The huge flying dragon, with two smaller flying dragons, quickly landed in the middle of Lin Yue's refuge.

Xiaobai held his head up, and after looking at the horned people holding weapons, tools or various things, he understood the master's thoughts on this action.

"Master, the werewolves are almost there, but when we came back, we saw dense lizardmen here. How did they come here?"

Xiaobai is also quite puzzled by the appearance of these lizardmen.

And this number is really too much.

"It's almost done with the wolf head man? How far is it?" Lin Yue asked Xiao Bai, and yawned heavily.

"During more than a day, Xiaobai led those wolf-headed leaders who had surrendered to his master before, and led an army, and captured nearly a hundred cities. But master, Xiaobai felt that he still had to let the master go in person to be able to Completely surrender those wolfheads, otherwise, even if their city is knocked down, they will not be able to completely surrender."

As Xiaobai said, he looked at those horned monsters again.

Unlike these divine-horned tribes, the wolfheads are obviously more thoughtful and more persistent.

"That's it, it makes me want to take a look even more, Xiaobai, let's get down to business first, wait a little longer for the werewolves, don't be so anxious, wait until these lizardmen are dealt with, I have to Get some sleep."

Lin Yue yawned again as he spoke.

He was just too sleepy.

Opened a can of Red Bull again and drank it down.

Lin Yue felt that he could last an hour each if he was exhausted.

Originally, staying up late was not his strong point, but under the double pressure of non-stop mechanical labor and mechanical handling, he couldn't hold on even more.

Lin Yue couldn't help sighing, it would be great if this self-healing ability could slightly improve his problem of staying up late.

Xiaobai nodded.

It can see that the master is very tired and sleepy.

"Xiaobai understands, then, let's talk about the matter to these lizardmen first, master." Xiaobai said to Lin Yue, and moved his big claws at the three-horned people, and the leader of the three-horned people immediately Pidianpidian ran over.

"Master, Xiaobai, please communicate with them. It might be better if the master wants to give them some weapons." Xiaobai asked for instructions.

"That's true, weapons..."

Lin Yue looked at the weapons in the hands of those horned monsters.

There are all kinds of things, but they are all similar to machetes and bows and arrows, but they are not very suitable for them.

Lin Yue has already learned some of the horned monsters who migrated to the Youyou River base in the last wave of 1,000 people.

These have four eyes, strong four legs, and a pair of powerful arms, with extremely fast and powerful running ability.

Compared with those machetes and bows and arrows, obviously longer close-range weapons are more suitable for these guys.

However, the demand for weapons of around 20,000...

Although there are men and women, old and young among these horned monsters, if they want to show off, they should all rush out in a while.

"It's just me who can handle so many weapons, right? The kind at once?"

Lin Yue quickly collected all kinds of materials and immediately chose to make them!

[You got Iron Spear (excellent quality) X1]

【You got...】

While the sounds kept ringing, the wood and iron blocks in Lin Yue's storage space were also disappearing non-stop.

That's right, only the Excellent Iron Spear can strengthen the advantages of these horned monsters to the strongest!

Lin Yue held a Zhuoyou iron spear in his hand and looked at Xiaobai.

When this little guy was just busy, he kept saying something to those horned monsters.

Really, without Xiao Bai, he would have to use body language for everything.

That's quite troublesome.

If something goes wrong and creates a misunderstanding and a misinterpretation of meaning, then it's really not easy.

Lin Yue took a deep breath, trying not to fall asleep.

He kept making excellent iron spears, and slowly placed them on the ground to make it easier for the horned monsters to pick them up.

"Master, Xiaobai has talked with them for a while. They know that there are enemies outside, and they feel that this is the best opportunity for them to show their fighting power to the master. They decided to go out to fight them all. Master, if the weapons have been manufactured, Then they can go out to fight at any time!"

Xiaobai looked at the Zhuoyou Iron Spear, which was already as small as a hill, and also let out bursts of sincere admiration in his heart.

You know, even if the master can make so many weapons, Xiaobai doesn't think that other than the master, there are other people who can be so powerful.

"It's almost there. I didn't count many of them. Xiaobai, let them lead the weapons first. We have to speed up. Whether they can do it or not, we will know soon, right?"

