Under the cloudy sky.

On the city wall of Shiyouhe base, Lin Yue is constantly debugging the recognition function of the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun and the large electric sentry machine gun.

But after debugging two sets, Lin Yue became a little impatient.

The so-called "face recognition", such as Fei Yue's, can directly import the data of the system tablet, and directly use the system tablet to control these fortifications.

But on the side of the Shenjiao Clan, there are a total of 21,972 people.

This number is not a number that Lin Yue just said casually, but a terrifying number that was revealed by the other party just after he asked Xiaobai to communicate with the Divine Horn Clan. ,

It even includes some newborns, and some small god-horned tribes.

More than 20,000 people want to enter the system tablet one by one, and the time is huge.

Moreover, it is estimated that the organization will be quite chaotic, and Lin Yue does not have much management experience in this area, so Lin Yue feels a little entangled.

"The master is thinking, what should I choose?" Xiaobai saw Lin Yue's thoughts. It just fell from the sky, and after hovering for a long time, it didn't find any enemies nearby.

On the contrary, the desolate land that has passed through the fire is pitch black, and there is not even a trace of living things to be seen.

The mutated creatures running on the ground, the mutated bugs and birds flying in the air all disappeared.

The original vegetation was completely devoured by the fire, leaving only black ashes, and this barren land has no end at all.

Xiaobai feels that the only enemies are probably those lizardmen.

And these enemies, after going through the two anti-siege battles at the Shiyouhe branch base and the main base, have suffered extremely heavy losses, and it is estimated that they will be able to come over in a short time.

Landing next to the master Lin Yue, Xiaobai found that the master was muttering to those machine guns constantly, as if he was thinking about something.

It looked back at the city wall in the distance, and the busy Shenjiao tribe immediately guessed it.

"Yeah, Xiaobai, I'm thinking, it's going to be a bit more troublesome, one by one, to have facial recognition with these machine guns, or just dismantle them, after all, the original main function of this thing, It’s also here to protect the Shiyouhe branch.”

Lin Yue shook his head helplessly as he spoke.

Indeed, at present, the function of this thing is almost the same as that of the God-horned tribe.

From what Xiaobai said about the battle between the God-horned tribe and the Lizardmen, it can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the God-horned tribe is quite worthy of recognition, basically it is a crushing level existence for the Lizardmen.

And this can also be applied to those beggars or "survivors".

As for the guns owned by Jia Yunzhan and the like, Lin Yue was not worried.

There is still a considerable amount of poisonous sky dragon shells in his warehouse, so it shouldn't be a problem to make one or two hundred sets of sky dragon armor.

And it seems that these horned tribes, when they killed those mythical monsters not long ago, also stripped off their shells that are not afraid of bullets, and they seem to want to use it to make armor.

Lin Yue felt that when he was free for a while, he could help the God-horned tribe make some battle armor made of these outer armors.

There are more than 21,000 people, at least we can get about 1,000 people.

For weapons, it is enough to give them those excellent iron spears for the time being.

Their combat power is actually quite powerful, almost the same as those medium-sized electric sentry machine guns.

Even, their powerful mobility is much stronger than the medium-sized electric sentinel machine guns with limited range.

The only thing they can't do is probably those giant creatures with a relatively large size, or flying monsters like the storm lizard in the secret realm, tentacles, and poisonous sky dragons.

"Master, Xiaobai thinks that these machine guns should not be used for the time being. It may take a very long time to recognize the faces of each machine gun. Moreover, master, their combat effectiveness can be trusted, and the master can also give them more Powerful weapons, they can also replace those sentry machine turrets." Xiao Bai thought for a while in his mind, and came to the same conclusion as Lin Yue.

"Indeed, if you give them some catapults, siege vehicles, and exploding ballistas, as for any giant creatures, it will probably be a matter of a few hits."

Lin Yue thought about this, and actually felt that such a thing should be done.

These god-horned tribes are powerful, and there are quite a few of them. Before the wolf head man's combat power can be used, they are enough to be a good hole card in his hand.

And this hole card can actually replace some defensive measures at present, provided that they are trustworthy.

"Master, you can just trust them, they are not bad, Xiaobai can guarantee that." Xiaobai added at this time.

"Oh? I understand that they adore the strong, but when they become powerful, won't they rebel or something? After all, unlike humans, I'm not that familiar with them."

Indeed, Lin Yue was not familiar with them.

Counting back and forth, we only knew each other for a day.

It is true that they follow the will of the strong. After all, although they are powerful, they have not reached a higher level, but if they have reached this level, will they still be as obedient as they are now?

This is quite different from the werewolf.

The wolf-headed man also has a wolf-headed human ring to restrain, and there are rough gemstones to deter them, and Xiaobai is the "holy", and he is the "god" to surpass them.

But the Divine Horns are obviously different.

"Master's worry, Xiaobai understands. After the battle yesterday, Xiaobai did have such a similar idea, but after talking with the leader of the three corners, Xiaobai knew that the master didn't have to worry so much in the future. It's gone." Xiaobai looked into the distance confidently, as if he had a plan in mind.

"Oh? Did it say something?" Lin Yue was quite concerned.

If there is really important information and evidence worthy of his trust and trust, then it is indeed worthy of his hope.

"Master, let's go find the leader, and then it will naturally give the answer to the master. Master, please don't worry, and maybe the answer it brings will surprise the master."

As Xiaobai said, he flapped his wings and flew into the sky, while Lin Yue also had some doubts, and flew up with it.

They quickly landed in the big city of the Shenjiao tribe, and Lin Yue was amazed by the speed and ability of these guys' construction.

