechanical movement, and he has also become an emotionless carrying machine.

The second wave of little ice lizards, also led by the two black spots and red lines who had rested for two or three hours, continued to hunt the strange beasts of the secret realm nearby, without any intention of stopping.

However, Lin Yue was really happy to see this kind of scene.

While the little ice lizards continued to hunt and kill those mysterious beasts, his work could also be done more smoothly.

Otherwise, when a group of strange spiders or strange mice ran over from time to time, he would still find time to shoot, which was annoying.

"It would be great if the strange beasts in the secret realm disappeared collectively. Has the earth been completely occupied by them now?"

In the few secret realms I have been to, there are almost no ones that are not occupied by these monsters, and the number of each is extremely terrifying.

Even, there are such things on the unknown islands, which is really annoying.

Lin Yue was a little strange.

for one thing.

Where did all the creatures on the earth go?

Obviously, the plants are still those plants. Although some of them have completely disappeared, most of the vegetation is still there, and even some places have become a kingdom of plants, lush and lush.

Those trees that seemed to be small in the past have also become extremely tall, even intertwined and strangely shaped, as if they had changed their genes during this long period of time.

But creatures such as insects, beasts, and birds have disappeared.

Could it be that they were all wiped out?

Or, were they transferred to a different world together?

But in the different world, there are only mutated creatures that seem to be spliced ​​together.

"I hope, maybe they are still in a corner of the earth. If human beings come back, without these things, human beings will be quite uncomfortable."

Lin Yue didn't know much about this, but he had heard about "ecological disasters".

If this is the case, then even if humans come back, it will be even more difficult.

He constructed a shelter, then installed lights in it and hooked up a gasoline generator.

When he was just carrying things back, he thought that the secret realm was already too dark and needed some light, so he brought materials and items from there.

The black dot and the red line led the little ice lizards into the refuge.

Everyone sat on the ground and rested for a while, then Lin Yue brought out food, he called Black Spot and Red Thread to bring the little ice lizards over, and everyone had something to eat first.

The little guys gobbled it up, and Lin Yue didn't give in.

Although the physical strength did not disappear much, this day was indeed very busy.

When he ate a large piece of bread and meat, a system voice suddenly sounded in his mind. ,

【Your pet has developed a bond with you】



Just when Lin Yue wanted to check the system panel, he suddenly found that next to the black dot and the red line, there was a little guy with cyan hair and almost the same size as them!

"Good guy, so I haven't named it yet?"

Lin Yue was surprised. He really hadn't named the other little ice lizards yet. After all, there were five hundred of them, so it was too painful to think of names.

"Then, let's call you Xiaoqi." Too lazy to think of a new name, Lin Yue decided to use this name to call this little guy who joined the evolution family.

The expected evolution has arrived, but before Lin Yue could rejoice and celebrate this lucky little ice lizard, the sound of the system suddenly came one after another!

【Your pet has developed a bond with you and evolved! 】


Out of a hundred little ice lizards, thirty-six have suddenly evolved!

What happened (O_o)??

Lin Yue was a little surprised.

What's the situation, is evolution also rushing to get together?

Moreover, to Lin Yue's surprise, among the thirty-five evolved little ice lizards, thirty of them were actually flying dragons!

"You guys... that's pretty good." Lin Yue, who was a real named wasteer, was now in distress.

Do you want to continue what you just did, and start with "Xiaoba", or do you want to come up with a new naming rule?

Lin Yue struggled for a while at the end, but still started with "little eight" and ended with "little forty-three".

It's not his fault.

The old name is Feier, there is no other way.

"Okay, the combat power has become so much stronger all of a sudden, our trip is finally not in vain, eat and eat, eat more."

Lin Yue was extremely excited and joyful about the evolution of the ice lizards, and he really wanted to share this joy with Xiao Bai and Xiao Meng.

Speaking of Xiaomeng, since he came back from the Shiyouhe base, he has been guarding the shelter loyally, and he hasn't lost his temper like before. Now he has matured a lot.

Lin Yue still remembered that the last time this guy lost his temper, he really went too far, but thinking about it now, it still feels like it happened just a few days ago.

Soon, the little ones ate the dinner and threw themselves into another battle. However, because of the purification, their efficiency was obviously much better than before.

Time passed slowly.

Lin Yue finally felt that his brain began to hurt.

In this wave, his harvest can be described as extremely huge, countless reinforced concrete, plus a huge amount of various electrical appliances, office supplies, ceramic tableware, practical furniture, thick glass, various machinery, various weapons, etc. , the number is beyond count.

Compared with the last Kansai Airport, there are obviously more good things in Montreal here.

Moreover, after the last search, Lin Yue became much more familiar with the road this time.

Of course, his Red Bull consumed a little more.

"Red Bull is really tired of drinking... For the 24-hour limit, it would be great if I could stop for a while when entering and leaving the door. In that case, I can also evacuate at least 1% of this city?"

The strength is still limited, Lin Yue felt that his storage space of less than 50,000 was actually too small.

If there is really a million cubic meters of storage space, it should be no problem to move directly to a skyscraper.

Lin Yue thought so, and finally insisted on packing all the electrical appliances in a home appliance mall into the storage space, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, let the black dots and red lines collect the team, and everyone went back to the shelter.

Glancing at the time, there were still 3 hours and 21 minutes left, but Lin Yue felt that he was not a super iron man. After confirming that the black dots and red lines, all the little ice lizards, and the evolved No. 7 returned to the door , Lin Yue also closed the ancient door of the secret realm that still contained countless resources and treasures.