As Lin Yue continued to produce Zhuoyue Iron Spear, he was also thinking about the next step.

If these guys are very powerful, it is naturally the best, so as to save him from doing it.

At that time, you can still get a pretty good high-level combat power, the kind that is plug-and-play.

But if they don't work, then you have to start the second plan and try the power of the large electric sentinel turret.

Of course, Xiaobai and the others are the ones who control the turret, and Lin Yue doesn't plan to do it himself.

If hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of lizardmen turned into treasure chests, he would be so irritable that he wanted to destroy the world just by opening those low-level treasure chests.

While Lin Yue was rapidly producing Zhuoyue Iron Spear, he saw that the horned monsters began to line up in an orderly manner to receive their new weapons.

Those who got the new weapons all ran to another location to accept Xiaomeng's inspection. It could be seen that these guys were still quite excited.

I don't know, to what extent can they do it in the next battle?

Lin Yue suddenly remembered something.

A hundred years ago, countless humanoid races were struggling to survive. When everyone was fighting together, did they ever have the experience of fighting with lizardmen?

If so, who will win and who will lose in the battle between the Horned Monsters and the Lizardmen?

However, Lin Yue felt that it might not take long for him to know the answer.

Although the number of 20,000 horned monsters is too small compared to the hundreds of thousands of lizardmen on the opposite side.

But it should still be possible to fight for one, right?

After all, they have taller bodies, four legs and two pairs of eyes. In terms of running speed and motion capture, they are probably slightly stronger than the short lizardmen.

Lin Yue thought so, and soon, 20,000 excellent iron spears were produced.

And at this time, he also felt that as long as he closed his eyes, he would definitely fall asleep.

"Bad habit..." Lin Yue yawned again. He looked at the joyful faces of the horned monsters who kept getting their weapons, and shook his head at the same time.

It seems that since he came to this different world, he basically didn't stay up late for a few days. He slept every day when it was dark, and fell asleep in one breath until he woke up naturally.

And when he worked continuously for nearly 20 hours without sleeping like now, it was only after this time and the last time that the ancient gate of the designated secret realm appeared, he went in and searched wildly.

Yawning again, Lin Yue looked at Xiaobai, and Xiaobai just turned to look at him.

"Master, are you tired?"

"Well, you know, that place just wants to move back as much as possible. Now every warehouse is full of things. I have built a warehouse on the second basement floor, but they are still full. What do you think? Think about it, what is the concept of a warehouse filled with more than three hundred and tens of thousands of cubic meters of so many things? Not to mention the piles of steel and concrete that you can see outside."

Lin Yue was indeed exhausted, he resisted not to sit down, he was afraid that he would fall asleep if he sat down.

"Master, please go to sleep, master. Xiaobai and the horned gods will deal with it here. When the master wakes up, the matter will definitely be over."

Xiaobai comforted Lin Yue and advised him to go to rest quickly.

It's so sleepy, it's torture to hold back sleep.

It was in a safe place last night, had a good rest, and also ate a lot of food. Now it is full of energy, and it is worrying that it has nowhere to go.

Compared with Lin Yue, it feels like two extremes.

"Ah, well, it should be about the same anyway, Xiaobai, if there is anything... emmmm, I think about it, I should prepare a place for these guys in advance."

"Master, there is no need. Let's talk about it after they have finished fighting. Xiaobai will arrange it."

Xiaobai once again urged Lin Yue to go to rest, and Lin Yue really couldn't resist the power of the Sandman, wandered to the castle refuge, lay down in the sleeping cabin, ignored everything, and fell asleep directly.

At this time, the battle outside is about to begin.

"All the God-horned tribes, hold your weapons!" Xiaobai ordered these new combat powers in the language of the God-horned tribe!

"Yes!!" The Divine Horn Clan said in unison, nearly 20,000 people shouted loudly at this moment!

"Go outside, destroy those invading enemies, to show your existence, let'God' have some expectations for you!"

"Yes!!" At this moment, the Divine Horn Clan is also full of enthusiasm and excitement to the extreme!

They are very clear that the strong ones they follow need them to use their battle victories to prove that they have the qualifications to stay.