"Good guy, this house was built in one day? Moreover, it even connected the shelters together, making streets and some functional layouts... There are indeed two brushes." After Lin Yue landed , Discovering these Divine Horns seems to be completely different from the first impression they gave him in the gate of the secret realm.

He originally thought that these guys would dig holes in the ground and build a super basement or something. As a result, they would build a house, and even build it quickly, and it was quite beautiful, and even had some aesthetic feeling in it. in.

In the end, he also came up with a fairly standardized layout and functional areas, which were better than he imagined.

It seemed that the Divine Horns were indeed underestimated by him.

"Master, Xiaobai doesn't understand these layouts, but I do feel that the God-horned race is not much worse than humans. They are very strong in every aspect."

"Yes, indeed, but we humans are on the earth... You have been to the secret realm many times. The performance of humans on the earth is completely different from that on the other world. The power of technology can make The overall human countries and cities don’t look much different, and there are so many high-rise buildings and advanced weapons, which are not comparable to these slightly backward humanoid creatures.”

In fact, Lin Yue still feels that humans still have a lot of pride.

The level of scientific and technological development, as well as the level of social development, are of course much stronger than the werewolves in the middle ages, and these horned tribes who seem to be almost in the cold weapon era.

But in this different world...

Humans really do seem to be quite a bit worse.

The reason is that all kinds of materials and resources can't keep up with the other world of the earth, it is too barren and scarce.

Now that even food can't be guaranteed for a long time, indeed, there are some things that I really want to do, and I don't have the time to do them.

Even if they have more intentions, human beings will be unable to take a step forward at all due to the extremely low explosion rate of treasure chests.

Although only human beings have reached fifty days, speaking truthfully, the current development of human beings is far from enough compared to these werewolf-headed people, no matter the god-horned race.

Lin Yue actually wanted to let go of the various designs in his hands, but looking at it now, it wasn't a good time.

Human beings are still unable, or even far from being able to achieve a "harmonious" peaceful situation, and are even divided into several camps: ordinary survivors, beggars, and survivors.

And even among ordinary players, there are people like Lily Callahau and Jia Yunzhan who want to stir up trouble.

Of course, in order to let mankind move forward a little bit, Lin Yue also provided a lot of support for Fei Yue, in order to let this guy gather most of the people first, and then many things will become much easier.

"Master, the leader of the Triangle is here. It will give the master an answer." Xiaobai knew that the more human the master Lin was, he would still think that humans were superior, no matter in which aspect.

But these days, through communicating with the werewolf and these horned tribes, it gradually felt that, in fact, this might not be the case.

Before human beings showed the "science and technology" mentioned by the master, they were far inferior to the werewolves and the horned tribes. Perhaps, they were not much different from the lizardmen.

"Oh, I'll trouble you to be the interpreter, Xiaobai, but I'm really looking forward to what they will answer to what you said."

Xiaobai nodded, turned around and said something to the leader of the Triangle God-horn tribe who had just saluted Lin Yue, and the leader immediately understood, and immediately took off a silver-colored ornament from his neck with his hand.

This ornament, previously hidden in the clothes of the three-horned leader, looks like a necklace.

But on the necklace, there is a small pendant.

These pendants radiate the light of gem-like things in various colors.

The leader of the three corners handed the necklace to Lin Yue respectfully.

"Master, it said, this is the token of the leader of the God-horned tribe. Usually, this thing will be placed in the deepest part of the cave for safekeeping. The previous leader was the one we killed. It goes out At the time, I didn’t wear this. This thing is also a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the Shenjiao Clan.”

Xiaobai kept explaining beside him, but Lin Yue was attracted by those gemstones that were the size of rice grains.

"This gem...wait a minute, could it be..."

Lin Yue saw that there were twelve gemstones in total, and although these twelve gemstones were only the size of a grain of rice, they all had some familiar colors!

And this, even without the ability to use the system's identification, Lin Yue can recognize what seven of them are!

"Diamonds, sapphires, rubies... Good guy, Xiaobai, this is us..."

"Yes, master, although Xiaobai just glanced at it, he is very sure that the necklace in the master's hand is quite similar to those gems. Master, they are very likely to be the things on it. "

Lin Yue nodded.

He looked carefully, and then appraised all the twelve gems above.

"Diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, fluorite, amethyst, opal, opal, aquamarine, imperial topaz, pink tourmaline, garnet." Lin Yue took a deep breath after confirming their names .

"Master, the leader said that this is an ornament made from the fragments obtained from their ancestors after they took the 'Holy Stone' from the enemy. It also symbolizes the power to lead the entire Horn Clan."

After Xiaobai saw Lin Yue's expression, he knew that his guess was correct.

"Then, the so-called enemy..." Lin Yue thought of the lizard man and the werewolf, but there is no doubt that no matter who it is, it will not change, the end point of the so-called gem fragments!

Lin Yue looked at the leader, who was still respectful.

But when he took out the old actor's rough sapphire, he could already see what the most surprised expression of the humanoid group called "Divine Horn Clan" in front of him would look like.

The leader lay down on the ground almost instantly, howling continuously, and all the Shenhorn clansmen, no matter what they were doing, also stopped doing it, and fell to the ground one by one, shouting something loudly.

"Master, they are talking about the owner of the holy stone." Xiaobai translated, as if he had wanted to see this situation for a long time.

"Owner of the holy stone..." Lin Yue really got the answer he wanted.

Owner of the Holy Stone, what will that be?

"Master, the owner of the holy stone, is an existence called 'God' among the God-horned tribe."

Oh, sure enough, "God" is involved again.

This word also appeared again.

Lin Yue felt that he seemed to understand what Xiaobai would say.

Next, these horned gods in front of him will follow him wholeheartedly. More than 21,000 people will become the sharpest spears under his command, and they will destroy any enemies standing in front of him for him!

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