"Too sleepy, good guy, this mental exhaustion is no joke." Lin Yue supported the door frame, feeling the light of the afternoon sun outside, and took a deep breath.

He now urgently needs to go back to the space sleeping capsule in the castle shelter and take a good rest.

Lin Yue didn't have any strength to sort these things in the storage space and put them in various warehouses, or put them on the ground outside. He just wanted to have a good rest.

But just as he walked to the door of the castle refuge, suddenly, bursts of machine gun roars suddenly started to sound!

what happened?

Lin Yue was shocked, and quickly turned on the flight mode of the flying armor, and flew into the air!

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the densely packed lizardman army actually attacked his refuge under the hail of bullets!


It's too big, right?

Lin Yue flew to the city wall, and saw those lizardmen slowly retreating out of the shooting range of the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun, and the dense gunfire gradually subsided!

what's the situation?

Lin Yue flew into the sky again, looking in all directions.

Lizardmen like mountains and seas are gathering in all directions!

Good guy, this is coming out in full force, right?

Lin Yue conservatively estimated that there were hundreds of thousands of these!

Why did you come running all of a sudden?


At this time, Xiao Meng suddenly roared from below, beside it was a large group of little ice lizards who couldn't wait to rush out to fight!

"Don't go out yet, I feel something is wrong."

Lin Yue opened another bottle of Red Bull and downed it in one gulp.

His eyelids were about to close immediately, and the drowsiness hit him one after another, and he really couldn't hold on now.

But the number of these lizardmen outside is increasing little by little!

"What happened... When did the lizard people gather so many, and why did they suddenly gather in such a large wave?"

When he kept moving and returning to the designated ancient gate of the secret realm and the refuge in another world, he really didn't pay attention to the situation around the refuge.

Even the little ice lizards basically followed him to the secret realm to fight continuously, and they were always spinning.

Now if you pick out one who is not affected at all, that is, only Xiaomeng is the only one.

The others are basically either sleepy or tired.

Although it is indeed possible to fight for one, it is too reluctant.

"I'm a little too far back, maybe, or in other words, the lizard people chose the most suitable time."

However, Lin Yue was not flustered or nervous.

Because there is no reason for him to be nervous or flustered at all.

Hundreds of thousands of lizardmen?

Come on, think that you can escape the range of the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun, think that the little ice lizards on my side are exhausted now, and this group of lizardmen can survive?

Lin Yue said that we don't lack heavy weapons at all.

Even, a lot more.

There are two storm rocket launchers, each of which can kill tens of thousands of Lizardmen gathered in this way is not a problem.

On the wall is still standing a large electric sentinel turret that has just obtained the design drawing and successfully manufactured it. There is also a large amount of ammunition, and there are grenades in it, so there is absolutely no panic.

Not to mention, there are mobile howitzer vehicles, and countless robot dogs that can be manufactured at any time.

Now, he is actually more interested in how these lizard people came here.

"Hey!" Xiaomeng challenged again. It looked at Lin Yue, waiting for the moment when Lin Yue nodded.

But when Lin Yue saw Xiao Meng, he suddenly thought of something.

Speaking of which, he still has a special unit that has not been used, and this unit has already told him that it is also willing to go up the knife mountain and down the frying pan?

Lin Yue looked in that direction.

The door to explore.

There are still more than 19,000, nearly 20,000 horned monsters over there. If they can be used... Isn't it just to verify their strength?

"Xiaobai isn't here, but Xiaomeng should be fine...probably." Lin Yue looked at Xiaomeng and waved at it. , "Xiao Meng, come with me to the Gate of Exploration, let's find some foreign aid, this level of fighting doesn't require us to take action."

Lin Yue said so, and instantly flew to the door of exploration.

And Xiao Meng seemed to have reacted, he made the other little ice lizards stand by, and then rushed towards the exploration door with Lin Yue.

Behind the door, Lin Yue quickly found the leader of the three-horned horned monsters who were extremely honored by his arrival.

"Come with me!" Lin Yue felt that he must not be able to express what he wanted to express with words, but there shouldn't be any problem with body language, right?

Lin Yue kept pointing to the direction of the door, and made another movement to go there, meaning to let them go with him.

And the one with the three horns didn't know if they understood, so they turned around and went back to that huge cave.

Lin Yue waited for a while, and he soon discovered that a large group of horned monsters, all holding various things, all came out of the cave.

Even, there are quite a few inside, and a lot of them have been taken out, such as furniture or labor tools.

Oh? Do you really understand everything?

Although Lin Yue didn't think that his language talent could catch up to one ten-thousandth of Xiaobai's, and Xiaomeng was more confused than him, but it seemed that, looking at it this way, he had achieved his goal.

Soon, the horned monster with three horns appeared leading all the horned monsters.

Lin Yue nodded, he walked ahead, the leader of the three-horned horned monster brought all the horned monsters, after Xiao Meng cut off, a group of people came to the door of exploration.

Behind the door is his refuge.

Lin Yue was also a little speechless.

Originally, I wanted to try the effect of the thousand people first, but before the experiment started, the little 20,000-horned monster followed.

He stepped into the door first, and then the first horned monster followed, followed by the second, third, and fourth.

More and more horned monsters appeared in the refuge in the other world, and they gradually dispersed under the watchful eyes of the little ice lizards.

Lin Yue put a lot of things in warehouses and other places, and emptied all the things in the area near the Exploration Gate, and stacked them farther away, and finally created a room that can accommodate 20,000 people. space.

At this moment, a few black shadows flew over quickly from the sky.

Xiaobai and the others are here too.

Then, it will be much easier next time.

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