And the invading enemies outside are the best sacrifices for them to obtain this qualification!

"Shenjiao Clan, show your strength to the 'God'! Go out! Fight!" Xiaobai gave a final roar, flapped his wings instantly, and rushed to the sky with Green Claw and Little Six!

At the same time, nearly 20,000 Shenjiao people also moved towards the city gate. There, Xiaomeng was ready to open the city gate and let these fierce generals out!

"Shenjiao tribe, there is no invincible soldier!" The leader of the three horns held up the sharp weapon in his hand, "Go to the battlefield, use the blood of the enemy to wash our bodies, and let us achieve greater The freshman! Go!!!”

As the gate suddenly opened, nearly 20,000 Divine Horn Clan rushed out of the gate of the city wall in an instant!


Lin Yue didn't know how long he slept.

When he opened his eyes, it was still dark outside.

However, this kind of darkness is not the kind at night, but the kind that reveals some light.

Glancing at the system panel, Lin Yue raised his eyebrows.

"I actually slept until ten o'clock in the morning the next day? This is really a natural wake up..."

Lin Yue opened the door of the space sleeping cabin.

He was stuck in the sleeping cabin without taking a shower yesterday, and now he still smells of sweat.

Wrinkling his nose, Lin Yue waved his arms, and the screen on the wall appeared, telling him that the temperature outside was 19 degrees and the weather was breezy.

Lin Yue walked to the window and looked up at the sky.

It was so gloomy, even more gloomy than yesterday.

Look outside the city wall again.

Lizardman, gone.

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows.

He quickly put on the superalloy flying armor, took the elevator, and rushed out after going down to the first floor.

The flying armor activated the flight mode, and Lin Yue rushed from the door to the outermost edge of the city wall in an instant.

He was able to see right away that there were no lizardmen on the outside of the city wall!

However, on the surface, it can be seen that there was a fierce battle here.

The potholed surface and the ink-like soil that was stained dark with a lot of blood all proved this point.

But where did the lizard man's body go?

Lin Yue searched for it, and finally found hundreds of pieces of rather large black-gray ashes on the north side of the city wall.

It was the remains of the lizardmen's bodies that had been charred.

What happened yesterday?

Although he really didn't take those lizardmen seriously, those horned monsters might not matter, but there are Xiaobai them too.

But I really didn't expect that things would develop as they are now.

Lin Yue fell on the city wall, and now he was not only shocked, but also puzzled.

What about Xiaobai and Xiaomeng? What about the little ice lizards?

What about horned monsters?

Why did it all disappear?

Could it be...

At this moment, the familiar sound of flapping wings and piercing the air sounded, and Lin Yue saw a large group of black shadows falling from the sky.

"Master, you're up." Xiaobai looked at the wide-eyed and puzzled master, and already guessed what he was thinking, "Yesterday's battle was just like the result of the ashes that the master saw, the lizard people , was given by us, nearly half of them were wiped out, and the rest escaped."

"Half eliminated? About how much?" Lin Yue was quite shocked by this number.

Half... How come there must be more than a hundred thousand?

This number is easy to say, but in reality, it is extremely terrifying.

"To be precise, it should be more than 170,000, master." Xiaobai replied.

"170,000... How did you get this number?" Lin Yue was still dubious.

"Master, those God-horned tribes, after the battle, when they lightly clean the battlefield, the final numbers won't be more, only less."

"The God-horned tribe...they survived?" Lin Yue was not surprised by this, there must be one or two who survived, even if they were trash, they would survive.

"Yes, master, the God-horned tribe survived, and none of them were lost. Those who were seriously injured were all slightly injured. They are very strong." Xiaobai nodded, "Even if it is a small God-horned tribe, They are also fighting, absolutely strong, their speed is very fast, their strength is strong, and they still have the weapons given by their masters in their hands, the lizard people were completely unable to resist and were completely defeated."

Lin Yue was completely bluffed now: "What did you say? There is no loss at all? Xiaobai, are you sure?"

what's the situation?

Horned monster, no, the horned tribe, is it super powerful?

I thought they were too stretchy...

Could it be that the reason is that we are too strong?

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